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 * @package Dotclear
 * @subpackage Core
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
 * @brief Dotclear blog class.
 * Dotclear blog class instance is provided by dcCore $blog property.
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {

/** @var dcCore dcCore instance */
protected $core;
/** @var object Database connection object */
public $con;
/** @var string Database table prefix */
public $prefix;

/** @var string Blog ID */
public $id;
/** @var string Blog unique ID */
public $uid;
/** @var string Blog name */
public $name;
/** @var string Blog description */
public $desc;
/** @var string Blog URL */
public $url;
/** @var string Blog host */
public $host;
/** @var mixed Blog creation date */
public $creadt;
/** @var mixed Blog last update date */
public $upddt;
/** @var string Blog status */
public $status;

/** @var dcSettings dcSettings object */
public $settings;
/** @var string Blog theme path */
public $themes_path;
/** @var string Blog public path */
public $public_path;

$post_status    = [];
$comment_status = [];


/** @var boolean Disallow entries password protection */
public $without_password = true;

     * Constructs a new instance.
     * @param      dcCore  $core   The core
     * @param      string  $id     The blog identifier
public function __construct(dcCore $core, $id)
$this->con    = &$core->con;
$this->prefix = $core->prefix;
$this->core   = &$core;

        if ((
$b = $this->core->getBlog($id)) !== false) {
$this->id     = $id;
$this->uid    = $b->blog_uid;
$this->name   = $b->blog_name;
$this->desc   = $b->blog_desc;
$this->url    = $b->blog_url;
$this->host   = http::getHostFromURL($this->url);
$this->creadt = strtotime($b->blog_creadt);
$this->upddt  = strtotime($b->blog_upddt);
$this->status = $b->blog_status;

$this->settings = new dcSettings($this->core, $this->id);

$this->themes_path = path::fullFromRoot($this->settings->system->themes_path, DC_ROOT);
$this->public_path = path::fullFromRoot($this->settings->system->public_path, DC_ROOT);

$this->post_status['-2'] = __('Pending');
$this->post_status['-1'] = __('Scheduled');
$this->post_status['0']  = __('Unpublished');
$this->post_status['1']  = __('Published');

$this->comment_status['-2'] = __('Junk');
$this->comment_status['-1'] = __('Pending');
$this->comment_status['0']  = __('Unpublished');
$this->comment_status['1']  = __('Published');

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreBlogConstruct
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBlogConstruct', $this);

/// @name Common public methods
     * Returns blog URL ending with a question mark.
     * @return     string  The qmark url.
public function getQmarkURL()
        if (
substr($this->url, -1) != '?') {
$this->url . '?';


     * Gets the jQuery version.
     * @return     string
public function getJsJQuery()
$version = $this->settings->system->jquery_version;
        if (
$version == '') {
// Version not set, use default one
$version = DC_DEFAULT_JQUERY; // defined in inc/prepend.php
} else {
            if (!
$this->settings->system->jquery_allow_old_version) {
// Use the blog defined version only if more recent than default
if (version_compare($version, DC_DEFAULT_JQUERY, '<')) {
$version = DC_DEFAULT_JQUERY; // defined in inc/prepend.php

'jquery/' . $version;

     * Returns public URL of specified plugin file.
     * @param      string  $pf          plugin file
     * @param      bool    $strip_host  Strip host in URL
     * @return     string
public function getPF($pf, $strip_host = true)
$ret = $this->getQmarkURL() . 'pf=' . $pf;
        if (
$strip_host) {
$ret = html::stripHostURL($ret);


     * Returns public URL of specified var file.
     * @param      string  $vf          var file
     * @param      bool    $strip_host  Strip host in URL
     * @return     string
public function getVF($vf, $strip_host = true)
$ret = $this->getQmarkURL() . 'vf=' . $vf;
        if (
$strip_host) {
$ret = html::stripHostURL($ret);


     * Returns an entry status name given to a code. Status are translated, never
     * use it for tests. If status code does not exist, returns <i>unpublished</i>.
     * @param      integer  $s      The status code
     * @return     string  The post status.
public function getPostStatus($s)
        if (isset(
$this->post_status[$s])) {


     * Returns an array of available entry status codes and names.
     * @return     array  Simple array with codes in keys and names in value.
public function getAllPostStatus()

     * Returns an array of available comment status codes and names.
     * @return    array Simple array with codes in keys and names in value
public function getAllCommentStatus()

     * Disallows entries password protection. You need to set it to
     * <var>false</var> while serving a public blog.
     * @param      mixed  $v
public function withoutPassword($v)
$this->without_password = (bool) $v;

    /// @name Triggers methods
     * Updates blog last update date. Should be called every time you change
     * an element related to the blog.
public function triggerBlog()
$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->prefix . 'blog');

$cur->blog_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

$sql = new dcUpdateStatement($this->core, 'dcBlogTriggerBlog');
$sql->where('blog_id = ' . $sql->quote($this->id, true));


//        $cur->update("WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' ");

        # --BEHAVIOR-- coreBlogAfterTriggerBlog
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBlogAfterTriggerBlog', $cur);

     * Updates comment and trackback counters in post table. Should be called
     * every time a comment or trackback is added, removed or changed its status.
     * @param      integer  $id     The comment identifier
     * @param      bool     $del    If comment is deleted, set this to true
public function triggerComment($id, $del = false)
$this->triggerComments($id, $del);

     * Updates comments and trackbacks counters in post table. Should be called
     * every time comments or trackbacks are added, removed or changed their status.
     * @param      mixed   $ids             The identifiers
     * @param      bool    $del             If comment is delete, set this to true
     * @param      mixed   $affected_posts  The affected posts IDs
public function triggerComments($ids, $del = false, $affected_posts = null)
$comments_ids = dcUtils::cleanIds($ids);

# Get posts affected by comments edition
if (empty($affected_posts)) {
$strReq = 'SELECT post_id ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'comment ' .
'WHERE comment_id' . $this->con->in($comments_ids) .
'GROUP BY post_id';

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

$affected_posts = [];
            while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$affected_posts[] = (int) $rs->post_id;

        if (!
is_array($affected_posts) || empty($affected_posts)) {

# Count number of comments if exists for affected posts
$strReq = 'SELECT post_id, COUNT(post_id) AS nb_comment, comment_trackback ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'comment ' .
'WHERE comment_status = 1 ' .
'AND post_id' . $this->con->in($affected_posts) .
'GROUP BY post_id,comment_trackback';

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

$posts = [];
        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
            if (
$rs->comment_trackback) {
$posts[$rs->post_id]['trackback'] = $rs->nb_comment;
            } else {
$posts[$rs->post_id]['comment'] = $rs->nb_comment;

# Update number of comments on affected posts
$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->prefix . 'post');
        foreach (
$affected_posts as $post_id) {

            if (!
array_key_exists($post_id, $posts)) {
$cur->nb_trackback = 0;
$cur->nb_comment   = 0;
            } else {
$cur->nb_trackback = empty($posts[$post_id]['trackback']) ? 0 : $posts[$post_id]['trackback'];
$cur->nb_comment   = empty($posts[$post_id]['comment']) ? 0 : $posts[$post_id]['comment'];

$cur->update('WHERE post_id = ' . $post_id);

    /// @name Categories management methods
     * Get dcCategories instance
     * @return     dcCategories
public function categories()
        if (!(
$this->categories instanceof dcCategories)) {
$this->categories = new dcCategories($this->core);


     * Retrieves categories. <var>$params</var> is an associative array which can
     * take the following parameters:
     * - post_type: Get only entries with given type (default "post")
     * - cat_url: filter on cat_url field
     * - cat_id: filter on cat_id field
     * - start: start with a given category
     * - level: categories level to retrieve
     * @param      array   $params  The parameters
     * @return     record  The categories.
public function getCategories($params = [])
$c_params = [];
        if (isset(
$params['post_type'])) {
$c_params['post_type'] = $params['post_type'];
$counter = $this->getCategoriesCounter($c_params);

        if (isset(
$params['without_empty']) && ($params['without_empty'] == false)) {
$without_empty = false;
        } else {
$without_empty = $this->core->auth->userID() == false; # Get all categories if in admin display

