* This file implements the Email Elements plugin for b2evolution
* Email Elements
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
* @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
* @package plugins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
class email_elements_plugin extends Plugin
var $code = 'b2evEmailEl';
var $name = 'Email Elements';
var $priority = 50;
var $version = '7.2.3';
var $group = 'rendering';
var $short_desc;
var $long_desc;
var $help_topic = 'email-elements-plugin';
var $number_of_installs = 1;
var $cta_numbers = array( 1, 2, 3 );
var $button_styles = array( 'primary', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'info', 'default', 'link', 'image' );
var $default_button_styles = array(
'button' => 'primary',
'cta' => 'primary',
'like' => 'success',
'dislike' => 'danger',
'activate' => 'success',
'unsubscribe' => 'link',
* Init
function PluginInit( & $params )
$this->short_desc = T_('Email Elements');
$this->long_desc = T_('Enables users to add UI elements to emails.');
* Define here the default collection/blog settings that are to be made available in the backoffice
* @param array Associative array of parameters.
* @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_coll_setting_definitions( & $params )
$default_params = array_merge( $params, array( 'default_post_rendering' => 'never' ) );
return parent::get_coll_setting_definitions( $default_params );
* Define here default email settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
* @param array Associative array of parameters.
* @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_email_setting_definitions( & $params )
// set params to allow rendering for emails by default:
$default_params = array_merge( $params, array( 'default_email_rendering' => 'opt-out' ) );
return parent::get_email_setting_definitions( $default_params );
* Display Toolbar
* @param object Blog
function DisplayCodeToolbar( $params = array() )
global $Hit, $baseurl, $debug;
if( $Hit->is_lynx() )
{ // let's deactivate toolbar on Lynx, because they don't work there:
return false;
$params = array_merge( array(
'js_prefix' => '', // Use different prefix if you use several toolbars on one page
), $params );
$js_code_prefix = $params['js_prefix'].$this->code;
// Initialize JavaScript to build and open window:
$Form = new Form();
$Form->output = false;
$cta_select = $Form->select_input_array( 'cta_num', NULL, $this->cta_numbers, T_('CTA number') );
$style_select = $Form->select_input_array( 'button_type', NULL, $this->button_styles, T_('Link/Button style') );
$image_link_ID_input = '<div id="image_link_ID_wrapper" style="display:none">'.$Form->text_input( 'image_link_ID', '', NULL, T_('Image Link ID'), '', array( 'required' => true ) ).'</div>';
$button_text_input = $Form->text_input( 'button_text', '', NULL, T_('Text'), '', array( 'style' => 'width:100%;' ) );
$button_url_input = $Form->text_input( 'button_url', '', NULL, T_('URL'), '', array( 'style' => 'width:100%;' ) );
function email_elements_toolbar( title, prefix )
var r = '<?php echo format_to_js( $this->get_template( 'toolbar_title_before' ) );?>' + title + '<?php echo format_to_js( $this->get_template( 'toolbar_title_after' ) );?>'
+ '<?php echo format_to_js( $this->get_template( 'toolbar_group_before' ) ); ?>'
// Button element
+ '<input type="button" title="<?php echo format_to_output( TS_('Button (or link) for any use'), 'htmlattr' );?>"'
+ ' class="<?php echo $this->get_template( 'toolbar_button_class' );?>"'
+ ' data-func="<?php echo $js_code_prefix;?>_insert_button|button" value="<?php echo format_to_output( TS_('Button'), 'htmlattr' );?>" />'
// Call to Action Button element
