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(function ($) {

 * Attaches the batch behavior to progress bars.
Drupal.behaviors.batch = {
  attach: function (context, settings) {
    $('#progress', context).once('batch', function () {
      var holder = $(this);
      // Remove HTML from no-js progress bar. The JS progress bar is created
      // later on.

      // Success: redirect to the summary.
      var updateCallback = function (progress, status, pb) {
        if (progress == 100) {
          window.location = settings.batch.uri + '&op=finished';

      var errorCallback = function (pb) {
        holder.prepend($('<p class="error"></p>').html(settings.batch.errorMessage));

      var progress = new Drupal.progressBar('updateprogress', updateCallback, 'POST', errorCallback);
      progress.setProgress(-1, settings.batch.initMessage);
      progress.startMonitoring(settings.batch.uri + '&op=do', 10);
