Seditio Source
Root |
 * This plugin replaces the textarea in the "Write" tab with {@link tinyMCE}.
 * This file is part of the b2evolution/evocms project - {@link}.
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright 2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
 * @copyright 2009 by Francois Planque - {@link}.
 * @package plugins
 * @author blueyed: Daniel HAHLER
 * @author fplanque: Francois Planque
 * @author PhiBo: Philipp Seidel (since version 0.6)
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * The TinyMCE plugin.
 * It provides replacing edit components with the JavaScript rich text editor TinyMCE.
 * @todo Make sure settings get transformed from 0.6 to 0.7 and obsolete ones get dropped from the DB!
 * @todo dh> use require_js_async() and require_js_defer() and add_js_headline() for the JavaScript includes
 * @todo fp> see bbcode plugin for an example about how to convert [tag] to <tag> on the fly for editing purposes. May be used for [img:] tags in b2evo. May also be used for b2evo smilies display. ed.onBeforeSetContent ed.onPostProcess
 * @todo fp> lang.js files should be moved to the standard language packs. Maybe served by .php files outputting javascript.
 * @todo dh> This is a nice plugin to apply classes and IDs:
 * @todo dh> Integrate our Filemanager via
class tinymce_plugin extends Plugin
$code = 'evo_TinyMCE';
$name = 'TinyMCE';
$priority = 10;
$version = '7.2.3';
$group = 'editor';
$number_of_installs = 1;

$collection = NULL;
$post_ID = NULL;
$blog_ID = NULL;

$target_type = NULL;
$target_ID = NULL;
$temp_ID = NULL;

PluginInit( & $params )
$this->short_desc = $this->T_('Javascript WYSIWYG editor');

     * Define here default collection/blog settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_coll_setting_definitions( & $params )
//$default_params = array_merge( $params, array( 'default_comment_using' => 'disabled' ) );

        //return parent::get_coll_setting_definitions( $default_params );
return $this->get_custom_setting_definitions( $params );

     * Define here default custom settings that are to be made available
     *     in the backoffice for collections, private messages and newsletters.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::get_custom_setting_definitions()}.
function get_custom_setting_definitions( & $params )
        return array(
'back_layout_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label' => T_('Back-office'),
'coll_use_for_posts' => array(
'label' => T_( 'Use for posts' ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'note' => '',
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'coll_use_for_comments' => array(
'label' => T_( 'Use for comments' ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'note' => '',
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'back_layout_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'front_layout_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label' => T_('Front-office'),
'coll_use_for_posts_front' => array(
'label' => T_( 'Use for posts' ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'note' => '',
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'coll_use_for_comments_front' => array(
'label' => T_( 'Use for comments' ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'note' => '',
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'front_layout_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

     * Define the GLOBAL settings of the plugin here. These can then be edited in the backoffice in System > Plugins.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters (since v1.9).
     *    'for_editing': true, if the settings get queried for editing;
     *                   false, if they get queried for instantiating {@link Plugin::$Settings}.
     * @return array see {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
     * The array to be returned should define the names of the settings as keys (max length is 30 chars)
     * and assign an array with the following keys to them (only 'label' is required):
function GetDefaultSettings( & $params )
        return array(
'default_use_tinymce' => array(
'label' => $this->T_('Use TinyMCE (Default)'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => '1',
'note' => $this->T_('This is the default, which users can override in their profile.'),
'use_gzip_compressor' => array(
'label' => $this->T_('Use compressor'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'note' => $this->T_('Use the TinyMCE compressor, which improves loading time.'),
/* Ugly
            'tmce_options_begin' => array(
                'label' => $this->T_('Advanced editor options'),
                'layout' => 'begin_fieldset'

'tmce_options_contextmenu' => array( // fp> keep for now
'label' => $this->T_('Context menu'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'note' => $this->T_('Enable this to use an extra context menu in the editor.').' <span class="red">'.T_('Enabling this will prevent browser-side spelling correction.').'</span>'

'tmce_options_spellcheck' => array( // fp> keep for now
'label' => $this->T_('Browser spell checking'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'note' => $this->T_('Enable browser-based spell checking.')

