* This file implements the Auto P plugin for b2evolution
* @author blueyed: Daniel HAHLER - {@link http://daniel.hahler.de/}
* @package plugins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
* The Auto-P Plugin.
* It wraps text blocks, which are devided by newline(s) into HTML P tags (paragraphs)
* and optionally replaces single newlines with BR tags (line breaks).
* @package plugins
class auto_p_plugin extends Plugin
var $code = 'b2WPAutP';
var $name = 'Auto P';
var $priority = 80;
var $version = '7.2.3';
var $group = 'rendering';
var $short_desc;
var $long_desc;
var $help_topic = 'auto-p-plugin';
var $number_of_installs = 1;
* List of block elements (we want a paragraph before and after), excludes: address, added: td, th
* @var string
var $block_tags = 'blockquote|dd|div|dl|dt|fieldset|form|h[1-6]|hr|li|object|ol|p|pre|select|script|table|td|th|ul';
var $p_allowed_in = array('address', 'applet', 'blockquote', 'body', 'button', 'center', 'dd', 'del', 'div', 'fieldset', 'form', 'iframe', 'ins', 'li', 'map', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'object', 'td', 'th' );
var $br_allowed_in = array(
// Block level:
'address', 'center', 'dd', 'dir', 'div', 'dt', 'fieldset', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'isindex', 'menu', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'p', 'pre',
// Inline:
'a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'applet', 'b', 'basefont', 'bdo', 'big', 'button', 'cite', 'code', 'dfn', 'em', 'font', 'i', 'img', 'input', 'iframe', 'kbd', 'label', 'li', 'map', 'object', 'q', 'samp', 'select', 'small', 'span', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'textarea', 'td', 'th', 'tt', 'var' );
* Init
function PluginInit( & $params )
$this->short_desc = T_('Automatic <P> and <BR> tags');
$this->long_desc = T_('This renderer will automatically detect paragraphs on double line-breaks and mark them with appropriate HTML <P> tags.<br />
Optionally, it will also mark single line breaks with HTML <BR> tags.');
* Define the GLOBAL settings of the plugin here. These can then be edited in the backoffice in System > Plugins.
* @param array Associative array of parameters (since v1.9).
* 'for_editing': true, if the settings get queried for editing;
* false, if they get queried for instantiating {@link Plugin::$Settings}.
* @return array see {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
* The array to be returned should define the names of the settings as keys (max length is 30 chars)
* and assign an array with the following keys to them (only 'label' is required):
function GetDefaultSettings( & $params )
return array(
'br' => array(
'label' => T_('Line breaks'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'note' => T_('Make line breaks (<br />) for single newlines.'),
'add_p_in_block' => array(
'label' => T_('Add P tags in blocks (e.g. DIV)'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => 1,
'note' => '',
'skip_tags' => array(
'label' => T_('Ignore tags'),
'type' => 'text',
'defaultvalue' => 'pre',
'note' => T_('A list of tags, in which no P or BR tags should get added.'),
* Perform rendering
function RenderItemAsHtml( & $params )
$content = & $params['data'];
// Render outside multiline short tags:
if( preg_match( '/\[[a-z]+:[^\]`]+\]/i', $content ) )
{ // Call replace_content() on everything outside multiline short tags:
$content = callback_on_non_matching_blocks( $content,
array( $this, 'render_autop' ) );
{ // No short tags, replace on the whole content:
$content = $this->render_autop( $content );
return true;
* Render content to apply auto <p> and <br>
* @param string Source content
* @return string Rendered content
function render_autop( $content )
$this->use_auto_br = $this->Settings->get('br');
$this->add_p_in_block = $this->Settings->get('add_p_in_block');
$this->skip_tags = preg_split( '~\s+~', $this->Settings->get('skip_tags'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
$content = preg_replace( "~(\r\n|\r)~", "\n", $content ); // cross-platform newlines
// Handle blocks, splitted by content separators: [teaserbreak] or [pagebreak]
$content_parts = split_outcode( array( '[teaserbreak]', '[pagebreak]' ), $content, true );
$content_parts[] = '';
$content = '';
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $content_parts ); $i = $i + 2 )
$content .= $this->handle_blocks( $content_parts[ $i ] );
$content .= $content_parts[ $i + 1 ];
return $content;
* Define here default collection/blog settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
* @param array Associative array of parameters.
