* This file implements the Archives plugin.
* Displays a list of post archives.
* This file is part of the b2evolution project - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
* @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
* Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link http://thequod.de/contact}.
* @package plugins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
load_class( '_core/ui/results/_results.class.php', 'Results' );
load_class( '/items/model/_itemlistlight.class.php', 'ItemListLight' );
* Archives Plugin
* This plugin displays
class archives_plugin extends Plugin
* Variables below MUST be overriden by plugin implementations,
* either in the subclass declaration or in the subclass constructor.
var $name;
var $code = 'evo_Arch';
var $priority = 50;
var $version = '7.2.3';
var $author = 'The b2evo Group';
var $group = 'widget';
var $subgroup = 'navigation';
var $widget_icon = 'archive';
* Init
function PluginInit( & $params )
$this->name = T_( 'Date Archives' );
$this->short_desc = T_('This skin tag displays a list of post archives.');
$this->long_desc = T_('Archives can be grouped monthly, daily, weekly or post by post.');
$this->dbtable = 'T_items__item';
$this->dbprefix = 'post_';
$this->dbIDname = 'post_ID';
* Get keys for block/widget caching
* Maybe be overriden by some widgets, depending on what THEY depend on..
* @param integer Widget ID
* @return array of keys this widget depends on
function get_widget_cache_keys( $widget_ID = 0 )
global $Collection, $Blog;
return array(
'wi_ID' => $widget_ID, // Have the widget settings changed ?
'set_coll_ID' => $Blog->ID, // Have the settings of the blog changed ? (ex: new skin)
'cont_coll_ID' => empty( $this->disp_params['blog_ID'] ) ? $Blog->ID : $this->disp_params['blog_ID'], // Has the content of the displayed blog changed ?
* Event handler: SkinTag
* @param array Associative array of parameters. Valid keys are:
* - 'block_start' : (Default: '<div class="bSideItem">')
* - 'block_end' : (Default: '</div>')
* - 'block_body_start' : (Default: '')
* - 'block_body_end' : (Default: '')
* - 'title' : (Default: T_('Archives'))
* - 'mode' : 'monthly'|'daily'|'weekly'|'postbypost' (Default: 'monthly' )
* - 'sort_order' : 'date'|'title' (Default: date - used only if the mode is 'postbypost')
* - 'link_type' : 'canonic'|'context' (default: canonic)
* - 'context_isolation' : what params need override when changing date/range (Default: 'm,w,p,title,unit,dstart' )
* - 'form' : true|false (default: false)
* - 'limit' : # of archive entries to display or '' (Default: 12)
* - 'more_link' : more link text (Default: 'More...')
* - 'list_start' : (Default '<ul>')
* - 'list_end' : (Default '</ul>')
* - 'line_start' : (Default '<li>')
* - 'line_end' : (Default '</li>')
* - 'day_date_format' : (Default: conf.)
* @return boolean did we display?
function SkinTag( & $params )
global $month;
* @todo get rid of this global:
global $m;
* @var Blog
global $Collection, $Blog;
if( empty($Blog) )
return false;
// Prefix of the ItemList object
$itemlist_prefix = isset( $params['itemlist_prefix'] ) ? $params['itemlist_prefix'] : '';
* Default params:
$params = array_merge( array(
// This is what will enclose the block in the skin:
'block_start' => '<div class="bSideItem">',
'block_end' => "</div>\n",
// Title:
'block_title_start' => '<h3>',
'block_title_end' => '</h3>',
// This is what will enclose the body:
'block_body_start' => '',
'block_body_end' => '',
// This is what will enclose the list:
'list_start' => '<ul>',
'list_end' => "</ul>\n",
// This is what will separate the archive links:
'line_start' => '<li>',
'line_end' => "</li>\n",
// Archive mode:
'mode' => $Blog->get_setting( 'archive_mode' ),
// Link type:
'link_type' => 'canonic',
'context_isolation' => $itemlist_prefix.'m,'.$itemlist_prefix.'w,'.$itemlist_prefix.'p,'.$itemlist_prefix.'title,'.$itemlist_prefix.'unit,'.$itemlist_prefix.'dstart',
// Add form fields?:
'form' => false,
// Number of archive entries to display:
'limit' => 12,
// More link text:
'more_link' => T_('More').'...',
), $params );
// Sort order (used only in postbypost mode):
if( $params['mode'] != 'postbypost' )
$params['sort_order'] = 'date';
if( ! isset( $params['sort_order'] ) )
{ // Set default sort order:
$params['sort_order'] = $Blog->get_setting( 'archives_sort_order' );
// Daily archive date format?
