* This file implements the Include Content Blocks plugin for b2evolution
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
* @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
* @package plugins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
* Include Content Blocks plugin.
* @package plugins
class content_blocks_plugin extends Plugin
var $name;
var $code = 'content_blocks';
var $priority = 102;
var $version = '7.2.3';
var $group = 'rendering';
var $short_desc;
var $long_desc;
var $help_topic = 'include-content-blocks-plugin';
var $number_of_installs = 1;
* Init
function PluginInit( & $params )
$this->name = T_('Include Content Blocks');
$this->short_desc = T_('Render content blocks.');
$this->long_desc = sprintf( T_('This renderer display a content block found in the content by short tag %s or %s'), '<code>[include:item-slug]</code>', '<code>[cblock:item-slug]</code>' );
* Define here default collection/blog settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
* @param array Associative array of parameters.
* @return array See {@link Plugin::get_coll_setting_definitions()}.
function get_coll_setting_definitions( & $params )
$default_params = array(
'default_post_rendering' => 'stealth',
'default_comment_rendering' => 'never',
$params = array_merge( $params, $default_params );
return parent::get_coll_setting_definitions( $params );
* Perform rendering
* @param array Associative array of parameters
* @return boolean true if we can render something for the required output format
function RenderItemAsHtml( & $params )
$content = & $params['data'];
if( ! ( $Item = & $this->get_Item_from_params( $params ) ) )
{ // Skip rendering without provided Item:
return false;
// Remove block level short tag [include:...] inside <p> blocks and move them before the paragraph:
$content = move_short_tags( $content, '#\[(include|cblock):[^\]]+\]#i' );
// Don't render several short tags because they may have dynamic
// data which should not be cached in Item's pre-rendered content:
$params['render_tag_switcher'] = false;
$params['render_tag_item_subscribe'] = false;
$params['render_tag_item_emailcapture'] = false;
$params['render_tag_item_compare'] = false;
$params['render_tag_item_fields'] = false;
$params['render_tag_item_field'] = false;
$params['render_tag_item_titlelink'] = false;
$params['render_tag_item_url'] = false;
$params['render_tag_item_link'] = false;
$params['render_tag_coll_name'] = false;
$params['render_tag_coll_shortname'] = false;
// Replace [include:item-slug] or [cblock:item-slug] short tags with item content:
$params['check_code_block'] = true;
$content = $Item->render_content_blocks( $content, $params );
return true;
* Perform rendering of Message content
* @see Plugin::RenderMessageAsHtml()
function RenderMessageAsHtml( & $params )
return true;
* Perform rendering of Email content
* @see Plugin::RenderEmailAsHtml()
function RenderEmailAsHtml( & $params )
return true;
* Event handler: called to filter the comment's content
* @param array Associative array of parameters
* - 'data': the name of the author/blog (by reference)
* - 'Comment': the {@link Comment} object
function FilterCommentContent( & $params )
$Comment = & $params['Comment'];
if( in_array( $this->code, $Comment->get_renderers_validated() ) )
{ // Always allow rendering for comment:
$render_params = array_merge( array( 'data' => & $Comment->content ), $params );
$this->RenderItemAsHtml( $render_params );
return false;