* @return array See {@link Plugin::get_coll_setting_definitions()}.
function get_coll_setting_definitions( & $params )
$default_params = array(
'default_comment_rendering' => 'stealth',
'default_post_rendering' => 'opt-out'
if( ! empty( $params['blog_type'] ) )
{ // Set default settings depending on collection type:
switch( $params['blog_type'] )
case 'forum':
$default_params['default_comment_rendering'] = 'never';
$default_params['default_post_rendering'] = 'never';
$default_params = array_merge( $params, $default_params );
return parent::get_coll_setting_definitions( $default_params );
* Define here default message settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
* @param array Associative array of parameters.
* @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_msg_setting_definitions( & $params )
// set params to allow rendering for messages by default
$default_params = array_merge( $params, array( 'default_msg_rendering' => 'stealth' ) );
return parent::get_msg_setting_definitions( $default_params );
* Define here default email settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
* @param array Associative array of parameters.
* @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_email_setting_definitions( & $params )
// set params to allow rendering for emails by default:
$default_params = array_merge( $params, array( 'default_email_rendering' => 'stealth' ) );
return parent::get_email_setting_definitions( $default_params );
* Define here default shared settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
* @param array Associative array of parameters.
* @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_shared_setting_definitions( & $params )
// set params to allow rendering for shared container widgets by default:
$default_params = array_merge( $params, array( 'default_shared_rendering' => 'stealth' ) );
return parent::get_shared_setting_definitions( $default_params );
* - Split text into blocks, using $block_tags pattern.
* @param string Text
* @return string
function handle_blocks( $text )
$blocks = preg_split( '~(</?('.$this->block_tags.')(\b[^>]*)?>)~is', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
$new_text = '';
$tag_position = false;
$opened_tags = array();
foreach( $blocks as $b => $block )
if( $block === '' )
{ // Skip empty string:
if( $tag_position !== false && $b <= $tag_position + 2 )
{ // Skip tag name and attributes:
if( $b == $tag_position + 2 )
{ // Tag position is ended here, next is text:
$tag_position = false;
if( strpos( $block, '<' ) === 0 &&
isset( $blocks[ $b + 1 ] ) &&
preg_match( '~^('.$this->block_tags.')$~i', $blocks[ $b + 1 ] ) )
{ // Block tag is opening or closing here:
$tag_position = $b;
if( substr( $block, 1, 1 ) == '/' )
{ // This is a closing of opened tag,
// Remove last opened tag from the array:
array_pop( $opened_tags );
elseif( substr( $block, -2, 1 ) != '/' )
{ // This is a start of new tag AND this tag is not single/autoclosed tag like <hr />, <img /> and etc.,
// Put tag name in array to know what tags are opened and not closed yet:
$opened_tags[] = $blocks[ $b + 1 ];
// Append start or end of block tag with all attributes:
$new_text .= $block;
// Handle text which may contain inline tags:
$current_tag = isset( $opened_tags[ count( $opened_tags ) - 1 ] ) ? $opened_tags[ count( $opened_tags ) - 1 ] : '';
$new_text .= $this->handle_pre_blocks( $block, $current_tag );
return $new_text;
* Handle text which may contain inline tags
* - Explode by \n\n
* - Merge blocks that span over multiple tags
* - Apply BR to blocks
* - Wrap block in P
* @param string Text
* @param string Tag where $text is in
* @return string
function handle_pre_blocks( $text, $in_tag )
#echo '<h2>HANDLE_PRE_BLOCKS</h2>'; pre_dump( $text, $in_tag );
if( $in_tag )
if( in_array($in_tag, $this->skip_tags) )
return $text;
if( ! in_array($in_tag, $this->p_allowed_in) )
{ // we're in a tag, where no P tags are allowed, so just do the BRs:
return $this->handle_br( $text, $in_tag );
