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 * This file implements the Short Links plugin for b2evolution
 * Creates wiki links
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @package plugins
 * @ignore
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * @package plugins
class shortlinks_plugin extends Plugin
$code = 'b2evWiLi';
$name = 'Short Links';
$priority = 35;
$version = '7.2.3';
$group = 'rendering';
$help_topic = 'wiki-links-plugin';
$number_of_installs = 1;

     * Init
function PluginInit( & $params )
$this->short_desc = T_('Wiki Links converter');
$this->long_desc = T_('You can create links with [[CamelCase]] or ((CamelCase)) which will try to link to the category or the post with the slug "camel-case". See manual for more.');

     * Define here default custom settings that are to be made available
     *     in the backoffice for collections, private messages and newsletters.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::get_custom_setting_definitions()}.
function get_custom_setting_definitions( & $params )
        return array(
'link_types' => array(
'label' => T_('Link types to allow'),
'type' => 'checklist',
'options' => array(
'absolute_urls',         sprintf( $this->T_('Absolute URLs (starting with %s or %s) in brackets'), '<code>http://</code>, <code>https://</code>, <code>mailto://</code>', '<code>//</code>' ), 1 ),
'abs_url_target_blank',  $this->T_('Open in new tab').' (<code>target="_blank"</code>)', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, array( 'style' => 'margin-left:20px' ) ),
'abs_url_optimize',      $this->T_('If an absolute URL references a collection on this system, try to optimize and keep just the slug '), 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, array( 'style' => 'margin-left:20px' ) ),
'relative_urls',         sprintf( $this->T_('Relative URLs (starting with %s followed by a letter or digit) in brackets'), '<code>/</code>' ), 0 ),
'rel_url_optimize',      $this->T_('If a relative URL references a collection on this system, try to optimize and keep just the slug'), 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, array( 'style' => 'margin-left:20px' ) ),
'anchor',                sprintf( $this->T_('Current page anchor URLs (starting with %s) in brackets'), '<code>#</code>' ), 1 ),
'cat_slugs',             $this->T_('Category slugs in brackets'), 1 ),
'item_slugs',            $this->T_('Item slugs in brackets'), 1 ),
'item_id',               $this->T_('Item ID in brackets'), 1 ),
'cat_without_brackets',  $this->T_('WikiWords without brackets matching category slugs'), 0 ),
'item_without_brackets', $this->T_('WikiWords without brackets matching item slugs'), 0 ),

     * Define here default collection/blog settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::get_coll_setting_definitions()}.
function get_coll_setting_definitions( & $params )
$default_values = array(
'default_post_rendering' => 'opt-out'

$default_params = array_merge( $params, $default_values );

parent::get_coll_setting_definitions( $default_params );

     * Define here default message settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_msg_setting_definitions( & $params )
// set params to allow rendering for messages by default
$default_params = array_merge( $params, array( 'default_msg_rendering' => 'opt-out' ) );
parent::get_msg_setting_definitions( $default_params );

     * Define here default email settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_email_setting_definitions( & $params )
// set params to allow rendering for emails by default:
$default_params = array_merge( $params, array( 'default_email_rendering' => 'opt-out' ) );
parent::get_email_setting_definitions( $default_params );

     * Define here default shared settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_shared_setting_definitions( & $params )
// set params to allow rendering for shared container widgets by default:
$default_params = array_merge( $params, array( 'default_shared_rendering' => 'opt-out' ) );
parent::get_shared_setting_definitions( $default_params );

     * Event handler: Called when displaying an item/post's content as HTML.
     * This is different from {@link RenderItemAsHtml()}, because it gets called
     * on every display (while rendering gets cached).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function DisplayItemAsHtml( & $params )
$content = & $params['data'];

// Replace the create post links with simple text if current user has no perm to create a post:
$content = replace_outside_code_tags( '#<a[^>]+href="([^"]+)"[^>]+data-function="create_post" data-coll="(\d+)"[^>]*>(.+?)</a>#i', array( $this, 'callback_replace_post_links' ), $content, 'replace_content_callback' );


     * Perform rendering
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'htmlbody' and 'entityencoded' will arrive here.
     * @return boolean true if we can render something for the required output format
function RenderItemAsHtml( & $params )
$content = & $params['data'];

// Get collection from given params:
$setting_Blog = $this->get_Blog_from_params( $params );

// Get currently rendering Item:
$this->current_Item = $this->get_Item_from_params( $params );

$this->link_types = $this->get_coll_setting( 'link_types', $setting_Blog );

$this->render_content( $content );

     * Perform rendering of Message content
     * NOTE: Use default coll settings of comments as messages settings
     * @see Plugin::RenderMessageAsHtml()
function RenderMessageAsHtml( & $params )
$content = & $params['data'];

$this->link_types = $this->get_msg_setting( 'link_types' );

