* Parsedown b2evolution extession
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
* @copyright (c)2003-2016 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
* @package plugins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
class ParsedownB2evo extends ParsedownExtra
protected $b2evo_parse_font_styles = true;
protected $b2evo_parse_links = true;
protected $b2evo_parse_images = true;
* Constructor
function __construct()
if( isset( $this->unmarkedBlockTypes ) &&
is_array( $this->unmarkedBlockTypes ) &&
( $code_index = array_search( 'Code', $this->unmarkedBlockTypes ) ) !== false )
{ // Don't parse code blocks by indent spaces or tab:
unset( $this->unmarkedBlockTypes[ $code_index ] );
* Set flag to parse font styles
* @param boolean
public function set_b2evo_parse_font_styles( $parse )
$this->b2evo_parse_font_styles = $parse;
* Set flag to parse inline links
* @param boolean
public function set_b2evo_parse_links( $parse )
$this->b2evo_parse_links = $parse;
* Set flag to parse inline images
* @param boolean
public function set_b2evo_parse_images( $parse )
$this->b2evo_parse_images = $parse;
* Parse bold & italic font styles
* @param string Text
* @return string
protected function inlineEmphasis( $Excerpt )
if( $this->b2evo_parse_font_styles )
{ // Allow to parse font styles:
return parent::inlineEmphasis( $Excerpt );
{ // Don't parse font styles:
* Parse inline links
* @param string Text
* @return string
protected function inlineLink( $Excerpt )
if( $this->b2evo_parse_links )
{ // Allow to parse inline links:
$link_data = parent::inlineLink( $Excerpt );
if( is_array( $link_data ) && isset( $link_data['element']['attributes']['href'] ) &&
preg_match( '/^(https?:\/\/|\/)/i', $link_data['element']['attributes']['href'] ) )
{ // Allow link ONLY with URL which starts with "http://", "https://" or "/":
return $link_data;
{ // Deny wrong URL, because it may contains vulnerability code like "javascript:alert()":
{ // Don't parse inline links:
* Parse inline images
* @param string Text
* @return string
protected function inlineImage( $Excerpt )
if( $this->b2evo_parse_images )
{ // Allow to parse inline images:
// Force a link parsing, because "inlineLink()" is used inside of "inlineImage()":
$current_b2evo_parse_links = $this->b2evo_parse_links;
$this->set_b2evo_parse_links( true );
// Parse images:
$r = parent::inlineImage( $Excerpt );
// Revert a link parsing setting back:
$this->set_b2evo_parse_links( $current_b2evo_parse_links );
return $r;
{ // Don't parse inline images:
* Parse text
* @param string Text
* @return string
public function text( $text )
if( strpos( $text, '>' ) !== false )
{ // Fix the encoded chars ">" to correct parsing of blockquote:
$text = preg_replace_callback( '/(^|\n)((> ?)+)/', array( $this, 'b2evo_html_decode_blockquote' ), $text );
if( strpos( $text, '"' ) !== false )
{ // Fix the encoded chars '"' to correct parsing of links and images:
$text = preg_replace( '/\((.+)"(.+)"\)/', '($1"$2")', $text );
// Parse markdown code:
$text = parent::text( $text );
return $text;
* Callback function to replace all encoded chars ">" from ">"
* @param array Matches
* @return string
private function b2evo_html_decode_blockquote( $matches )
return str_replace( '>', '>', $matches[0] );
* Handle paragraph line
* @param string Line
protected function paragraph( $Line )
if( $Line['text'] == '[teaserbreak]' || $Line['text'] == '[pagebreak]' )
{ // Don't apply <p> around item content separators:
return array(
'element' => array(
'name' => 'notag',
'text' => $Line['text']
) );
// Use standard preparing for other cases:
return parent::paragraph( $Line );
* Mark up element
* @param array Element
protected function element( array $Element )
$r = '';
if( isset( $Element['before'] ) )
{ // Prepend additional text:
$r .= $Element['before'];
if( isset( $Element['name'] ) && $Element['name'] == 'notag' )
{ // Don't apply any html tag, Use simple text:
if( isset( $Element['handler'] ) )
{ // Use handler function:
$r .= $this->{$Element['handler']}($Element['text']);
{ // No handler, just text:
$r .= $Element['text'];
{ // Use standard preparing for other cases:
$r .= parent::element( $Element );
if( isset( $Element['after'] ) )
{ // Append additional text:
$r .= $Element['after'];
return $r;
* Prepare each line on a list element
* @param array Line
* @param array Block
* @return array
protected function blockListContinue( $Line, array $Block )
if( ! empty( $Block['interrupted'] ) && empty( $Line['indent'] ) )
{ // If a list is interrupted now(for example, new line after list line),
// then we should end this list in order to start one new if that exists:
// Do nothing here in order to end the current list element.