+ '<input type="button" title="<?php echo format_to_output( TS_('Button (or link) which additionally records CTA stats'), 'htmlattr' );?>"'
+ ' class="<?php echo $this->get_template( 'toolbar_button_class' );?>"'
+ ' data-func="<?php echo $js_code_prefix;?>_insert_button|cta" value="<?php echo format_to_output( TS_('Call to Action'), 'htmlattr' );?>" />'
// Like Button element
+ '<input type="button" title="<?php echo format_to_output( TS_('Button which records a like'), 'htmlattr' );?>"'
+ ' class="<?php echo $this->get_template( 'toolbar_button_class' );?>"'
+ ' data-func="<?php echo $js_code_prefix;?>_insert_button|like" value="<?php echo format_to_output( TS_('Like'), 'htmlattr' );?>" />'
// Dislike Button element
+ '<input type="button" title="<?php echo format_to_output( TS_('Button which record a dislike'), 'htmlattr' );?>"'
+ ' class="<?php echo $this->get_template( 'toolbar_button_class' );?>"'
+ ' data-func="<?php echo $js_code_prefix;?>_insert_button|dislike" value="<?php echo format_to_output( TS_('Dislike'), 'htmlattr' );?>" />'
// Activate
+ '<input type="button" title="<?php echo format_to_output( TS_('Button which activates the User\'s account'), 'htmlattr' );?>"'
+ ' class="<?php echo $this->get_template( 'toolbar_button_class' );?>"'
+ ' data-func="<?php echo $js_code_prefix;?>_insert_button|activate" value="<?php echo format_to_output( TS_('Activate'), 'htmlattr' );?>" />'
// Unsubscribe
+ '<input type="button" title="<?php echo format_to_output( TS_('Button which Unsubscribes the User from the current List'), 'htmlattr' );?>"'
+ ' class="<?php echo $this->get_template( 'toolbar_button_class' );?>"'
+ ' data-func="<?php echo $js_code_prefix;?>_insert_button|unsubscribe" value="<?php echo format_to_output( TS_('Unsubscribe'), 'htmlattr' );?>" />'
+ '<?php echo format_to_js( $this->get_template( 'toolbar_group_after' ) );?>';
jQuery( '.' + prefix + '<?php echo $this->code;?>_toolbar' ).html( r );
<?php echo $js_code_prefix;?>_insert_button = function( type )
var modal_window_title;
var r = '<form id="email_element_button_wrapper" class="form-horizontal">';
if( type == 'cta' )
r += '<?php echo format_to_js( $cta_select );?>';
r += '<?php echo format_to_js( $style_select );?>';
r += '<?php echo format_to_js( $image_link_ID_input );?>';
if( type != 'unsubscribe' )
r += '<?php echo format_to_js( $button_url_input );?>';
r += '<?php echo format_to_js( $button_text_input );?>';
r += '</form>';
switch( type )
case 'button':
modal_window_title = '<?php echo TS_('Add a link button');?>';
case 'like':
modal_window_title = '<?php echo TS_('Add a like button');?>';
case 'dislike':
modal_window_title = '<?php echo TS_('Add a dislike button');?>';
case 'cta':
modal_window_title = '<?php echo TS_('Add a call to action button');?>';
case 'activate':
modal_window_title = '<?php echo TS_('Add an activate button');?>';
case 'unsubscribe':
modal_window_title = '<?php echo TS_('Add an unsubscribe button');?>';
openModalWindow( r, '600px', '', true,
modal_window_title, // Window title
[ '-', 'email_element_button_buttons' ],
true );
// Set max-height to keep the action buttons on screen:
var modal_window = jQuery( '#email_element_button_wrapper' ).parent();
var modal_height = jQuery( window ).height() - 20;
if( modal_window.hasClass( 'modal-body' ) )
{ // Extract heights of header and footer:
modal_height -= 55 + 64 +
parseInt( modal_window.css( 'padding-top' ) ) + parseInt( modal_window.css( 'padding-bottom' ) );
modal_window.css( {
'display': 'block',
'overflow': 'auto',
'max-height': modal_height
} );
// Add insert button:
var buttons_side_obj = jQuery( '.email_element_button_buttons' ).length ?