$this->render_content( $content );

     * Perform rendering of Email content
     * NOTE: Use default coll settings of comments as messages settings
     * @see Plugin::RenderEmailAsHtml()
function RenderEmailAsHtml( & $params )
$content = & $params['data'];

$this->render_type = 'email';
$this->link_types = $this->get_email_setting( 'link_types' );

$this->render_content( $content );

     * Render content of Item, Comment, Message
     * @todo get rid of global $blog
     * @param string Content
     * @return boolean
function render_content( & $content )
$admin_url, $blog, $evo_charset, $post_ID;

// Add regexp modifier 'u' to work with UTF-8 strings correctly:
$regexp_modifier = ( $evo_charset == 'utf-8' ) ? 'u' : '';

// -------- ABSOLUTE BRACKETED URLS -------- :
if( ! empty( $this->link_types['absolute_urls'] ) )
// If it is allowed by plugin setting
$search_urls = '*
                ( \[\[ | \(\( )                    # Lookbehind for (( or [[
                ( (https?://|mailto://|//)[^<>{}\s\]]+ ) # URL
                ( \s \.[a-z0-9_\-\.]+ )?           # Style classes started and separated with dot (Optional)
                ( \s _[a-z0-9_\-]+ )?              # Link target started with _ (Optional)
                ( \s [^\n\r]+? )?                  # Custom link text instead of URL (Optional)
                ( \]{2,} | \){2,} )                # Lookahead for )) or ]]
; // x = extended (spaces + comments allowed)
$content = replace_outside_code_and_short_tags( $search_urls, array( $this, 'callback_replace_bracketed_urls' ), $content, 'replace_content', 'preg_callback' );

// -------- RELATIVE BRACKETED URLS -------- :
if( ! empty( $this->link_types['relative_urls'] ) )
// If it is allowed by plugin setting
$search_urls = '*
                ( \[\[ | \(\( )                    # Lookbehind for (( or [[
                ( (/)[^/][^<>{}\s\]]+ ) # URL
                ( \s \.[a-z0-9_\-\.]+ )?           # Style classes started and separated with dot (Optional)
                ( \s _[a-z0-9_\-]+ )?              # Link target started with _ (Optional)
                ( \s [^\n\r]+? )?                  # Custom link text instead of URL (Optional)
                ( \]{2,} | \){2,} )                # Lookahead for )) or ]]
; // x = extended (spaces + comments allowed)
$content = replace_outside_code_and_short_tags( $search_urls, array( $this, 'callback_replace_bracketed_urls' ), $content, 'replace_content', 'preg_callback' );

/* QUESTION: fplanque, implementation of this planned? then use make_clickable() - or remove this comment
    $ret = preg_replace("#([\n ])aim:([^,< \n\r]+)#i", "\\1<a href=\"aim:goim?screenname=\\2\\3&message=Hello\">\\2\\3</a>", $ret);

    $ret = preg_replace("#([\n ])icq:([^,< \n\r]+)#i", "\\1<a href=\"\\2\\3\">\\2\\3</a>", $ret);

    $ret = preg_replace("#([\n ])www\.([a-z0-9\-]+)\.([a-z0-9\-.\~]+)((?:/[^,< \n\r]*)?)#i", "\\1<a href=\"http://www.\\2.\\3\\4\">www.\\2.\\3\\4</a>", $ret);

    $ret = preg_replace("#([\n ])([a-z0-9\-_.]+?)@([^,< \n\r]+)#i", "\\1<a href=\"mailto:\\2@\\3\">\\2@\\3</a>", $ret); */

        // To use function replace_special_chars()

// -------- STANDALONE WIKIWORDS -------- :
if( ! empty( $this->link_types['cat_without_brackets'] ) ||
            ! empty(
$this->link_types['item_without_brackets'] ) )
// Create the links from standalone WikiWords

$search_wikiwords = array();
$replace_links = array();

$search = '/
                    (?<= \s | ^ )                                                    # Lookbehind for whitespace
                    ([\p{Lu}]+[\p{Ll}0-9_]+([\p{Lu}]+[\p{L}0-9_]+)+)    # WikiWord or WikiWordLong
                    (?= [\.,:;!\?] \s | \s | $ )                                            # Lookahead for whitespace or punctuation
.$regexp_modifier;    // x = extended (spaces + comments allowed)

if( preg_match_all( $search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) )
// Construct array of wikiwords to look up in post urltitles
$wikiwords = array();
$matches as $match )
// Convert the WikiWord to an urltitle
$WikiWord = $match[0];
$Wiki_Word = preg_replace( '*([^\p{Lu}_])([\p{Lu}])*'.$regexp_modifier, '$1-$2', $WikiWord );
$wiki_word = utf8_strtolower( $Wiki_Word );
// echo '<br />Match: [', $WikiWord, '] -> [', $wiki_word, ']';
$wiki_word = replace_special_chars( $wiki_word );
$wikiwords[ $WikiWord ] = $wiki_word;

