Seditio Source
Root |
 * This is an EXPERIMENTAL DEMO of grouping several skins into a single Theme.
 * This file implements a class derived of the generic Skin class in order to provide custom code for
 * the skin in this folder.
 * This file is part of the b2evolution project - {@link}
 * @package skins
 * @subpackage green_bootstrap_theme
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * Specific code for this skin.
 * ATTENTION: if you make a new skin you have to change the class name below accordingly
class green_bootstrap_theme_Skin extends Skin
     * Skin version
     * @var string
var $version = '7.2.3';

     * Do we want to use style.min.css instead of style.css ?
var $use_min_css = true;  // true|false|'check' Set this to true for better optimization

     * Get default name for the skin.
     * Note: the admin can customize it.
function get_default_name()
'Green Bootstrap Theme (EXPERIMENTAL)';

     * Get default type for the skin.
function get_default_type()

     * What evoSkins API does has this skin been designed with?
     * This determines where we get the fallback templates from (skins_fallback_v*)
     * (allows to use new markup in new b2evolution versions)
function get_api_version()

     * Get supported collection kinds.
     * This should be overloaded in skins.
     * For each kind the answer could be:
     * - 'yes' : this skin does support that collection kind (the result will be was is expected)
     * - 'partial' : this skin is not a primary choice for this collection kind (but still produces an output that makes sense)
     * - 'maybe' : this skin has not been tested with this collection kind
     * - 'no' : this skin does not support that collection kind (the result would not be what is expected)
     * There may be more possible answers in the future...
public function get_supported_coll_kinds()
$supported_kinds = array(
'main' => 'yes',
'std' => 'yes',        // Blog
'photo' => 'yes',
'forum' => 'yes',
'manual' => 'yes',
'group' => 'maybe',  // Tracker
                // Any kind that is not listed should be considered as "maybe" supported


     * Get the container codes of the skin main containers
     * This should NOT be protected. It should be used INSTEAD of file parsing.
     * File parsing should only be used if this function is not defined
     * @return array Array which overrides default containers; Empty array means to use all default containers.
function get_declared_containers()
// Array to override default containers from function get_skin_default_containers():
        // - Key is widget container code;
        // - Value: array( 0 - container name, 1 - container order ),
        //          NULL - means don't use the container, WARNING: it(only empty/without widgets) will be deleted from DB on changing of collection skin or on reload container definitions.
return array(
// TODO: Implement widget containers for this skin!

     * What CSS framework does has this skin been designed with?
     * This may impact default markup returned by Skin::get_template() for example
function get_css_framework()

     * Get definitions for editable params for collection kind "main"
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param local params like 'for_editing' => true
function get_param_definitions_main( $params )
// Load for function get_available_thumb_sizes():
load_funcs( 'files/model/_image.funcs.php' );

$r = array(
'section_layout_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Layout Settings')
'main_content_image_size' => array(
'label' => T_('Image size for main content'),
'note' => T_('Controls Aspect, Ratio and Standard Size'),
'defaultvalue' => 'fit-1280x720',
'options' => get_available_thumb_sizes(),
'type' => 'select',
'max_image_height' => array(
'label' => T_('Max image height'),
'input_suffix' => ' px ',
'note' => T_('Constrain height of content images by CSS.'),
'defaultvalue' => '',
'type' => 'integer',
'size' => '7',
'allow_empty' => true,
'message_affix_offset' => array(
'label' => T_('Messages affix offset'),
'note' => 'px. ' . T_('Set message top offset value.'),
'defaultvalue' => '',
'type' => 'integer',
'allow_empty' => true,
'section_layout_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'1_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Image section')
'front_bg_image_file_ID' => array(
'label' => T_('Background image'),
'type' => 'fileselect',
'initialize_with' => 'shared/global/sunset/sunset.jpg',
'thumbnail_size' => 'fit-320x320'
'front_bg_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Background color'),
'note' => T_('This color will be used if Background image is not set or does not exist.'),
'defaultvalue' => '#333333',
'type' => 'color',
'transparency' => true,
'1_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',
'2_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Front Page Main Area Settings')
'front_width' => array(
'label' => T_('Width'),
'note' => T_('Adjust width of the Main Area container.'),
'size' => '7',
'defaultvalue' => '450px',
'front_position' => array(
'label' => T_('Position'),
'note' => T_('Select the position of Main Area container.'),
'defaultvalue' => 'left',
'options' => array(
'left'   => T_('Left'),
'middle' => T_('Middle'),
'right'  => T_('Right'),
'type' => 'select',
'front_bg_cont_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Background color'),
'defaultvalue' => 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)',
'type' => 'color',
'transparency' => true,
'pict_title_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Title color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#F0F0F0',
'type' => 'color',
'front_text_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Text color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#FFFFFF',
'type' => 'color',
'front_link_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Link color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#FFFFFF',
'type' => 'color',
'pict_muted_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Muted text color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#F0F0F0',
'type' => 'color',
'front_icon_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Inverse icon color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#CCCCCC',
'type' => 'color',
'2_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',
'3_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Front Page Secondary Area Settings')
'secondary_bg_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Background color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#fff',
'type' => 'color',
'transparency' => true,
'secondary_text_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Text color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#333',
'type' => 'color',
'3_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',
'4_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Featured posts Settings')
'bgimg_text_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Text color on background image'),
'defaultvalue' => '#fff',
'type' => 'color',
'bgimg_link_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Link color on background image'),
'defaultvalue' => '#6cb2ef',
'type' => 'color',
'bgimg_hover_link_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Hover link color on background image'),
'defaultvalue' => '#6cb2ef',
'type' => 'color',
'4_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',
'section_colorbox_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Colorbox Image Zoom')
'colorbox' => array(
'label' => T_('Colorbox Image Zoom'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable javascript zooming on images (using the colorbox script)'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_post' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on Post Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_post_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_comment' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on Comment Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_comment_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_user' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on User Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_user_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'section_colorbox_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_username_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Username options')
'gender_colored' => array(
'label' => T_('Display gender'),
'note' => T_('Use colored usernames to differentiate men & women.'),
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'bubbletip' => array(
'label' => T_('Username bubble tips'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable bubble tips on usernames'),
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'autocomplete_usernames' => array(
'label' => T_('Autocomplete usernames'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable auto-completion of usernames entered after a "@" sign in the comment forms'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'section_username_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_access_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('When access is denied or requires login...')
'access_login_containers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display on login screen'),
'note' => '',
'type' => 'checklist',
'options' => array(
'header',   sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Header') ),   1 ),
'page_top', sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Page Top') ), 1 ),
'menu',     sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Menu') ),     0 ),
'footer',   sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Footer') ),   1 )
'section_access_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',


     * Get definitions for editable params for collection kind "std"
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param local params like 'for_editing' => true
     * @return array
function get_param_definitions_std( $params )
// Load for function get_available_thumb_sizes():
load_funcs( 'files/model/_image.funcs.php' );

$r = array(
'section_layout_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Layout Settings')
'layout' => array(
'label' => T_('Layout'),
'note' => T_('Select skin layout.'),
'defaultvalue' => 'right_sidebar',
'options' => array(
'single_column'              => T_('Single Column Large'),
'single_column_normal'       => T_('Single Column'),
'single_column_narrow'       => T_('Single Column Narrow'),
'single_column_extra_narrow' => T_('Single Column Extra Narrow'),
'left_sidebar'               => T_('Left Sidebar'),
'right_sidebar'              => T_('Right Sidebar'),
'type' => 'select',
'main_content_image_size' => array(
'label' => T_('Image size for main content'),
'note' => T_('Controls Aspect, Ratio and Standard Size'),
'defaultvalue' => 'fit-1280x720',
'options' => get_available_thumb_sizes(),
'type' => 'select',
'max_image_height' => array(
'label' => T_('Max image height'),
'input_suffix' => ' px ',
'note' => T_('Constrain height of content images by CSS.'),
'defaultvalue' => '',
'type' => 'integer',
'allow_empty' => true,