$text_lines = preg_split( '~(\n\n+)~', $text, -1, /*PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY |*/ PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
$text_lines[] = ''; // dummy
#echo '<strong>text_lines</strong><br />'; pre_dump( $text_lines, $in_tag );
$new_blocks = array();
$count_new_blocks = 0;
for( $i = 0, $n = count($text_lines); $i < $n; $i = $i+2 /* every second block is a real one */ )
if( ! isset($new_blocks[$count_new_blocks]) )
$new_blocks[$count_new_blocks] = '';
if( $text_lines[$i] == '' )
$new_blocks[$count_new_blocks] .= $text_lines[$i+1];
$new_blocks[$count_new_blocks+1] = ''; // dummy
$new_blocks[$count_new_blocks] .= $text_lines[$i];
$new_blocks[$count_new_blocks+1] = $text_lines[$i+1];
$count_new_blocks = $count_new_blocks+2;
$text_lines = $new_blocks;
#echo '<strong>new text_lines</strong><br />'; pre_dump( $new_blocks );
if( trim($text) == '' )
{ // there's only whitespace
return $text;
// fix it, so no (inline) tags span across multiple blocks:
$new_blocks = array();
$new_blocks_nowrap = array(); // blocks that should not be wrapped in P (opening without closing tag or vice versa)
$count_new_blocks = 0;
$looking_for_close_tag = array();
for( $i = 0, $n = count($text_lines); $i < $n; $i = $i+2 /* every 2nd line is a real block */ )
$line = $text_lines[$i];
if( ! isset($new_blocks[$count_new_blocks]) )
$new_blocks[$count_new_blocks] = '';
$line_copy = $line;
while( preg_match( '~^(.*?)(<\s*/\s*(\w+)(\s+[^>]*?)?>)~is', $line_copy, $match )
&& !(preg_match( '~^(.*?)(<\s*'.$match[3].'(\s+[^>]*?(\s*/\s*)?)?>)~is', $new_blocks[$count_new_blocks].$match[1] )) )
{ // a closing tag:
$new_blocks[$count_new_blocks] .= $match[0];
$line_copy = substr($line_copy, strlen($match[0]));
if( ! empty($new_blocks[$count_new_blocks]) )
{ // we've found a closing tag with no opening tag, this must not get wrapped in P:
$new_blocks_nowrap[] = $count_new_blocks;
$new_blocks[$count_new_blocks+1] = ''; // dummy
$new_blocks[$count_new_blocks+2] = ''; // init new
$line = substr( $line, strlen($new_blocks[$count_new_blocks]) );
$count_new_blocks = $count_new_blocks+2;
{ // we're looking for a closing tag:
// Find closing tag:
$line_copy = $line;
list( $text_in_tag, $closing_tag, $NL_before, $NL_after ) = $this->split_text_for_tag( $looking_for_close_tag['tag'], $line_copy /* by ref */ );
if( empty($closing_tag) )
{ // not in this whole block:
$new_blocks[ $count_new_blocks ] .= $line.$text_lines[$i+1];
// Tag has been found:
$looking_for_close_tag = array();
if( preg_match( '~^(.*?)(<\s*(\w+)(\s+[^>/]*)?(\s*/\s*)?>)~is', $line, $match ) )
{ // a opening tag:
$tag = $match[3];
$pos_after_tag = strlen($match[0]);
while( ! empty($match[5]) /* "/" */ )
{ // self-closing tag, find next:
$tag = false;
if( preg_match( '~^(.*?)(<\s*(\w+)(\s+[^>/]*)?(\s*/\s*)?>)~is', substr($line, $pos_after_tag), $match ) )
$tag = $match[3];
$pos_after_tag += strlen($match[0]);
$text_after_tag = substr($line, $pos_after_tag);
if( $tag )
// Find closing tag:
list( $text_in_tag, $closing_tag, $NL_before, $NL_after ) = $this->split_text_for_tag($tag, $text_after_tag /* by ref */ );
if( empty($closing_tag) )
$looking_for_close_tag = array(
'tag' => $tag,
'block' => $i,
'pos' => strlen($new_blocks[ $count_new_blocks ])+strlen($match[1]), // position where the unclosed tag begins
$new_blocks[ $count_new_blocks ] .= $line.$text_lines[$i+1];
$new_blocks[ $count_new_blocks ] .= $line;
$new_blocks[ ++$count_new_blocks ] = $text_lines[$i+1];
if( $looking_for_close_tag )
#echo '<h1>looking_for_close_tag</h1>'; pre_dump( $looking_for_close_tag );
$new_blocks[ $count_new_blocks+1 ] = ''; // dummy
if( $looking_for_close_tag['pos'] > 0 )
{ // move part of last block without closing tag to an own block:
$new_blocks[ $count_new_blocks+2 ] = substr($new_blocks[ $count_new_blocks ], $looking_for_close_tag['pos']);
$new_blocks[ $count_new_blocks ] = substr($new_blocks[ $count_new_blocks ], 0, $looking_for_close_tag['pos']);
$new_blocks[ $count_new_blocks+3 ] = ''; // dummy
$new_blocks_nowrap[] = $count_new_blocks+2;
{ // the whole block should not get wrapped!