$start = isset($params['start']) ? (int) $params['start'] : 0;
$l     = isset($params['level']) ? (int) $params['level'] : 0;

$rs = $this->categories()->getChildren($start, null, 'desc');

# Get each categories total posts count
$data  = [];
$stack = [];
$level = 0;
$cols  = $rs->columns();
        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$nb_post = isset($counter[$rs->cat_id]) ? (int) $counter[$rs->cat_id] : 0;

            if (
$rs->level > $level) {
$nb_total          = $nb_post;
$stack[$rs->level] = (int) $nb_post;
            } elseif (
$rs->level == $level) {
$nb_total = $nb_post;
$stack[$rs->level] += $nb_post;
            } else {
$nb_total = $stack[$rs->level + 1] + $nb_post;
                if (isset(
$stack[$rs->level])) {
$stack[$rs->level] += $nb_total;
                } else {
$stack[$rs->level] = $nb_total;
$stack[$rs->level + 1]);

            if (
$nb_total == 0 && $without_empty) {

$level = $rs->level;

$t = [];
            foreach (
$cols as $c) {
$t[$c] = $rs->f($c);
$t['nb_post']  = $nb_post;
$t['nb_total'] = $nb_total;

            if (
$l == 0 || ($l > 0 && $l == $rs->level)) {
array_unshift($data, $t);

# We need to apply filter after counting
if (isset($params['cat_id']) && $params['cat_id'] !== '') {
$found = false;
            foreach (
$data as $v) {
                if (
$v['cat_id'] == $params['cat_id']) {
$found = true;
$data  = [$v];

            if (!
$found) {
$data = [];

        if (isset(
$params['cat_url']) && ($params['cat_url'] !== '')
            && !isset(
$params['cat_id'])) {
$found = false;
            foreach (
$data as $v) {
                if (
$v['cat_url'] == $params['cat_url']) {
$found = true;
$data  = [$v];

            if (!
$found) {
$data = [];


     * Gets the category by its ID.
     * @param      integer  $id     The category identifier
     * @return     record  The category.
public function getCategory($id)
$this->getCategories(['cat_id' => $id]);

     * Gets the category parents.
     * @param      integer  $id     The category identifier
     * @return     record  The category parents.
public function getCategoryParents($id)

     * Gets the category first parent.
     * @param      integer  $id     The category identifier
     * @return     record  The category parent.
public function getCategoryParent($id)

     * Gets all category's first children.
     * @param      int     $id     The category identifier
     * @return     record  The category first children.
public function getCategoryFirstChildren($id)
$this->getCategories(['start' => $id, 'level' => $id == 0 ? 1 : 2]);

     * Returns true if a given category if in a given category's subtree
     * @param      string   $cat_url    The cat url
     * @param      string   $start_url  The top cat url
     * @return     boolean  true if cat_url is in given start_url cat subtree
public function IsInCatSubtree($cat_url, $start_url)
// Get cat_id from start_url
$cat = $this->getCategories(['cat_url' => $start_url]);
        if (
$cat->fetch()) {
// cat_id found, get cat tree list
$cats = $this->getCategories(['start' => $cat->cat_id]);
            while (
$cats->fetch()) {
// check if post category is one of the cat or sub-cats
if ($cats->cat_url === $cat_url) {


     * Gets the categories posts counter.
     * @param      array  $params  The parameters
     * @return     array  The categories counter.
private function getCategoriesCounter($params = [])
$strReq = 'SELECT  C.cat_id, COUNT(P.post_id) AS nb_post ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'category AS C ' .
'JOIN ' . $this->prefix . "post P ON (C.cat_id = P.cat_id AND P.blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' ) " .
"WHERE C.blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' ";

        if (!
$this->core->auth->userID()) {
$strReq .= 'AND P.post_status = 1 ';

        if (!empty(
$params['post_type'])) {
$strReq .= 'AND P.post_type ' . $this->con->in($params['post_type']);

$strReq .= 'GROUP BY C.cat_id ';

$rs       = $this->con->select($strReq);
$counters = [];
        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$counters[$rs->cat_id] = $rs->nb_post;


     * Adds a new category. Takes a cursor as input and returns the new category ID.
     * @param      cursor        $cur     The category cursor
     * @param      int           $parent  The parent category ID
     * @throws     Exception
     * @return     int  New category ID
public function addCategory($cur, $parent = 0)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('categories', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to add categories'));

$url = [];
        if (
$parent != 0) {
$rs = $this->getCategory($parent);
            if (
$rs->isEmpty()) {
$url = [];
            } else {
$url[] = $rs->cat_url;

        if (
$cur->cat_url == '') {
$url[] = text::tidyURL($cur->cat_title, false);
        } else {
$url[] = $cur->cat_url;

$cur->cat_url = implode('/', $url);

$cur->blog_id = (string) $this->id;

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreBeforeCategoryCreate
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBeforeCategoryCreate', $this, $cur);

$id = $this->categories()->addNode($cur, $parent);
# Update category's cursor
$rs = $this->getCategory($id);
        if (!
$rs->isEmpty()) {
$cur->cat_lft = $rs->cat_lft;
$cur->cat_rgt = $rs->cat_rgt;

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreAfterCategoryCreate
$this->core->callBehavior('coreAfterCategoryCreate', $this, $cur);


     * Updates an existing category.
     * @param      integer     $id     The category ID
     * @param      cursor      $cur    The category cursor
     * @throws     Exception
public function updCategory($id, $cur)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('categories', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to update categories'));

        if (
$cur->cat_url == '') {
$url = [];
$rs  = $this->categories()->getParents($id);
            while (
$rs->fetch()) {
                if (
$rs->index() == $rs->count() - 1) {
$url[] = $rs->cat_url;

$url[]        = text::tidyURL($cur->cat_title, false);
$cur->cat_url = implode('/', $url);

$this->getCategoryCursor($cur, $id);

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreBeforeCategoryUpdate
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBeforeCategoryUpdate', $this, $cur);

'WHERE cat_id = ' . (int) $id . ' ' .
"AND blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' "

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreAfterCategoryUpdate
$this->core->callBehavior('coreAfterCategoryUpdate', $this, $cur);


     * Set category position.
     * @param      integer  $id     The category ID
     * @param      integer  $left   The category ID before
     * @param      integer  $right  The category ID after
public function updCategoryPosition($id, $left, $right)
$this->categories()->updatePosition($id, $left, $right);

     * Sets the category parent.
     * @param      integer  $id      The category ID
     * @param      integer  $parent  The parent category ID
public function setCategoryParent($id, $parent)
$this->categories()->setNodeParent($id, $parent);

     * Sets the category position.
     * @param      integer  $id       The category ID
     * @param      integer  $sibling  The sibling category ID
     * @param      string   $move     The move (before|after)
public function setCategoryPosition($id, $sibling, $move)
$this->categories()->setNodePosition($id, $sibling, $move);

     * Delete a category.
     * @param      integer     $id     The category ID
     * @throws     Exception
public function delCategory($id)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('categories', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to delete categories'));

$strReq = 'SELECT COUNT(post_id) AS nb_post ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post ' .
'WHERE cat_id = ' . (int) $id . ' ' .
"AND blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' ";

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

        if (
$rs->nb_post > 0) {
            throw new
Exception(__('This category is not empty.'));

$this->categories()->deleteNode($id, true);

     * Reset categories order and relocate them to first level
public function resetCategoriesOrder()
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('categories', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to reset categories order'));