'font' => array(
'label' => T_('Default font'),
'type'  => 'input_group',
'inputs' => array(
'_family' => array(
'defaultvalue' => 'system_helveticaneue',
'options'      => $this->get_font_definitions(),
'type'         => 'select'
'_size' => array(
'label' => T_('Size'),
'defaultvalue' => 'default',
'options'      => array(
'default'        => T_('Default (14px)'),
'standard'       => T_('Standard (16px)'),
'medium'         => T_('Medium (18px)'),
'large'          => T_('Large (20px)'),
'very_large'     => T_('Very large (22px)'),
'type' => 'select'
'_weight' => array(
'label' => T_('Weight'),
'defaultvalue' => '400',
'options' => array(
'100' => '100',
'200' => '200',
'300' => '300',
'400' => '400 ('.T_('Normal').')',
'500' => '500',
'600' => '600',
'700' => '700 ('.T_('Bold').')',
'800' => '800',
'900' => '900',
'type' => 'select',

'message_affix_offset' => array(
'label' => T_('Messages affix offset'),
'note' => 'px. ' . T_('Set message top offset value.'),
'defaultvalue' => '',
'type' => 'integer',
'allow_empty' => true,
'section_layout_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_color_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Custom Settings')
'page_bg_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Background color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#DFD',
'type' => 'color',
'transparency' => true,
'page_text_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Text color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#333',
'type' => 'color',
'page_link_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Link color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#337ab7',
'type' => 'color',
'page_hover_link_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Hover link color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#23527c',
'type' => 'color',
'bgimg_text_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Text color on background image'),
'defaultvalue' => '#fff',
'type' => 'color',
'bgimg_link_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Link color on background image'),
'defaultvalue' => '#6cb2ef',
'type' => 'color',
'bgimg_hover_link_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Hover link color on background image'),
'defaultvalue' => '#6cb2ef',
'type' => 'color',
'current_tab_text_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Current tab text color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#333',
'type' => 'color',
'current_tab_bg_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Current tab background color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#fff',
'type' => 'color',
'transparency' => true,
'hover_tab_bg_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Hovered tab background color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#eee',
'type' => 'color',
'transparency' => true,
'panel_bg_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Panel background color'),
'note' => T_('Choose background color for function panels and widgets.'),
'defaultvalue' => '#ffffff',
'type' => 'color',
'transparency' => true,
'panel_border_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Panel border color'),
'note' => T_('Choose border color for function panels and widgets.'),
'defaultvalue' => '#ddd',
'type' => 'color',
'panel_heading_bg_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Panel heading background color'),
'note' => T_('Choose background color for function panels and widgets.'),
'defaultvalue' => '#f5f5f5',
'type' => 'color',
'transparency' => true,
'section_color_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_colorbox_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Colorbox Image Zoom')
'colorbox' => array(
'label' => T_('Colorbox Image Zoom'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable javascript zooming on images (using the colorbox script)'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_post' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on Post Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_post_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_comment' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on Comment Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_comment_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_user' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on User Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_user_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'section_colorbox_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_username_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Username options')
'gender_colored' => array(
'label' => T_('Display gender'),
'note' => T_('Use colored usernames to differentiate men & women.'),
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'bubbletip' => array(
'label' => T_('Username bubble tips'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable bubble tips on usernames'),
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'autocomplete_usernames' => array(
'label' => T_('Autocomplete usernames'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable auto-completion of usernames entered after a "@" sign in the comment forms'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'section_username_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_access_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('When access is denied or requires login...')
'access_login_containers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display on login screen'),
'note' => '',
'type' => 'checklist',
'options' => array(
'header',   sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Header') ),    1 ),
'page_top', sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Page Top') ),  1 ),
'menu',     sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Menu') ),      0 ),
'sidebar',  sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Sidebar') ),   0 ),
'sidebar2', sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Sidebar 2') ), 0 ),
'footer',   sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Footer') ),    1 ) ),
'section_access_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',



     * Get definitions for editable params for collection kind "photo"
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param local params like 'for_editing' => true
function get_param_definitions_photo( $params )
// Load to use function get_available_thumb_sizes()
load_funcs( 'files/model/_image.funcs.php' );

$r = array(

'section_image_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Image Viewing')
'max_image_height' => array(
'label' => T_('Max comment image height'),
'input_suffix' => ' px ',
'note' => T_('Set maximum height for comment images.'),
'defaultvalue' => '',
'type' => 'integer',
'size' => '7',
'allow_empty' => true,
'posts_thumb_size' => array(
'label' => T_('Thumbnail size for Albums'),
'note' => T_('Select thumbnail size for Albums') . ' (disp=catdir).',
'defaultvalue' => 'crop-192x192',
'options' => get_available_thumb_sizes(),
'type' => 'select',
'single_thumb_size' => array(
'label' => T_('Thumbnail size inside Album'),
'note' => T_('Select thumbnail size for images inside Albums') . ' (disp=single).',
'defaultvalue' => 'fit-640x480',
'options' => get_available_thumb_sizes(),
'type' => 'select',
'banner_public' => array(
'label' => T_('Display "Public" banner'),
'note' => T_('Display banner for "Public" albums (albums & comments)'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'message_affix_offset' => array(
'label' => T_('Messages affix offset'),
'note' => 'px. ' . T_('Set message top offset value.'),
'defaultvalue' => '',
'type' => 'integer',
'allow_empty' => true,
'section_image_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_page_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Page Styles')
'page_text_size' => array(
'label' => T_('Page text size'),
'note' => T_('Default value is 14 pixels.'),
'defaultvalue' => '14px',
'size' => '7',
'type' => 'text',
'page_text_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Page text color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#333',
'type' => 'color',
'page_link_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Page link color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#337ab7',
'type' => 'color',
'current_tab_text_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Current tab text color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#333',
'type' => 'color',
'page_bg_color' => array(
'label' => T_('Page background color'),
'defaultvalue' => '#DFD',
'type' => 'color',
'transparency' => true,
'section_page_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_colorbox_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Colorbox Image Zoom')
'colorbox' => array(
'label' => T_('Colorbox Image Zoom'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable javascript zooming on images (using the colorbox script)'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_post' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on Post Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_post_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_comment' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on Comment Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_comment_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_user' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on User Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_user_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'section_colorbox_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_username_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Username options')
'gender_colored' => array(
'label' => T_('Display gender'),
'note' => T_('Use colored usernames to differentiate men & women.'),
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'bubbletip' => array(
'label' => T_('Username bubble tips'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable bubble tips on usernames'),
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'autocomplete_usernames' => array(
'label' => T_('Autocomplete usernames'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable auto-completion of usernames entered after a "@" sign in the comment forms'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'section_username_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_access_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('When access is denied or requires login...')
'access_login_containers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display on login screen'),
'note' => '',
'type' => 'checklist',
'options' => array(
'header',   sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Header') ),    1 ),
'page_top', sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Page Top') ),  1 ),
'menu',     sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Menu') ),      0 ),
'footer',   sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Footer') ),    1 ) ),
'section_access_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',



     * Get definitions for editable params for collection kind "forum"
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param local params like 'for_editing' => true
function get_param_definitions_forum( $params )
// Load for function get_available_thumb_sizes():
load_funcs( 'files/model/_image.funcs.php' );