// Lookup all urltitles at once in DB and preload cache:
if( ! empty( $this->link_types['cat_without_brackets'] ) )
$ChapterCache = & get_ChapterCache();
$ChapterCache->load_urlname_array( $wikiwords );
                if( ! empty(
$this->link_types['item_without_brackets'] ) )
$ItemCache = & get_ItemCache();
$ItemCache->load_urltitle_array( $wikiwords );

// Construct arrays for replacing wikiwords by links:
foreach( $wikiwords as $WikiWord => $wiki_word )
// WikiWord
$search_wikiwords[] = '/
                        (?<= \s | ^ )                         # Lookbehind for whitespace or start
                        (?<! evo_shortlink_broken">)
.$WikiWord.'                            # Specific WikiWord to replace
                        (?= [\.,:;!\?] \s | \s | $ )                            # Lookahead for whitespace or end of string
;    // s = dot matches newlines, x = extended (spaces + comments allowed)

                    // Find matching Item or Chapter:
if( ! empty( $this->link_types['item_without_brackets'] ) &&
$Item = & $ItemCache->get_by_urltitle( $wiki_word, false, false ) ) )
// Replace WikiWord with post permanent link if item is found:
$replace_links[] = '<a href="'.$Item->get_permanent_url().'">'.$Item->get( 'title' ).'</a>';
                    elseif( ! empty(
$this->link_types['cat_without_brackets'] ) &&
$Chapter = & $ChapterCache->get_by_urlname( $wiki_word, false, false ) ) )
// Replace WikiWord with category permanent link if Chapter is found:
$replace_links[] = '<a href="'.$Chapter->get_permanent_url().'">'.$Chapter->get( 'name' ).'</a>';
// Replace WikiWord with broken link if Item and Chapter are not found:
$replace_links[] = $this->get_broken_link( $wiki_word, $WikiWord );

// Replace all found standalone words with links:
$content = replace_outside_code_and_short_tags( $search_wikiwords, $replace_links, $content );

// -------- BRACKETED WIKIWORDS -------- :
if( ! empty( $this->link_types['anchor'] ) ||
            ! empty(
$this->link_types['cat_slugs'] ) ||
            ! empty(
$this->link_types['item_slugs'] ) ||
            ! empty(
$this->link_types['item_id'] ) )
// If it is allowed by plugin settings:
$search_anchor_slug_itemid = ( empty( $this->link_types['anchor'] ) && empty( $this->link_types['cat_slugs'] ) && empty( $this->link_types['item_slugs'] ) ) ?
'([0-9]+) # Only item ID' :
'([\p{L}0-9#]+[\p{L}0-9#_\-]*) # Anything from Wikiword to WikiWordLong';
$search = '/
                    (?<= \(\( | \[\[ )            # Lookbehind for (( or [[
                        ( \s .*? )?                 # Custom link text instead of post or chapter title with optional style classes
                        ( \){2,} | \]{2,} )             # Lookahead for )) or ]]
.$regexp_modifier; // x = extended (spaces + comments allowed)
if( preg_match_all( $search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) )
// Construct array of wikiwords to look up in post urltitles
$wikiwords = array();
$matches as $match )
// Convert the WikiWord to an urltitle
$WikiWord = $match[0];
preg_match( '/^[\p{Ll}0-9#_\-]+$/'.$regexp_modifier, $WikiWord ) )
// This WikiWord already matches a slug format
$Wiki_Word = $WikiWord;
$wiki_word = $Wiki_Word;
// Convert WikiWord to slug format
$Wiki_Word = preg_replace( array( '*([^\p{Lu}#_])([\p{Lu}#])*'.$regexp_modifier, '*([^0-9])([0-9])*'.$regexp_modifier ), '$1-$2', $WikiWord );
$wiki_word = utf8_strtolower( $Wiki_Word );
// Remove additional params from $wiki_word, it should be cleared. We keep the params in $WikiWord and parse them below.
$wiki_word = preg_replace( '/^([^#]+)(#.+)?$/i', '$1', $wiki_word );
$wiki_word = replace_special_chars( $wiki_word );
$wikiwords[ $WikiWord ] = $wiki_word;

// Lookup all urltitles at once in DB and preload cache:
if( ! empty( $this->link_types['cat_slugs'] ) )
$ChapterCache = & get_ChapterCache();
$ChapterCache->load_urlname_array( $wikiwords );
                if( ! empty(
$this->link_types['item_slugs'] ) )
$ItemCache = & get_ItemCache();
$ItemCache->load_urltitle_array( $wikiwords );

// Replace wikiwords by links:
foreach( $wikiwords as $WikiWord => $wiki_word )
// Initialize current wiki word which is used in callback function callback_replace_bracketed_words():
$this->current_WikiWord = $WikiWord;
$this->current_wiki_word = $wiki_word;

