* This is b2evolution's application config file.
* @package conf
if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
$app_name = 'b2evolution';
$app_shortname = 'b2evo';
* The version of the application.
* Note: This has to be compatible with {@link http://us2.php.net/en/version-compare}.
* @global string
$app_version = '7.2.3-stable';
* Release date (ISO)
* @global string
$app_date = '2021-03-01';
* Is this b2evolution PRO?
* If the PRO modules are available some UI elements will be set up differently.
* This requires the PHP files for the PRO modules (otherwise there will be errors)
* @global boolean
$app_pro = false;
* Long version string for checking differences
$app_version_long = $app_version.'-'.$app_date;
* This is used to check if the database is up to date.
* This will be incremented by 10 with each change in {@link upgrade_b2evo_tables()}
* in order to leave space for maintenance releases.
* {@internal Before changing this in CVS, it should be discussed! }}
$new_db_version = 16170;
* Minimum PHP version required for b2evolution to function properly. It will contain each module own minimum PHP version as well.
* @global array
$required_php_version = array( 'application' => '5.6' );
* Minimum MYSQL version required for b2evolution to function properly. It will contain each module own minimum MYSQL version as well.
* @global array
$required_mysql_version = array( 'application' => '5.5.3' );
* Is displayed on the login screen:
$app_footer_text = '<a href="http://b2evolution.net/" title="visit b2evolution\'s website"><strong>b2evolution '.$app_version_long.'</strong></a>
<a href="http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license" class="nobr">GPL License</a>';
$copyright_text = '<span class="nobr">©2003-2020 by <a href="http://fplanque.net/">François</a> <a href="http://fplanque.com/">Planque</a> & <a href="http://b2evolution.net/about/about-us">others</a>.</span>';
* Do you want to display the help links to online documentation?
* @global boolean
$online_help_links = true;
* Modules to load
* This is most useful when extending evoCore with features beyond what b2evolution does and when those features do not
* fit nicely into a plugin, mostly when they are too large or too complex.
* Note: a long term goal is to be able to disable some b2evolution feature sets that would not be needed. This should
* however only be used for large enough feature sets to make it worth the trouble. NO MICROMANAGING here.
* Try commenting out the 'collections' module to revert to pretty much just evocore.
$modules = array(
'collections', // TODO: installer won't work without this module
// 'central_antispam', // will also require $enable_blacklist_server_API = true;