* This file implements the Escape code plugin for b2evolution
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
* @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
* @package plugins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
* @package plugins
class escapecode_plugin extends Plugin
var $code = 'escape_code';
var $name = 'Escape code';
var $priority = 8;
var $group = 'rendering';
var $short_desc;
var $long_desc;
var $version = '7.2.3';
var $number_of_installs = 1;
* Init
function PluginInit( & $params )
$this->short_desc = T_('Escapes html tags in code blocks');
$this->long_desc = T_('Escapes tags in blocks marked with <code> [codeblock] [codespan] or ``` (Markdown)');
* Define here default collection/blog settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
* @param array Associative array of parameters.
* @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_coll_setting_definitions( & $params )
$default_params = array_merge( $params, array(
'default_post_rendering' => 'stealth',
'default_comment_rendering' => 'stealth'
) );
return parent::get_coll_setting_definitions( $default_params );
* Filters out the custom tag that would not validate, PLUS escapes the actual code.
* @param mixed $params
function FilterItemContents( & $params )
if( $params['object_type'] == 'Item' && ! empty( $params['object'] ) )
$Item = & $params['object'];
if( $Item->get_type_setting( 'allow_html' ) )
{ // Do escape html entities only when html is allowed for content:
$content = & $params['content'];
$content = $this->escape_code( $content );
return true;
* Event handler: Called before at the beginning, if a comment form gets sent (and received).
function CommentFormSent( & $params )
$ItemCache = & get_ItemCache();
$comment_Item = & $ItemCache->get_by_ID( $params['comment_item_ID'], false );
if( !$comment_Item )
{ // Incorrect item
return false;
$item_Blog = & $comment_Item->get_Blog();
$apply_rendering = $this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_apply_comment_rendering', $item_Blog );
if( $item_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_html_comment' ) && $this->is_renderer_enabled( $apply_rendering, $params['renderers'] ) )
{ // Do escape html entities only when html is allowed for content and plugin is enabled
$content = & $params['comment'];
$content = $this->escape_code( $content );
* Event handler: Called before at the beginning, if a message of thread form gets sent (and received).
function MessageThreadFormSent( & $params )
global $Settings;
$apply_rendering = $this->get_msg_setting( 'msg_apply_rendering' );
if( $Settings->get( 'allow_html_message' ) && $this->is_renderer_enabled( $apply_rendering, $params['renderers'] ) )
{ // Do escape html entities only when html is allowed for content and plugin is enabled
$content = & $params['content'];
$content = $this->escape_code( $content );
* Event handler: Called before at the beginning, if an email form gets sent (and received).
function EmailFormSent( & $params )
$apply_rendering = $this->get_email_setting( 'email_apply_rendering' );
if( $this->is_renderer_enabled( $apply_rendering, $params['renderers'] ) )
{ // Do escape html entities only when html is allowed for content and plugin is enabled
$content = & $params['content'];
$content = $this->escape_code( $content );
* Perform rendering
* @see Plugin::RenderItemAsHtml()
function RenderItemAsHtml( & $params )
/* Initialize this function only in order to detect this plugin as renderer */
return true;
* Escape html entities inside <code> tag
* @param string Content
* @param string Function name for callback
* @return string Escaped content
function escape_code( $content, $callback_function = 'escape_code_callback' )
if( strpos( $content, '[codeblock' ) !== false || strpos( $content, '<codeblock' ) !== false )
{ // Do escape the html entities in code blocks:
$content = preg_replace_callback( '#([<\[]codeblock[^>\]]*[>\]])([\s\S]+?)([<\[]/codeblock[>\]])#is', array( $this, $callback_function ), $content );
if( strpos( $content, '[codespan' ) !== false || strpos( $content, '<codespan' ) !== false )
{ // Do escape the html entities in code spans:
$content = preg_replace_callback( '#([<\[]codespan[>\]])([\s\S]+?)([<\[]/codespan[>\]])#is', array( $this, $callback_function ), $content );
if( strpos( $content, '<code' ) !== false )
{ // At least one tag <code> exists in the content, Do escape the html entities:
$content = preg_replace_callback( '#(<code[^>]*>)([\s\S]+?)(</code>)#is', array( $this, $callback_function ), $content );
if( strpos( $content, '`' ) !== false )
{ // String of codespan from markdown, Do escape the html entities:
$content = preg_replace_callback( '#(`)([^`\n]+)(`)#i', array( $this, $callback_function ), $content );
if( strpos( $content, '```' ) !== false )
{ // String of codeblock from markdown, Do escape the html entities:
$content = preg_replace_callback( '#(```)([\s\S]+?)(```)#is', array( $this, $callback_function ), $content );
return $content;
* Escape html entities inside <code> tag
* @param string Code content
* @return string Escaped code content
function escape_code_callback( $code_content )
// Start tag
$escaped_content = $code_content[1];
// Escape two chars to escape html tags inside <code>
$escaped_content .= str_replace( array( '<', '>' ), array( '<', '>' ), $code_content[2] );
// End tag
$escaped_content .= $code_content[3];
return $escaped_content;
* Unescape html entities inside <code> tag
* @param string Code content
* @return string Unescaped code content
function unescape_code_callback( $code_content )
// Start tag
$escaped_content = $code_content[1];
// Escape two chars to escape html tags inside <code>
$escaped_content .= str_replace( array( '<', '>' ), array( '<', '>' ), $code_content[2] );
// End tag
$escaped_content .= $code_content[3];
return $escaped_content;
* Formats post contents ready for editing
* @param mixed $params
function UnfilterItemContents( & $params )
$content = & $params['content'];
$content = $this->escape_code( $content, 'unescape_code_callback' );
return true;