$r = array(
'section_layout_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Layout Settings')
'layout_general' => array(
'label' => T_('General Layout'),
'note' => T_('Select global skin layout.'),
'defaultvalue' => 'no_sidebar',
'options' => array(
'no_sidebar'    => T_('No Sidebar'),
'left_sidebar'  => T_('Left Sidebar'),
'right_sidebar' => T_('Right Sidebar'),
'type' => 'select',
'sidebar_general_affix' => array(
'label' => T_('Fixed position for General Sidebar'),
'note'  => T_('Use affix to keep visible when scrolling down.'),
'type'  => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'layout_single' => array(
'label' => T_('Single Thread Layout'),
'note' => T_('Select skin layout for single threads') . ' (disp=single).',
'defaultvalue' => 'no_sidebar',
'options' => array(
'no_sidebar'    => T_('No Sidebar'),
'left_sidebar'  => T_('Left Sidebar'),
'right_sidebar' => T_('Right Sidebar'),
'type' => 'select',
'sidebar_single_affix' => array(
'label' => T_('Fixed position for Single Sidebar'),
'note'  => T_('Use affix to keep visible when scrolling down.'),
'type'  => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'main_content_image_size' => array(
'label' => T_('Image size for main content'),
'note' => T_('Controls Aspect, Ratio and Standard Size'),
'defaultvalue' => 'fit-1280x720',
'options' => get_available_thumb_sizes(),
'type' => 'select',
'max_image_height' => array(
'label' => T_('Max image height'),
'input_suffix' => ' px ',
'note' => T_('Constrain height of content images by CSS.'),
'defaultvalue' => '',
'type' => 'integer',
'size' => '7',
'allow_empty' => true,
'message_affix_offset' => array(
'label' => T_('Messages affix offset'),
'note' => 'px. ' . T_('Set message top offset value.'),
'defaultvalue' => '',
'type' => 'integer',
'allow_empty' => true,
'section_layout_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_forum_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Forum Display Settings')
'banner_public' => array(
'label' => T_('Display "Public" banner'),
'note' => T_('Display banner for "Public" posts (posts & comments)'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'workflow_display_mode' => array(
'label' => T_('Workflow column'),
'type' => 'radio',
'field_lines' => true,
'options'  => array(
'status_and_author', T_('Display Status & Item Author') ),
'assignee_and_status', T_('Display Assignee (with Priority color coding) & Status') ),
'defaultvalue' => 'status_and_author',
'voting_place' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting'),
'type' => 'radio',
'field_lines' => true,
'options' => array(
'under_content', T_('Under posts/comments') ),
'left_score', T_('Show score on the left of each post/comment') ),
'defaultvalue' => 'under_content',
'section_forum_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

                'section_page_start' => array(
                    'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
                    'label'  => T_('Page Styles')
                    'page_text_size' => array(
                        'label' => T_('Page text size'),
                        'note' => T_('Default value is 14 pixels.'),
                        'defaultvalue' => '14px',
                        'size' => '4px',
                        'type' => 'text',
                    'page_text_color' => array(
                        'label' => T_('Page text color'),
                        'defaultvalue' => '#333',
                        'type' => 'color',
                    'page_link_color' => array(
                        'label' => T_('Page link color'),
                        'defaultvalue' => '#337ab7',
                        'type' => 'color',
                    'current_tab_text_color' => array(
                        'label' => T_('Current tab text color'),
                        'defaultvalue' => '#333',
                        'type' => 'color',
                    'page_bg_color' => array(
                        'label' => T_('Page background color'),
                        'defaultvalue' => '#fff',
                        'type' => 'color',
                        'transparency' => true,
                'section_page_end' => array(
                    'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_colorbox_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Colorbox Image Zoom')
'colorbox' => array(
'label' => T_('Colorbox Image Zoom'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable javascript zooming on images (using the colorbox script)'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_post' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on Post Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_post_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_comment' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on Comment Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_comment_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_user' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on User Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_user_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'section_colorbox_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

// WARNING: default value for bubbletips is specific!
'section_username_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Username options')
'gender_colored' => array(
'label' => T_('Display gender'),
'note' => T_('Use colored usernames to differentiate men & women.'),
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'bubbletip' => array(
'label' => T_('Username bubble tips'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable bubble tips on usernames'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,        // On the forums skin, we want to enable this!
'type' => 'checkbox',
'autocomplete_usernames' => array(
'label' => T_('Autocomplete usernames'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable auto-completion of usernames entered after a "@" sign in the comment forms'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'section_username_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_access_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('When access is denied or requires login...')
'access_login_containers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display on login screen'),
'note' => '',
'type' => 'checklist',
'options' => array(
'header',   sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Header') ),    1 ),
'page_top', sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Page Top') ),  1 ),
'menu',     sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Menu') ),      0 ),
'footer',   sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Footer') ),    1 ) ),
'section_access_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',



     * Get definitions for editable params for collection kind "manual"
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param local params like 'for_editing' => true
function get_param_definitions_manual( $params )
// Load for function get_available_thumb_sizes():
load_funcs( 'files/model/_image.funcs.php' );

$r = array(
'section_layout_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Layout Settings')
'page_navigation' => array(
'label' => T_('Page navigation'),
'note' => T_('(EXPERIMENTAL)').' '.T_('Check this to show previous/next page links to navigate inside the <b>current</b> chapter.'),
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'use_3_cols' => array(
'label' => T_('Use 3 cols'),
'type' => 'checklist',
'options' => array(
'single',       sprintf( /* TRANS: position On disp=single or other disps */T_('On %s'), '<code>disp=single</code>' ), 1 ),
'posts-topcat', sprintf( /* TRANS: position On disp=single or other disps */T_('On %s'), '<code>disp=posts-topcat-intro</code>, <code>disp=posts-topcat-nointro</code>' ), 1 ),
'posts-subcat', sprintf( /* TRANS: position On disp=single or other disps */T_('On %s'), '<code>disp=posts-subcat-intro</code>, <code>disp=posts-subcat-nointro</code>' ), 1 ),
'front',        sprintf( /* TRANS: position On disp=single or other disps */T_('On %s'), '<code>disp=front</code>' ), 1 ),
'other',        T_('On other disps'), 0 ),
'section_layout_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_colorbox_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Colorbox Image Zoom')
'colorbox' => array(
'label' => T_('Colorbox Image Zoom'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable javascript zooming on images (using the colorbox script)'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_post' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on Post Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_post_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_comment' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on Comment Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_comment_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_user' => array(
'label' => T_('Voting on User Images'),
'note' => T_('Check this to enable AJAX voting buttons in the colorbox zoom view'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'colorbox_vote_user_numbers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display Votes'),
'note' => T_('Check to display number of likes and dislikes'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'section_colorbox_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_username_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Username options')
'gender_colored' => array(
'label' => T_('Display gender'),
'note' => T_('Use colored usernames to differentiate men & women.'),
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'bubbletip' => array(
'label' => T_('Username bubble tips'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable bubble tips on usernames'),
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'autocomplete_usernames' => array(
'label' => T_('Autocomplete usernames'),
'note' => T_('Check to enable auto-completion of usernames entered after a "@" sign in the comment forms'),
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'section_username_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_access_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('When access is denied or requires login...')
'access_login_containers' => array(
'label' => T_('Display on login screen'),
'note' => '',
'type' => 'checklist',
'options' => array(
'header',   sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Header') ),    1 ),
'page_top', sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Page Top') ),  1 ),
'menu',     sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Menu') ),      0 ),
'sidebar',  sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Sidebar') ),   0 ),
'sidebar2', sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Sidebar 2') ), 0 ),
'footer',   sprintf( T_('"%s" container'), NT_('Footer') ),    1 ),
                        ) ),
'section_access_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',