// Fix for regexp:
$WikiWord = preg_quote( $WikiWord, '#' );

// [[WikiWord]]
                    // [[WikiWord text]]
                    // [[WikiWord .style.classes text]]
                    // ((WikiWord))
                    // ((WikiWord text))
                    // ((WikiWord .style.classes text))
$search_wikiword = '*
                        ( \[\[ | \(\( )          # Lookbehind for (( or [[
.$WikiWord.'            # Specific WikiWord to replace
                        ( \s \.[a-z0-9_\-\.]+ )? # Style classes started and separated with dot (Optional)
                        ( \s _[a-z0-9_\-]+ )?    # Link target started with _ (Optional)
                        ( \s .+? )?              # Custom link text instead of post/chapter title (Optional)
                        ( \]{2,} | \){2,} )      # Lookahead for )) or ]]
; // s = dot matches newlines, x = extended (spaces + comments allowed)

$content = replace_outside_code_and_short_tags( $search_wikiword, array( $this, 'callback_replace_bracketed_words' ), $content, 'replace_content', 'preg_callback' );


     * Callback function for replace_outside_code_tags to render links like [[ .style.classes text]] or (( .style.classes text))
     * @param array Matches of regexp
     * @return string A processed link to the requested URL
function callback_replace_bracketed_urls( $m )
        if( ! (
$m[1] == '[[' && substr( $m[7], 0, 2 ) == ']]' ) &&
            ! (
$m[1] == '((' && substr( $m[7], 0, 2 ) == '))' ) )
// Wrong pattern, Return original text:
return $m[0];

strlen( $m[7] ) > 2 )
// Fix Custom link text with appending chars ] or ) if it is ended with chars ] or ):
$m[6] .= substr( $m[7], 0, -2 );

// Clear custom link text:
$custom_link_text = utf8_trim( $m[6] );

// Clear custom link style classes:
$custom_link_class = utf8_trim( str_replace( '.', ' ', $m[4] ) );

$m[3] != '/' && ! empty( $this->link_types['abs_url_target_blank'] ) )
// Force target to "_blank" for absolute URLs when it is defined in plugin settings:
$custom_link_target = '_blank';
// Use custom link target:
$custom_link_target = utf8_trim( $m[5] );

// Build a link from bracketed URL:
$r = '<a href="'.$m[2].'"';
$r .= empty( $custom_link_class ) ? '' : ' class="'.$custom_link_class.'"';
$r .= empty( $custom_link_target ) ? '' : ' target="'.$custom_link_target.'"';
$r .= '>';
$r .= empty( $custom_link_text ) ? $m[2] : $custom_link_text;
$r .= '</a>';


     * Callback function for replace_outside_code_tags to render links like [[wiki-word .style.classes text]] or ((wiki-word .style.classes text))
     * @param array Matches of regexp
     * @return string A processed link to post/chapter URL OR a suggestion text to create new post from unfound post urltitle
function callback_replace_bracketed_words( $m )
$blog, $evo_charset, $admin_url;

        if( ! (
$m[1] == '[[' && substr( $m[5], 0, 2 ) == ']]' ) &&
            ! (
$m[1] == '((' && substr( $m[5], 0, 2 ) == '))' ) )
// Wrong pattern, Return original text:
return $m[0];

strlen( $m[5] ) > 2 )
// Fix Custom link text with appending chars ] or ) if it is ended with chars ] or ):
$m[4] .= substr( $m[5], 0, -2 );

$ItemCache = & get_ItemCache();
$ChapterCache = & get_ChapterCache();

// Add regexp modifier 'u' to work with UTF-8 strings correctly:
$regexp_modifier = ( $evo_charset == 'utf-8' ) ? 'u' : '';

// Parse wiki word to find additional param for atrr "id":
$url_params = '';
preg_match( '/^([^#]+)(#(.+))?$/i', $this->current_WikiWord, $WikiWord_match );
        if( empty(
$WikiWord_match ) )
preg_match( '/#(?<=#).*/', $this->current_WikiWord, $WikiWord_match );
$WikiWord_match[1] = isset( $WikiWord_match[0] ) ? $WikiWord_match[0] : null;
$anchor = $WikiWord_match[1];

        if( isset(
$WikiWord_match[3] ) )
// wiki word has attr "id"
$url_params .= '#'.$WikiWord_match[3];

// Use title of wiki word without attribute part:
$WikiWord = $WikiWord_match[1];

