* This is sent to a ((User)) when he requested a password reset. Typically includes an link to access the password reset/change screen.
* For more info about email skins, see: http://b2evolution.net/man/themes-templates-skins/email-skins/
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
* @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
// ---------------------------- EMAIL HEADER INCLUDED HERE ----------------------------
emailskin_include( '_email_header.inc.html.php', $params );
// ------------------------------- END OF EMAIL HEADER --------------------------------
* @var Session
global $Session, $admin_url;
global $dummy_fields;
// Default params:
$params = array_merge( array(
'user_count' => '',
'request_id' => '',
'blog_param' => '',
), $params );
$UserCache = & get_UserCache();
$message_content = '';
// Iterate through the User Cache
while( ( $iterator_User = & $UserCache->get_next() ) != NULL )
// Note: we don't want to display the avatar in this specific case.
if( $params['user_count'] > 1 )
{ // Several accounts with the given email address, display last used date for each
$message_content .= '<div style="margin: 1em 0; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; padding: 1em 1em 1ex;">';
$message_content .= '<p'.emailskin_style( '.p' ).'>'.T_( 'Login' ).': '.$iterator_User->get_colored_login( array( 'mask' => '$login$', 'protocol' => 'http:' ) )."</p>\n";
$user_lastseen_ts = $iterator_User->get( 'lastseen_ts' );
if( empty( $user_lastseen_ts ) )
{ // user has never logged in
$message_content .= T_( 'Never used.' )."\n";
$message_content .= T_( 'Last used on' ).': <b>'.format_to_output( mysql2localedatetime( $user_lastseen_ts ) )."</b>\n";
$message_content .= '<p'.emailskin_style( '.p' ).'>'.T_( 'Login' ).': '.$iterator_User->get_colored_login( array( 'mask' => '$login$', 'protocol' => 'http:' ) )."</p>\n";
$url_change_password = get_htsrv_url( 'login' ).'login.php?action=changepwd'
.'&'.$dummy_fields[ 'login' ].'='.rawurlencode( $iterator_User->login )
// Restrict the password change url to be saved in the email logs
$url_change_password = '$secret_content_start$'.$url_change_password.'$secret_content_end$';
// Buttons:
$message_content .= '<div'.emailskin_style( 'div.buttons' ).'>'."\n";
$message_content .= get_link_tag( $url_change_password, T_( 'Reset your password NOW' ), 'div.buttons a+a.btn-primary' )."\n";
$message_content .= "</div>\n";
if( $params['user_count'] > 1 )
{ // Several accounts with the given email address, display last used date for each
$message_content .= '</div>';
if( empty( $stats_perm ) && ! empty( $iterator_User ) && $iterator_User->check_perm( 'stats', 'view' ) )
$stats_perm = true;
if( $params['user_count'] > 1 )
{ // exists more account with the given email address
$message_content = '<p'.emailskin_style( '.p' ).'>'.T_( 'It seems you have multiple accounts associated to this email address. Choose the one you want to use below:' ).'</p>'.$message_content;
$message_note = T_( 'For security reasons the links are only valid for your current session (by means of your session cookie).' );
$message_note = T_( 'For security reasons the link is only valid for your current session (by means of your session cookie).' );
echo '<p'.emailskin_style( '.p' ).'>'.T_( 'Somebody (presumably you) has requested a password reset for your account.' )."</p>\n";
echo $message_content;
echo '<p'.emailskin_style( '.p+.note' ).'>'.T_('Please note:').' '.$message_note."</p>\n";
echo '<p'.emailskin_style( '.p' ).'><i'.emailskin_style( '.note' ).'>'.T_('If you did not request this password reset, simply ignore this email.').'</i></p>';
if( isset( $stats_perm ) && $stats_perm )
$session_ID = '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=stats&tab=hits&blog=0&sess_ID='.$Session->ID.'">'.$Session->ID.'</a>';
$session_ID = $Session->ID;
echo '<p'.emailskin_style( '.p+.note' ).'>'.sprintf( T_('Session ID').': %s', $session_ID ).'</p>';
// ---------------------------- EMAIL FOOTER INCLUDED HERE ----------------------------
emailskin_include( '_email_footer.inc.html.php', $params );
// ------------------------------- END OF EMAIL FOOTER --------------------------------