* @brief attachments, a plugin for Dotclear 2
* @package Dotclear
* @subpackage Plugins
* @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
* @copyright GPL-2.0-only
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
# Attachments
$core->tpl->addBlock('Attachments', ['attachmentTpl', 'Attachments']);
$core->tpl->addBlock('AttachmentsHeader', ['attachmentTpl', 'AttachmentsHeader']);
$core->tpl->addBlock('AttachmentsFooter', ['attachmentTpl', 'AttachmentsFooter']);
$core->tpl->addValue('AttachmentMimeType', ['attachmentTpl', 'AttachmentMimeType']);
$core->tpl->addValue('AttachmentType', ['attachmentTpl', 'AttachmentType']);
$core->tpl->addValue('AttachmentFileName', ['attachmentTpl', 'AttachmentFileName']);
$core->tpl->addValue('AttachmentSize', ['attachmentTpl', 'AttachmentSize']);
$core->tpl->addValue('AttachmentTitle', ['attachmentTpl', 'AttachmentTitle']);
$core->tpl->addValue('AttachmentThumbnailURL', ['attachmentTpl', 'AttachmentThumbnailURL']);
$core->tpl->addValue('AttachmentURL', ['attachmentTpl', 'AttachmentURL']);
$core->tpl->addValue('MediaURL', ['attachmentTpl', 'MediaURL']);
$core->tpl->addBlock('AttachmentIf', ['attachmentTpl', 'AttachmentIf']);
$core->tpl->addValue('EntryAttachmentCount', ['attachmentTpl', 'EntryAttachmentCount']);
$core->addBehavior('tplIfConditions', ['attachmentBehavior', 'tplIfConditions']);
class attachmentTpl
<!ELEMENT tpl:Attachments - - -- Post Attachments loop -->
public static function Attachments($attr, $content)
$res = "<?php\n" .
'if ($_ctx->posts !== null && $core->media) {' . "\n" .
'$_ctx->attachments = new ArrayObject($core->media->getPostMedia($_ctx->posts->post_id,null,"attachment"));' . "\n" .
"?>\n" .
'<?php foreach ($_ctx->attachments as $attach_i => $attach_f) : ' .
'$GLOBALS[\'attach_i\'] = $attach_i; $GLOBALS[\'attach_f\'] = $attach_f;' .
'$_ctx->file_url = $attach_f->file_url; ?>' .
$content .
'<?php endforeach; $_ctx->attachments = null; unset($attach_i,$attach_f,$_ctx->file_url); ?>' .
"<?php } ?>\n";
return $res;
<!ELEMENT tpl:AttachmentsHeader - - -- First attachments result container -->
public static function AttachmentsHeader($attr, $content)
'<?php if ($attach_i == 0) : ?>' .
$content .
'<?php endif; ?>';
<!ELEMENT tpl:AttachmentsFooter - - -- Last attachments result container -->
public static function AttachmentsFooter($attr, $content)
'<?php if ($attach_i+1 == count($_ctx->attachments)) : ?>' .
$content .
'<?php endif; ?>';
<!ELEMENT tpl:AttachmentsIf - - -- Test on attachment fields -->
<!ATTLIST tpl:AttachmentIf
is_image (0|1) #IMPLIED -- test if attachment is an image (value : 1) or not (value : 0)
has_thumb (0|1) #IMPLIED -- test if attachment has a square thumnail (value : 1) or not (value : 0)
is_mp3 (0|1) #IMPLIED -- test if attachment is a mp3 file (value : 1) or not (value : 0)
is_flv (0|1) #IMPLIED -- test if attachment is a flv file (value : 1) or not (value : 0)
is_audio (0|1) #IMPLIED -- test if attachment is an audio file (value : 1) or not (value : 0)
is_video (0|1) #IMPLIED -- test if attachment is a video file (value : 1) or not (value : 0)
public static function AttachmentIf($attr, $content)
$if = [];
$operator = isset($attr['operator']) ? dcTemplate::getOperator($attr['operator']) : '&&';
if (isset($attr['is_image'])) {
$sign = (bool) $attr['is_image'] ? '' : '!';
$if[] = $sign . '$attach_f->media_image';
if (isset($attr['has_thumb'])) {
$sign = (bool) $attr['has_thumb'] ? '' : '!';
$if[] = $sign . 'isset($attach_f->media_thumb[\'sq\'])';
if (isset($attr['is_mp3'])) {
$sign = (bool) $attr['is_mp3'] ? '==' : '!=';
$if[] = '$attach_f->type ' . $sign . ' "audio/mpeg3"';
if (isset($attr['is_flv'])) {
$sign = (bool) $attr['is_flv'] ? '==' : '!=';