'tmce_options_paste' => array( // fp> keep for now
'label' => $this->T_('Advanced paste support'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'note' => $this->T_('Enable this to add support for pasting easily word and plain text files')
'tmce_options_directionality' => array( // keep for now
'label' => $this->T_('Directionality support'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'note' => $this->T_('Enable to add directionality icons to TinyMCE for better handling of right-to-left languages')
/* /Ugly
            'tmce_options_end' => array(
                    'layout' => 'end_fieldset'
'tmce_custom_conf' => array( // fp> over-kill dh> I tend to leave this in, as it allows to configure it as-you-need, especially when a lot of the advanced stuff gets removed from the admin.
'label' => $this->T_('Custom TinyMCE init'),
'type' => 'textarea',
'defaultvalue' => // Provide some sample:
'height : 240',
'note' => sprintf( $this->T_('Custom parameters to tinymce.init(). See the <a %s>TinyMCE manual</a>.'), 'href=""' ),

     * Declare custom events that this plugin fires.
     * The gallery2_plugin uses these.
     * Plugins can set the "load_before_init" parameter with some javascript code
     * that will be executed before tinymce.init() is called. This is most useful
     * for inserting code to load an external tinymce plugin.
     * Supported events are as follows:
     * tinymce_before_init: Allows other b2evo plugins to load tinymce plugins
     *                      before the tinymce init.
     * Example:
     * function tinymce_before_init( &$params ) {
     *   $mypluginurl = \$this->get_plugin_url()."myplugin/plugin.min.js";
     *   echo "tinymce.PluginManager.load('myplugin', '".$mypluginurl."');";
     * }
     * tinymce_extend_plugins: Allows b2evo plugins to extend the plugin list.
     *                         TinyMCE often needs to be told not to load an
     *                         external plugin during it's load phase because it's
     *                         already been loaded. The plugin list is exposed
     *                         in the tinymce_plugins property in the params.
     * Example:
     * function tinymce_extend_plugins( &$params ) {
     *   array_push($params["tinymce_plugins"], "-myplugin");
     * }
     * tinymce_extend_buttons: Allows b2evo plugins to extend the buttons in the
     *                         Third button panel.The buttons list is exposed
     *                         in the tinymce_buttons property in the params.
     * Example:
     * function tinymce_extend_buttons( &$params ) {
     *   array_push($params["tinymce_buttons"], "mypluginbutton");
     * }
function GetExtraEvents()
        return array(
"tinymce_before_init"    => "Event that is called before tinymce is initialized",
"tinymce_extend_plugins" => "Event called to allow other plugins to extend the plugin list",
"tinymce_extend_buttons" => "Event called to allow other plugins to extend the button list"

     * Define the PER-USER settings of the plugin here. These can then be edited by each user.
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *    'for_editing': true, if the settings get queried for editing;
     *                   false, if they get queried for instantiating
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function GetDefaultUserSettings( & $params )
$r = array(
'use_tinymce' => array(
'label' => $this->T_('Use TinyMCE'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => $this->Settings->get('default_use_tinymce'),
'note' => $this->T_('Check this to enable the extended Javascript editor (TinyMCE).'),

/* Ugly
        $r['tmce_options_begin'] = array(
                    'label' => $this->T_('Advanced editor options'),
                    'layout' => 'begin_fieldset' // fp> ugly

$r['tmce_options_contextmenu'] = array( // fp> keep for now
'label' => $this->T_('Context menu'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => $this->Settings->get('tmce_options_contextmenu'),
'note' => $this->T_('Enable this to use an extra context menu in the editor.').' <span class="red">'.T_('Enabling this will prevent browser-side spelling correction.').'</span>'
$r['tmce_options_spellcheck'] = array(
'label' => $this->T_('Browser spell checking'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'note' => $this->T_('Enable browser-based spell checking.')
$r['tmce_options_paste'] = array( // fp> keep for now
'label' => $this->T_('Advanced paste support'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => $this->Settings->get('tmce_options_paste'),
'note' => $this->T_('Enable this to add support for easily pasting word and plain text files')
$r['tmce_options_directionality'] = array(
'label' => $this->T_('Directionality support'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => $this->Settings->get('tmce_options_directionality'),
'note' => $this->T_('Enable to add directionality icons to TinyMCE that enables TinyMCE to better handle languages that is written from right to left.')