// Find matching Chapter or Item:
$permalink = '';
$link_text = preg_replace( array( '*([^\p{Lu}_])([\p{Lu}])*'.$regexp_modifier, '*([^0-9])([0-9])*'.$regexp_modifier ), '$1 $2', $WikiWord );
$link_text = ucwords( str_replace( '-', ' ', $link_text ) );

        if( ! empty(
$this->link_types['item_id'] ) && is_numeric( $this->current_wiki_word ) && ( $Item = & $ItemCache->get_by_ID( $this->current_wiki_word, false, false ) ) )
// Item is found
$permalink = $Item->get_permanent_url();
$existing_link_text = $Item->get( 'title' );
        elseif( ! empty(
$this->link_types['cat_slugs'] ) && $Chapter = & $ChapterCache->get_by_urlname( $this->current_wiki_word, false, false ) )
// Chapter is found
$permalink = $Chapter->get_permanent_url();
$existing_link_text = $Chapter->get( 'name' );
        elseif( ! empty(
$this->link_types['item_slugs'] ) && $Item = & $ItemCache->get_by_urltitle( $this->current_wiki_word, false, false ) )
// Item is found
$permalink = $Item->get_permanent_url();
$existing_link_text = $Item->get( 'title' );
        elseif( ! empty(
$this->link_types['anchor'] ) && isset( $anchor ) && ! empty( $this->current_Item ) )
// Use Item's URL with anchor:
if( $this->current_Item->get_permalink_type() != 'none' )
// Use full permanent URL like '' only for normal Item that have separate single of intro page,
                // For Item without permanent URL like "Content Blcok" or "Special" we should use only relative URL like '#anchor' in order
                // to link always to currently opened URL, because they are included inside of another Item. NOTE: for proper work skin must not use html tag `<base href="/skin_folder" />`.
$permalink = $this->current_Item->get_permanent_url();
$permalink = $url_params == '' ? $permalink.$anchor : $url_params;
$existing_link_text = $this->current_Item->get( 'title' );

// Clear custom link text:
$custom_link_text = utf8_trim( $m[4] );

// Clear custom link style classes:
$custom_link_class = utf8_trim( str_replace( '.', ' ', $m[2] ) );

// Clear custom link target:
$custom_link_target = utf8_trim( $m[3] );

        if( ! empty(
$permalink ) )
// Chapter or Item are found in DB
$custom_link_class = empty( $custom_link_class ) ? '' : ' class="'.$custom_link_class.'"';
$custom_link_target = empty( $custom_link_target ) ? '' : ' target="'.$custom_link_target.'"';

            if( ! empty(
$custom_link_text ) )
// [[WikiWord custom link text]] or ((WikiWord custom link text)) or [[WikiWord .style.classes custom link text]] or ((WikiWord .style.classes custom link text))
return '<a href="'.$permalink.$url_params.'"'.$custom_link_class.$custom_link_target.'>'.$custom_link_text.'</a>';
$m[1] == '[[' )
// [[Wikiword]] or [[Wikiword .style.classes]]
return '<a href="'.$permalink.$url_params.'"'.$custom_link_class.$custom_link_target.'>'.$existing_link_text.'</a>';
// ((Wikiword)) or ((Wikiword .style.classes))
return '<a href="'.$permalink.$url_params.'"'.$custom_link_class.$custom_link_target.'>'.$link_text.'</a>';
// Chapter and Item are not found in DB
if( ( empty( $this->link_types['item_id'] ) && is_numeric( $this->current_wiki_word ) ) ||
                ( empty(
$this->link_types['anchor'] ) && isset( $anchor ) ) )
// Return original text if no found by numeric wikiword and "Item ID in brackets" is disabled:
return $m[0];
// Display a link to suggest to create new post from wiki word:
return $this->get_broken_link( $this->current_wiki_word, ( empty( $custom_link_text ) ? $link_text : $custom_link_text ), $custom_link_class );

     * Get HTML code for broken link
     * @param string Post slug
     * @param string Link/Span text
     * @param string Link/Span class
     * @return string
function get_broken_link( $post_slug, $text, $class = '' )
$blog, $admin_url, $evo_charset;

        if( isset(
$this->render_type ) && $this->render_type == 'email' )
// Don't render broken link for Email Campaign because it is impossible
            // to check user permission when content will be viewed on email inbox:
return $text;

// Add regexp modifier 'u' to work with UTF-8 strings correctly:
$regexp_modifier = ( $evo_charset == 'utf-8' ) ? 'u' : '';

$class = empty( $class ) ? '' : $class.' ';

is_numeric( $post_slug ) && ! is_numeric( $text ) )
// Try to use custom text if it is provided instead of post ID to suggest a link to create new post:
$post_slug = preg_replace( array( '*([^\p{Lu}#_])([\p{Lu}#])*'.$regexp_modifier, '*([^0-9])([0-9])*'.$regexp_modifier ), '$1-$2', utf8_strtolower( $text ) );

        if( isset(
$blog ) && ! is_numeric( $post_slug ) )
// Suggest to create new post from given word:
$before_wikiword = '<a'
.' href="#"'
.' class="'.$class.'evo_shortlink_broken"'
// Add these data attributes in order to display this link only for user who can really create a post:
.' data-function="create_post" data-coll="'.$blog.'">';
$after_wikiword = '</a>';
// Don't allow to create new post from numeric wiki word:
$before_wikiword = '<span class="'.$class.'evo_shortlink_broken">';
$after_wikiword = '</span>';