     * Check if the category title and url are unique.
     * @param      string  $title  The title
     * @param      string  $url    The url
     * @param      mixed   $id     The identifier
     * @return     string
private function checkCategory($title, $url, $id = null)
# Let's check if URL is taken...
$strReq = 'SELECT cat_url FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'category ' .
"WHERE cat_url = '" . $this->con->escape($url) . "' " .
$id ? 'AND cat_id <> ' . (int) $id . ' ' : '') .
"AND blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .
'ORDER BY cat_url DESC';

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

        if (!
$rs->isEmpty()) {
            if (
$this->con->syntax() == 'mysql') {
$clause = "REGEXP '^" . $this->con->escape($url) . "[0-9]+$'";
            } elseif (
$this->con->driver() == 'pgsql') {
$clause = "~ '^" . $this->con->escape($url) . "[0-9]+$'";
            } else {
$clause = "LIKE '" . $this->con->escape($url) . "%'";
$strReq = 'SELECT cat_url FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'category ' .
'WHERE cat_url ' . $clause . ' ' .
$id ? 'AND cat_id <> ' . (int) $id . ' ' : '') .
"AND blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .
'ORDER BY cat_url DESC ';

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

            if (
$rs->isEmpty()) {

$a = [];
            while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$a[] = $rs->cat_url;

$t_url = end($a);

            if (
preg_match('/(.*?)([0-9]+)$/', $t_url, $m)) {
$i   = (int) $m[2];
$url = $m[1];
            } else {
$i = 1;

$url . ($i + 1);

# URL is empty?
if ($url == '') {
            throw new
Exception(__('Empty category URL'));


     * Gets the category cursor.
     * @param      cursor     $cur    The category cursor
     * @param      mixed      $id     The category ID
     * @throws     Exception
private function getCategoryCursor($cur, $id = null)
        if (
$cur->cat_title == '') {
            throw new
Exception(__('You must provide a category title'));

# If we don't have any cat_url, let's do one
if ($cur->cat_url == '') {
$cur->cat_url = text::tidyURL($cur->cat_title, false);

# Still empty ?
if ($cur->cat_url == '') {
            throw new
Exception(__('You must provide a category URL'));
$cur->cat_url = text::tidyURL($cur->cat_url, true);

# Check if title or url are unique
$cur->cat_url = $this->checkCategory($cur->cat_title, $cur->cat_url, $id);

        if (
$cur->cat_desc !== null) {
$cur->cat_desc = $this->core->HTMLfilter($cur->cat_desc);

    /// @name Entries management methods
     * Retrieves entries. <b>$params</b> is an array taking the following
     * optionnal parameters:
     * - no_content: Don't retrieve entry content (excerpt and content)
     * - post_type: Get only entries with given type (default "post", array for many types and '' for no type)
     * - post_id: (integer or array) Get entry with given post_id
     * - post_url: Get entry with given post_url field
     * - user_id: (integer) Get entries belonging to given user ID
     * - cat_id: (string or array) Get entries belonging to given category ID
     * - cat_id_not: deprecated (use cat_id with "id ?not" instead)
     * - cat_url: (string or array) Get entries belonging to given category URL
     * - cat_url_not: deprecated (use cat_url with "url ?not" instead)
     * - post_status: (integer) Get entries with given post_status
     * - post_selected: (boolean) Get select flaged entries
     * - post_year: (integer) Get entries with given year
     * - post_month: (integer) Get entries with given month
     * - post_day: (integer) Get entries with given day
     * - post_lang: Get entries with given language code
     * - search: Get entries corresponding of the following search string
     * - columns: (array) More columns to retrieve
     * - join: Append a JOIN clause for the FROM statement in query
     * - sql: Append SQL string at the end of the query
     * - from: Append another FROM source in query
     * - order: Order of results (default "ORDER BY post_dt DES")
     * - limit: Limit parameter
     * - sql_only : return the sql request instead of results. Only ids are selected
     * - exclude_post_id : (integer or array) Exclude entries with given post_id
     * Please note that on every cat_id or cat_url, you can add ?not to exclude
     * the category and ?sub to get subcategories.
     * @param    array              $params        Parameters
     * @param    bool               $count_only    Only counts results
     * @param    dcSelectStatement  $sql           Optional dcSelectStatement instance
     * @return   mixed    A record with some more capabilities or the SQL request
public function getPosts($params = [], $count_only = false, ?dcSelectStatement $sql = null)
# --BEHAVIOR-- coreBlogBeforeGetPosts
$params = new ArrayObject($params);
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBlogBeforeGetPosts', $params);

        if (!
$sql) {
$sql = new dcSelectStatement($this->core, 'dcBlogGetPosts');

        if (
$count_only) {
        } elseif (!empty(
$params['sql_only'])) {
        } else {
            if (empty(
$params['no_content'])) {

            if (!empty(
$params['columns']) && is_array($params['columns'])) {

$sql    // @phpstan-ignore-line
->from($this->prefix . 'post P', false, true)
dcJoinStatement($this->core, 'dcBlogGetPosts'))
from($this->prefix . 'user U')
on('U.user_id = P.user_id')
dcJoinStatement($this->core, 'dcBlogGetPosts'))
type('LEFT OUTER')
from($this->prefix . 'category C')
on('P.cat_id = C.cat_id')

        if (!empty(
$params['join'])) {

        if (!empty(
$params['from'])) {

        if (!empty(
$params['where'])) {
// Cope with legacy code
        } else {
$sql->where('P.blog_id = ' . $sql->quote($this->id, true));

        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$user_id = $this->core->auth->userID();

$and = ['post_status = 1'];
            if (
$this->without_password) {
$and[] = 'post_password IS NULL';
$or = [$sql->andGroup($and)];
            if (
$user_id) {
$or[] = 'P.user_id = ' . $sql->quote($user_id, true);

#Adding parameters
if (isset($params['post_type'])) {
            if (
is_array($params['post_type']) || $params['post_type'] != '') {
$sql->and('post_type' . $sql->in($params['post_type']));
        } else {
$sql->and('post_type = ' . $sql->quote('post'));

        if (isset(
$params['post_id']) && $params['post_id'] !== '') {
            if (
is_array($params['post_id'])) {
array_walk($params['post_id'], function (&$v, $k) { if ($v !== null) {$v = (int) $v;}});
            } else {
$params['post_id'] = [(int) $params['post_id']];
$sql->and('P.post_id' . $sql->in($params['post_id']));

        if (isset(
$params['exclude_post_id']) && $params['exclude_post_id'] !== '') {
            if (
is_array($params['exclude_post_id'])) {
array_walk($params['exclude_post_id'], function (&$v, $k) { if ($v !== null) {$v = (int) $v;}});
            } else {
$params['exclude_post_id'] = [(int) $params['exclude_post_id']];
$sql->and('P.post_id NOT' . $sql->in($params['exclude_post_id']));

        if (isset(
$params['post_url']) && $params['post_url'] !== '') {
$sql->and('post_url = ' . $sql->quote($params['post_url'], true));

        if (!empty(
$params['user_id'])) {
$sql->and('U.user_id = ' . $sql->quote($params['user_id'], true));

        if (isset(
$params['cat_id']) && $params['cat_id'] !== '') {
            if (!
is_array($params['cat_id'])) {
$params['cat_id'] = [$params['cat_id']];
            if (!empty(
$params['cat_id_not'])) {
array_walk($params['cat_id'], function (&$v, $k) {$v = $v . ' ?not';});

$sql->and($this->getPostsCategoryFilter($params['cat_id'], 'cat_id'));
        } elseif (isset(
$params['cat_url']) && $params['cat_url'] !== '') {
            if (!
is_array($params['cat_url'])) {
$params['cat_url'] = [$params['cat_url']];
            if (!empty(
$params['cat_url_not'])) {
array_walk($params['cat_url'], function (&$v, $k) {$v = $v . ' ?not';});

$sql->and($this->getPostsCategoryFilter($params['cat_url'], 'cat_url'));