/* Ugly
        $r['tmce_options_end'] = array(
                    'layout' => 'end_fieldset'

return $r;

     * We require b2evo 3.3+
function GetDependencies()
        return array(
'requires' => array(
'api_min' => array( 3, 3 ), // obsolete, but required for b2evo 1.8 before 1.8.3
'app_min' => '3.3.0-rc1',

     * Init the TinyMCE object (in backoffice).
     * This is done late, so that scriptaculous has been loaded before,
     * which got used by the youtube_plugin and caused problems with tinymce.
     * @todo dh> use jQuery's document.ready wrapper
     * ---
     * Event handler: Called when displaying editor buttons (in back-office).
     * This method, if implemented, should output the buttons (probably as html INPUT elements)
     * and return true, if button(s) have been displayed.
     * You should provide an unique html ID with each button.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *   - 'target_type': either 'Comment' or 'Item'.
     *   - 'edit_layout': "inskin", "expert", etc. (users, hackers, plugins, etc. may create their own layouts in addition to these)
     *                    NOTE: Please respect the "inskin" mode, which should display only the most simple things!
     * @return boolean did we display a button?
function AdminDisplayEditorButton( & $params )

        if( empty(
$params['content_id'] ) )
// Value of html attribute "id" of textarea where tinymce is applied
            // Don't allow empty id:
return false;

        if( empty(
$params['target_object'] ) )
// Target object must be defined:
return false;

$params = array_merge( array(
'temp_ID' => NULL,  // Temporary LinkOwnerID
), $params );

$params['target_type'] )
// Initialize settings for item:
global $Collection, $Blog;

$this->collection = $Blog->get( 'urlname' );
$edited_Item = & $params['target_object'];
$this->target_type = 'Item';
$this->target_ID = $edited_Item->ID;
$this->temp_ID = $params['temp_ID'];

                if( !
$edited_Item->get_type_setting( 'allow_html' ) )
// Only when HTML is allowed in post:
return false;

$edited_Item->get_type_setting( 'use_text' ) == 'never' )
// Only when text is allowed for current item type:
return false;

$item_Blog = & $edited_Item->get_Blog();

$params['edit_layout'] == 'inskin' )
// Front-office:
if( ! $this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_use_for_posts_front', $item_Blog ) )
                    if( !
$this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_use_for_posts', $item_Blog ) )
// This plugin is disabled to use for posts:
return false;

$state_params = array(
'type' => $params['target_type'],
'blog' => $Blog->ID,
'item' => $edited_Item->ID,

// Initialize settings for email campaign:
$edited_EmailCampaign = & $params['target_object'];
$this->target_type = 'EmailCampaign';
$this->target_ID = $edited_EmailCampaign->ID;

$state_params = array(
'type'  => $params['target_type'],
'email' => $edited_EmailCampaign->ID,

                if( !
is_admin_page() && $disable_tinymce_for_frontoffice_comment_form )
// Disable TinyMCE until JS can be fixed to defer load:
return false;

// Initialize settings for item:
global $Collection, $Blog;

$edited_Comment = & $params['target_object'];
$edited_Item = & $edited_Comment->get_Item();
$this->target_type = 'Comment';
$this->target_ID   = $edited_Comment->ID;
$this->temp_ID     = $params['temp_ID'];

                if( ! empty(
$Blog ) && ! $Blog->get_setting( 'allow_html_comment' ) )
// Only when HTML is allowed in comment:
return false;

$item_Blog = & $edited_Item->get_Blog();

$edited_Comment->is_meta() )
// Do not use TinyMCE for internal comments, never!
return false;

$params['edit_layout'] == 'inskin' )
// Front-office:
if( ! $this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_use_for_comments_front', $item_Blog ) )
                    if( !
$this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_use_for_comments', $item_Blog ) )
// This plugin is disabled to use for comments:
return false;

// Currently shares the same editor state as Item above:
$state_params = array(
'type' => $params['target_type'],
'blog' => $Blog->ID,
'item' => $edited_Item->ID,

// Initialize settings for email campaign:
global $Settings;

$edited_Message = & $params['target_object'];
$this->target_type = 'Message';
$this->target_ID = empty( $edited_Message ) ? NULL : $edited_Message->ID;
$this->temp_ID = $params['temp_ID'];

                if( !
$Settings->get( 'allow_html_message' ) )
// Only when HTML is allowed for messages:
return false;

$state_params = array(
'type'    => $params['target_type'],
'message' => empty( $edited_Message ) ? NULL : $edited_Message->ID,

