* This file implements the Auto Anchors plugin for b2evolution
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
* @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
* @package plugins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
* The Auto Anchors Plugin.
* It adds attribute "id" for header tags <h1-6> for auto anchor
* @package plugins
class auto_anchors_plugin extends Plugin
var $code = 'auto_anchors';
var $name = 'Auto Anchors';
var $priority = 33;
var $version = '7.2.3';
var $group = 'rendering';
var $short_desc;
var $long_desc;
var $help_topic = 'auto-anchors-plugin';
var $number_of_installs = 1;
* Init
function PluginInit( & $params )
$this->short_desc = T_('Automatic creating of anchors from header tags');
$this->long_desc = T_('This renderer automatically append attribute "id" for header tags.');
* Define here default collection/blog settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
* @param array Associative array of parameters.
* @return array See {@link Plugin::get_coll_setting_definitions()}.
function get_coll_setting_definitions( & $params )
$default_params = array(
'default_post_rendering' => 'opt-out',
'default_comment_rendering' => 'never',
if( ! empty( $params['blog_type'] ) )
{ // Set default settings depending on collection type:
switch( $params['blog_type'] )
case 'forum':
$default_params['default_comment_rendering'] = 'never';
$default_params['default_post_rendering'] = 'never';
$default_params = array_merge( $params, $default_params );
return array_merge( parent::get_coll_setting_definitions( $default_params ),
'offset_scroll' => array(
'label' => T_('Anchor offset'),
'type' => 'integer',
'defaultvalue' => 70,
'suffix' => ' px',
'note' => T_('This will be used when scrolling to an anchor.'),
* Define here default message settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
* @param array Associative array of parameters.
* @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_msg_setting_definitions( & $params )
// set params to allow rendering for messages by default
$default_params = array_merge( $params, array( 'default_msg_rendering' => 'never' ) );
return parent::get_msg_setting_definitions( $default_params );
* Define here default email settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
* @param array Associative array of parameters.
* @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_email_setting_definitions( & $params )
// set params to allow rendering for emails by default:
$default_params = array_merge( $params, array( 'default_email_rendering' => 'never' ) );
return parent::get_email_setting_definitions( $default_params );
* Define here default shared settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
* @param array Associative array of parameters.
* @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_shared_setting_definitions( & $params )
// set params to allow rendering for shared container widgets by default:
$default_params = array_merge( $params, array( 'default_shared_rendering' => 'opt-in' ) );
return parent::get_shared_setting_definitions( $default_params );
* Event handler: Called at the beginning of the skin's HTML HEAD section.
* Use this to add any HTML HEAD lines (like CSS styles or links to resource files (CSS, JavaScript, ..)).
* @param array Associative array of parameters
function SkinBeginHtmlHead( & $params )
global $Collection, $Blog, $disp;
if( ! isset( $Blog ) || (
$this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_apply_rendering', $Blog ) == 'never' &&
$this->get_coll_setting( 'coll_apply_comment_rendering', $Blog ) == 'never' ) )
{ // Don't load css/js files when plugin is not enabled:
$this->require_css_async( 'auto_anchors.css', false, 'footerlines' );
// JS for initialize anchor icons and for better scrolling:
// NOTE: we need this on each page because content bloc items may be included as widget even on front page!
expose_var_to_js( 'evo_plugin_auto_anchors_settings', '{
offset_scroll: '.format_to_js( intval( $this->get_coll_setting( 'offset_scroll', $Blog ) ) ).'
}' );
* Event handler: Called when ending the admin html head section.
* @param array Associative array of parameters
* @return boolean did we do something?
function AdminEndHtmlHead( & $params )
$this->SkinBeginHtmlHead( $params );
* Perform rendering
function RenderItemAsHtml( & $params )
$content = & $params['data'];
// Load for replace_special_chars():
load_funcs( 'locales/_charset.funcs.php' );
// Replace content outside of <code></code>, <pre></pre> and markdown codeblocks:
$content = replace_outside_code_tags( '#(<h([1-6])([^>]*\sid\s*=\s*["\']([^"\']+)["\'])?[^>]*)>(.+?)(</h\2>)#i', array( $this, 'callback_auto_anchor' ), $content, 'replace_content_callback' );
return true;
* Callback function to generate anchor from header text
* @param array Match data
* @return string
function callback_auto_anchor( $m )
if( empty( $m[4] ) )
{ // Generate anchor from header text:
// Remove all HMTL tags from header text:
$anchor = utf8_strip_tags( $m[5] );
// Convert special chars/umlauts to ASCII,
// and replace all non-letter and non-digit chars to single char "-":
$anchor = replace_special_chars( $anchor );
// Make anchor lowercase:
$anchor = utf8_strtolower( $anchor );
$anchor_attribute = ' id="'.$anchor.'"';
{ // Use custom defined anchor:
$anchor = $m[4];
$anchor_attribute = '';
if( empty( $anchor ) )
{ // Return original header tag when anchor is empty:
return $m[0];
$header_tag_start = $m[1];
if( strpos( $header_tag_start, ' class="' ) !== false )
{ // Append style class to current:
$header_tag_start = str_replace( ' class="', ' class="evo_auto_anchor_header ', $header_tag_start );
{ // Add new class attribute:
$header_tag_start .= ' class="evo_auto_anchor_header"';
return $header_tag_start.$anchor_attribute.'>'.$m[5].$m[6];