/* Other filters */
if (isset($params['post_status'])) {
$sql->and('post_status = ' . (int) $params['post_status']);

        if (isset(
$params['post_firstpub'])) {
$sql->and('post_firstpub = ' . (int) $params['post_firstpub']);

        if (isset(
$params['post_selected'])) {
$sql->and('post_selected = ' . (int) $params['post_selected']);

        if (!empty(
$params['post_year'])) {
$sql->and($sql->dateFormat('post_dt', '%Y') . ' = ' . $sql->quote(sprintf('%04d', $params['post_year'])));

        if (!empty(
$params['post_month'])) {
$sql->and($sql->dateFormat('post_dt', '%m') . ' = ' . $sql->quote(sprintf('%02d', $params['post_month'])));

        if (!empty(
$params['post_day'])) {
$sql->and($sql->dateFormat('post_dt', '%d') . ' = ' . $sql->quote(sprintf('%02d', $params['post_day'])));

        if (!empty(
$params['post_lang'])) {
$sql->and('P.post_lang = ' . $sql->quote($params['post_lang'], true));

        if (!empty(
$params['search'])) {
$words = text::splitWords($params['search']);

            if (!empty(
$words)) {
# --BEHAVIOR-- corePostSearch
if ($this->core->hasBehavior('corePostSearch')) {
$this->core->callBehavior('corePostSearch', $this->core, [&$words, &$params, $sql]);

                foreach (
$words as $i => $w) {
$words[$i] = $sql->like('post_words', '%' . $sql->escape($w) . '%');

        if (isset(
$params['media'])) {
$sqlExists = new dcSelectStatement($this->core, 'dcBlogGetPosts');
->from($this->prefix . 'post_media M')
where('M.post_id = P.post_id');

            if (isset(
$params['link_type'])) {
$sqlExists->and('M.link_type' . $sqlExists->in($params['link_type']));

$sql->and(($params['media'] == '0' ? 'NOT ' : '') . 'EXISTS (' . $sqlExists->statement() . ')');

        if (!empty(
$params['sql'])) {

        if (!
$count_only) {
            if (!empty(
$params['order'])) {
            } else {
$sql->order('post_dt DESC');

        if (!
$count_only && !empty($params['limit'])) {

        if (!empty(
$params['sql_only'])) {

//        print_r($sql->statement());
//        exit;

$rs            = $sql->select();
$rs->core      = $this->core;
$rs->_nb_media = [];

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreBlogGetPosts
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBlogGetPosts', $rs);

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreBlogAfterGetPosts
$alt = new arrayObject(['rs' => null, 'params' => $params, 'count_only' => $count_only]);
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBlogAfterGetPosts', $rs, $alt);
        if (
$alt['rs'] instanceof record) { // @phpstan-ignore-line
$rs = $alt['rs'];


     * Returns a record with post id, title and date for next or previous post
     * according to the post ID.
     * $dir could be 1 (next post) or -1 (previous post).
     * @param      record  $post                  The post ID
     * @param      int     $dir                   The search direction
     * @param      bool    $restrict_to_category  Restrict to same category
     * @param      bool    $restrict_to_lang      Restrict to same language
     * @return     mixed   The next post.
public function getNextPost($post, $dir, $restrict_to_category = false, $restrict_to_lang = false)
$dt      = $post->post_dt;
$post_id = (int) $post->post_id;

        if (
$dir > 0) {
$sign  = '>';
$order = 'ASC';
        } else {
$sign  = '<';
$order = 'DESC';

$params['post_type'] = $post->post_type;
$params['limit']     = 1;
$params['order']     = 'post_dt ' . $order . ', P.post_id ' . $order;
$params['sql']       = 'AND ( ' .
"   (post_dt = '" . $this->con->escape($dt) . "' AND P.post_id " . $sign . ' ' . $post_id . ') ' .
'   OR post_dt ' . $sign . " '" . $this->con->escape($dt) . "' " .
') ';

        if (
$restrict_to_category) {
$params['sql'] .= $post->cat_id ? 'AND P.cat_id = ' . (int) $post->cat_id . ' ' : 'AND P.cat_id IS NULL ';

        if (
$restrict_to_lang) {
$params['sql'] .= $post->post_lang ? 'AND P.post_lang = \'' . $this->con->escape($post->post_lang) . '\' ' : 'AND P.post_lang IS NULL ';

$rs = $this->getPosts($params);

        if (
$rs->isEmpty()) {


     * Retrieves different languages and post count on blog, based on post_lang
     * field. <var>$params</var> is an array taking the following optionnal
     * parameters:
     * - post_type: Get only entries with given type (default "post", '' for no type)
     * - lang: retrieve post count for selected lang
     * - order: order statement (default post_lang DESC)
     * @param      array   $params  The parameters
     * @return     record  The langs.
public function getLangs($params = [])
$strReq = 'SELECT COUNT(post_id) as nb_post, post_lang ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .
"AND post_lang <> '' " .
'AND post_lang IS NOT NULL ';

        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$strReq .= 'AND ((post_status = 1 ';

            if (
$this->without_password) {
$strReq .= 'AND post_password IS NULL ';
$strReq .= ') ';

            if (
$this->core->auth->userID()) {
$strReq .= "OR user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->core->auth->userID()) . "')";
            } else {
$strReq .= ') ';

        if (isset(
$params['post_type'])) {
            if (
$params['post_type'] != '') {
$strReq .= "AND post_type = '" . $this->con->escape($params['post_type']) . "' ";
        } else {
$strReq .= "AND post_type = 'post' ";

        if (isset(
$params['lang'])) {
$strReq .= "AND post_lang = '" . $this->con->escape($params['lang']) . "' ";

$strReq .= 'GROUP BY post_lang ';

$order = 'desc';
        if (!empty(
$params['order']) && preg_match('/^(desc|asc)$/i', $params['order'])) {
$order = $params['order'];
$strReq .= 'ORDER BY post_lang ' . $order . ' ';


     * Returns a record with all distinct blog dates and post count.
     * <var>$params</var> is an array taking the following optionnal parameters:
     * - type: (day|month|year) Get days, months or years
     * - year: (integer) Get dates for given year
     * - month: (integer) Get dates for given month
     * - day: (integer) Get dates for given day
     * - cat_id: (integer) Category ID filter
     * - cat_url: Category URL filter
     * - post_lang: lang of the posts
     * - next: Get date following match
     * - previous: Get date before match
     * - order: Sort by date "ASC" or "DESC"
     * @param      array   $params  The parameters
     * @return     record  The dates.
public function getDates($params = [])
$dt_f  = '%Y-%m-%d';
$dt_fc = '%Y%m%d';
        if (isset(
$params['type'])) {
            if (
$params['type'] == 'year') {
$dt_f  = '%Y-01-01';
$dt_fc = '%Y0101';
            } elseif (
$params['type'] == 'month') {
$dt_f  = '%Y-%m-01';
$dt_fc = '%Y%m01';
$dt_f  .= ' 00:00:00';
$dt_fc .= '000000';

$cat_field = $catReq = $limit = '';

        if (isset(
$params['cat_id']) && $params['cat_id'] !== '') {
$catReq    = 'AND P.cat_id = ' . (int) $params['cat_id'] . ' ';
$cat_field = ', C.cat_url ';
        } elseif (isset(
$params['cat_url']) && $params['cat_url'] !== '') {
$catReq    = "AND C.cat_url = '" . $this->con->escape($params['cat_url']) . "' ";
$cat_field = ', C.cat_url ';
        if (!empty(
$params['post_lang'])) {
$catReq = 'AND P.post_lang = \'' . $params['post_lang'] . '\' ';

$strReq = 'SELECT DISTINCT(' . $this->con->dateFormat('post_dt', $dt_f) . ') AS dt ' .
$cat_field .
',COUNT(P.post_id) AS nb_post ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post P LEFT JOIN ' . $this->prefix . 'category C ' .
'ON P.cat_id = C.cat_id ' .
"WHERE P.blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .

        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$strReq .= 'AND ((post_status = 1 ';

            if (
$this->without_password) {
$strReq .= 'AND post_password IS NULL ';
$strReq .= ') ';

            if (
$this->core->auth->userID()) {
$strReq .= "OR P.user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->core->auth->userID()) . "')";
            } else {
$strReq .= ') ';

        if (!empty(
$params['post_type'])) {
$strReq .= 'AND post_type ' . $this->con->in($params['post_type']) . ' ';
        } else {
$strReq .= "AND post_type = 'post' ";

        if (!empty(
$params['year'])) {
$strReq .= 'AND ' . $this->con->dateFormat('post_dt', '%Y') . " = '" . sprintf('%04d', $params['year']) . "' ";

        if (!empty(
$params['month'])) {
$strReq .= 'AND ' . $this->con->dateFormat('post_dt', '%m') . " = '" . sprintf('%02d', $params['month']) . "' ";

        if (!empty(
$params['day'])) {
$strReq .= 'AND ' . $this->con->dateFormat('post_dt', '%d') . " = '" . sprintf('%02d', $params['day']) . "' ";

# Get next or previous date
if (!empty($params['next']) || !empty($params['previous'])) {
            if (!empty(
$params['next'])) {
$pdir            = ' > ';
$params['order'] = 'asc';
$dt              = $params['next'];
            } else {
$pdir            = ' < ';
$params['order'] = 'desc';
$dt              = $params['previous'];

$dt = date('YmdHis', strtotime($dt));

$strReq .= 'AND ' . $this->con->dateFormat('post_dt', $dt_fc) . $pdir . "'" . $dt . "' ";
$limit = $this->con->limit(1);

$strReq .= 'GROUP BY dt ' . $cat_field;

$order = 'desc';
        if (!empty(
$params['order']) && preg_match('/^(desc|asc)$/i', $params['order'])) {
$order = $params['order'];

$strReq .= 'ORDER BY dt ' . $order . ' ' .

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);


     * Creates a new entry. Takes a cursor as input and returns the new entry ID.
     * @param      cursor     $cur    The post cursor
     * @throws     Exception
     * @return     integer
public function addPost($cur)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('usage,contentadmin', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to create an entry'));

$this->con->writeLock($this->prefix . 'post');

        try {
# Get ID
$rs = $this->con->select(
'SELECT MAX(post_id) ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post '

$cur->post_id     = (int) $rs->f(0) + 1;
$cur->blog_id     = (string) $this->id;
$cur->post_creadt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cur->post_upddt  = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cur->post_tz     = $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_tz');

# Post excerpt and content
$this->getPostContent($cur, $cur->post_id);


$cur->post_url = $this->getPostURL($cur->post_url, $cur->post_dt, $cur->post_title, $cur->post_id);

            if (!
$this->core->auth->check('publish,contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$cur->post_status = -2;

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreBeforePostCreate
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBeforePostCreate', $this, $cur);

        } catch (
Exception $e) {


# --BEHAVIOR-- coreAfterPostCreate
$this->core->callBehavior('coreAfterPostCreate', $this, $cur);




     * Updates an existing post.
     * @param      integer     $id     The post identifier
     * @param      cursor      $cur    The post cursor
     * @throws     Exception
public function updPost($id, $cur)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('usage,contentadmin', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to update entries'));

$id = (int) $id;

        if (empty(
$id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No such entry ID'));

# Post excerpt and content
$this->getPostContent($cur, $id);


        if (
$cur->post_url !== null) {
$cur->post_url = $this->getPostURL($cur->post_url, $cur->post_dt, $cur->post_title, $id);

        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('publish,contentadmin', $this->id)) {

$cur->post_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

#If user is only "usage", we need to check the post's owner
if (!$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$strReq = 'SELECT post_id ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post ' .
'WHERE post_id = ' . $id . ' ' .
"AND user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->core->auth->userID()) . "' ";

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

            if (
$rs->isEmpty()) {
                throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to edit this entry'));

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreBeforePostUpdate
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBeforePostUpdate', $this, $cur);

$cur->update('WHERE post_id = ' . $id . ' ');

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreAfterPostUpdate
$this->core->callBehavior('coreAfterPostUpdate', $this, $cur);



     * Update post status.
     * @param      integer  $id      The identifier
     * @param      integer  $status  The status
public function updPostStatus($id, $status)
$this->updPostsStatus($id, $status);

     * Updates posts status.
     * @param      mixed       $ids     The identifiers
     * @param      integer     $status  The status
     * @throws     Exception
public function updPostsStatus($ids, $status)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('publish,contentadmin', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to change this entry status'));

$posts_ids = dcUtils::cleanIds($ids);
$status    = (int) $status;

$strReq = "WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .
'AND post_id ' . $this->con->in($posts_ids);

#If user can only publish, we need to check the post's owner
if (!$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$strReq .= "AND user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->core->auth->userID()) . "' ";

$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->prefix . 'post');

$cur->post_status = $status;
$cur->post_upddt  = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');



     * Updates post selection.
     * @param      integer  $id        The identifier
     * @param      mixed    $selected  The selected flag
public function updPostSelected($id, $selected)
$this->updPostsSelected($id, $selected);

     * Updates posts selection.
     * @param      mixed      $ids       The identifiers
     * @param      mixed      $selected  The selected flag
     * @throws     Exception
public function updPostsSelected($ids, $selected)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('usage,contentadmin', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to change this entry category'));

$posts_ids = dcUtils::cleanIds($ids);
$selected  = (bool) $selected;

$strReq = "WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .
'AND post_id ' . $this->con->in($posts_ids);

# If user is only usage, we need to check the post's owner
if (!$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$strReq .= "AND user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->core->auth->userID()) . "' ";

$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->prefix . 'post');

$cur->post_selected = (int) $selected;
$cur->post_upddt    = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');


     * Updates post category. <var>$cat_id</var> can be null.
     * @param      integer  $id      The identifier
     * @param      mixed    $cat_id  The cat identifier
public function updPostCategory($id, $cat_id)
$this->updPostsCategory($id, $cat_id);

     * Updates posts category. <var>$cat_id</var> can be null.
     * @param      mixed      $ids     The identifiers
     * @param      mixed      $cat_id  The cat identifier
     * @throws     Exception
public function updPostsCategory($ids, $cat_id)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('usage,contentadmin', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to change this entry category'));

$posts_ids = dcUtils::cleanIds($ids);
$cat_id    = (int) $cat_id;

$strReq = "WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .
'AND post_id ' . $this->con->in($posts_ids);

# If user is only usage, we need to check the post's owner
if (!$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$strReq .= "AND user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->core->auth->userID()) . "' ";

$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->prefix . 'post');

$cur->cat_id     = ($cat_id ?: null);
$cur->post_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');


     * Updates posts category. <var>$new_cat_id</var> can be null.
     * @param      mixed    $old_cat_id  The old cat identifier
     * @param      mixed    $new_cat_id  The new cat identifier
     * @throws     Exception
public function changePostsCategory($old_cat_id, $new_cat_id)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin,categories', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to change entries category'));

$old_cat_id = (int) $old_cat_id;
$new_cat_id = (int) $new_cat_id;

$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->prefix . 'post');

$cur->cat_id     = ($new_cat_id ?: null);
$cur->post_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

'WHERE cat_id = ' . $old_cat_id . ' ' .
"AND blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' "

     * Deletes a post.
     * @param      integer  $id     The post identifier
public function delPost($id)

     * Deletes multiple posts.
     * @param      mixed     $ids    The posts identifiers
     * @throws     Exception
public function delPosts($ids)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('delete,contentadmin', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to delete entries'));

$posts_ids = dcUtils::cleanIds($ids);

        if (empty(
$posts_ids)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No such entry ID'));

$strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .
'AND post_id ' . $this->con->in($posts_ids);

#If user can only delete, we need to check the post's owner
if (!$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$strReq .= "AND user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->core->auth->userID()) . "' ";