{ // Call standard preparing:
$before_list_items_num = ( isset( $Block['li']['text'] ) && is_array( $Block['li']['text'] ) ? count( $Block['li']['text'] ) : 0 );
$Block = parent::blockListContinue( $Line, $Block );
if( isset( $Line['body'] ) &&
isset( $Block['li']['text'] ) &&
is_array( $Block['li']['text'] ) )
{ // If list has at least one item:
$after_list_items_num = count( $Block['li']['text'] );
if( $after_list_items_num > $before_list_items_num &&
$Block['li']['text'][ $after_list_items_num - 1 ] !== $Line['body'] )
{ // If new list item was added in parent::blockListContinue() above,
// We should use indent = 2 spaces instead of 4 spaces from parent class Parsedown:
$Block['li']['text'][ $after_list_items_num - 1 ] = preg_replace( '/^[ ]{0,2}/', '', $Line['body'] );
return $Block;
* Callback after code block is completed
* @param array Block
* @return array Block
protected function blockCodeComplete( $Block )
if( ! isset( $Block['element']['attributes'] ) )
{ // Initialize attributes:
$Block['element']['attributes'] = array();
// Append class "codeblock" and "line-numbers" for prism plugin:
$Block['element']['attributes']['class'] = isset( $Block['element']['attributes']['class'] )
? $Block['element']['attributes']['class'].' codeblock'
: 'codeblock';
// Add these params for correct code detecting by codehighlight plugin:
$element_attrs = 'line=1'; // set this param because codehighlight plugin doesn't detect language without this
if( isset( $Block['element']['text']['attributes']['class'] ) &&
preg_match( '/language-([a-z]+)/i', $Block['element']['text']['attributes']['class'], $lang_match ) )
$element_attrs .= ' lang='.$lang_match[1];
// Unset class like "language-XXXX" to avoid rendering by Js of prism even when this plugin is not selected for rendered content:
unset( $Block['element']['text']['attributes']['class'] );
$Block['element']['before'] = '<!-- codeblock '.$element_attrs.' -->';
$Block['element']['after'] = '<!-- /codeblock -->'."\n";
// Use special handler instead of parent::escape() to avoid htmlspecialchars():
$Block['element']['text']['handler'] = 'noescapeCodeHandler';
return $Block;
// Don't call parent function because it encodes HMTL entities,
// but we don't need this in b2evolution, because we have plugin "escape_code" for such purpose.
* Callback after fenced code block is completed
* @param array Block
* @return array Block
protected function blockFencedCodeComplete( $Block )
// Do same preparing as for normal code blocks:
return $this->blockCodeComplete( $Block );
* Inline code preparing
* NOTE: We don't want "htmlspecialchars()" because we apply for all content by default in b2evo core
* Also we need default class "codespan" for all <code> tags
* @param array Excerpt
* @return array Element data
protected function inlineCode( $Excerpt )
// Use parent function and add two params below:
$element_data = parent::inlineCode( $Excerpt );
if( isset( $element_data['element'] ) )
{ // Use special handler instead of parent::escape() to avoid htmlspecialchars():
$element_data['element']['handler'] = 'noescapeCodeHandler';
// Add default class for all <code> tags:
$element_data['element']['attributes'] = array( 'class' => 'codespan' );
return $element_data;
* Special handler for inline and block tags <code> to avoid default htmlspecialchars() from parent::escape()
* @param string Text
* @param array
* @return string
function noescapeCodeHandler( $text, $nonNestables )
return $text;
* Disable blocks/inlines in order to don't render them by parent classes
* @param array Names of the disabled blocks/inlines, e.g. 'Tables', 'Header', 'List' and etc.
function disable_options( $disabled_options )
if( empty( $disabled_options ) )
{ // No blocks to disable:
// Search and disable Block by name:
foreach( $this->BlockTypes as $type_char => $types )
if( isset( $this->BlockTypes[ $type_char ] ) )
foreach( $types as $i => $type )
if( in_array( $type, $disabled_options ) )
unset( $this->BlockTypes[ $type_char ][ $i ] );
if( empty( $this->BlockTypes[ $type_char ] ) )
unset( $this->BlockTypes[ $type_char ] );
// Search and disable Inline by name:
foreach( $this->InlineTypes as $type_char => $types )
if( isset( $this->InlineTypes[ $type_char ] ) )
foreach( $types as $i => $type )
if( in_array( $type, $disabled_options ) )
unset( $this->InlineTypes[ $type_char ][ $i ] );
if( empty( $this->InlineTypes[ $type_char ] ) )
unset( $this->InlineTypes[ $type_char ] );
protected function li( $lines )
$markup = parent::li( $lines );
// Remove newlines before embedded list,
// in order to don't add unnecessary <p> e.g. by plugin "Auto P":
return preg_replace( '#[\n\r]+<ul>#i', '<ul>', $markup );
* Parse inline URL
* @param array Excerpt
* @return string
protected function inlineUrl( $Excerpt )
$Inline = parent::inlineUrl( $Excerpt );
if( isset( $Inline['element'] ) )
{ // Force element type from <a> to simple text without html tag to avoid rendering of URLs as html links:
$Inline['element']['name'] = 'notag';
// NOTE: We cannot use `Parsedown->setUrlsLinked( false )` to disable rendering of URLs, because
// in such case URLs may be broken by char `_` to `<em>` or by `__` to `<strong>` that we don't like.
return $Inline;