* This is the template that displays the item/post form for anonymous user
* This file is not meant to be called directly.
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
* @copyright (c)2003-2017 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
* @package evoskins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
global $Blog, $Settings, $dummy_fields;
if( is_logged_in() || ! $Blog->get_setting( 'post_anonymous' ) )
{ // This form is allowed only for anonymous users and only with enabled collection setting, Exit here:
$new_Item = get_session_Item( 0, true );
$params = array_merge( array(
'form_params' => array(), // Use to change a structre of form, i.e. fieldstart, fieldend and etc.
'item_new_form_start' => '<h3>'.sprintf( T_('New [%s]'), $new_Item->get_type_setting( 'name' ) ).'</h3>',
'item_new_form_end' => '',
'item_new_submit_text' => T_('Create post'),
), $params );
echo $params['item_new_form_start'];
$Form = new Form( get_htsrv_url().'action.php' );
$Form->switch_template_parts( $params['form_params'] );
$Form->hidden( 'mname', 'collections' );
$Form->add_crumb( 'collections_create_post' );
$Form->hidden( 'blog', $Blog->ID );
$Form->hidden( 'cat', get_param( 'cat' ) );
$Form->hidden( 'item_typ_ID', $new_Item->ityp_ID );
$Form->switch_layout( 'fields_table' );
$Form->text_input( $dummy_fields['name'], ( isset( $new_Item->temp_user_name ) ? $new_Item->temp_user_name : '' ), 40, T_('Name'), sprintf( T_('<a %s>Click here to log in</a> if you already have an account on this site.'), 'href="'.get_login_url( 'new item form', $Blog->get( 'url' ) ).'" style="font-weight:bold"' ), array( 'maxlength' => 100, 'required' => true, 'style' => 'width:auto' ) );
$Form->email_input( $dummy_fields['email'], ( isset( $new_Item->temp_user_email ) ? $new_Item->temp_user_email : '' ), 40, T_('Email'), array( 'maxlength' => 255, 'required' => true, 'style' => 'width:auto', 'note' => T_('Your email address will <strong>not</strong> be revealed on this site.') ) );
// Title input:
$use_title = $new_Item->get_type_setting( 'use_title' );
if( $use_title != 'never' )
$Form->text_input( 'post_title', $new_Item->get( 'title' ), 20, T_('Title'), '', array( 'maxlength' => 255, 'style' => 'width: 100%;', 'required' => ( $use_title == 'required' ) ) );
// Display plugin captcha for item form before textarea:
$Plugins->display_captcha( array(
'Form' => & $Form,
'form_type' => 'item',
'form_position' => 'before_textarea',
'form_use_fieldset' => false,
) );
$Form->switch_layout( NULL );
if( $new_Item->get_type_setting( 'use_text' ) != 'never' )
{ // Display textarea for a post text:
// --------------------------- TOOLBARS ------------------------------------
echo '<div class="edit_toolbars">';
$Plugins->trigger_event( 'AdminDisplayToolbar', array(
'edit_layout' => 'expert',
'Item' => $new_Item,
) );
echo '</div>';
// ---------------------------- TEXTAREA -------------------------------------
$Form->switch_layout( 'none' );
$Form->fieldstart = '<div class="edit_area">';
$Form->fieldend = "</div>\n";
$Form->textarea_input( 'content', $new_Item->get( 'content' ), 16, NULL, array(
'cols' => 50 ,
'id' => 'itemform_post_content',
'class' => 'autocomplete_usernames link_attachment_dropzone'
) );
$Form->switch_layout( NULL );
// This is for toolbar plugins
var b2evoCanvas = document.getElementById('itemform_post_content');
echo '<div class="edit_plugin_actions">';
$Plugins->trigger_event( 'DisplayEditorButton', array(
'target_type' => 'Item',
'target_object' => $new_Item,
'content_id' => 'itemform_post_content',
'edit_layout' => 'inskin'
) );
echo '</div>';
// =================================== INSTRUCTION ====================================
if( $new_Item->get_type_setting( 'front_order_instruction' ) && $new_Item->get_type_setting( 'instruction' ) )
echo '<br><div class="alert alert-info fade in evo_instruction">'.$new_Item->get_type_setting( 'instruction' ).'</div>';
// Display renderers:
$item_renderer_checkboxes = ( $Blog->get_setting( 'in_skin_editing_renderers' ) ? $new_Item->get_renderer_checkboxes() : false );
if( ! empty( $item_renderer_checkboxes ) )
$Form->info( T_('Text Renderers'), $item_renderer_checkboxes );
// Display additional fieldsets from active plugins:
$Plugins->trigger_event( 'DisplayItemFormFieldset', array(
'Form' => & $Form,
'Item' => & $new_Item,
'form_use_fieldset' => false,
) );
// Display plugin captcha for item form before submit button:
$Plugins->display_captcha( array(
'Form' => & $Form,
'form_type' => 'item',
'form_position' => 'before_submit_button',
'form_use_fieldset' => false,
) );
$Form->end_form( array(
array( 'name' => 'actionArray[create_post]', 'class' => 'submit SaveButton', 'value' => $params['item_new_submit_text'] ),
) );
echo $params['item_new_form_end'];