// Don't allow this plugin for another things:
return false;

// JS config:
$tinymce_config = array(
'content_id'  => $params['content_id'],
'plugin_code' => $this->code,

$params['edit_layout'] )
// Get init params, depending on edit mode: simple|expert
$tmce_init = $this->get_tmce_init( $params['edit_layout'], $params['content_id'], $params['target_type'] );

$toggle_editor_config = array(
'save_state_html_url'    => $this->get_htsrv_url( 'save_editor_state', array_merge( $state_params, array( 'on' => 0 ) ), '&' ),
'save_state_wysiwyg_url' => $this->get_htsrv_url( 'save_editor_state', array_merge( $state_params, array( 'on' => 1 ) ), '&' ),
$tinymce_config['toggle_editor'] = $toggle_editor_config;

                <div class="btn-group evo_tinymce_toggle_buttons" data-content-id="<?php echo format_to_output( $params['content_id'], 'htmlattr' ); ?>">
                    <input id="tinymce_plugin_toggle_button_html" type="button" value="<?php echo format_to_output( $this->T_('Markup'), 'htmlattr' ); ?>" class="btn btn-default active" disabled="disabled"
                        title="<?php echo format_to_output( $this->T_('Toggle to the markup/pro editor.'), 'htmlattr' ); ?>" />
                    <input id="tinymce_plugin_toggle_button_wysiwyg" type="button" value="WYSIWYG" class="btn btn-default"
                        title="<?php echo format_to_output( $this->T_('Toggle to the WYSIWYG editor.'), 'htmlattr' ); ?>" />

// Load TinyMCE Javascript source file:
require_js_defer( '#tinymce#', 'blog', true );
require_js_defer( '#tinymce_jquery#', 'blog', true );
$this->require_js_defer( 'js/evo_init_plugin_tinymce.js', true );
$this->require_js_defer( 'js/evo_view_shortcodes.bmin.js', true );

$use_tinymce = $this->get_editor_state( $state_params );

$tinymce_init_config = array(
'use_tinymce'        => $use_tinymce,
'tmce_init'          => $tmce_init,
'display_error_msg'  => sprintf( $this->T_('TinyMCE javascript could not be loaded. Check the "%s" plugin setting.'), $this->T_('URL to TinyMCE') ),
'update_content_url' => $this->get_htsrv_url( 'convert_content_to_wysiwyg', array(), '&' ),
'crumb_tinymce'      => get_crumb( 'tinymce' ),
$tinymce_config['editor'] = $tinymce_init_config;

$use_tinymce )
// User used MCE last time, load MCE on document.ready:
$editor_code = $this->code;

// By default set the editor code to an empty string
echo '<input type="hidden" name="editor_code" value="">';

is_ajax_request() )
                    jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
                            evo_init_tinymce( <?php echo evo_json_encode( $tinymce_config ); ?> );
                        } );
expose_var_to_js( 'tinymce_'.$params['content_id'], $tinymce_config, 'evo_tinymce_config' );

// We also want to save the 'last used/not-used' state: (if no NULLs, this won't change anything)
$this->htsrv_save_editor_state( array_merge( $state_params, array( 'on' => $use_tinymce ) ) );


     * Init the TinyMCE object (in front office).
     * Event handler: Called when displaying editor buttons (in front-office).
     * This method, if implemented, should output the buttons (probably as html INPUT elements)
     * and return true, if button(s) have been displayed.
     * You should provide an unique html ID with each button.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *   - 'target_type': either 'Comment' or 'Item'.
     *   - 'edit_layout': "inskin", "expert", etc. (users, hackers, plugins, etc. may create their own layouts in addition to these)
     *                    NOTE: Please respect the "inskin" mode, which should display only the most simple things!
     * @return boolean did we display a button?
function DisplayEditorButton( & $params )
$this->AdminDisplayEditorButton( $params );

     * Create Options for TinyMCE.init() (non-compressor) - not TinyMCE_GZ.init (compressor)!!
     * @todo fp> valid_elements to try to generate less validation errors
     * @param string simple|expert
     * @param string ID of the edited content (value of html attribure "id")
     * @param string Item | EmailCampaign | Comment
     * @return string|false
function get_tmce_init( $edit_layout, $content_id, $target_type )
$Collection, $Blog;
$localtimenow, $debug, $rsc_url, $rsc_path, $skins_path, $skins_url;