'section_advanced_start' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label'  => T_('Advanced')
'main_content_image_size' => array(
'label' => T_('Image size for main content'),
'note' => T_('Controls Aspect, Ratio and Standard Size'),
'defaultvalue' => 'fit-1280x720',
'options' => get_available_thumb_sizes(),
'type' => 'select',
'max_image_height' => array(
'label' => T_('Max image height'),
'input_suffix' => ' px ',
'note' => T_('Constrain height of content images by CSS.'),
'defaultvalue' => '',
'type' => 'integer',
'size' => '7',
'allow_empty' => true,
'message_affix_offset' => array(
'label' => T_('Messages affix offset'),
'note' => 'px. ' . T_('Set message top offset value.'),
'defaultvalue' => '100',
'type' => 'integer',
'allow_empty' => true,
'section_advanced_end' => array(
'layout' => 'end_fieldset',



     * Get ready for displaying the skin.
     * This may register some CSS or JS...
function display_init()
// Request some common features that the parent function (Skin::display_init()) knows how to provide:
parent::display_init( array(
'superbundle',             // Load general front-office JS + bundled jQuery and Bootstrap
'bootstrap_messages',      // Initialize $Messages Class to use Bootstrap styles
'style_css',               // Load the style.css file of the current skin
'colorbox',                // Load Colorbox (a lightweight Lightbox alternative + customizations for b2evo)
'disp_auto',               // Automatically include additional CSS and/or JS required by certain disps (replace with 'disp_off' to disable this)
) );

     * Get ready for displaying the skin for collection kind "main".
     * This may register some CSS or JS...
function display_init_main()
$Messages, $disp, $debug, $Session, $blog;

// Skin specific initializations:

        // **** Layout Settings / START ****
        // Max image height:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'max_image_height', '.evo_image_block img { max-height: $setting_value$px; width: auto; }', array(
'check' => 'not_empty'
) );
// **** Layout Settings / END ****

if( in_array( $disp, array( 'front', 'login', 'register', 'lostpassword', 'activateinfo', 'access_denied', 'access_requires_login', 'content_requires_login' ) ) )
// **** Image section / START ****
            // Background image:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'front_bg_image_file_ID', '.evo_pictured_layout { background-image: $setting_value$ }', array(
'type' => 'image_file',
            ) );
// Background color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'front_bg_color', '.evo_pictured_layout { background-color: $setting_value$ }' );
// **** Image section / END ****

            // **** Front Page Main Area Settings / START ****
            // Width:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'front_width', 'div.front_main_area { width: $setting_value$ }' );

// Title color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'pict_title_color', 'body.pictured .main_page_wrapper .front_main_area .widget_core_coll_title h2 a { color: $setting_value$ }' );

// Muted text color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'pict_muted_color', 'body.pictured .main_page_wrapper .text-muted { color: $setting_value$ }' );

// Background color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'front_bg_cont_color', '.front_main_content { background-color: $setting_value$ }' );

// Text color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'front_text_color',
'body.pictured .front_main_content, '.
'body.pictured .front_main_content h1 small, '.
'.evo_container__header, '.
'.evo_container__page_top, '.
'body.pictured.disp_access_requires_login .evo_widget.widget_core_content_block, '.
'body.pictured.disp_access_denied .evo_widget.widget_core_content_block '.
'{ color: $setting_value$ }'

// Link color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'front_link_color',
'body.pictured .main_page_wrapper .front_main_area a:not(.btn),'.
'body.pictured .main_page_wrapper .front_main_area div.evo_withteaser div.item_content > a { color: $setting_value$ }'.
'body.pictured .main_page_wrapper .front_main_area div.widget_uil_autotemp.evo_noexcerpt.evo_withteaser ul li div.item_content > a { color: $setting_value$'." }\n".
'body.pictured .front_main_content .ufld_icon_links a:not([class*="ufld__bgcolor"]):not(:hover) { background-color: $setting_value$'." }\n".
'body.pictured .front_main_content .ufld_icon_links a:hover:not([class*="ufld__hovertextcolor"]) { color: $setting_value$ }'

// Inverse icon color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'front_icon_color',
'body.pictured .front_main_content .ufld_icon_links a:not([class*="ufld__textcolor"]):not(:hover) { color: $setting_value$'." }\n".
'body.pictured .front_main_content .ufld_icon_links a:hover:not([class*="ufld__hoverbgcolor"]) { background-color: $setting_value$ }'

// Position:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'front_position', 'div.front_main_area { $setting_value$ }', array(
'options' => array(
'left'   => '',// default value
'middle' => 'float: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;',
'right'  => 'float: right;',
            ) );
// **** Front Page Main Area Settings / END ****

            // **** Front Page Secondary Area Settings / START ****
            // Background color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'secondary_bg_color', 'section.secondary_area { background-color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Text color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'secondary_text_color', 'section.secondary_area, .widget_core_org_members { color: $setting_value$ !important }' );
// **** Front Page Secondary Area Settings / END ****

// **** Featured posts Settings / START ****
        // Text color on background image:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'bgimg_text_color', '.evo_hasbgimg { color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Link color on background image:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'bgimg_link_color', '.evo_hasbgimg a { color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Hover link color on background image:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'bgimg_hover_link_color', '.evo_hasbgimg a:hover { color: $setting_value$ }' );
// **** Featured posts Settings / END ****

        // Add dynamic CSS rules headline:
        // Use standard bootstrap style on width <= 640px only for disp=front:
$media_exception = ( $disp == 'front' ? '@media only screen and (min-width: 641px)' : NULL );
$this->add_dynamic_css_headline( $media_exception );

// Init JS to affix Messages:
init_affix_messages_js( $this->get_setting( 'message_affix_offset' ) );

$Session->get( 'designer_mode_'.$blog ) )
// On enabled designer mode we should set full window height for pictured layout in pixel instead of 100% percents to avoid issues on scroll page:
add_js_headline( 'jQuery( document ).ready( function()
            {    // On enabled designer mode we should set full window height for pictured layout in pixel instead of 100% percents to avoid issues on scroll page:
                jQuery( ".evo_pictured_layout" ).height( jQuery( window ).height() );
                jQuery( window ).resize( function()
                {    // Update height on window resizing:
                    jQuery( ".evo_pictured_layout" ).height( jQuery( window ).height() );
                } );
            } );'

     * Get ready for displaying the skin for collection kind "std".
     * This may register some CSS or JS...
function display_init_std()
$Messages, $disp, $debug, $media_url, $media_path;

// Skin specific initializations:

        // **** Layout Settings / START ****
        // Max image height:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'max_image_height', '.evo_image_block img { max-height: $setting_value$px; width: auto; }', array(
'check' => 'not_empty'
) );
// Default font - Family:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'font_family', '#skin_wrapper { font-family: $setting_value$ }', array(
'options' => $this->get_font_definitions( 'style' )
        ) );
// Default font - Size:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'font_size', '$setting_value$', array(
'options' => array(
'default' => '',
'standard' =>
'.container { font-size: 16px !important}'.
'.container input.search_field { height: 100%}'.
'.container h1 { font-size: 38px }'.
'.container h2 { font-size: 32px }'.
'.container h3 { font-size: 26px }'.
'.container h4 { font-size: 18px }'.
'.container h5 { font-size: 16px }'.
'.container h6 { font-size: 14px }'.
'.container .small { font-size: 85% !important }',
'medium' =>
'.container { font-size: 18px !important }'.
'.container input.search_field { height: 100% }'.
'.container h1 { font-size: 40px }'.
'.container h2 { font-size: 34px }'.
'.container h3 { font-size: 28px }'.
'.container h4 { font-size: 20px }'.
'.container h5 { font-size: 18px }'.
'.container h6 { font-size: 16px }'.
'.container .small { font-size: 85% !important }',
'large' =>
'.container { font-size: 20px !important }'.
'.container input.search_field { height: 100% }'.
'.container h1 { font-size: 42px }'.
'.container h2 { font-size: 36px }'.
'.container h3 { font-size: 30px }'.
'.container h4 { font-size: 22px }'.
'.container h5 { font-size: 20px }'.
'.container h6 { font-size: 18px }'.
'.container .small { font-size: 85% !important }',
'very_large' =>
'.container { font-size: 22px !important }'.
'.container input.search_field { height: 100% }'.
'.container h1 { font-size: 44px }'.
'.container h2 { font-size: 38px }'.
'.container h3 { font-size: 32px }'.
'.container h4 { font-size: 24px }'.
'.container h5 { font-size: 22px }'.
'.container h6 { font-size: 20px }'.
'.container .small { font-size: 85% !important }',
        ) );
// Default font - Weight:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'font_weight', '#skin_wrapper { font-weight: $setting_value$ }' );
// **** Layout Settings / END ****

