* @brief widgets, a plugin for Dotclear 2
* @package Dotclear
* @subpackage Plugins
* @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
* @copyright GPL-2.0-only
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
include __DIR__ . '/_default_widgets.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/_widgets_functions.php';
$core->tpl->addValue('Widgets', ['publicWidgets', 'tplWidgets']);
$core->tpl->addBlock('Widget', ['publicWidgets', 'tplWidget']);
$core->tpl->addBlock('IfWidgets', ['publicWidgets', 'tplIfWidgets']);
class publicWidgets
public static function tplWidgets($attr)
$type = $attr['type'] ?? '';
# widgets to disable
$disable = isset($attr['disable']) ? trim((string) $attr['disable']) : '';
if ($type == '') {
$res = "publicWidgets::widgetsHandler('nav','" . addslashes($disable) . "');" . "\n" .
" publicWidgets::widgetsHandler('extra','" . addslashes($disable) . "');" . "\n" .
" publicWidgets::widgetsHandler('custom','" . addslashes($disable) . "');" . "\n";
} else {
if (!in_array($type, ['nav', 'extra', 'custom'])) {
$type = 'nav';
$res = "publicWidgets::widgetsHandler('" . addslashes($type) . "','" . addslashes($disable) . "');";
return '<?php ' . $res . ' ?>';
public static function widgetsHandler($type, $disable = '')
$wtype = 'widgets_' . $type;
$widgets = $GLOBALS['core']->blog->settings->widgets->{$wtype};
if (!$widgets) {
// If widgets value is empty, get defaults
$widgets = self::defaultWidgets($type);
} else {
// Otherwise, load widgets
$widgets = dcWidgets::load($widgets);
if ($widgets->isEmpty()) {
// Widgets are empty, don't show anything
$disable = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $disable, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$disable = array_flip($disable);
foreach ($widgets->elements() as $k => $w) {
if (isset($disable[$w->id()])) {
echo $w->call($k);
public static function tplIfWidgets($attr, $content)
$type = $attr['type'] ?? '';
# widgets to disable
$disable = isset($attr['disable']) ? trim((string) $attr['disable']) : '';
if ($type == '') {
$res = "publicWidgets::ifWidgetsHandler('nav','" . addslashes($disable) . "') &&" . "\n" .
" publicWidgets::ifWidgetsHandler('extra','" . addslashes($disable) . "') &&" . "\n" .
" publicWidgets::ifWidgetsHandler('custom','" . addslashes($disable) . "')" . "\n";
} else {
if (!in_array($type, ['nav', 'extra', 'custom'])) {
$type = 'nav';
$res = "publicWidgets::ifWidgetsHandler('" . addslashes($type) . "','" . addslashes($disable) . "')";
return '<?php if(' . $res . ') : ?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
public static function ifWidgetsHandler($type, $disable = '')
$wtype = 'widgets_' . $type;
$widgets = $GLOBALS['core']->blog->settings->widgets->{$wtype};
if (!$widgets) {
// If widgets value is empty, get defaults
$widgets = self::defaultWidgets($type);
} else {
// Otherwise, load widgets
$widgets = dcWidgets::load($widgets);
return (!$widgets->isEmpty());
private static function defaultWidgets($type)
$widgets = new dcWidgets();
$w = new dcWidgets();
if (isset($GLOBALS['__default_widgets'][$type])) {
$w = $GLOBALS['__default_widgets'][$type];
return $w;
public static function tplWidget($attr, $content)
if (!isset($attr['id']) || !($GLOBALS['__widgets']->{$attr['id']} instanceof dcWidget)) {
# We change tpl:lang syntax, we need it
$content = preg_replace('/\{\{tpl:lang\s+(.*?)\}\}/msu', '{tpl:lang $1}', $content);
# We remove every {{tpl:
$content = preg_replace('/\{\{tpl:.*?\}\}/msu', '', $content);
"<?php publicWidgets::widgetHandler('" . addslashes($attr['id']) . "','" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $content) . "'); ?>";
public static function widgetHandler($id, $xml)
$widgets = &$GLOBALS['__widgets'];
if (!($widgets->{$id} instanceof dcWidget)) {
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><widget>' . $xml . '</widget>';
$xml = @simplexml_load_string($xml);
if (!($xml instanceof SimpleXMLElement)) {
echo 'Invalid widget XML fragment';
$w = clone $widgets->{$id};
foreach ($xml->setting as $e) {
if (empty($e['name'])) {
$setting = (string) $e['name'];
if ($e->count() > 0) {
$text = preg_replace('#^<setting[^>]*>(.*)</setting>$#msu', '\1', (string) $e->asXML());
} else {
$text = $e;
$w->{$setting} = preg_replace_callback('/\{tpl:lang (.*?)\}/msu', ['self', 'widgetL10nHandler'], $text);
echo $w->call(0);
private static function widgetL10nHandler($m)
return __($m[1]);