// Get URL of TinyMCE JS files:
$tiny_mce_js_files_url = ( is_admin_page() || empty( $Blog ) ? $rsc_url : $Blog->get_local_rsc_url() ).'ext/tiny_mce/';

$tmce_plugins_array = array(

function_exists( 'enchant_broker_init' ) )
// Requires Enchant spelling library
$tmce_plugins_array[] = 'spellchecker';

$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons1_array = array();
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons2_array = array();
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons3_array = array();
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons4_array = array();

$UserSettings->get('control_form_abortions') )
// Activate bozo validator: autosave plugin in TinyMCE
$tmce_plugins_array[] = 'autosave';

$this->UserSettings->get('tmce_options_contextmenu') == 1 )
$tmce_plugins_array[] = 'contextmenu';

/* ----------- button row 1 : paragraph related styles ------------ */
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons1_array = array(
'alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify',
'bullist numlist',
'outdent indent'
/* ----------- button row 2 : font related styles ------------ */
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons2_array = array(
'bold italic strikethrough forecolor backcolor',
'subscript superscript',
'fontselect fontsizeselect',
/* ----------- button row 3 : tools + insert buttons ------------ */
$image_media_buttons = ( ( $target_type == 'Comment' ) && empty( $this->target_ID ) ? 'image media' : 'evo_image image media' );
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons3_array = array(
'undo redo',

$image_media_buttons,   // can evo_image work in front office?
'link unlink',
'nonbreaking charmap',

$target_type == 'Item' )
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons3_array[] = 'morebreak pagebreak';

$edit_layout != 'inskin' )
// Additional toolbar for BACK-OFFICE only:
            /* ----------- button row 4 ------------ */
$tmce_plugins_array[] = 'visualchars';
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons4_array = array(

$this->UserSettings->get('tmce_options_directionality') == 1 )
$tmce_plugins_array[] = 'directionality';
array_push($tmce_theme_advanced_buttons4_array, 'ltr rtl');

$this->UserSettings->get('tmce_options_paste') == 1 )
$tmce_plugins_array[] = 'paste';
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons4_array[] = 'pastetext';

function_exists( 'enchant_broker_init' ) )
// Requires Enchant spelling library
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons4_array[] = 'spellchecker';

$tmce_plugins_array[] = 'code';
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons4_array[] = 'code';

$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons4_array =
"tinymce_buttons" => $tmce_theme_advanced_buttons4_array),

$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons1 = implode( ' | ' , $tmce_theme_advanced_buttons1_array );
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons2 = implode( ' | ' , $tmce_theme_advanced_buttons2_array );
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons3 = implode( ' | ' , $tmce_theme_advanced_buttons3_array );
$tmce_theme_advanced_buttons4 = implode( ' | ' , $tmce_theme_advanced_buttons4_array );

$tmce_plugins_array =
"tinymce_plugins" => $tmce_plugins_array),

$tmce_plugins = implode( ',' , $tmce_plugins_array );

$current_locale, $plugins_path;
$tmce_language = substr($current_locale, 0, 2);
// waltercruz> Fallback to english if there's no tinymce equivalent to the user locale
        // to avoid some strange screens like
$lang_path = $rsc_path.'ext/tiny_mce/langs/'.$tmce_language.'.js';
        if( !
file_exists( $lang_path ) )
$tmce_language = 'en';

// Configuration: --
$init_options = array();
$init_options['blog_ID'] = !empty( $Blog ) ? $Blog->ID : NULL;
$init_options['cache_suffix'] = '?v='.$this->version;
$init_options['selector'] = 'textarea#'.$content_id;

$this->Settings->get( 'use_gzip_compressor' ) )
// Load script to use gzip compressor:
$init_options['script_url'] = get_require_url( 'ext:tiny_mce/tinymce.gzip.php', 'blog', 'js' );

// B2evo plugin options
$init_options['collection']  = $this->collection;
$insert_inline_modal_params = array(
'request_from' => is_admin_page() ? 'back' : 'front',