     * Callback function to replace the links for creating new posts if current user has no permission
     * @param array Matches
     * @return string
function callback_replace_post_links( $matches )
        if( ! isset(
$matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3] ) )
// Return a source string when no enough data to check user permissions:
return $matches[0];

$BlogCache = & get_BlogCache();
$Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $matches[2], false, false );

// Get an URL to create new post,
        // If this function return an empty string then current user has no permission:
$new_post_url = $Blog ? $Blog->get_write_item_url( 0, $matches[3] ) : false;

        if( !
$new_post_url )
// If user has no permission to create a post for the collection,
            // display only a link text without providing a link to create new post:
return $matches[3];

// If user has a permission to create a post for the collection,
        // display the source link but replace the source URL with new generated,
        // because it may be different between back- and front-office and also between
        // anonymous and logged in users (disp=edit vs disp=anonpost):
return preg_replace( '# href="[^"]+"#i', ' href="'.$new_post_url.'" title="'.format_to_output( T_('Create').'...', 'htmlattr' ).'"', $matches[0] );

     * Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars on post/item form.
     * This is for post/item edit forms only. Comments, PMs and emails use different events.
     * @todo dh> This seems to be a lot of Javascript. Please try exporting it in a
     *       (dynamically created) .js src file. Then we could use cache headers
     *       to let the browser cache it.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function AdminDisplayToolbar( & $params )
        if( ! empty(
$params['Item'] ) )
// Item is set, get Blog from post:
$edited_Item = & $params['Item'];
$Collection = $Blog = & $edited_Item->get_Blog();

        if( empty(
$Blog ) )
// Item is not set, try global Blog:
global $Collection, $Blog;
            if( empty(
$Blog ) )
// We can't get a Blog, this way "apply_rendering" plugin collection setting is not available:
return false;

$apply_rendering = $this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_apply_rendering', $Blog );
        if( empty(
$apply_rendering ) || $apply_rendering == 'never' )
// Plugin is not enabled for current case, so don't display a toolbar:
return false;

// Print toolbar on screen:
return $this->DisplayCodeToolbar( $Blog, $params );

     * Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars on comment form.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function DisplayCommentToolbar( & $params )
        if( ! empty(
$params['Comment'] ) )
// Comment is set, get Blog from comment:
$Comment = & $params['Comment'];
            if( ! empty(
$Comment->item_ID ) )
$comment_Item = & $Comment->get_Item();
$Collection = $Blog = & $comment_Item->get_Blog();

        if( empty(
$Blog ) )
// Comment is not set, try global Blog:
global $Collection, $Blog;
            if( empty(
$Blog ) )
// We can't get a Blog, this way "apply_comment_rendering" plugin collection setting is not available:
return false;

$apply_rendering = $this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_apply_comment_rendering', $Blog );
        if( empty(
$apply_rendering ) || $apply_rendering == 'never' )
// Plugin is not enabled for current case, so don't display a toolbar:
return false;

// Print toolbar on screen
return $this->DisplayCodeToolbar( $Blog, $params );

     * Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars for message.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function DisplayMessageToolbar( & $params )
$apply_rendering = $this->get_msg_setting( 'msg_apply_rendering' );
        if( ! empty(
$apply_rendering ) && $apply_rendering != 'never' )
// Print toolbar on screen:
return $this->DisplayCodeToolbar( NULL, $params );

     * Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars for email.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function DisplayEmailToolbar( & $params )
$apply_rendering = $this->get_email_setting( 'email_apply_rendering' );
        if( ! empty(
$apply_rendering ) && $apply_rendering != 'never' )
// Print toolbar on screen:
return $this->DisplayCodeToolbar( NULL, $params );

     * Display Toolbar
     * @param object Blog
function DisplayCodeToolbar( $Blog = NULL, $params = array() )
$Hit, $baseurl, $debug;

$Hit->is_lynx() )
// let's deactivate toolbar on Lynx, because they don't work there:
return false;

$params = array_merge( array(
'js_prefix' => '', // Use different prefix if you use several toolbars on one page
), $params );

// Load js to work with textarea:
require_js_defer( 'functions.js', 'blog', true );

// Load js and css for modal window:
$this->require_js_defer( 'shortlinks.js', true );
$this->require_css( 'shortlinks.css', true );

// Initialize JavaScript to build and open window:

// Initialize Javascript to build shortlinks modal window;

$js_config = array(
'js_prefix'            => $params['js_prefix'],
'plugin_code'          => $this->code,

