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 * This file contains functions to open/close modal windows
 * (ONLY for bootstrap skins)

var modal_window_js_initialized = false;

 * Build and open madal window
 * @param string HTML content
 * @param string Width value in css format
 * @param boolean TRUE - to use transparent template
 * @param string Title of modal window (Used in bootstrap)
 * @param string|boolean Button to submit a form (Used in bootstrap), FALSE - to hide bottom panel with buttons
 * @param boolean FALSE by default, TRUE - to don't remove bootstrap panels
 * @param boolean TRUE - to clear all previous windows
 * @param string ID of iframe where all contents
 * @param function Event handler when dialog is shown
function openModalWindow( body_html, width, height, transparent, title, buttons, is_new_window, keep_panels, iframe_id, on_shown_handler, on_hide_handler )
var style_width = ( typeof( width ) == 'undefined' || width == 'auto' ) ? '' : 'width:' + width + ';';
var style_height = ( typeof( height ) == 'undefined' || height == 0 || height == '' ) ? '': 'height:' + height;
var modal_window_class = style_height.match( /%$/i ) ? ' evo_modal_window__percent_height' : '';
var use_buttons = ( typeof( buttons ) == 'undefined' || buttons !== false );
var button_form = 'form';

if( typeof( buttons ) != 'undefined' && buttons != '' )
if( typeof( buttons ) == 'object' )
{ // Specific button with params
var button_title = buttons[0];
var button_class = buttons[1];
var button_form = typeof( buttons[2] ) == 'undefined' ? 'form' : buttons[2];
{ // Standard button to submit a single form
var button_title = buttons;
var button_class = 'btn-primary';

if( typeof( is_new_window ) != 'undefined' && is_new_window )
{ // Clear previous opened window
jQuery( '#modal_window' ).remove();

if( jQuery( '#modal_window' ).length == 0 )
{ // Build modal window
var modal_html = '<div id="modal_window" class="modal fade' + modal_window_class + '" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"><div class="modal-dialog" style="' + style_width + style_height +'"><div class="modal-content">';
if( typeof title != 'undefined' && title != '' )
modal_html += '<div class="modal-header">' +
'<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' +
'<h4 class="modal-title">' + title + '</h4>' +
modal_html += '<div class="modal-body">' + body_html;

if( iframe_id )
var iframe = jQuery( '#' + iframe_id );
modal_html += '<script>'
+ 'jQuery( document ).ready( function() {'
+ 'var iframe = jQuery( \'#' + iframe_id + '\' );'
+ 'iframe.on( \'load\', function() {'
+ 'iframe.closest( \'.modal-body\' ).find( \'span.loader_img\' ).remove();'
+ 'setModalIFrameUnload( \'' + iframe_id + '\' );'
+ '});'
+ '});'
+ '</script>';

modal_html += '</div>';

if( use_buttons )
modal_html += '<div class="modal-footer">';
if( typeof( buttons ) != 'undefined' && buttons != '' )
modal_html += '<button class="btn ' + button_class + '" type="submit" style="display:none">' + button_title + '</button>';
modal_html += '<button class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">' + evo_js_lang_close + '</button></div>';
modal_html += '</div></div></div>';
jQuery( 'body' ).append( modal_html );
{ // Use existing modal window
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-body' ).html( body_html );

if( typeof( iframe_id ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( '#' + iframe_id ).on( 'load', function()
{ // Prepare modal window only after loading full content:
prepareModalWindow( jQuery( this ).contents(), button_form, use_buttons, keep_panels );
jQuery( '#modal_window .loader_img' ).remove();
jQuery( '#' + iframe_id ).show();
} );
prepareModalWindow( '#modal_window', button_form, use_buttons, keep_panels );

if( typeof( on_shown_handler ) == 'function' )
jQuery( '#modal_window' ).on( '', on_shown_handler );

// Init modal window and show
var options = {};
if( modal_window_js_initialized )
options = 'show';
jQuery( '#modal_window' ).modal( options );
if( style_width == '' )
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-dialog' ).css( { 'display': 'table', 'width': 'auto' } );
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-dialog .modal-content' ).css( { 'display': 'table-cell' } );

jQuery( '#modal_window').on( '', function ()
{ // Remove modal window on hide event to draw new window in next time with new title and button
jQuery( this ).remove();
if( typeof( on_hide_handler ) == 'function' )
} );

modal_window_js_initialized = true;

function prepareModalWindow( modal_document, button_form, use_buttons, keep_panels )
if( use_buttons )
if( typeof( keep_panels ) == 'undefined' || ! keep_panels )
{ // Remove these elements, they are displayed as title and button of modal window
jQuery( 'legend', modal_document ).remove();
jQuery( '#close_button', modal_document ).remove();
jQuery( '.panel, .panel-body', modal_document ).removeClass( 'panel panel-default panel-body' );

if( jQuery( button_form + ' input[type=submit]', modal_document ).length == 0 )
{ // Hide a submit button in the footer if real submit input doesn't exist
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-footer button[type=submit]' ).hide();
jQuery( button_form + ' input[type=submit]', modal_document ).hide();
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-footer button[type=submit]' ).show();

jQuery( button_form, modal_document ).change( function()
{ // Find the submit inputs when html is changed
var input_submit = jQuery( this ).find( 'input[type=submit]' )
if( input_submit.length > 0 )
{ // Hide a real submit input and Show button of footer
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-footer button[type=submit]' ).show();
{ // Hide button of footer if real submit input doesn't exist
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-footer button[type=submit]' ).hide();
} );

// The following clears all existing click events before binding it to a new one
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-footer button[type=submit]' ).off( 'click' );
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-footer button[type=submit]' ).on( 'click', function()
{ // Copy a click event from real submit input to button of footer
if( jQuery( this ).data( 'click_init' ) === 1 )
{ // Don't initialize same event twice:
jQuery( button_form + ' input[type=submit]', modal_document ).click();
jQuery( this ).data( 'click_init', 1 );
} );

// Move all buttons to the footer:
var link_buttons = '';
jQuery( button_form + ' a.btn', modal_document ).each( function()
link_buttons += '<a href=' + jQuery( this ).attr( 'href' ) + '>' +
'<button type="button" class="' + jQuery( this ).attr( 'class' ) + '">' +
jQuery( this ).html() +
'</button></a> ';
jQuery( this ).remove();
} );
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-footer' ).prepend( link_buttons );

if( jQuery( button_form + ' #current_modal_title', modal_document ).length > 0 )
{ // Change window title
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-title' ).html( jQuery( button_form + ' #current_modal_title', modal_document ).html() );

 * Close modal window
 * @param object Document object
function closeModalWindow( document_obj, on_hide_handler )
if( typeof( document_obj ) == 'undefined' )
document_obj = window.document;

if( typeof( on_hide_handler ) == 'function' )
jQuery( '#modal_window' ).on( '', on_hide_handler );
jQuery( '#modal_window', document_obj ).modal( 'hide' );

return false;

function setModalIFrameUnload( iframe_id )
var iframe = jQuery( '#' + iframe_id );
iframe[0].contentWindow.onunload = function()
var modal_body = iframe.closest( '.modal-body' );
var spinner = jQuery( '<span class="loader_img absolute_center" title="' + evo_js_lang_loading + '"></span>' );
jQuery( modal_body ).prepend( spinner );