$init_options['target_ID'] = isset( $this->target_ID ) ? $this->target_ID : NULL;
$insert_inline_modal_params['target_ID'] = isset( $this->target_ID ) ? $this->target_ID : NULL;
$init_options['temp_ID'] = isset( $this->temp_ID ) ? $this->temp_ID : NULL;
$init_options['target_type'] = isset( $this->target_type ) ? $this->target_type : NULL;
$insert_inline_modal_params['target_type'] = isset( $this->target_type ) ? $this->target_type : NULL;

$init_options['rest_url']       = get_htsrv_url().'rest.php';
$init_options['anon_async_url'] = get_htsrv_url().'anon_async.php';

$Blog )
$insert_inline_modal_params['blog'] = $Blog->ID;
        if( isset(
$this->temp_ID ) )
$insert_inline_modal_params['temp_ID'] = $this->temp_ID;

$init_options['modal_url'] = $this->get_htsrv_url( 'insert_inline', $insert_inline_modal_params, '&' );

$init_options['fontsize_formats'] = '8pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 16pt 18pt 24pt 36pt';

$init_options['theme'] = 'modern';
$init_options['menubar'] = false;

$init_options['plugins'] = $tmce_plugins;
$init_options['external_plugins'] = array(
'morebreak' => $tiny_mce_js_files_url.'plugins/morebreak/plugin.min.js'
$init_options['morebreak_separator'] = '[teaserbreak]';
$init_options['pagebreak_separator'] = '[pagebreak]';

// Toolbars:
$init_options['toolbar1'] = $tmce_theme_advanced_buttons1;
$init_options['toolbar2'] = $tmce_theme_advanced_buttons2;
$init_options['toolbar3'] = $tmce_theme_advanced_buttons3;
$init_options['toolbar4'] = $tmce_theme_advanced_buttons4;

// Context menu:
if( $this->Settings->get( 'tmce_options_contextmenu' ) == 1 )
$init_options['contextmenu'] = 'cut copy paste | link image | inserttable';

$this->Settings->get( 'tmce_options_spellcheck' ) == 1 )
$init_options['browser_spellcheck'] = true;
$init_options['browser_spellcheck'] = false;

// UI options:
$init_options['block_formats'] = 'Paragraph=p;Preformatted=pre;Block Quote=blockquote;Heading 2=h2;Heading 3=h3;Heading 4=h4;Heading 5=h5;Heading 6=h6;Address=address;Definition Term=dt;Definition Description=dd;DIV=div';
$init_options['resize']        = true;
$init_options['language']      = $tmce_language;
$init_options['language_url']  = $tiny_mce_js_files_url.'langs/'.$tmce_language.'.js';

function_exists( 'enchant_broker_init' ) )
// Requires Enchant spelling library
$init_options['spellchecker_rpc_url'] = 'spellchecker.php';
// body_class : "my_class"
        // CSS used in the iframe/editable area: --
        // note: $version may not be needed below because of automatic suffix? not sure..
        // TODO: we don't want all of basic.css here

        // Prevent object resizing in editor
$init_options['object_resizing'] = false;

$init_options['extended_valid_elements'] = 'figure[class],figcaption[class]';

// Options below should prevent insertion of <p> for every newline:
        //$init_options['force_p_newlines'] = false';
        //$init_options['forced_root_block'] = '';

        // Content CSS:
$content_css = array();
        if( ! empty(
$Blog ) )
// Load the appropriate ITEM/POST styles depending on the blog's skin:
            // Note: we are not aiming for perfect wysiwyg (too heavy), just for a relevant look & feel.
$blog_skin_ID = $Blog->get_skin_ID();
            if( ! empty(
$blog_skin_ID ) )
$SkinCache = & get_SkinCache();
                 * @var Skin
$Skin = $SkinCache->get_by_ID( $blog_skin_ID );
$item_css_path = $skins_path.$Skin->folder.'/style.css';
$item_css_url = $skins_url.$Skin->folder.'/style.min.css';
// else: $item_css_url = $rsc_url.'css/item_base.css';
if( file_exists( $item_css_path ) )
$content_css[] = $item_css_url;        // fp> TODO: this needs to be a param... "of course" -- if none: else item_default.css ?

// Load b2evo base css
$content_css[] = $baseurl.'rsc/build/bootstrap-b2evo_base.bmin.css';
// else item_default.css -- is it still possible to have no skin ?