if( ! isset( $params['day_date_format'] ) || $params['day_date_format'] == '' )
$dateformat = locale_datefmt();
$params['day_date_format'] = $dateformat;
$ArchiveList = new ArchiveList( $params['mode'], $params['limit'], $params['sort_order'], ($params['link_type'] == 'context'),
$this->dbtable, $this->dbprefix, $this->dbIDname );
echo $params['block_start'];
if( !empty($params['title']) )
{ // We want to display a title for the widget block:
echo $params['block_title_start'];
echo $params['title'];
echo $params['block_title_end'];
echo $params['block_body_start'];
echo $params['list_start'];
while( $ArchiveList->get_item( $arc_year, $arc_month, $arc_dayofmonth, $arc_w, $arc_count, $post_ID, $post_title, $permalink) )
echo $params['line_start'];
switch( $params['mode'] )
case 'monthly':
// --------------------------------- MONTHLY ARCHIVES -------------------------------------
$arc_m = $arc_year.zeroise($arc_month,2);
if( $params['form'] )
{ // We want a radio button:
echo '<input type="radio" name="'.$itemlist_prefix.'m" value="'.$arc_m.'" class="checkbox"';
if( $m == $arc_m ) echo ' checked="checked"' ;
echo ' /> ';
$text = T_($month[zeroise($arc_month,2)]).' '.$arc_year;
if( $params['link_type'] == 'context' )
{ // We want to preserve current browsing context:
echo '<a rel="nofollow" href="'.regenerate_url( $params['context_isolation'], $itemlist_prefix.'m='.$arc_m ).'">'.$text.'</a>';
{ // We want to link to the absolute canonical URL for this archive:
echo $Blog->gen_archive_link( $text, T_('View monthly archive'), $arc_year, $arc_month );
echo ' <span class="dimmed">('.$arc_count.')</span>';
case 'daily':
// --------------------------------- DAILY ARCHIVES ---------------------------------------
$arc_m = $arc_year.zeroise($arc_month,2).zeroise($arc_dayofmonth,2);
if( $params['form'] )
{ // We want a radio button:
echo '<input type="radio" name="'.$itemlist_prefix.'m" value="'. $arc_m. '" class="checkbox"';
if( $m == $arc_m ) echo ' checked="checked"' ;
echo ' /> ';
$text = mysql2date($params['day_date_format'], $arc_year.'-'.zeroise($arc_month,2).'-'.zeroise($arc_dayofmonth,2).' 00:00:00');
if( $params['link_type'] == 'context' )
{ // We want to preserve current browsing context:
echo '<a rel="nofollow" href="'.regenerate_url( $params['context_isolation'], $itemlist_prefix.'m='.$arc_m ).'">'.$text.'</a>';
{ // We want to link to the absolute canonical URL for this archive:
echo $Blog->gen_archive_link( $text, T_('View daily archive'), $arc_year, $arc_month, $arc_dayofmonth );
echo ' <span class="dimmed">('.$arc_count.')</span>';
case 'weekly':
// --------------------------------- WEEKLY ARCHIVES --------------------------------------
$text = $arc_year.', '.T_('week').' '.$arc_w;
if( $params['link_type'] == 'context' )
{ // We want to preserve current browsing context:
echo '<a rel="nofollow" href="'.regenerate_url( $params['context_isolation'], $itemlist_prefix.'m='.$arc_year.'&'.$itemlist_prefix.'w='.$arc_w ).'">'.$text.'</a>';
{ // We want to link to the absolute canonical URL for this archive:
echo $Blog->gen_archive_link( $text, T_('View weekly archive'), $arc_year, NULL, NULL, $arc_w );
echo ' <span class="dimmed">('.$arc_count.')</span>';
case 'postbypost':
// -------------------------------- POST BY POST ARCHIVES ---------------------------------
if( $post_title)
$text = strip_tags($post_title);
$text = $post_ID;
if( $params['link_type'] == 'context' )
{ // We want to preserve current browsing context:
echo '<a rel="nofollow" href="'.regenerate_url( $params['context_isolation'], 'p='.$post_ID ).'">'.$text.'</a>';
// fp> THIS IS ALL OBSOLETE. There is a better way to have a post list with a specific widget.