jQuery( '.email_element_button_buttons' ) :
jQuery( '#email_element_button_buttons' );
buttons_side_obj.after( '<button id="email_element_button_insert" class="btn btn-primary" data-function="' + type + '"><?php echo TS_('Insert');?></button>' );
// Set button type dropdown default:
var button_defaults = { <?php
$js_default_button_styles = array();
foreach( $this->default_button_styles as $button_type => $button_style )
$js_default_button_styles[] = '\''.$button_type.'\': \''.$button_style.'\'';
echo implode( ', ', $js_default_button_styles );
?> };
jQuery( 'select[name=button_type]', '#email_element_button_wrapper' ).val( button_defaults[type] );
// To prevent link default event:
return false;
// Show/Hide additional fields depending on "Link/Button style":
jQuery( document ).on( 'change', '#email_element_button_wrapper select[name=button_type]', function()
if( jQuery( this ).val() == 'image' )
jQuery( 'label[for=button_text]', '#email_element_button_wrapper' ).html( '<?php echo TS_('Alt text'); ?>:' );
jQuery( '#image_link_ID_wrapper', '#email_element_button_wrapper' ).show();
jQuery( 'label[for=button_text]', '#email_element_button_wrapper' ).html( '<?php echo TS_('Text'); ?>:' );
jQuery( '#image_link_ID_wrapper', '#email_element_button_wrapper' ).hide();
} );
// Insert a button short tag to textarea
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#email_element_button_insert', function()
var type = jQuery( this ).data( 'function' );
var url = jQuery( 'input[name=button_url]', '#email_element_button_wrapper' ).val();
var text = jQuery( 'input[name=button_text]', '#email_element_button_wrapper' ).val();
var button_type = jQuery( 'select[name=button_type]', '#email_element_button_wrapper' ).val();
var myField = <?php echo $params['js_prefix']; ?>b2evoCanvas;
var shortTag;
if( button_type == 'image' )
{ // Append a link ID for image style:
button_type += '#' + jQuery( 'input[name=image_link_ID]', '#email_element_button_wrapper' ).val();
// Insert tag text in area
switch( type )
case 'button':
shortTag = '[button' + ':' + button_type + ( url == '' ? '' : ':' + url ) + ']'+text+'[/button]';
case 'like':
shortTag = '[like' + ':' + button_type + ( url == '' ? '' : ':' + url ) + ']'+text+'[/like]';
case 'dislike':
shortTag = '[dislike' + ':' + button_type + ( url == '' ? '' : ':' + url ) + ']'+text+'[/dislike]'
case 'cta':
var cta_num = jQuery( 'select[name=cta_num]', '#email_element_button_wrapper' ).val();
shortTag = '[cta:' + cta_num + ':' + button_type + ( url == '' ? '' : ':' + url ) + ']'+text+'[/cta]'
case 'activate':
shortTag = '[activate' + ':' + button_type + ( url == '' ? '' : ':' + url ) + ']'+text+'[/activate]';
case 'unsubscribe':
shortTag = '[unsubscribe' + ':' + button_type + ']'+text+'[/unsubscribe]';
textarea_wrap_selection( myField, shortTag, '', 0 );
// Close main modal window
// To prevent link default event
return false;
} );
echo $this->get_template( 'toolbar_before', array( '$toolbar_class$' => $params['js_prefix'].$this->code.'_toolbar' ) );
echo $this->get_template( 'toolbar_after' );
<script>email_elements_toolbar( '<?php echo TS_('Email Elements:'); ?>', '<?php echo $params['js_prefix']; ?>' );</script>
return true;
* Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars for email.
* @param array Associative array of parameters
* @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function DisplayEmailToolbar( & $params )
$apply_rendering = $this->get_email_setting( 'email_apply_rendering' );
if( ! empty( $apply_rendering ) && $apply_rendering != 'never' )
{ // Print toolbar on screen:
return $this->DisplayCodeToolbar( $params );
return false;
* Dummy placeholder. Without it the plugin would ne be considered to be a renderer...