     * Publishes all entries flaged as "scheduled".
public function publishScheduledEntries()
$strReq = 'SELECT post_id, post_dt, post_tz ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post ' .
'WHERE post_status = -1 ' .
"AND blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' ";

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

$now       = dt::toUTC(time());
$to_change = new ArrayObject();

        if (
$rs->isEmpty()) {

        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
# Now timestamp with post timezone
$now_tz = $now + dt::getTimeOffset($rs->post_tz, $now);

# Post timestamp
$post_ts = strtotime($rs->post_dt);

# If now_tz >= post_ts, we publish the entry
if ($now_tz >= $post_ts) {
$to_change[] = (int) $rs->post_id;
        if (
count($to_change)) {
# --BEHAVIOR-- coreBeforeScheduledEntriesPublish
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBeforeScheduledEntriesPublish', $this, $to_change);

$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $this->prefix . 'post SET ' .
'post_status = 1 ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .
'AND post_id ' . $this->con->in((array) $to_change) . ' ';

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreAfterScheduledEntriesPublish
$this->core->callBehavior('coreAfterScheduledEntriesPublish', $this, $to_change);


     * First publication mecanism (on post create, update, publish, status)
     * @param      mixed  $ids    The posts identifiers
public function firstPublicationEntries($ids)
$posts = $this->getPosts([
'post_id'       => dcUtils::cleanIds($ids),
'post_status'   => 1,
'post_firstpub' => 0,

$to_change = [];
        while (
$posts->fetch()) {
$to_change[] = $posts->post_id;

        if (
count($to_change)) {
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $this->prefix . 'post ' .
'SET post_firstpub = 1 ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .
'AND post_id ' . $this->con->in((array) $to_change) . ' ';

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreFirstPublicationEntries
$this->core->callBehavior('coreFirstPublicationEntries', $this, $to_change);

     * Retrieves all users having posts on current blog.
     * @param    string     $post_type post_type filter (post)
     * @return    record
public function getPostsUsers($post_type = 'post')
$strReq = 'SELECT P.user_id, user_name, user_firstname, ' .
'user_displayname, user_email ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post P, ' . $this->prefix . 'user U ' .
'WHERE P.user_id = U.user_id ' .
"AND blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' ";

        if (
$post_type) {
$strReq .= "AND post_type = '" . $this->con->escape($post_type) . "' ";

$strReq .= 'GROUP BY P.user_id, user_name, user_firstname, user_displayname, user_email ';


    private function
getPostsCategoryFilter($arr, $field = 'cat_id')
$field = $field == 'cat_id' ? 'cat_id' : 'cat_url';

$sub     = [];
$not     = [];
$queries = [];

        foreach (
$arr as $v) {
$v    = trim((string) $v);
$args = preg_split('/\s*[?]\s*/', $v, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$id   = array_shift($args);
$args = array_flip($args);

            if (isset(
$args['not'])) {
$not[$id] = 1;
            if (isset(
$args['sub'])) {
$sub[$id] = 1;
            if (
$field == 'cat_id') {
                if (
preg_match('/^null$/i', $id)) {
$queries[$id] = 'P.cat_id IS NULL';
                } else {
$queries[$id] = 'P.cat_id = ' . (int) $id;
            } else {
$queries[$id] = "C.cat_url = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' ";

        if (!empty(
$sub)) {
$rs = $this->con->select(
'SELECT cat_id, cat_url, cat_lft, cat_rgt FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'category ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .
'AND ' . $field . ' ' . $this->con->in(array_keys($sub))

            while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$queries[$rs->f($field)] = '(C.cat_lft BETWEEN ' . $rs->cat_lft . ' AND ' . $rs->cat_rgt . ')';

# Create queries
$sql = [
0 => [], # wanted categories
1 => [], # excluded categories

        foreach (
$queries as $id => $q) {
$sql[(int) isset($not[$id])][] = $q;

$sql[0] = implode(' OR ', $sql[0]);
$sql[1] = implode(' OR ', $sql[1]);

        if (
$sql[0]) {
$sql[0] = '(' . $sql[0] . ')';
        } else {

        if (
$sql[1]) {
$sql[1] = '(P.cat_id IS NULL OR NOT(' . $sql[1] . '))';
        } else {

implode(' AND ', $sql);  // @phpstan-ignore-line

     * Gets the post cursor.
     * @param      cursor      $cur      The post cursor
     * @param      integer     $post_id  The post identifier
     * @throws     Exception
private function getPostCursor($cur, $post_id = null)
        if (
$cur->post_title == '') {
            throw new
Exception(__('No entry title'));

        if (
$cur->post_content == '') {
            throw new
Exception(__('No entry content'));

        if (
$cur->post_password === '') {
$cur->post_password = null;

        if (
$cur->post_dt == '') {
$offset       = dt::getTimeOffset($this->core->auth->getInfo('user_tz'));
$now          = time() + $offset;
$cur->post_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', $now);

$post_id = is_int($post_id) ? $post_id : $cur->post_id;

        if (
$cur->post_content_xhtml == '') {
            throw new
Exception(__('No entry content'));

# Words list
if ($cur->post_title !== null && $cur->post_excerpt_xhtml !== null
&& $cur->post_content_xhtml !== null) {
$words = $cur->post_title . ' ' .
$cur->post_excerpt_xhtml . ' ' .

$cur->post_words = implode(' ', text::splitWords($words));

        if (
$cur->isField('post_firstpub')) {

     * Gets the post content.
     * @param      cursor  $cur      The post cursor
     * @param      integer $post_id  The post identifier
private function getPostContent($cur, $post_id)
$post_excerpt       = $cur->post_excerpt;
$post_excerpt_xhtml = $cur->post_excerpt_xhtml;
$post_content       = $cur->post_content;
$post_content_xhtml = $cur->post_content_xhtml;


$cur->post_excerpt       = $post_excerpt;
$cur->post_excerpt_xhtml = $post_excerpt_xhtml;
$cur->post_content       = $post_content;
$cur->post_content_xhtml = $post_content_xhtml;

     * Creates post HTML content, taking format and lang into account.
     * @param      integer  $post_id        The post identifier
     * @param      string   $format         The format
     * @param      string   $lang           The language
     * @param      string   $excerpt        The excerpt
     * @param      string   $excerpt_xhtml  The excerpt xhtml
     * @param      string   $content        The content
     * @param      string   $content_xhtml  The content xhtml
public function setPostContent($post_id, $format, $lang, &$excerpt, &$excerpt_xhtml, &$content, &$content_xhtml)
        if (
$format == 'wiki') {
$this->core->wiki2xhtml->setOpt('note_prefix', 'pnote-' . $post_id);
            switch (
$this->settings->system->note_title_tag) {
$tag = 'h3';

$tag = 'p';

$tag = 'h4';

$this->core->wiki2xhtml->setOpt('note_str', '<div class="footnotes"><' . $tag . ' class="footnotes-title">' .
__('Notes') . '</' . $tag . '>%s</div>');
$this->core->wiki2xhtml->setOpt('note_str_single', '<div class="footnotes"><' . $tag . ' class="footnotes-title">' .
__('Note') . '</' . $tag . '>%s</div>');
            if (
strpos($lang, 'fr') === 0) {
$this->core->wiki2xhtml->setOpt('active_fr_syntax', 1);

        if (
$excerpt) {
$excerpt_xhtml = $this->core->callFormater($format, $excerpt);
$excerpt_xhtml = $this->core->HTMLfilter($excerpt_xhtml);
        } else {
$excerpt_xhtml = '';

        if (
$content) {
$content_xhtml = $this->core->callFormater($format, $content);
$content_xhtml = $this->core->HTMLfilter($content_xhtml);
        } else {
$content_xhtml = '';

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreAfterPostContentFormat
$this->core->callBehavior('coreAfterPostContentFormat', [
'excerpt'       => &$excerpt,
'content'       => &$content,
'excerpt_xhtml' => &$excerpt_xhtml,
'content_xhtml' => &$content_xhtml,