        // **** Custom Settings / START ****
        // Background color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'page_bg_color', '#skin_wrapper { background-color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Text color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'page_text_color', '#skin_wrapper { color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Link color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'page_link_color',
'a { color: $setting_value$ }'.
'h4.evo_comment_title a, h4.panel-title a.evo_comment_type, .pagination li:not(.active) a, .pagination li:not(.active) span { color: $setting_value$ !important }'.
'.pagination a, .pagination span { color: #fff; background-color: $setting_value$ !important; border-color: $setting_value$ }'
$this->get_setting( 'gender_colored' ) !== 1 )
// If gender option is not enabled, choose custom link color. Otherwise, chose gender link colors:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'page_link_color', 'h4.panel-title a { color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Hover link color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'page_hover_link_color', 'a:hover { color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Text color on background image:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'bgimg_text_color', '.evo_hasbgimg { color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Link color on background image:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'bgimg_link_color', '.evo_hasbgimg a:not(.btn) { color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Hover link color on background image:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'bgimg_hover_link_color', '.evo_hasbgimg a:not(.btn):hover { color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Current tab text color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'current_tab_text_color', 'ul.nav.nav-tabs li a.selected { color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Current tab background color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'current_tab_bg_color', 'ul.nav.nav-tabs li a.selected { background-color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Hovered tab background color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'hover_tab_bg_color', 'ul.nav.nav-tabs li a.default:hover { background-color: $setting_value$; border-top-color: $setting_value$; border-left-color: $color; border-right-color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Panel background color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'panel_bg_color', '.panel, .pagination>li>a { background-color: $setting_value$ }' );
// Panel border color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'panel_border_color',
'.pagination li a, .pagination>li>a:focus, .pagination>li>a:hover, .pagination>li>span:focus, .pagination>li>span:hover,'.
'.nav-tabs, .panel-default, .panel .panel-footer,'.
'.panel .table, .panel .table th, .table-bordered>tbody>tr>td, .table-bordered>tbody>tr>th, .table-bordered>tfoot>tr>td, .table-bordered>tfoot>tr>th, .table-bordered>thead>tr>td, .table-bordered>thead>tr>th'.
'{ border-color: $setting_value$ }'.
'.panel .panel-heading { border-color: $setting_value$; background-color: $setting_value$ }'.
'.nav-tabs>li>a:hover { border-bottom: 1px solid $setting_value$ }'.
'.nav-tabs>>a, .nav-tabs>>a:focus, .nav-tabs>>a:hover { border-top-color: $setting_value$; border-left-color: $setting_value$; border-right-color: $setting_value$ }'
// Panel heading background color:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'panel_heading_bg_color', '.panel .panel-heading, .panel .panel-footer { background-color: $setting_value$ }' );
// **** Custom Settings / END ****

        // Add dynamic CSS rules headline:

// Init JS to affix Messages:
init_affix_messages_js( $this->get_setting( 'message_affix_offset' ) );

     * Get ready for displaying the skin for collection kind "photo".
     * This may register some CSS or JS...
function display_init_photo()
$Messages, $debug;

// Add custom CSS:
$custom_css = '';

// Limit images by max height:
$max_image_height = intval( $this->get_setting( 'max_image_height' ) );
$max_image_height > 0 )
$custom_css .= '.evo_image_block img { max-height: '.$max_image_height.'px; width: auto; }'."\n";

// fp> TODO: the following code WORKS but produces UGLY CSS with tons of repetitions. It needs a full rewrite.

        // ===== Custom page styles: =====
$custom_styles = array();

// Text size <=== THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS
if( $text_size = $this->get_setting( 'page_text_size' ) )
$custom_styles[] = 'font-size: '.$text_size;
        if( ! empty(
$custom_styles ) )
$custom_css .= '    body { '.implode( ';', $custom_styles )." }\n";

$custom_styles = array();
// Text color
if( $text_color = $this->get_setting( 'page_text_color' ) )
$custom_styles[] = 'color: '.$text_color;
        if( ! empty(
$custom_styles ) )
$custom_css .= '    body { '.implode( ';', $custom_styles )." }\n";

// Link color
if( $text_color = $this->get_setting( 'page_link_color' ) )
$custom_styles[] = 'color: '.$text_color;
        if( ! empty(
$custom_styles ) )
$custom_css .= '    body .container a { '.implode( ';', $custom_styles )." }\n";
$custom_css .= '    ul li a { '.implode( ';', $custom_styles )." }\n";
$custom_css .= "    ul li a {background-color: transparent;}\n";
$custom_css .= "    .ufld_icon_links a {color: #fff !important;}\n";

// Current tab text color
if( $text_color = $this->get_setting( 'current_tab_text_color' ) )
$custom_styles[] = 'color: '.$text_color;
        if( ! empty(
$custom_styles ) )
$custom_css .= '    ul.nav.nav-tabs li a.selected { '.implode( ';', $custom_styles )." }\n";

// Page background color
if( $bg_color = $this->get_setting( 'page_bg_color' ) )
$custom_styles[] = 'background-color: '.$bg_color;
        if( ! empty(
$custom_styles ) )
$custom_css .= '    body { '.implode( ';', $custom_styles )." }\n";

$posts_thumb_size = $this->get_setting( 'posts_thumb_size' );
        if( isset(
$thumbnail_sizes[ $posts_thumb_size ] ) )
// Make the width of image block as fixed to don't expand it by long post title text
$custom_css .= '    .posts_list .evo_post { max-width:'.$thumbnail_sizes[ $posts_thumb_size ][1]."px }\n";
// Set width & height for block with text "No pictures yet"
$custom_css .= '    .posts_list .evo_post b { width:'.( $thumbnail_sizes[ $posts_thumb_size ][1] - 20 ).'px;'
.'height:'.( $thumbnail_sizes[ $posts_thumb_size ][2] - 20 ).'px'." }\n";
$single_thumb_size = $this->get_setting( 'single_thumb_size' );
        if( isset(
$thumbnail_sizes[ $single_thumb_size ] ) )
// Make the width of image block as fixed to don't expand it by long post title text
$custom_css .= '.post_images .single-image .evo_image_legend { width: 100%; }\n';
// Set width & height for block with text "No pictures yet"
            /*$custom_css .= '    .posts_list .evo_post b { width:'.( $thumbnail_sizes[ $single_thumb_size ][1] - 20 ).'px;'
                .'height:'.( $thumbnail_sizes[ $single_thumb_size ][2] - 20 ).'px'." }\n";*/
        if( !empty(
$custom_css ) )
$custom_css = '<style type="text/css">
.$custom_css.'    -->
add_headline( $custom_css );

     * Get ready for displaying the skin for collection kind "photo".
     * This may register some CSS or JS...
function display_init_forum()
$disp, $Messages, $debug;