'toolbar_title_before' => format_to_js( $this->get_template( 'toolbar_title_before' ) ),
'toolbar_title_after'  => format_to_js( $this->get_template( 'toolbar_title_after' ) ),
'toolbar_group_before' => format_to_js( $this->get_template( 'toolbar_group_before' ) ),
'toolbar_group_after'  => format_to_js( $this->get_template( 'toolbar_group_after' ) ),
'toolbar_title'        => T_('Short Links:'),

'button_title'         => T_('Link to a Post'),
'button_value'         => T_('Link to a Post'),
'button_class'         => $this->get_template( 'toolbar_button_class' ),

is_ajax_request() )
                jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
                        window.evo_init_shortlinks_toolbar( <?php echo evo_json_encode( $js_config ); ?> );
                    } );
expose_var_to_js( 'shortlinks_toolbar_'.$params['js_prefix'], $js_config, 'evo_init_shortlinks_toolbar_config' );

$this->get_template( 'toolbar_before', array( '$toolbar_class$' => $params['js_prefix'].$this->code.'_toolbar' ) );
$this->get_template( 'toolbar_after' );


     * Initialize JavaScript to build and open window for shortlinks
function init_js_lang_vars( $relative_to = 'rsc_url' )
// TODO: Include in rsc/js/src/evo_init_plugin_shortlinks.js
global $Blog;

// Initialize variables for the file "shortlinks.js":
echo '<script>
        var shortlinks_coll_urlname = \''
.( empty( $Blog ) ? 'undefined' : $Blog->urlname ).'\';
        var shortlinks_title_link_to_post = \''
.TS_('Link to a Post').get_manual_link( 'shortlinks-plugin-link-post-dialog' ).'\';
        var shortlinks_collections = \''
        var shortlinks_insert_full_cover_image = \''
.TS_('Insert full cover image').'\';
        var shortlinks_insert_title = \''
.TS_('Insert title').'\';
        var shortlinks_insert_thumbnail_of_cover = \''
.TS_('Insert thumbnail of cover or first image').'\';
        var shortlinks_insert_excerpt = \''
.TS_('Insert excerpt').'\';
        var shortlinks_insert_teaser = \''
.TS_('Insert teaser').'\';
        var shortlinks_insert_read_more_link = \''
.TS_('Insert "Read more" link').'\';
        var shortlinks_slug = \''
        var shortlinks_mode = \''
        var shortlinks_use_title = \''
.TS_('Use title of destination post as link text').'\';
        var shortlinks_use_slug_words = \''
.TS_('Use slug words as link text').'\';
        var shortlinks_classes = \''
        var shortlinks_target = \''
        var shortlinks_none = \''
        var shortlinks_blank = \''
        var shortlinks_parent = \''
        var shortlinks_top = \''
        var shortlinks_text = \''
        var shortlinks_search = \''
        var shortlinks_clear = \''
        var shortlinks_back = \''
        var shortlinks_insert_short_link = \''
.TS_('Insert Short Link').'\';
        var shortlinks_insert_with_options = \''
.TS_('Insert with options').'...'.'\';
        var shortlinks_insert_snippet_link = \''
.TS_('Insert Snippet + Link').'...'.'\';
        var shortlinks_select_item = \''
.TS_('Please select at least one item option to insert.').'\';
        var shortlinks_insert_link = \''
.TS_('Insert Link').'\';
        var shortlinks_read_more = \''
.TS_('Read more').'\';
        var shortlinks_link_to_post = \''
.TS_('Link to a Post').'\';

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link Item::dbinsert() inserting
     * an item/post in the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Item': the related Item (by reference)
function PrependItemInsertTransact( & $params )
$Item = & $params['Item'];

// Get collection from given params:
$setting_Blog = $this->get_Blog_from_params( $params );

        if( !
$this->is_renderer_enabled( $this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_apply_rendering', $setting_Blog ), $Item->get_renderers_validated() ) )
// Don't try to optimize when this plugin is not applied for Items:

// Get settings to know what should be optimized:
$this->link_types = $this->get_coll_setting( 'link_types', $setting_Blog );

// Optimize URLs:
$Item->set( 'content', $this->optimize_urls( $Item->get( 'content' ) ) );

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link Item::dbupdate() updating
     * an item/post in the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Item': the related Item (by reference)
function PrependItemUpdateTransact( & $params )
$this->PrependItemInsertTransact( $params );

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link Comment::dbinsert() inserting
     * a Comment in the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Comment': the related Comment (by reference)
function PrependCommentInsertTransact( & $params )
$Comment = & $params['Comment'];

// Get collection from given params:
$setting_Blog = $this->get_Blog_from_params( $params );

        if( !
$this->is_renderer_enabled( $this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_apply_comment_rendering', $setting_Blog ), $Comment->get_renderers_validated() ) )
// Don't try to optimize when this plugin is not applied for Comments:

// Get settings to know what should be optimized:
$this->link_types = $this->get_coll_setting( 'link_types', $setting_Blog );

// Optimize URLs:
$Comment->set( 'content', $this->optimize_urls( $Comment->get( 'content' ) ) );

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link Comment::dbupdate() updating
     * a Comment in the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Comment': the related Comment (by reference)
function PrependCommentUpdateTransact( & $params )
$this->PrependCommentInsertTransact( $params );

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link Message::dbinsert_discussion() inserting
     * an Message in the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Message': the related Message (by reference)
function PrependMessageInsertTransact( & $params )
$Message = & $params['Message'];

        if( !
$this->is_renderer_enabled( $this->get_msg_setting( 'msg_apply_rendering' ), $Message->get_renderers_validated() ) )
// Don't try to optimize when this plugin is not applied for Items:

$this->link_types = $this->get_msg_setting( 'link_types' );

$Message->set( 'text', $this->optimize_urls( $Message->get( 'text' ) ) );

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link EmailCampaign::dbinsert() inserting
     * an Email Campaign in the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'EmailCampaign': the related EmailCampaign (by reference)
function PrependEmailInsertTransact( & $params )
$EmailCampaign = & $params['EmailCampaign'];

        if( !
$this->is_renderer_enabled( $this->get_email_setting( 'email_apply_rendering' ), $EmailCampaign->get_renderers_validated() ) )
// Don't try to optimize when this plugin is not applied for Items:

$this->link_types = $this->get_email_setting( 'link_types' );

$EmailCampaign->set( 'email_text', $this->optimize_urls( $EmailCampaign->get( 'email_text' ) ) );
//$EmailCampaign->set( 'email_html', $this->optimize_urls( $EmailCampaign->get( 'email_html' ) ) );
        //$EmailCampaign->set( 'email_plaintext', $this->optimize_urls( $EmailCampaign->get( 'email_plaintext' ) ) );

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link EmailCampaign::dbupdate() updating
     * an Email Campaign in the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'EmailCampaign': the related EmailCampaign (by reference)
function PrependEmailUpdateTransact( & $params )
$this->PrependEmailInsertTransact( $params );

     * Optimize URLs in content
     * @param string Source content
     * @return string Optimized content
function optimize_urls( $content )
        if( ! empty(
$this->link_types['abs_url_optimize'] ) )
// Optimize absolute URLs:
$content = replace_outside_code_and_short_tags( '*
                    ( \[\[ | \(\( ) # Lookbehind for (( or [[
                    ( ( (https?://|//).+/ ) ( [^/][^<>{}\s\]\)]+ ) ) # URL
                    ( \s.+ )?       # Additional attributes like style classes, link target, custon link text (Optional)
                    ( \]{2,} | \){2,} ) # Lookahead for )) or ]]
, // x = extended (spaces + comments allowed)
array( $this, 'optimize_urls_callback' ), $content, 'replace_content', 'preg_callback' );

        if( ! empty(
$this->link_types['rel_url_optimize'] ) )
// Optimize relative URLs:
$content = replace_outside_code_and_short_tags( '*
                    ( \[\[ | \(\( ) # Lookbehind for (( or [[
                    ( ( /(.+/)? ) ( [^/][^<>{}\s\]\)]+ ) ) # URL
                    ( \s.+ )?       # Additional attributes like style classes, link target, custon link text (Optional)
                    ( \]{2,} | \){2,} ) # Lookahead for )) or ]]
, // x = extended (spaces + comments allowed)
array( $this, 'optimize_urls_callback' ), $content, 'replace_content', 'preg_callback' );


     * Callback function for URLs optimization
     * @param array $m
     * @return string
function optimize_urls_callback( $m )
        if( ! (
$m[1] == '[[' && substr( $m[7], 0, 2 ) == ']]' ) &&
            ! (
$m[1] == '((' && substr( $m[7], 0, 2 ) == '))' ) )
// Wrong pattern, Return original text:
return $m[0];

preg_match( '#^(https?://|//)$#', $m[4] ) &&
is_internal_url( $m[3] ) )
// This is an absolute URL but this is an external URLs,
            // don't optimize this URL to slug:
return $m[0];

strlen( $m[7] ) > 2 )
// Fix Custom link text with appending chars ] or ) if it is ended with chars ] or ):
$m[6] .= substr( $m[7], 0, -2 );

$slug = $m[5];
$anchor_position = strpos( $slug, '#' );
$anchor_position !== false )
// Remove anchor from slug:
$slug = substr( $slug, 0, $anchor_position );
$SlugCache = & get_SlugCache();
        if( !
$SlugCache->get_by_name( $slug, false, false ) )
// The Slug is not found in system, Keep it as is without optimization:
return $m[0];

// Return short link tag only with slug(without absolute or relative path):
return $m[1].$m[5].$m[6].$m[7];