Seditio Source
Root |
 * This is the template that displays the posts for a blog
 * This file is not meant to be called directly.
 * It is meant to be called by an include in the template.
 * To display the archive directory, you should call a stub AND pass the right parameters
 * For example: /blogs/index.php?disp=posts
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @package evoskins
 * @subpackage bootstrap_gallery_skin
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );


// ------------------------------- START OF INTRO POST -------------------------------
if( $Item = & get_featured_Item() )
// We have a intro-front post to display:
<div id="<?php $Item->anchor_id() ?>" class="<?php $Item->div_classes( array( 'item_class' => 'jumbotron evo_content_block evo_post' ) ) ?>" lang="<?php $Item->lang() ?>">

->locale_temp_switch(); // Temporarily switch to post locale (useful for multilingual blogs)

$action_links = $Item->get_edit_link( array( // Link to backoffice for editing
'before' => '',
'after'  => '',
'text'   => $Item->is_intro() ? get_icon( 'edit' ).' '.T_('Edit Intro') : '#',
'class'  => button_class( 'text' ),
        ) );
$Item->status != 'published' )
$Item->format_status( array(
'template' => '<div class="evo_status evo_status__$status$ badge pull-right" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="$tooltip_title$">$status_title$</div>',
            ) );
$Item->title( array(
'link_type'  => 'none',
'before'     => '<div class="evo_post_title"><h1>',
'after'      => '</h1><div class="'.button_class( 'group' ).'">'.$action_links.'</div></div>',
'nav_target' => false,
        ) );

// ---------------------- POST CONTENT INCLUDED HERE ----------------------
skin_include( '', array_merge( $params, array(
'Item'       => $Item,
'intro_mode' => 'normal', // Intro posts will be displayed in normal mode
) ) );
// Note: You can customize the default item content by copying the generic
    // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
    // -------------------------- END OF POST CONTENT -------------------------

locale_restore_previous();    // Restore previous locale (Blog locale)
// ------------------------------- END OF INTRO-FRONT POST -------------------------------

// --------------------------------- START OF POSTS -------------------------------------
// Display message if no post:
$params_no_content = array(
'before'      => '<div class="msg_nothing">',
'after'       => '</div>' );
if( !
is_logged_in() )
// fp> the following is kind of a hack. It's not really correct.
$url = get_login_url( 'no public content' );
$params_no_content['msg_empty'] = '<p>'.T_('This site has no public contents.').'</p><p><a href="'.$url.'">'.T_('Log in now!').'</a></p>';
$list_is_empty = display_if_empty( $params_no_content );

if( !
$list_is_empty )
<div class="posts_list">
while( $Item = & mainlist_get_item() )
// For each blog post, do everything below up to the closing curly brace "}"

        // Temporarily switch to post locale (useful for multilingual blogs)
<div id="<?php $Item->anchor_id() ?>" class="<?php $Item->div_classes( $params ) ?>" lang="<?php $Item->lang() ?>">
// Display images that are linked to this post:
$item_first_image = $Item->get_images( array(
'before'              => '',
'before_image'        => '',
'before_image_legend' => '',
'after_image_legend'  => '',
'after_image'         => '',
'after'               => '',
'image_size'          => $Skin->get_setting( 'posts_thumb_size' ),
'image_link_to'       => 'single',
'image_desc'          => '',
'limit'                      => 1,
'restrict_to_image_position' => 'cover,background,teaser,aftermore,inline',
'get_rendered_attachments'   => false,
// Sort the attachments to get firstly "Cover", then "Teaser", and "After more" as last order
'links_sql_select'           => ', CASE '
.'WHEN link_position = "cover"     THEN "1" '
.'WHEN link_position = "teaser"    THEN "2" '
.'WHEN link_position = "aftermore" THEN "3" '
.'WHEN link_position = "inline"    THEN "4" '
// .'ELSE "99999999"' // Use this line only if you want to put the other position types at the end
.'END AS position_order',
'links_sql_orderby'          => 'position_order, link_order',
            ) );

        if( empty(
$item_first_image ) )
// No images in this post, Display an empty block
$item_first_image = $Item->get_permanent_link( '<b>'.T_('No pictures yet').'</b>', '#', 'album_nopic' );
        else if(
$item_first_image == 'plugin_render_attachments' )
// No images, but some attachments(e.g. videos) are rendered by plugins
$item_first_image = $Item->get_permanent_link( '<b>'.T_('Click to see contents').'</b>', '#', 'album_nopic' );

// Display a title
echo $Item->get_title( array(
'before' => $item_first_image.'<br />',
            ) );

// Restore previous locale (Blog locale)
} // ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------