// Limit images by max height:
$max_image_height = intval( $this->get_setting( 'max_image_height' ) );
$max_image_height > 0 )
add_css_headline( '.evo_image_block img { max-height: '.$max_image_height.'px; width: auto; }' );

in_array( $disp, array( 'single', 'page', 'comments' ) ) )
// Load jquery UI to animate background color on change comment status or on vote
require_js_defer( '#jqueryUI#', 'blog' );

in_array( $disp, array( 'single', 'page' ) ) )
// Init JS to autcomplete the user logins
require_js_defer( '#bootstrap_typeahead#', 'blog' );
init_autocomplete_login_js( 'blog', 'typeahead' );
// Initialize date picker for _item_expert.form.php
init_datepicker_js( 'blog' );

// Add custom CSS:
$custom_css = '';

// If sidebar == true + col-lg
if( $layout = $this->get_setting( 'layout_general' ) != 'no_sidebar' )
$custom_css = "@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
                .forums_list .ft_date {
                    white-space: normal;
                    margin-top: 3px;
                .disp_single .single_topic .evo_content_block .panel-body .evo_post__full,
                .disp_single .evo_comment .panel-body .evo_comment_text p,
                .disp_single .post_tags,
                .disp_single .evo_voting_panel,
                .disp_single .evo_seen_by
                    padding-left: 15px;

        if( ! empty(
$custom_css ) )
// Function for custom_css:
$custom_css = '<style type="text/css">
add_headline( $custom_css );

        if( (
$this->get_setting( 'sidebar_general_affix' ) && $this->is_visible_sidebar_forums( true, 'general' ) ) ||
$this->get_setting( 'sidebar_single_affix' ) && $this->is_visible_sidebar_forums( true, 'single' ) ) )
// Init JS to fix sidebars on scroll down:
require_js_defer( 'src/evo_affix_sidebars.js', 'blog', false, '#', 'footerlines' );

     * Get ready for displaying the skin for collection kind "manual".
     * This may register some CSS or JS...
function display_init_manual()
$Messages, $disp, $debug;

// Skin specific initializations:

        // **** Layout Settings / START ****
        // Max image height:
$this->dynamic_style_rule( 'max_image_height', '.evo_image_block img { max-height: $setting_value$px; width: auto; }', array(
'check' => 'not_empty'
) );
// **** Layout Settings / END ****

        // Add dynamic CSS rules headline:

// Initialize a template depending on current page
switch( $disp )
// Init star rating for intro posts:
init_ratings_js( 'blog', true );

$cat, $tag, $bootstrap_manual_posts_text;

// Init star rating for intro posts:
init_ratings_js( 'blog', true );

$bootstrap_manual_posts_text = T_('Posts');
                if( ! empty(
$cat ) )
// Init the <title> for categories page:
$ChapterCache = & get_ChapterCache();
$Chapter = & $ChapterCache->get_by_ID( $cat, false ) )
$bootstrap_manual_posts_text = $Chapter->get( 'name' );

$this->is_side_navigation_visible() )
// Include JS code for left navigation panel only when it is displayed:
$this->require_js_defer( 'left_navigation.js' );

// Init JS to affix Messages:
init_affix_messages_js( $this->get_setting( 'message_affix_offset' ) );

     * Those templates are used for example by the messaging screens.
function get_template( $name )

$Blog->get( 'type' ) )
// Collection kind "photo":
switch( $name )
// Default Form settings (Used for any form on front-office):
return array_merge( parent::get_template( $name, false ), array(
'fieldset_begin' => '<div class="clear"></div><div class="fieldset_wrapper $class$" id="fieldset_wrapper_$id$"><fieldset $fieldset_attribs$><div class="panel panel-default">'."\n"
.'<legend class="panel-heading" $title_attribs$>$fieldset_title$</legend><div class="panel-body $class$">'."\n",
'labelclass'     => 'control-label',
'labelempty'     => '<label class="control-label"></label>',
'inputstart'     => '<div class="controls">',
'infostart'      => '<div class="controls"><div class="form-control-static">',
'buttonsstart'   => '<div class="form-group"><div class="control-buttons">',
                        ) );

// Collection kind "forum":
switch( $name )
// What category level use to display the items on disp=posts:
                        //   - 'children' - Get items from current category and from all its sub-categories recirsively
                        //   - 'parent' - Get items ONLY from current category WITHOUT sub-categories
return 'parent';

// Collection kind "manual":
switch( $name )
// Params for skin_include( '$disp$', array( ) )
return array(
'author_link_text' => 'auto',
// Profile tabs to switch between user edit forms
'profile_tabs' => array(
'block_start'         => '<nav><ul class="nav nav-tabs profile_tabs">',
'item_start'          => '<li>',
'item_end'            => '</li>',
'item_selected_start' => '<li class="active">',
'item_selected_end'   => '</li>',
'block_end'           => '</ul></nav>',
// Pagination
'pagination' => array(
'block_start'           => '<div class="center"><ul class="pagination">',
'block_end'             => '</ul></div>',
'page_current_template' => '<span>$page_num$</span>',
'page_item_before'      => '<li>',
'page_item_after'       => '</li>',
'page_item_current_before' => '<li class="active">',
'page_item_current_after'  => '</li>',
'prev_text'             => '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i>',
'next_text'             => '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i>',
// Form params for the forms below: login, register, lostpassword, activateinfo and msgform
'skin_form_before'      => '<div class="panel panel-default skin-form">'
.'<div class="panel-heading">'
.'<h3 class="panel-title">$form_title$</h3>'
.'<div class="panel-body">',
'skin_form_after'       => '</div></div>',
// Login
'display_form_messages' => true,
'form_title_login'      => T_('Log in to your account').'$form_links$',
'form_title_lostpass'   => get_request_title().'$form_links$',
'lostpass_page_class'   => 'evo_panel__lostpass',
'login_form_inskin'     => false,
'login_page_class'      => 'evo_panel__login',
'login_page_before'     => '<div class="$form_class$">',
'login_page_after'      => '</div>',
'display_reg_link'      => true,
'abort_link_position'   => 'form_title',
'abort_link_text'       => '<button type="button" class="close" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>',
// Register
'register_page_before'      => '<div class="evo_panel__register">',
'register_page_after'       => '</div>',
'register_form_title'       => T_('Register'),
'register_links_attrs'      => '',
'register_use_placeholders' => true,
'register_field_width'      => 252,
'register_disabled_page_before' => '<div class="evo_panel__register register-disabled">',
'register_disabled_page_after'  => '</div>',
// Activate form
'activate_form_title'  => T_('Account activation'),
'activate_page_before' => '<div class="evo_panel__activation">',
'activate_page_after'  => '</div>',
// Search
'search_input_before'      => '<div class="input-group">',
'search_input_after'       => '',
'search_submit_before'     => '<span class="input-group-btn">',
'search_submit_after'      => '</span></div>',
'search_use_editor'        => true,
'search_author_format'     => 'login',
'search_cell_author_start' => '<p class="small text-muted">',
'search_cell_author_end'   => '</p>',
'search_date_format'       => 'F jS, Y',
// Front page
'featured_intro_before' => '<div class="jumbotron">',
'featured_intro_after'  => '</div>',
// Form "Sending a message"
'msgform_form_title' => T_('Sending a message'),

// Delegate to parent class:
return parent::get_template( $name );

/**** Template Functions depending on collection kind: ****/

     * Get value for attribute "class" of column block
     * depending on skin setting "Layout"
     * @param string Layout: 'general' or 'single'
     * @return string
function get_column_class( $layout = 'general' )
$this->call_func_by_coll_type( __FUNCTION__, func_get_args() );
// Alias of get_column_class() for collection kind "Blog":
function get_column_class_std( $layout = 'general' )
$this->get_setting( 'layout' ) )
// Single Column Large
return 'col-md-12';

// Single Column
return 'col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1';