* @see Plugin::RenderItemAsHtml
function RenderItemAsHtml( & $params )
return false;
* Perform rendering of email
* @see Plugin::RenderEmailAsHtml()
function RenderEmailAsHtml( & $params )
$content = & $params['data'];
// Render inline tags in email campaign content:
$params = array_merge( $params, array(
'Object' => isset( $params['EmailCampaign'] ) ? $params['EmailCampaign'] : NULL,
'inline_tags' => array( $content ),
) );
$rendered_tags = $this->RenderInlineTags( $params );
$content = isset( $rendered_tags[ $content ] ) ? $rendered_tags[ $content ] : $content;
return true;
* Render inline tags in content of Email Campaign
* @param array Associative array of parameters
* - 'inline_tags' - Array of inline tags
* - 'Object' - Item, Comment, Message, EmailCampaign
* @return array Rendered tags: Key - Original inline tag, Value - The rendered tag html
function RenderInlineTags( & $params )
if( ! isset( $params['inline_tags'] ) ||
! is_array( $params['inline_tags'] ) )
{ // No inline tags to render:
return array();
if( ! isset( $params['Object'] ) ||
! is_object( $params['Object'] ) ||
get_class( $params['Object'] ) != 'EmailCampaign' )
{ // Not supported object by this plugin:
return array();
$EmailCampaign = & $params['Object'];
$default_destination = empty( $EmailCampaign->email_defaultdest ) ? '' : $EmailCampaign->email_defaultdest;
$search_pattern = '#\[(button|like|dislike|cta|activate|unsubscribe):?([^\[\]]*?)](.*?)\[\/\1]#';
$rendered_tags = array();
foreach( $params['inline_tags'] as $inline_tag )
if( ! preg_match_all( $search_pattern, $inline_tag, $matches ) )
$rendered_tag = $inline_tag;
foreach( $matches[0] as $i => $current_element )
$type = $matches[1][$i];
$text = trim( $matches[3][$i] );
$index_shift = ( $type == 'cta' ? 1 : 0 ); // CTA buttons have additional param for a number after type like [cta:1:...]
$options = explode( ':', $matches[2][$i], 2 + $index_shift );
$style = explode( '#', $options[ $index_shift ] );
$style_link_data = isset( $style[1] ) ? $style[1] : NULL;
$style = $style[0];
if( in_array( $style, $this->button_styles ) )
{ // If 2nd/3rd option is a style then 3rd is an URL:
$url = isset( $options[ 1 + $index_shift ] ) ? trim( $options[ 1 + $index_shift ] ) : NULL;
{ // Otherwise 2nd/3rd option is an URL, i.e. this short tag should use default style:
$url = trim( $matches[2][$i] );
$style = $this->default_button_styles[ $type ];
if( empty( $style ) )
{ // Use default button style if it is not defined in short tag:
$style = $this->default_button_styles[ $type ];
if( $style == 'image' )
{ // Check if correct image link ID is used:
$image_style = '';
if( $style_link_data !== NULL && preg_match( '/^(\d+)(\..+)?$/', $style_link_data, $style_link_match ) )
{ // Corrent link ID and/or style class:
$style_link_ID = $style_link_match[1];
if( isset( $style_link_match[2] ) )
{ // Convert a separator between several classes like '.rounded.border' to '.rounded+.border' for function emailskin_style():
$image_style = ltrim( str_replace( '.', '+.', $style_link_match[2] ), '+' );
$image_style = emailskin_style( $image_style, false );
{ // Wrong link ID:
$style_link_ID = NULL;
$image_File = NULL;
$LinkCache = & get_LinkCache();
$current_element_error_message = NULL;
if( ! ( $image_Link = & $LinkCache->get_by_ID( $style_link_ID, false, false ) ) )
{ // Link is not found in DB:
$current_element_error_message = sprintf( T_('Link %s doesn\'t exist!'), '#'.$style_link_ID );
elseif( ! ( $image_File = & $image_Link->get_File() ) || ! $image_File->is_image() )
{ // File is not image:
$current_element_error_message = sprintf( T_('File of the Link %s is not an image!'), '#'.$style_link_ID );
if( $current_element_error_message !== NULL )
{ // Replace original short tag with error message:
$rendered_tag = str_replace( $current_element, get_rendering_error( $current_element.' - '.$current_element_error_message, 'span' ), $rendered_tag );
// If image file is correct we should display it instead of text:
$text = $image_Link->get_tag( array_merge( $params, array(