     * Returns URL for a post according to blog setting <var>post_url_format</var>.
     * It will try to guess URL and append some figures if needed.
     * @param      string   $url         The url
     * @param      string   $post_dt     The post dt
     * @param      string   $post_title  The post title
     * @param      integer  $post_id     The post identifier
     * @return     string  The post url.
public function getPostURL($url, $post_dt, $post_title, $post_id)
$url = trim((string) $url);

$url_patterns = [
'{y}'  => date('Y', strtotime($post_dt)),
'{m}'  => date('m', strtotime($post_dt)),
'{d}'  => date('d', strtotime($post_dt)),
'{t}'  => text::tidyURL($post_title),
'{id}' => (int) $post_id,

# If URL is empty, we create a new one
if ($url == '') {
# Transform with format
$url = str_replace(
        } else {
$url = text::tidyURL($url);

# Let's check if URL is taken...
$strReq = 'SELECT post_url FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post ' .
"WHERE post_url = '" . $this->con->escape($url) . "' " .
'AND post_id <> ' . (int) $post_id . ' ' .
"AND blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .
'ORDER BY post_url DESC';

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

        if (!
$rs->isEmpty()) {
            if (
$this->con->syntax() == 'mysql') {
$clause = "REGEXP '^" . $this->con->escape(preg_quote($url)) . "[0-9]+$'";
            } elseif (
$this->con->driver() == 'pgsql') {
$clause = "~ '^" . $this->con->escape(preg_quote($url)) . "[0-9]+$'";
            } else {
$clause = "LIKE '" .
$this->con->escape(preg_replace(['%', '_', '!'], ['!%', '!_', '!!'], $url)) . "%' ESCAPE '!'";  // @phpstan-ignore-line
$strReq = 'SELECT post_url FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post ' .
'WHERE post_url ' . $clause . ' ' .
'AND post_id <> ' . (int) $post_id . ' ' .
"AND blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' " .
'ORDER BY post_url DESC ';

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);
$a  = [];
            while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$a[] = $rs->post_url;

$t_url = end($a);

            if (
preg_match('/(.*?)([0-9]+)$/', $t_url, $m)) {
$i   = (int) $m[2];
$url = $m[1];
            } else {
$i = 1;

$url . ($i + 1);

# URL is empty?
if ($url == '') {
            throw new
Exception(__('Empty entry URL'));


    /// @name Comments management methods
     * Retrieves comments. <b>$params</b> is an array taking the following
     * optionnal parameters:
     * - no_content: Don't retrieve comment content
     * - post_type: Get only entries with given type (default no type, array for many types)
     * - post_id: (integer) Get comments belonging to given post_id
     * - cat_id: (integer or array) Get comments belonging to entries of given category ID
     * - comment_id: (integer or array) Get comment with given ID (or IDs)
     * - comment_site: (string) Get comments with given comment_site
     * - comment_status: (integer) Get comments with given comment_status
     * - comment_trackback: (integer) Get only comments (0) or trackbacks (1)
     * - comment_ip: (string) Get comments with given IP address
     * - post_url: Get entry with given post_url field
     * - user_id: (integer) Get entries belonging to given user ID
     * - q_author: Search comments by author
     * - sql: Append SQL string at the end of the query
     * - from: Append SQL string after "FROM" statement in query
     * - order: Order of results (default "ORDER BY comment_dt DES")
     * - limit: Limit parameter
     * - sql_only : return the sql request instead of results. Only ids are selected
     * @param    array              $params        Parameters
     * @param    bool               $count_only    Only counts results
     * @param    dcSelectStatement  $sql           Optional dcSelectStatement instance
     * @return   mixed      A record with some more capabilities
public function getComments($params = [], $count_only = false, ?dcSelectStatement $sql = null)
        if (!
$sql) {
$sql = new dcSelectStatement($this->core, 'dcBlogGetComments');

        if (
$count_only) {

$strReq = 'SELECT count(comment_id) ';
        } elseif (!empty(
$params['sql_only'])) {

$strReq = 'SELECT P.post_id ';
        } else {
            if (!empty(
$params['no_content'])) {
$content_req = '';
            } else {

$content_req = 'comment_content, ';

            if (!empty(
$params['columns']) && is_array($params['columns'])) {

$content_req .= implode(', ', $params['columns']) . ', ';


$strReq = 'SELECT C.comment_id, comment_dt, comment_tz, comment_upddt, ' .
'comment_author, comment_email, comment_site, ' .
$content_req . ' comment_trackback, comment_status, ' .
'comment_spam_status, comment_spam_filter, comment_ip, ' .
'P.post_title, P.post_url, P.post_id, P.post_password, P.post_type, ' .
'P.post_dt, P.user_id, U.user_email, U.user_url ';

->from($this->prefix . 'comment C')
dcJoinStatement($this->core, 'dcBlogGetComments'))
from($this->prefix . 'post P')
on('C.post_id = P.post_id')
dcJoinStatement($this->core, 'dcBlogGetComments'))
from($this->prefix . 'user U')
on('P.user_id = U.user_id')

$strReq .= 'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'comment C ' .
'INNER JOIN ' . $this->prefix . 'post P ON C.post_id = P.post_id ' .
'INNER JOIN ' . $this->prefix . 'user U ON P.user_id = U.user_id ';

        if (!empty(
$params['from'])) {

$strReq .= $params['from'] . ' ';

        if (!empty(
$params['where'])) {
// Cope with legacy code
        } else {
$sql->where('P.blog_id = ' . $sql->quote($this->id, true));

$strReq .= "WHERE P.blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' ";

        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$user_id = $this->core->auth->userID();

$and = [
'comment_status = 1',
'P.post_status = 1',

$strReq .= 'AND ((comment_status = 1 AND P.post_status = 1 ';

            if (
$this->without_password) {
$and[] = 'post_password IS NULL';

$strReq .= 'AND post_password IS NULL ';
$strReq .= ') ';

$or = [$sql->andGroup($and)];
            if (
$user_id) {
$or[] = 'P.user_id = ' . $sql->quote($user_id, true);

$strReq .= "OR P.user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($user_id) . "')";
            } else {
$strReq .= ') ';

        if (!empty(
$params['post_type'])) {
$sql->and('post_type' . $sql->in($params['post_type']));

$strReq .= 'AND post_type ' . $this->con->in($params['post_type']);

        if (isset(
$params['post_id']) && $params['post_id'] !== '') {
$sql->and('P.post_id = ' . (int) $params['post_id']);

$strReq .= 'AND P.post_id = ' . (int) $params['post_id'] . ' ';

        if (isset(
$params['cat_id']) && $params['cat_id'] !== '') {
$sql->and('P.cat_id = ' . (int) $params['cat_id']);

$strReq .= 'AND P.cat_id = ' . (int) $params['cat_id'] . ' ';

        if (isset(
$params['comment_id']) && $params['comment_id'] !== '') {
            if (
is_array($params['comment_id'])) {
array_walk($params['comment_id'], function (&$v, $k) { if ($v !== null) {$v = (int) $v;}});
            } else {
$params['comment_id'] = [(int) $params['comment_id']];
$sql->and('comment_id' . $sql->in($params['comment_id']));

$strReq .= 'AND comment_id ' . $this->con->in($params['comment_id']);

        if (isset(
$params['comment_email'])) {
$comment_email = $this->con->escape(str_replace('*', '%', $params['comment_email']));
$sql->and($sql->like('comment_email', $comment_email));

$strReq .= "AND comment_email LIKE '" . $comment_email . "' ";

        if (isset(
$params['comment_site'])) {
$comment_site = $this->con->escape(str_replace('*', '%', $params['comment_site']));
$sql->and($sql->like('comment_site', $comment_site));

$strReq .= "AND comment_site LIKE '" . $comment_site . "' ";

        if (isset(
$params['comment_status'])) {
$sql->and('comment_status = ' . (int) $params['comment_status']);