// Single Column Narrow
return 'col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2';

// Single Column Extra Narrow
return 'col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-6 col-lg-offset-3';

// Left Sidebar
return 'col-md-9 pull-right-md';

// Right Sidebar
// Alias of get_column_class() for collection kind "Forums":
function get_column_class_forums( $layout = 'general' )
$this->get_setting_layout( $layout ) )
// Left Sidebar
return 'col-md-9 pull-right-md';

// Right Sidebar
return 'col-md-9';

// No Sidebar (Single large column)
// Alias of get_column_class() for collection kind "Photo":
function get_column_class_photo( $layout = 'general' )
$this->get_setting( 'layout' ) )
// Single Column Large
return 'col-md-12';

// Single Column
return 'col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1';

// Single Column Narrow
return 'col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2';

// Single Column Extra Narrow
return 'col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-6 col-lg-offset-3';

     * Get value for attribute "class" of column block
     * depending on skin setting "Layout"
     * @param string Layout: 'general' or 'single'
     * @return string
function is_visible_sidebar( $check_containers = false, $layout = 'general' )
$this->call_func_by_coll_type( __FUNCTION__, func_get_args() );
// Alias of is_visible_sidebar() for collection kind "Blog":
function is_visible_sidebar_std( $check_containers = false, $layout = 'general' )
$layout = $this->get_setting( 'layout' );

$layout != 'left_sidebar' && $layout != 'right_sidebar' )
// Sidebar is not displayed for selected skin layout
return false;

$check_containers )
// Check if at least one sidebar container is visible
return ( $this->is_visible_container( 'sidebar' ) ||  $this->is_visible_container( 'sidebar2' ) );
// We should not check the visibility of the sidebar containers for this case
return true;
// Alias of is_visible_sidebar() for collection kind "Forums":
function is_visible_sidebar_forums( $check_containers = false, $layout = 'general' )
$layout = $this->get_setting_layout( $layout );

$layout != 'left_sidebar' && $layout != 'right_sidebar' )
// Sidebar is not displayed for selected skin layout
return false;

$check_containers )
// Check if at least one sidebar container is visible
return ( $this->show_container_when_access_denied( 'sidebar' ) ||  $this->show_container_when_access_denied( 'sidebar2' ) );
// We should not check the visibility of the sidebar containers for this case
return true;

/**** Functions for collection kind "Forums" ****/

     * Determine to display status banner or to don't display
     * @param string Status of Item or Comment
     * @return boolean TRUE if we can display status banner for given status
function enabled_status_banner( $status )
$status != 'published' )
// Display status banner everytime when status is not 'published'
return true;
is_logged_in() && $this->get_setting( 'banner_public' ) )
// Also display status banner if status is 'published'
            //   AND current user is logged in
            //   AND this feature is enabled in skin settings
return true;
// Don't display status banner
return false;

     * Get a layout setting value depending on $disp
     * @param string Layout: 'general' or 'single'
     * @return string
function get_setting_layout( $layout = 'general' )

$disp == 'single' )
// Single post page has a separate setting for layout:
if( $layout == 'single' )
$this->get_setting( 'layout_single' );
$layout == 'general' )
// Use this settings for all other pages:
return $this->get_setting( 'layout_general' );

// Hide sidebar by default:
return 'no_sidebar';

     * Display a button to view the Recent/New Topics
function display_button_recent_topics()
$Collection, $Blog;

// Get a number of unread posts by current User:
$unread_posts_count = $Blog->get_unread_posts_count();

$unread_posts_count > 0 )
// If at least one new unread topic exists
$btn_class = 'btn-warning';
$btn_title = T_('New Topics').' <span class="badge">'.$unread_posts_count.'</span>';
// Current user already have read all topics
$btn_class = 'btn-info';
$btn_title = T_('Recent Topics');

// Print out the button:
echo '<a href="'.$Blog->get( 'recentpostsurl' ).'" class="btn '.$btn_class.' pull-right btn_recent_topics">'.$btn_title.'</a>';

     * Display a panel with voting buttons for item
     * @param object Item
     * @param string Place where panel is displayed: 'under_content', 'left_score'
     * @param array Params
function display_item_voting_panel( $Item, $place, $params = array() )
$place != $this->get_setting( 'voting_place' ) )
// Skip because different place for panel is requested:

$place )
// Show under posts/comments:
skin_widget( array_merge( array(
// CODE for the widget:
'widget'      => 'item_vote',
// Optional display params
'Item'        => $Item,
'block_start' => '',
'block_end'   => '',
'skin_ID'     => $this->ID,
$params ) );

// Show score on the left of each post/comment:
global $disp;
skin_widget( array_merge( array(
// CODE for the widget:
'widget'                 => 'item_vote',
// Optional display params
'Item'                   => $Item,
'block_start'            => '',
'block_end'              => '',
'skin_ID'                => $this->ID,
'class'                  => 'evo_voting_panel__left_score',
'title_text'             => '',
'title_empty'            => '',
'display_summary'        => 'no',
'display_noopinion'      => false,
'display_score'          => true,
'display_noactive'       => true,
'score_class'            => ( in_array( $disp, array( 'posts', 'flagged' ) ) ? 'vote_score__status_'.$Item->get_read_status() : '' ),
'icon_like_active'       => 'thumb_arrow_up',
'icon_like_noactive'     => 'thumb_arrow_up_disabled',
'icon_dontlike_active'   => 'thumb_arrow_down',
'icon_dontlike_noactive' => 'thumb_arrow_down_disabled',
$params ) );

     * Display a panel with voting buttons for item
     * @param object Comment
     * @param string Place where panel is displayed: 'under_content', 'left_score'
     * @param array Params
function display_comment_voting_panel( $Comment, $place, $params = array() )
$place != $this->get_setting( 'voting_place' ) )
// Skip because different place for panel is requested:

$place )
// Show under posts/comments:
$Comment->vote_helpful( '', '', '&amp;', true, true, array_merge( array(
'before_title' => '',
'helpful_text' => T_('Is this reply helpful?'),
'skin_ID'      => $this->ID,
$params ) );

// Show score on the left of each post/comment:
$Comment->vote_helpful( '', '', '&amp;', true, true, array_merge( array(
'before_title'           => '',
'helpful_text'           => T_('Is this reply helpful?'),
'class'                  => '',
'skin_ID'                => $this->ID,
'class'                  => 'evo_voting_panel__left_score',
'display_noopinion'      => false,
'display_score'          => true,
'display_noactive'       => true,
'title_text'             => '',
'title_empty'            => '',
'icon_like_active'       => 'thumb_arrow_up',
'icon_like_noactive'     => 'thumb_arrow_up_disabled',
'icon_dontlike_active'   => 'thumb_arrow_down',
'icon_dontlike_noactive' => 'thumb_arrow_down_disabled',
$params ) );

     * Display button to create a new post
     * @param integer Chapter ID
     * @param object Item
     * @param array Additional params
function display_post_button( $chapter_ID, $Item = NULL, $params = array() )
$this->get_post_button( $chapter_ID, $Item, $params );

     * Get HTML code of button to create a new post
     * @param integer Chapter ID
     * @param object Item
     * @return string
function get_post_button( $chapter_ID, $Item = NULL, $params = array() )
$Collection, $Blog;

$params = array_merge( array(
'group_class'  => '',
'button_class' => '',
$params );

$post_button = '';

$chapter_is_locked = false;
$default_new_ItemType = $Blog->get_default_new_ItemType();

$default_new_ItemType === false )
// Do not show button on disabled default item type for new items:
return '';

