* This file implements the Inlines Toolbar plugin for b2evolution
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
* @copyright (c)2003-2017 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
* @package plugins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
* @package plugins
class inlines_plugin extends Plugin
var $code = 'evo_inlines';
var $name = 'Inline Short Tags';
var $priority = 50;
var $version = '6.9.4';
var $group = 'editor';
var $number_of_installs = 1;
* Init
function PluginInit( & $params )
$this->short_desc = T_('Inline short tags inserting');
$this->long_desc = T_('This plugin will display a toolbar with buttons to quickly insert inline short tags.');
* Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars on post/item form.
* This is for post/item edit forms only. Comments, PMs and emails use different events.
* @param array Associative array of parameters
* @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function AdminDisplayToolbar( & $params )
$Item = & $params['Item'];
if( empty( $Item ) )
return false;
$item_Blog = & $Item->get_Blog();
if( ! $this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_use_for_posts', $item_Blog ) )
{ // This plugin is disabled to use for posts:
return false;
$params['target_type'] = 'Item';
return $this->DisplayCodeToolbar( $params );
* Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars on comment form.
* @param array Associative array of parameters
* @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function DisplayCommentToolbar( & $params )
$Comment = & $params['Comment'];
if( $Comment )
{ // Get a post of the comment:
$comment_Item = & $Comment->get_Item();
if( empty( $comment_Item ) )
return false;
$item_Blog = & $comment_Item->get_Blog();
if( ! $this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_use_for_comments', $item_Blog ) )
{ // This plugin is disabled to use for comments:
return false;
$params['target_type'] = 'Comment';
return $this->DisplayCodeToolbar( $params );
* Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars for email.
* @param array Associative array of parameters
* @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function DisplayEmailToolbar( & $params )
$params['target_type'] = 'EmailCampaign';
return $this->DisplayCodeToolbar( $params );
* Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars for message.
* @param array Associative array of parameters
* @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function DisplayMessageToolbar( & $params )
$params['target_type'] = 'Message';
return $this->DisplayCodeToolbar( $params );
* Display a code toolbar
* @param array Associative array of parameters
* @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function DisplayCodeToolbar( & $params )
global $Hit, $blog;
if( $Hit->is_lynx() )
{ // let's deactivate quicktags on Lynx, because they don't work there.
return false;
$params = array_merge( array(
'js_prefix' => '', // Use different prefix if you use several toolbars on one page
), $params );
$temp_ID = empty( $params['temp_ID'] ) ? NULL : $params['temp_ID'];
// Load js to work with textarea
require_js_defer( 'functions.js', 'blog', true );
switch( $params['target_type'] )
case 'Item':
$Item = & $params['Item'];
$target_ID = $Item->ID;
if( empty( $target_ID ) && empty( $temp_ID ) )
return false;
case 'Comment':
$Comment = & $params['Comment'];
$target_ID = $Comment->ID;
if( empty( $target_ID ) )
return false;
case 'EmailCampaign':
$EmailCampaign = & $params['EmailCampaign'];
$target_ID = $EmailCampaign->ID;
if( empty( $target_ID ) )
return false;
case 'Message':
$Message = & $params['Message'];
$target_ID = empty( $Message ) ? NULL : $Message->ID;
if( empty( $target_ID ) && empty( $temp_ID ) )
return false;
return false;
$insert_inline_params = array(
'target_ID' => $target_ID,
'target_type' => $params['target_type'],
'request_from' => is_admin_page() ? 'back' : 'front',
if( isset( $blog ) )
$insert_inline_params['blog'] = $blog;
if( isset( $temp_ID ) )
$insert_inline_params['temp_ID'] = $temp_ID;
$js_config = array(
'prefix' => $params['js_prefix'],
'plugin_code' => $this->code,
'target_ID' => empty( $target_ID ) ? NULL : format_to_js( $target_ID ),
'temp_ID' => empty( $temp_ID ) ? NULL : format_to_js( $temp_ID ),
'target_type' => format_to_js( $params['target_type'] ),
'toolbar_title_before' => format_to_js( $this->get_template( 'toolbar_title_before' ) ),
'toolbar_title_after' => format_to_js( $this->get_template( 'toolbar_title_after' ) ),
'toolbar_group_before' => format_to_js( $this->get_template( 'toolbar_group_before' ) ),
'toolbar_group_after' => format_to_js( $this->get_template( 'toolbar_group_after' ) ),
'toolbar_title' => T_('Inlines').': ',
'button_title' => T_('inline image'),
'button_class' => $this->get_template( 'toolbar_button_class' ),
'insert_inline_url' => $this->get_htsrv_url( 'insert_inline', $insert_inline_params, '&' ),
if( is_ajax_request() )
jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
window.evo_init_inlines_toolbar( <?php echo evo_json_encode( $js_config ); ?> );
} );
expose_var_to_js( 'inlines_toolbar_'.$params['js_prefix'], $js_config, 'evo_init_inlines_toolbar_config' );
echo $this->get_template( 'toolbar_before', array( '$toolbar_class$' => $params['js_prefix'].$this->code.'_toolbar' ) );
echo $this->get_template( 'toolbar_after' );
return true;
function GetHtsrvMethods()
return array( 'insert_inline' );
* Load insert image links
* @param array Params
function htsrv_insert_inline( $params )
insert_image_links_block( $params );