// TO BE DELETED (waiting for photoblog cleanup)
// until the cleanup, a fix. I hope.
echo '<a href="'. $permalink .'">'.$text.'</a>';
echo $params['line_end'];
// Display more link:
if( !empty($params['more_link']) )
echo $params['line_start'];
echo '<a href="';
$Blog->disp( 'arcdirurl', 'raw' );
echo '">'.format_to_output($params['more_link']).'</a>';
echo $params['line_end'];
echo $params['list_end'];
echo $params['block_body_end'];
echo $params['block_end'];
return true;
* Get definitions for widget specific editable params
* @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
* @param local params like 'for_editing' => true
function get_widget_param_definitions( $params )
$r = array(
'title' => array(
'label' => T_('Block title'),
'note' => T_('Title to display in your skin.'),
'size' => 60,
'defaultvalue' => T_('Archives'),
'limit' => array(
'label' => T_( 'Max items' ),
'note' => T_( 'Maximum number of items to display.' ),
'size' => 4,
'defaultvalue' => 12,
'mode' => array(
'label' => T_('Archive grouping'),
'note' => T_('How do you want to browse the post archives? May also apply to permalinks.'),
'type' => 'radio',
'options' => array(
array( 'monthly', T_('monthly') ),
array( 'weekly', T_('weekly') ),
array( 'daily', T_('daily') ),
array( 'postbypost', T_('post by post') ),
'defaultvalue' => 'monthly',
'sort_order' => array(
'label' => T_('Archive sorting'),
'note' => T_('How to sort your archives? (only in post by post mode)'),
'type' => 'radio',
'options' => array(
array( 'date', T_('date') ),
array( 'title', T_('title') ),
'defaultvalue' => 'date',
return $r;
* Archive List Class
* @package evocore
class ArchiveList extends Results
var $archive_mode;
var $arc_w_last;
* Constructor
* Note: Weekly archives use MySQL's week numbering and MySQL default if applicable.
* In MySQL < 4.0.14, WEEK() always uses mode 0: Week starts on Sunday;
* Value range is 0 to 53; week 1 is the first week that starts in this year.
* @link http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/date-and-time-functions.html
* @todo categories combined with 'ALL' are not supported (will output too many archives,
* some of which will resolve to no results). We need subqueries to support this efficiently.
* @param string
* @param integer
* @param boolean
function __construct(
$archive_mode = 'monthly',
$limit = 100,
$sort_order = 'date',
$preserve_context = false,
$dbtable = 'T_items__item',
$dbprefix = 'post_',
$dbIDname = 'ID' )
global $DB;
global $blog, $cat, $catsel;
global $Collection, $Blog;
global $show_statuses;
global $author, $assgn, $status, $types;
global $s, $sentence, $exact;
$this->dbtable = $dbtable;
$this->dbprefix = $dbprefix;
$this->dbIDname = $dbIDname;
$this->archive_mode = $archive_mode;
$this->ItemQuery = new ItemQuery( $this->dbtable, $this->dbprefix, $this->dbIDname ); // TEMPORARY OBJ
// - - Select a specific Item:
// $this->ItemQuery->where_ID( $p, $title );
if( is_admin_page() )
{ // Don't restrict by date in the Back-office
$timestamp_min = NULL;
$timestamp_max = NULL;
{ // Restrict posts by date started
$timestamp_min = $Blog->get_timestamp_min();
$timestamp_max = $Blog->get_timestamp_max();
if( $preserve_context )
{ // We want to preserve the current context:
// * - - Restrict to selected blog/categories:
$this->ItemQuery->where_chapter( $blog, $cat, $catsel );
// * Restrict to the statuses we want to show:
$this->ItemQuery->where_visibility( $show_statuses );
// Restrict to selected authors:
$this->ItemQuery->where_author( $author );
// Restrict to selected assignees:
$this->ItemQuery->where_assignees( $assgn );
// Restrict to selected satuses:
$this->ItemQuery->where_statuses( $status );
// - - - + * * timestamp restrictions:
$this->ItemQuery->where_datestart( '', '', '', '', $timestamp_min, $timestamp_max );
// Keyword search stuff:
$this->ItemQuery->where_keywords( $s, $sentence, $exact );
$this->ItemQuery->where_types( $types );
{ // We want to preserve only the minimal context:
// * - - Restrict to selected blog/categories:
$this->ItemQuery->where_chapter( $blog, '', array() );
// * Restrict to the statuses we want to show:
$this->ItemQuery->where_visibility( $show_statuses );
// - - - + * * timestamp restrictions:
$this->ItemQuery->where_datestart( '', '', '', '', $timestamp_min, $timestamp_max );
// Include all types except pages, intros and sidebar links:
$this->ItemQuery->where_itemtype_usage( 'post' );
// Restrict with locale visibility by current navigation locale:
$this->from = $this->ItemQuery->get_from();
$this->where = $this->ItemQuery->get_where();
$this->group_by = $this->ItemQuery->get_group_by();
switch( $this->archive_mode )
case 'monthly':
// ------------------------------ MONTHLY ARCHIVES ------------------------------------
$sql = 'SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS year, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS month,
COUNT(DISTINCT postcat_post_ID) AS count '
GROUP BY year, month
ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC';
case 'daily':
// ------------------------------- DAILY ARCHIVES -------------------------------------
$sql = 'SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS year, MONTH('.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS month,
DAYOFMONTH('.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS day,
COUNT(DISTINCT postcat_post_ID) AS count '
GROUP BY year, month, day
ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, day DESC';
case 'weekly':
// ------------------------------- WEEKLY ARCHIVES -------------------------------------
$sql = 'SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS year, '.