'before_image' => '<div'.emailskin_style( '.image_block' ).'>',
'before_image_legend' => '<div'.emailskin_style( '.image_legend' ).'>',
'after_image_legend' => '</div>',
'after_image' => '</div>',
'image_link_to' => false,
'image_alt' => $text,
'image_style' => $image_style,
'image_desc' => $text,
'add_loadimg' => false,
) ) );
if( empty( $url ) && in_array( $type, array( 'button', 'like', 'dislike', 'cta' ) ) )
{ // Use default destination of the Email Campaign if optional URL if not defined:
$url = $default_destination;
$url_params = NULL;
switch( $type )
case 'like':
case 'dislike':
$url_params = array( 'evo_mail_function' => $type );
case 'cta':
$cta_num = trim( $options[0] );
if( ! in_array( $cta_num, $this->cta_numbers ) )
{ // Don't allow CTA with wrong number:
unset( $url );
$url_params = array( 'evo_mail_function' => $type.$cta_num );
case 'activate':
// Only EASY activation will work for this case:
$url = get_htsrv_url().'login.php?action=activateacc_ez&userID=$user_ID$&reminderKey=$reminder_key$';
$redirect_to = isset( $options[1] ) ? trim( $options[1] ) : NULL;
if( ! empty( $redirect_to ) )
{ // Append a redirect URL after activation if it is defined in options of the short tag:
$url = url_add_param( $url, array( 'redirect_to' => $redirect_to ) );
case 'unsubscribe':
$url = get_htsrv_url().'quick_unsubscribe.php?type=newsletter&newsletter=$newsletter_ID$&user_ID=$user_ID$&key=$unsubscribe_key$';
if( ! empty( $text ) && ! empty( $url ) && ! validate_url( $url ) )
{ // If button/link is correct and can be rendered:
if( $url_params !== NULL )
{ // Additional URL param:
$url = url_add_param( $url, $url_params );
$link_tag = get_link_tag( $url, $text, in_array( $style, array( 'link', 'image' ) ) ? '' : 'div.btn a+a.btn-'.$style );
// Render short tag:
$rendered_tag = str_replace( $current_element, $link_tag, $rendered_tag );
// Otherwise keep the wrong short tag as is without rendering:
$rendered_tags[ $inline_tag ] = $rendered_tag;
return $rendered_tags;
* This method initializes an array that used as additional tabs/forms
* for the modal/popup window "Insert image into content"
* @param array Array of parameters:
* - 'link_ID' - Link ID
* - 'active_tag' - Index of current tag: 'image', 'thumbnail', 'inline' or custom from a plugin
* @return array Array:
* key - Index of additional tab/form, NOTE: indexes 'image', 'thumbnail', 'inline' are used by core
* value - Tab title
function GetImageInlineTags( & $params )
if( get_link_owner_type( $params['link_ID'] ) != 'emailcampaign' )
{ // Allow additional inline tag 'clickable' only for Email Campaigns:
return array();
return array( 'clickable' => T_('Clickable') );
* This method initializes params for form of additional tab
* on the modal/popup window "Insert image into content"
* @param array Array of parameters:
* - 'tag_type' - Active tag type
* - 'link_ID' - Link ID
* - 'source_tag' - Full code of short tag
* @return array Array of parameters:
* - 'tag_type' - Overridden tag type
* - 'link_ID' - Overridden link ID
function InitImageInlineTagForm( & $params )
if( empty( $params['source_tag'] ) )
{ // No source tag:
if( ! preg_match( '#\[(button|like|dislike|cta|activate|unsubscribe)(:(\d+))?:image\#(\d+)([^\[\]]*?)](.*?)\[\/\1]#', $params['source_tag'], $tag_match ) )
{ // The requested tag is not supoerted by this plugin:
set_param( 'clickable_caption', $tag_match[6] );
set_param( 'clickable_class', $tag_match[5] );
set_param( 'clickable_type', $tag_match[1] );
set_param( 'clickable_cta_num', $tag_match[3] );
return array(
'tag_type' => 'clickable',
'link_ID' => $tag_match[4],
* This method displays a form for additional tab
* on the modal/popup window "Insert image into content"
* @param array Array of parameters:
* - 'link_ID' - Link ID
* - 'active_tag' - Index of currently active tag: 'image', 'thumbnail', 'inline' or custom from a plugin
* - 'display_tag' - Index of the plugin tag which should be displayed
* - 'Form' - Form object
* @return boolean Did we display a form?