$if[] = '$attach_f->type ' . $sign . ' "video/x-flv"';
if (isset($attr['is_audio'])) {
$sign = (bool) $attr['is_audio'] ? '==' : '!=';
$if[] = '$attach_f->type_prefix ' . $sign . ' "audio"';
if (isset($attr['is_video'])) {
// Since 2.15 .flv media are no more considered as video (Flash is obsolete)
$sign = (bool) $attr['is_video'] ? '==' : '!=';
$test = '$attach_f->type_prefix ' . $sign . ' "video"';
if ($sign == '==') {
$test .= ' && $attach_f->type != "video/x-flv"';
} else {
$test .= ' || $attach_f->type == "video/x-flv"';
$if[] = $test;
if (count($if) != 0) {
return '<?php if(' . implode(' ' . $operator . ' ', (array) $if) . ') : ?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
return $content;
<!ELEMENT tpl:AttachmentMimeType - O -- Attachment MIME Type -->
public static function AttachmentMimeType($attr)
$f = $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($attr);
return '<?php echo ' . sprintf($f, '$attach_f->type') . '; ?>';
<!ELEMENT tpl:AttachmentType - O -- Attachment type -->
public static function AttachmentType($attr)
$f = $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($attr);
return '<?php echo ' . sprintf($f, '$attach_f->media_type') . '; ?>';
<!ELEMENT tpl:AttachmentFileName - O -- Attachment file name -->
public static function AttachmentFileName($attr)
$f = $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($attr);
return '<?php echo ' . sprintf($f, '$attach_f->basename') . '; ?>';
<!ELEMENT tpl:AttachmentSize - O -- Attachment size -->
<!ATTLIST tpl:AttachmentSize
full CDATA #IMPLIED -- if set, size is rounded to a human-readable value (in KB, MB, GB, TB)
public static function AttachmentSize($attr)
$f = $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($attr);
if (!empty($attr['full'])) {
return '<?php echo ' . sprintf($f, '$attach_f->size') . '; ?>';
return '<?php echo ' . sprintf($f, 'files::size($attach_f->size)') . '; ?>';
<!ELEMENT tpl:AttachmentTitle - O -- Attachment title -->
public static function AttachmentTitle($attr)
$f = $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($attr);
return '<?php echo ' . sprintf($f, '$attach_f->media_title') . '; ?>';
<!ELEMENT tpl:AttachmentThumbnailURL - O -- Attachment square thumbnail URL -->
public static function AttachmentThumbnailURL($attr)
$f = $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($attr);
'<?php ' .
'if (isset($attach_f->media_thumb[\'sq\'])) {' .
'echo ' . sprintf($f, '$attach_f->media_thumb[\'sq\']') . ';' .
'}' .
<!ELEMENT tpl:AttachmentURL - O -- Attachment URL -->
public static function AttachmentURL($attr)
$f = $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($attr);
return '<?php echo ' . sprintf($f, '$attach_f->file_url') . '; ?>';
public static function MediaURL($attr)
$f = $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($attr);
return '<?php echo ' . sprintf($f, '$_ctx->file_url') . '; ?>';
<!ELEMENT tpl:EntryAttachmentCount - O -- Number of attachments for entry -->
<!ATTLIST tpl:EntryAttachmentCount
none CDATA #IMPLIED -- text to display for "no attachments" (default: no attachments)
one CDATA #IMPLIED -- text to display for "one attachment" (default: one attachment)
more CDATA #IMPLIED -- text to display for "more attachment" (default: %s attachment, %s is replaced by the number of attachments)
public static function EntryAttachmentCount($attr)
global $core;
return $core->tpl->displayCounter(
'none' => 'no attachments',
'one' => 'one attachment',
'more' => '%d attachments',
class attachmentBehavior
public static function tplIfConditions($tag, $attr, $content, $if)
if ($tag == 'EntryIf' && isset($attr['has_attachment'])) {
$sign = (bool) $attr['has_attachment'] ? '' : '!';
$if[] = $sign . '$_ctx->posts->countMedia(\'attachment\')';