// Load the content css files from 3rd party code, e.g. other plugins:
global $tinymce_content_css, $app_version_long;

$tinymce_content_css[] = get_require_url( $this->get_plugin_url().'evo_view.css', 'absolute', 'css', $this->version.'+'.$app_version_long );
$tinymce_content_css[] = get_require_url( $this->get_plugin_url().'editor.css', 'absolute', 'css', $this->version.'+'.$app_version_long );

is_array( $tinymce_content_css ) && count( $tinymce_content_css ) )
$content_css = implode( ',', array_merge( $content_css, $tinymce_content_css ) );

$init_options['content_css'] = $content_css;

// Generated HTML code options:
        // Do not make the path relative to "document_base_url":
        //$init_options[] = 'relative_urls : false';
$init_options['relative_urls'] = false;

// Do not convert absolute urls to relative if url domain is the same as current page,
        // (we should keep urls as they were entered manually, because urls can be broken if collection has different domain than back-office; also an issue with RSS feeds):
$init_options['convert_urls'] = false;
$init_options['entity_encoding'] = 'raw';

// Autocomplete options:
$init_options['autocomplete_options'] = 'window.tinymce_autocomplete_static_options'; // Must be initialize before as string with usernames that are separated by comma
$init_options['autocomplete_options_url'] = get_restapi_url().'users/autocomplete';

// remove_linebreaks : false,
        // not documented:    auto_cleanup_word : true,

        // Prevent auto generated <p> that wrap around the views
        //$init_options['forced_root_block'] = '';

        // Enable advanced tab for images:
$init_options['image_advtab'] = true;

// Disable branding:
$init_options['branding'] = false;

// custom conf:
if( $tmce_custom_conf = $this->Settings->get('tmce_custom_conf') )
$tmce_custom_conf = preg_split("/\r\n|\n|\r/", $tmce_custom_conf);
$tmce_custom_conf as $row )
$key, $value ) = explode( ':', $row );
$init_options[trim( $key ) ] = trim( $value );


     * Get URL of file to include as "content_css" for layout and classes in TinyMCE.
     * @return array (path, url)
    function get_item_css_path_and_url($Blog)
        global $skins_url, $skins_path;

        # TODO: make this a setting
        #if( $r = $this->Settings->get('content_css') )
        #    return $r;

        // Load the appropriate ITEM/POST styles depending on the blog's skin:
        if( ! empty( $Blog->skin_ID) )
            $SkinCache = & get_SkinCache();
             * @var Skin
            $Skin = $SkinCache->get_by_ID( $Blog->skin_ID );
            $item_css_path = $Skin->folder.'/item.css';        // fp> TODO: this needs to be a param... "of course" -- if none: else item_default.css ?
            // else: $item_css_path = 'css/item_base.css';

            $item_css_path = $Skin->folder.'/style.css';

            return array($skins_path.$item_css_path, $skins_url.$item_css_path);
        // else item_default.css -- is it still possible to have no skin ?

        return array(NULL, NULL);

     * AJAX callback to save editor state (on or off).
     * @param array Params
function htsrv_save_editor_state( $params )
        if( ! isset(
$params['on'] ) )
// Wrong request:

$params['type'] )
// Save an edit state for item edit form:

if( ! empty( $params['blog'] ) )
// This is in order to try & recall a specific state for each blog: (will be used for new posts especially)
$this->UserSettings->set( 'use_tinymce_coll'.intval( $params['blog'] ), intval( $params['on'] ) );
$this->UserSettings->set( 'use_tinymce', intval( $params['on'] ) );

// Save an edit state for email campaign edit form:
$EmailCampaignCache = & get_EmailCampaignCache();
$EmailCampaign = & $EmailCampaignCache->get_by_ID( intval( $params['email'] ), false, false ) )
$EmailCampaign->set( 'use_wysiwyg', intval( $params['on'] ) );

     * Opens modal to insert inline image tags
     * @param array Params
function htsrv_insert_inline( $params )
insert_image_links_block( $params );

     * Get editor state
     * @param array Params
function get_editor_state( $params )
$params['type'] )
// Get an edit state for item edit form:

$ItemCache = & get_ItemCache();
$Item = & $ItemCache->get_by_ID( $params['item'], false, false );