function DisplayImageInlineTagForm( & $params )
if( get_link_owner_type( $params['link_ID'] ) != 'emailcampaign' )
{ // Allow additional inline tag 'clickable' only for Email Campaigns:
return false;
if( empty( $params['Form'] ) )
{ // Form object must be passed for this event:
return false;
$Form = & $params['Form'];
switch( $params['display_tag'] )
case 'clickable':
// Caption:
$Form->text( 'clickable_caption', get_param( 'clickable_caption' ), 40, T_('Caption'), '<br>
<span style="display: flex; flex-flow: row; align-items: center; margin-top: 8px;">
<input type="checkbox" name="clickable_disable_caption" id="clickable_disable_caption" value="1" style="margin: 0 8px 0 0;">
<span>'.T_('Disable caption').'</span></span>', '' );
// Styles:
$Form->text( 'clickable_class', get_param( 'clickable_class' ), 40, T_('Styles'), '<br><div class="style_buttons" style="margin-top: 8px;">
<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs">border</button>
<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs">noborder</button>
<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs">rounded</button>
<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs">squared</button></div>', '' );
// Type:
$Form->output = false;
$Form->switch_layout( 'none' );
$cta_select = $Form->select_input_array( 'clickable_cta_num', param( 'clickable_cta_num', 'integer', 1 ), $this->cta_numbers, '' );
$Form->switch_layout( NULL );
$Form->output = true;
$Form->radio( 'clickable_type', param( 'clickable_type', 'string', 'button' ), array(
array( 'button', T_('Button') ),
array( 'cta', T_('Call to Action'), $cta_select ),
array( 'like', T_('Like') ),
array( 'dislike', T_('Dislike') ),
array( 'activate', T_('Activate') ),
array( 'unsubscribe', T_('Unsubscribe') ),
), T_('Type'), true );
return true;
return false;
* This method initializes JavaScript before submit/insert inline tag
* from the modal/popup window "Insert image into content"
* @param array Array of parameters:
* - 'link_ID' - Link ID
* @return string JavaScript code
function GetInsertImageInlineTagJavaScript( & $params )
if( get_link_owner_type( $params['link_ID'] ) != 'emailcampaign' )
{ // Allow additional inline tag 'clickable' only for Email Campaigns:
return 'if( tagType == "clickable" )
tag_caption = jQuery( "input[name=" + tagType + "_caption]" ).val();
var noCaption = jQuery( "input[name=" + tagType + "_disable_caption]" ).is( ":checked" );
if( noCaption )
tag_caption = "";
var clickable_type = jQuery( "input[name=" + tagType + "_type]:checked" ).val();
linkID = ( clickable_type == "cta" ? jQuery( "select[name=" + tagType + "_cta_num]" ).val() + ":" : "" )
+ "image#" + linkID + classes;
options = "";
tagType = clickable_type;