$new_blocks_nowrap[] = $count_new_blocks;
#echo '<h1>new_blocks:</h1>'; pre_dump( $new_blocks, $new_blocks_nowrap );
$after_block_wp = '';
$before_block_wp = '';
if( empty($in_tag) )
$wrap_in_p = true;
elseif( in_array($in_tag, $this->p_allowed_in) )
if( ! $this->add_p_in_block )
$wrap_in_p = false;
elseif( count($new_blocks) > 2 )
$wrap_in_p = true;
$wrap_in_p = false;
if( substr( $new_blocks[0], 0, 1 ) == "\n" )
$before_block_wp = "\n";
$new_blocks[0] = substr( $new_blocks[0], 1 );
$wrap_in_p = true;
if( substr( $new_blocks[0], -1 ) == "\n" )
$after_block_wp = "\n";
$new_blocks[0] = substr( $new_blocks[0], 0, -1 );
$wrap_in_p = true;
$wrap_in_p = false;
if( $new_blocks[count($new_blocks)-2] == '' )
$new_text = '';
for( $i = 0, $n = count($new_blocks); $i < $n; $i = $i+2 )
#echo '<h2>--new_blocks['.$i.']: '; pre_dump( $new_blocks[$i] ); echo '</h2>';
$this_wrap_in_p = $wrap_in_p && ! in_array( $i, $new_blocks_nowrap ); // only wrap this, if it's a valid block
if( empty($new_blocks[$i]) )
if( $this_wrap_in_p )
{ // not the last one
$block = '<p></p>';
$block = '';
$new_text .= $before_block_wp.$block.$after_block_wp.$new_blocks[$i+1];
list($new_block, $has_p) = $this->handle_pre_blocks_helper( $new_blocks[$i], $in_tag, $this_wrap_in_p );
$new_text .= $before_block_wp.$new_block.$after_block_wp.$new_blocks[$i+1];
#pre_dump( 'HANDLE_PRE_BLOCKS return: ', $new_text, $in_tag );
return $new_text;
* This is a helper for handling blocks from {@link handle_pre_blocks_helper()}.
* What comes here is supposed to have no block tags.