$DB->week( $this->dbprefix.'datestart', locale_startofweek() ).' AS week,
COUNT(DISTINCT postcat_post_ID) AS count '
GROUP BY year, week
ORDER BY year DESC, week DESC';
case 'postbypost':
// ----------------------------- POSY BY POST ARCHIVES --------------------------------
$archives_list = new ItemListLight( $Blog , $Blog->get_timestamp_min(), $Blog->get_timestamp_max(), $this->total_rows );
$archives_list->set_filters( array(
'visibility_array' => array( 'published' ), // We only want to advertised published items
'itemtype_usage' => 'post', // Include all types with usage "post"
) );
if($sort_order == 'title')
$archives_list->set_filters( array(
'orderby' => 'title',
'order' => 'ASC') );
$this->rows = array();
while ($Item = $archives_list->get_item())
$this->rows[] = $Item;
$this->result_num_rows = $archives_list->result_num_rows;
$this->current_idx = 0;
$this->arc_w_last = '';
// dh> Temp fix for MySQL bug - apparently in/around 4.1.21/5.0.24.
// See http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=42529#42529
if( in_array($this->archive_mode, array('monthly', 'daily', 'weekly')) )
$sql_version = $DB->version;
if( version_compare($sql_version, '4', '>') )
$sql = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS '.substr( $sql, 7 ); // "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS" available since MySQL 4
parent::__construct( $sql, 'archivelist_', '', $limit );
* Count the number of rows of the SQL result
* These queries are complex enough for us not to have to rewrite them:
* dh> ???
function count_total_rows( $sql_count = NULL )
global $DB;
switch( $this->archive_mode )
case 'monthly':
// ------------------------------ MONTHLY ARCHIVES ------------------------------------
$sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart), EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) ) '
case 'daily':
// ------------------------------- DAILY ARCHIVES -------------------------------------
$sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart), EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart),
EXTRACT(DAY FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) ) '
case 'weekly':
// ------------------------------- WEEKLY ARCHIVES -------------------------------------
$sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart), '
.$DB->week( $this->dbprefix.'datestart', locale_startofweek() ).' ) '
case 'postbypost':
// ----------------------------- POSY BY POST ARCHIVES --------------------------------
$sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT '.$this->dbIDname.' ) '
// echo $sql_count;
$this->total_rows = $DB->get_var( $sql_count ); //count total rows
// echo 'total rows='.$this->total_rows;
* Rewind resultset
function restart()
// Make sure query has executed at least once:
$this->current_idx = 0;
$this->arc_w_last = '';
* Getting next item in archive list
* WARNING: these are *NOT* Item objects!
function get_item( & $arc_year, & $arc_month, & $arc_dayofmonth, & $arc_w, & $arc_count, & $post_ID, & $post_title, & $permalink )
// echo 'getting next item<br />';
if( $this->current_idx >= $this->result_num_rows )
{ // No more entry
return false;
$arc_row = $this->rows[ $this->current_idx++ ];
switch( $this->archive_mode )
case 'monthly':
$arc_year = $arc_row->year;
$arc_month = $arc_row->month;
$arc_count = $arc_row->count;
return true;
case 'daily':
$arc_year = $arc_row->year;
$arc_month = $arc_row->month;
$arc_dayofmonth = $arc_row->day;
$arc_count = $arc_row->count;
return true;
case 'weekly':
$arc_year = $arc_row->year;
$arc_w = $arc_row->week;
$arc_count = $arc_row->count;
return true;
case 'postbypost':
$post_ID = $arc_row->ID;
$post_title = $arc_row->title;
$permalink = $arc_row->get_permanent_url();
return true;