$strReq .= 'AND comment_status = ' . (int) $params['comment_status'] . ' ';

        if (!empty(
$params['comment_status_not'])) {
$sql->and('comment_status <> ' . (int) $params['comment_status_not']);

$strReq .= 'AND comment_status <> ' . (int) $params['comment_status_not'] . ' ';

        if (isset(
$params['comment_trackback'])) {
$sql->and('comment_trackback = ' . (int) (bool) $params['comment_trackback']);

$strReq .= 'AND comment_trackback = ' . (int) (bool) $params['comment_trackback'] . ' ';

        if (isset(
$params['comment_ip'])) {
$comment_ip = $this->con->escape(str_replace('*', '%', $params['comment_ip']));
$sql->and($sql->like('comment_ip', $comment_ip));

$strReq .= "AND comment_ip LIKE '" . $comment_ip . "' ";

        if (isset(
$params['q_author'])) {
$q_author = $this->con->escape(str_replace('*', '%', strtolower($params['q_author'])));
$sql->and($sql->like('LOWER(comment_author)', $q_author));

$strReq .= "AND LOWER(comment_author) LIKE '" . $q_author . "' ";

        if (!empty(
$params['search'])) {
$words = text::splitWords($params['search']);

            if (!empty(
$words)) {
# --BEHAVIOR coreCommentSearch
if ($this->core->hasBehavior('coreCommentSearch')) {
$this->core->callBehavior('coreCommentSearch', $this->core, [&$words, &$strReq, &$params]);

                foreach (
$words as $i => $w) {
$words[$i] = "comment_words LIKE '%" . $sql->escape($w) . "%'";

//                    $words[$i] = "comment_words LIKE '%" . $this->con->escape($w) . "%'";

$strReq .= 'AND ' . implode(' AND ', $words) . ' ';

        if (!empty(
$params['sql'])) {

$strReq .= $params['sql'] . ' ';

        if (!
$count_only) {
            if (!empty(
$params['order'])) {

$strReq .= 'ORDER BY ' . $this->con->escape($params['order']) . ' ';
            } else {
$sql->order('comment_dt DESC');

$strReq .= 'ORDER BY comment_dt DESC ';

        if (!
$count_only && !empty($params['limit'])) {

$strReq .= $this->con->limit($params['limit']);

        if (!empty(
$params['sql_only'])) {

//            return $strReq;

$rs = $sql->select();
//        $rs       = $this->con->select($strReq);
$rs->core = $this->core;

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreBlogGetComments
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBlogGetComments', $rs);


     * Creates a new comment. Takes a cursor as input and returns the new comment ID.
     * @param      cursor  $cur    The comment cursor
     * @return     integer
public function addComment($cur)
$this->con->writeLock($this->prefix . 'comment');

        try {
# Get ID
$rs = $this->con->select(
'SELECT MAX(comment_id) ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'comment '

$cur->comment_id    = (int) $rs->f(0) + 1;
$cur->comment_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

$offset          = dt::getTimeOffset($this->settings->system->blog_timezone);
$cur->comment_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $offset);
$cur->comment_tz = $this->settings->system->blog_timezone;


            if (
$cur->comment_ip === null) {
$cur->comment_ip = http::realIP();

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreBeforeCommentCreate
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBeforeCommentCreate', $this, $cur);

        } catch (
Exception $e) {


# --BEHAVIOR-- coreAfterCommentCreate
$this->core->callBehavior('coreAfterCommentCreate', $this, $cur);

        if (
$cur->comment_status != -2) {


     * Updates an existing comment.
     * @param      integer     $id     The comment identifier
     * @param      cursor      $cur    The comment cursor
     * @throws     Exception
public function updComment($id, $cur)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('usage,contentadmin', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to update comments'));

$id = (int) $id;

        if (empty(
$id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No such comment ID'));

$rs = $this->getComments(['comment_id' => $id]);

        if (
$rs->isEmpty()) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No such comment ID'));

#If user is only usage, we need to check the post's owner
if (!$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
            if (
$rs->user_id != $this->core->auth->userID()) {
                throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to update this comment'));


$cur->comment_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('publish,contentadmin', $this->id)) {

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreBeforeCommentUpdate
$this->core->callBehavior('coreBeforeCommentUpdate', $this, $cur, $rs);

$cur->update('WHERE comment_id = ' . $id . ' ');

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreAfterCommentUpdate
$this->core->callBehavior('coreAfterCommentUpdate', $this, $cur, $rs);


     * Updates comment status.
     * @param      integer  $id      The comment identifier
     * @param      mixed    $status  The comment status
public function updCommentStatus($id, $status)
$this->updCommentsStatus($id, $status);

     * Updates comments status.
     * @param      mixed      $ids     The identifiers
     * @param      mixed      $status  The status
     * @throws     Exception
public function updCommentsStatus($ids, $status)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('publish,contentadmin', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__("You are not allowed to change this comment's status"));

$co_ids = dcUtils::cleanIds($ids);
$status = (int) $status;

$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $this->prefix . 'comment ' .
'SET comment_status = ' . $status . ' ';
$strReq .= 'WHERE comment_id' . $this->con->in($co_ids) .
'AND post_id in (SELECT tp.post_id ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post tp ' .
"WHERE tp.blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' ";
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$strReq .= "AND user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->core->auth->userID()) . "' ";
$strReq .= ')';

     * Delete a comment.
     * @param      integer  $id     The comment identifier
public function delComment($id)

     * Delete comments.
     * @param      mixed     $ids    The comments identifiers
     * @throws     Exception
public function delComments($ids)
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('delete,contentadmin', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to delete comments'));

$co_ids = dcUtils::cleanIds($ids);

        if (empty(
$co_ids)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No such comment ID'));

# Retrieve posts affected by comments edition
$affected_posts = [];
$strReq         = 'SELECT post_id ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'comment ' .
'WHERE comment_id' . $this->con->in($co_ids) .
'GROUP BY post_id';

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$affected_posts[] = (int) $rs->post_id;

$strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'comment ' .
'WHERE comment_id' . $this->con->in($co_ids) . ' ' .
'AND post_id in (SELECT tp.post_id ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post tp ' .
"WHERE tp.blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' ";
#If user can only delete, we need to check the post's owner
if (!$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$strReq .= "AND tp.user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->core->auth->userID()) . "' ";
$strReq .= ')';
$this->triggerComments($co_ids, true, $affected_posts);

     * Delete Junk comments
     * @throws     Exception  (description)
public function delJunkComments()
        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('delete,contentadmin', $this->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to delete comments'));

$strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'comment ' .
'WHERE comment_status = -2 ' .
'AND post_id in (SELECT tp.post_id ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post tp ' .
"WHERE tp.blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->id) . "' ";
#If user can only delete, we need to check the post's owner
if (!$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->id)) {
$strReq .= "AND tp.user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->core->auth->userID()) . "' ";
$strReq .= ')';

     * Gets the comment cursor.
     * @param      cursor     $cur    The comment cursor
     * @throws     Exception
private function getCommentCursor($cur)
        if (
$cur->comment_content !== null && $cur->comment_content == '') {
            throw new
Exception(__('You must provide a comment'));

        if (
$cur->comment_author !== null && $cur->comment_author == '') {
            throw new
Exception(__('You must provide an author name'));

        if (
$cur->comment_email != '' && !text::isEmail($cur->comment_email)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('Email address is not valid.'));

        if (
$cur->comment_site !== null && $cur->comment_site != '') {
            if (!
preg_match('|^http(s?)://|i', $cur->comment_site, $matches)) {
$cur->comment_site = 'http://' . $cur->comment_site;
            } else {
$cur->comment_site = strtolower($matches[0]) . substr($cur->comment_site, strlen($matches[0]));

        if (
$cur->comment_status === null) {
$cur->comment_status = (int) $this->settings->system->comments_pub;

# Words list
if ($cur->comment_content !== null) {
$cur->comment_words = implode(' ', text::splitWords($cur->comment_content));