* @return array array( $text, $has_p )
function handle_pre_blocks_helper( $block, $in_tag, $wrap_in_p, $ignore_NL = true )
#pre_dump( 'HANDLE_PRE_BLOCKS_HELPER begin', $block, $in_tag );
$has_p = NULL;
$r = '';
if( $in_tag == 'blockquote' )
{ // XHTML strict: blockquote content needs to be in block tag
$in_tag = 'p';
$wrap_in_p = true; // at the end
// Remove newlines at start and end (will get re-applied later):
$NL_start = '';
$NL_end = '';
if( $ignore_NL )
while( isset( $block[0] ) && $block[0] == "\n" )
$NL_start .= $block[0];
$block = substr($block, 1);
while( substr($block, -1) == "\n" )
$NL_end .= substr($block, -1);
$block = substr($block, 0, -1);
if( preg_match( '~^(.*?)(<\s*(\w+)(\s+[^>]*)?>)~is', $block, $match ) )
{ // a tag:
$tag = $match[3];
$before_tag = $match[1];
if( ! empty($before_tag) )
{ // Delegate to handle_br:
$r .= $this->handle_br( $before_tag, $in_tag );
// Opening tag:
$r .= $match[2];
$text_after_tag = substr( $block, strlen($match[0]) );
// Find closing tag:
list( $text_in_tag, $closing_tag, $NL_before, $NL_after ) = $this->split_text_for_tag($tag, $text_after_tag);
if( ! empty($text_in_tag) )
{ // Recurse (same level) - with the optional newlines at start and end, because in an inline tag every linebreak should become a BR:
list($text_in_tag, $sub_has_p) = $this->handle_pre_blocks_helper( $NL_before.$text_in_tag.$NL_after, $tag, false, false );
$r .= $text_in_tag;
$r .= $closing_tag;
if( ! empty($text_after_tag) )
#echo '<h1>RECURSE: text_after_tag (handle_pre_blocks)</h1>';
// Recurse (same level):
list( $text_after_tag, $sub_has_p ) = $this->handle_pre_blocks_helper( $text_after_tag, $in_tag, false, false );
$r .= $text_after_tag;
{ // No tags in this $text:
$r .= $this->handle_br( $block, $in_tag );
if( ! empty($wrap_in_p) )
$r = '<p>'.$r.'</p>';
$has_p = true;
// re-apply newlines from start and end:
$r = $NL_start.$r.$NL_end;
#pre_dump( 'HANDLE_PRE_BLOCKS_HELPER return: ', $r, $has_p );
return array( $r, $has_p );
* Handles adding BR.
* @return string
function handle_br( $text, $in_tag )
#echo '<h3>LEVEL>1 (BR)</h3>'; pre_dump( $text );
if( empty($in_tag) || in_array($in_tag, $this->br_allowed_in) )
$new_text = $this->autobr($text);
$new_text = $text;
#pre_dump( 'HANDLE_BR return: ', $new_text, $in_tag );
return $new_text;
* Split the text for a given tag, mainly to find the closing tag.
* @return array
function split_text_for_tag($tag, & $text_after_tag)
#echo '<strong>split_text_for_tag</strong><br />'; pre_dump( $tag, $text_after_tag );
$depth = 1;
$text_in_tag = '';
$loop_text = $text_after_tag;
while( 1 )
#echo '<hr />loop_text:'; pre_dump( $loop_text );
if( preg_match( '~^(.*?)(<\s*(/)?\s*'.preg_quote( $tag, '~' ).'\s*(/\s*)?>)~is', $loop_text, $after_match ) )
#pre_dump( 'after_match', $after_match );
$text_in_tag .= $after_match[1];
$found_tag = $after_match[2];
$is_closing = ( ! empty($after_match[3]) || ! empty($after_match[4]) /* self-closing */ );
if( $is_closing )
if( $depth == 0 )
{ // found the matching closing tag:
$closing_tag = $found_tag;
{ // this closing tag is part of the outer:
$text_in_tag .= $found_tag;
{ // found the same, but opening tag (nested)
$text_in_tag .= $found_tag;
// skip what we've matched:
$loop_text = substr($loop_text, strlen($after_match[0]) );
{ // did not find the closing tag.. :/
$closing_tag = '';
return array( false, false, false, false );
// remove newline at start and end:
if( substr($text_in_tag, 0, 1) == "\n" )
$NL_before = "\n";
$text_in_tag = substr($text_in_tag, 1);
$NL_before = '';
if( substr($text_in_tag, -1) == "\n" )
$NL_after = "\n";
$text_in_tag = substr($text_in_tag, 0, -1);
$NL_after = '';
$text_after_tag = substr( $text_after_tag, strlen($NL_before.$text_in_tag.$NL_after)+strlen($closing_tag) );
$r = array( $text_in_tag, $closing_tag, $NL_before, $NL_after );
#pre_dump( 'return: ', $r, $text_after_tag );
return $r;
* Add "<br />" to the end of newlines, which do not end with "<br />" already and which aren't
* the last line, if the "Auto-BR" setting is enabled.
* @return string
function autobr( $text, $replace_last = true )
if( ! $this->use_auto_br )
{ // don't make <br />'s
return $text;
return preg_replace( '~(?<!<br />)\n'.( $replace_last ? '' : '(?!\z)' ).'~i', "<br />\n", $text );