$item_editor_code = ( empty( $Item ) ? NULL : $Item->get_setting( 'editor_code' ) );

                if( ! empty(
$item_editor_code ) )
// We have a preference for the current post, follow it:
                    // Use tinymce if code matched the code of the current plugin.
                    // fp> Note: this is a temporary solution; in the long term, this will be part of the API and the appropriate plugin will be selected.
$editor_state = ( $item_editor_code == $this->code );
// We have no pref, fall back to whatever current user has last used:

                    // Has the user used MCE last time he edited this particular blog?
$editor_state = $this->UserSettings->get( 'use_tinymce_coll'.$params['blog'] );

is_null( $editor_state ) )
// We don't know for this blog, check if he used MCE last time he edited anything:
$editor_state = $this->UserSettings->get( 'use_tinymce' );


// Get an edit state for email campaign edit form:
$EmailCampaignCache = & get_EmailCampaignCache();
$EmailCampaign = & $EmailCampaignCache->get_by_ID( intval( $params['email'] ), false, false ) )
$EmailCampaign->get( 'use_wysiwyg' );

// Check if MCE was used last time anything was edited:
return $this->UserSettings->get( 'use_tinymce' );


     * HtSrv callback to get the contents of the CSS file configured for "content_css".
     * This gets used when the CSS is not on the same domain and the browser would not
     * allow to handle the CSS cross domain (e.g. FF 3.5).
     * @param array Params passed to the HtSrv call
     *              - "blog": selected blog
     * @return string
    function htsrv_get_item_content_css($params)
        $blog = $params['blog'];
        $BlogCache = get_BlogCache($blog);
        $Collection = $Blog = $BlogCache->get_by_ID($blog);
        $item_css_path_and_url = $this->get_item_css_path_and_url($Blog);
        $path = array_shift( $item_css_path_and_url );
        $r = file_get_contents($path);
        if( $r )
            header('Content-Type: text/css');
            echo $r;
            header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');

     * AJAX callback to convert content for WYSIWYG mode
     * @param array Params
function htsrv_convert_content_to_wysiwyg( $params )
$Plugins, $Session, $debug, $debug_jslog;

// Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
$Session->assert_received_crumb( 'tinymce' );

// Do not append debug logs to response because
        // here we expect only converted content in WYISWYG edit form:
$debug = false;
$debug_jslog = false;

$content = param( 'content', 'raw' );

        if( isset(
$Plugins ) &&
$Plugins instanceof Plugins ) &&
$autop_Plugin = & $Plugins->get_by_classname( 'auto_p_plugin' ) ) &&
method_exists( $autop_Plugin, 'render_autop' ) )
// Convert new lines to <p> or <br> html tags by installed plugin "Auto P":
$content = $autop_Plugin->render_autop( $content );


     * Return the list of Htsrv (HTTP-Services) provided by the plugin.
     * This implements the plugin interface for the list of methods that are valid to
     * get called through htsrv/call_plugin.php.
     * @return array
function GetHtsrvMethods()
        return array(
'save_editor_state', 'insert_inline'/*, 'get_item_content_css'*/, 'convert_content_to_wysiwyg' );

     * Event handler: Called as action just before updating the {@link Plugin::$Settings plugin's settings}.
     * @return false|NULL Return false to prevent the settings from being updated to DB.
function PluginSettingsUpdateAction()
$this->Settings->get( 'use_gzip_compressor' ) == 1 )
// Check if the cache folder is not writable
global $cache_path;
$cache_folder = $cache_path.'plugins/tinymce'; // Cache path, this is where the .gz files will be stored

if( !is_writable( $cache_folder ) )
$Messages->add( sprintf( T_( 'TinyMCE plugin cannot uses the compressor because folder %s is not writable' ), '<b>'.$cache_folder.'</b>' ), 'note' );

// Disable gzip compressor
$this->Settings->set( 'use_gzip_compressor', 0 );

     * Event handler: Called at the beginning of the skin's HTML HEAD section.
     * Use this to add any HTML HEAD lines (like CSS styles or links to resource files (CSS, JavaScript, ..)).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
function SkinBeginHtmlHead( & $params )

$disp == 'edit' || $disp == 'single' )
$this->require_css( 'toolbar.css' );

     * Event handler: Called when ending the admin html head section.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean did we do something?
function AdminEndHtmlHead( & $params )

$ctrl == 'items' || $ctrl == 'comments' || $ctrl == 'campaigns' )
$this->require_css( 'toolbar.css' );