$write_new_post_url = $Blog->get_write_item_url( $chapter_ID );
$write_new_post_url != '' )
// Display button to write a new post
if( empty( $default_new_ItemType ) )
// Use default button text:
$button_text = T_('New topic');
// Use button text from Item Type:
$button_text = $default_new_ItemType->get_item_denomination( 'inskin_new_btn' );

$post_button = '<a href="'.$write_new_post_url.'" class="btn btn-primary '.$params['button_class'].'" title="'.T_('Post a new topic').'"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> '.$button_text.'</a>';
// If a creating of new post is unavailable
$ChapterCache = & get_ChapterCache();
$current_Chapter = $ChapterCache->get_by_ID( $chapter_ID, false, false );

$current_Chapter && $current_Chapter->lock )
// Display icon to inform that this forum is locked
$post_button = '<span title="'.T_('This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.').'"><i class="icon fa fa-lock"></i> '.T_('Locked').'</span>';
$chapter_is_locked = true;

        if( !empty(
$Item ) )
$Item->comment_status == 'closed' || $Item->comment_status == 'disabled' || $Item->is_locked() )
// Display icon to inform that this topic is locked for comments
if( !$chapter_is_locked )
// Display this button only when chapter is not locked, to avoid a duplicate button
$post_button .= ' <span title="'.T_('This topic is locked: you cannot edit posts or make replies.').'"><i class="icon fa fa-lock"></i> '.T_('Locked').'</span>';
// Display button to post a reply
$post_button .= ' <a href="'.$Item->get_feedback_url().'#form_p'.$Item->ID.'" class="btn btn-default '.$params['button_class'].'" title="'.T_('Reply to topic').'"><i class="fa fa-reply"></i> './* TRANS: verb */ T_('Reply').'</a>';

        if( !empty(
$post_button ) )
// Display button
return '<div class="post_button btn-group '.$params['group_class'].'">'.$post_button.'</div>';

     * Display header for posts list
     * @param string Title
function display_posts_list_header( $title, $params = array() )

$params = array_merge( array(
'actions' => '',
// Normal template:
'before_normal_header'  => '<header class="panel-heading">',
'after_normal_header'   => '<div class="clearfix"></header>',
'before_normal_title'   => '<div class="pull-left">',
'after_normal_title'    => '</div>',
'before_normal_status'  => '<div class="col-lg-2 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">',
'after_normal_status'   => '</div>',
'before_normal_actions' => '',
'after_normal_actions'  => '',
// Template with workflow task status selector:
'before_workflow_header'  => '<header class="panel-heading panel-heading-columns">',
'after_workflow_header'   => '<div class="clearfix"></header>',
'before_workflow_title'   => '<div class="col-lg-8 col-md-8 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">',
'after_workflow_title'    => '</div>',
'before_workflow_status'  => '<div class="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-3 col-xs-6">',
'after_workflow_status'   => '</div>',
'before_workflow_actions' => '<div class="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-3 col-xs-6 text-right">',
'after_workflow_actions'  => '</div>',
$params );

// Check if current User can view workflow properties:
$can_view_workflow =
// Workflow must be enabled for current Collection:
$Blog->get_setting( 'use_workflow' ) &&
// Current User must has a permission to be assigned for tasks of the current Collection:
check_user_perm( 'blog_can_be_assignee', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID );

// Get template depending on permission of current User:
$template = ( $can_view_workflow ? 'workflow' : 'normal' );


// Title:
echo $params['before_'.$template.'_title'];

$can_view_workflow )
// Display status filter only when current User a permission to view workflow properties:
$ItemStatusCache = & get_ItemStatusCache();
$item_statuses_SQL = $ItemStatusCache->get_SQL_object();
$item_statuses_SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_items__status_type ON pst_ID = its_pst_ID' );
$item_statuses_SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_items__type_coll ON its_ityp_ID = itc_ityp_ID' );
$item_statuses_SQL->WHERE( 'itc_coll_ID = '.$Blog->ID );
$ItemStatusCache->load_by_sql( $item_statuses_SQL );
$status = param( 'status', '/^(-|-[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(,[0-9]+)*$/', '' );

'<select id="evo_workflow_status_filter" class="form-control input-sm">'
.'<option value="">'.T_('All statuses').'</option>'
.'<option value="-"'.( $status == '-' ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ).'>'.T_('No status').'</option>'
.$ItemStatusCache->get_option_list( $status )
// JavaScript to reload page with new selected task status:
                /*echo '<script>
                jQuery( "#evo_workflow_status_filter" ).change( function()
                    var url = location.href.replace( /([\?&])((status|redir)=[^&]*(&|$))+/, "$1" );
                    var status_ID = jQuery( this ).val();
                    if( status_ID !== "" )
                        url += ( url.indexOf( "?" ) == -1 ? "?" : "&" ) + "status=" + status_ID + "&redir=no";
                    location.href = url.replace( "?&", "?" ).replace( /\?$/, "" );
                } );
echo $params['after_workflow_status'];

        if( ! empty(
$params['actions'] ) )
// Actions:
echo $params['before_'.$template.'_actions'];


/**** Functions for collection kind "manual" ****/

     * Check if side(left and/or right) navigations are visible for current page
     * @return boolean TRUE on visible
function is_side_navigation_visible()

in_array( $disp, array( 'access_requires_login', 'content_requires_login', 'access_denied' ) ) )
// Display left navigation column on this page when at least one sidebar container is visible:
return $this->show_container_when_access_denied( 'sidebar' ) || $this->show_container_when_access_denied( 'sidebar2' );

// Display left navigation column only on these pages:
return in_array( $disp, array( 'front', 'posts', 'comments', 'flagged', 'mustread', 'single', 'search', 'edit', 'edit_comment', 'catdir', '404' ) );

     * Check if 3rd/right column layout can be used for current page
     * @return boolean
function is_3rd_right_column_layout()
$disp, $disp_detail;

        if( !
$this->is_side_navigation_visible() )
// Side navigation is hidden for current page:
return false;

// Check when we should use layout with 3 columns:
if( $disp == 'front' )
// Front page
return (boolean)$this->get_checklist_setting( 'use_3_cols', 'front' );

$disp == 'single' )
// Single post/item page:
return ( $this->get_checklist_setting( 'use_3_cols', 'single' )
// old setting should be supported:
|| $this->get_setting( 'single_3_cols' ) );

$disp_detail == 'posts-topcat-nointro' || $disp_detail == 'posts-topcat-intro' )
// Category page with or without intro:
return (boolean)$this->get_checklist_setting( 'use_3_cols', 'posts-topcat' );

$disp_detail == 'posts-subcat-nointro' || $disp_detail == 'posts-subcat-intro' )
// Sub-category page with or without intro:
return (boolean)$this->get_checklist_setting( 'use_3_cols', 'posts-subcat' );

// All other disps:
return (boolean)$this->get_checklist_setting( 'use_3_cols', 'other' );

     * Get layout style class depending on skin settings and current disp
     * @param string Place where class is used
function get_layout_class( $place )
$r = '';

$place )
$r .= 'container';
$this->is_3rd_right_column_layout() )
// Layout with 3 columns on current page:
$r .= ' container-xxl';

$this->is_side_navigation_visible() )
// Layout with visible left sidebar:
if( $this->is_3rd_right_column_layout() )
// Layout with 3 columns on current page:
$r .= 'col-xxl-8 col-xxl-pull-2 ';
$r .= 'col-md-9 pull-right-md';
$r .= 'col-md-12';

$this->is_3rd_right_column_layout() )
// Layout with 3 columns on current page:
$r .= 'col-xxl-2 ';
$r .= 'col-md-3 col-xs-12 pull-left-md';

$this->is_3rd_right_column_layout() )
// Layout with 3 columns on current page:
$r .= 'col-xxl-2 col-xxl-push-8 ';
$r .= 'col-md-3 col-xs-12 pull-right-md';

