namespace XF\Service\User;
use XF\Entity\User;
use XF\Entity\Warning;
use XF\Entity\WarningDefinition;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity;
use function intval, strlen, strval;
class Warn extends \XF\Service\AbstractService
use \XF\Service\ValidateAndSavableTrait;
* @var User
protected $user;
* @var User
protected $warningBy;
* @var \XF\Warning\AbstractHandler
protected $handler;
* @var Entity
protected $content;
* @var WarningDefinition|null
protected $definition;
* @var Warning
protected $warning;
protected $conversationTitle;
protected $conversationMessage;
protected $conversationOptions = [];
protected $contentAction;
protected $contentActionOptions = [];
public function __construct(\XF\App $app, User $user, $contentType, Entity $content, User $warningBy)
$this->user = $user;
$this->warningBy = $warningBy;
$this->handler = $this->repository('XF:Warning')->getWarningHandler($contentType, true);
$this->content = $content;
$warning = $this->em()->create('XF:Warning');
$warning->content_type = $this->handler->getContentType();
$warning->content_id = $this->content->getEntityId();
$warning->content_title = $this->handler->getStoredTitle($this->content);
$warning->user_id = $this->user->user_id;
$warning->warning_user_id = $warningBy->user_id;
$this->warning = $warning;
public function setFromDefinition(WarningDefinition $definition, $points = null, $expiry = null)
$this->definition = $definition;
$this->warning->warning_definition_id = $definition->warning_definition_id;
$this->warning->title = strval($definition->title);
$this->warning->extra_user_group_ids = $this->definition->extra_user_group_ids;
if ($points === null || !$definition->is_editable)
$points = $definition->points_default;
if ($expiry === null || !$definition->is_editable)
if ($definition->expiry_type == 'never')
$expiry = 0;
$expiry = strtotime('+' . $definition->expiry_default . ' ' . $definition->expiry_type);
// if the expiry is too far in the future, just make it actually be permanent
if ($expiry >= pow(2, 32) - 1)
$expiry = 0;
$this->warning->points = max(0, intval($points));
$this->warning->expiry_date = max(0, intval($expiry));
return $this;
public function setFromCustom($title, $points, $expiry)
$this->definition = null;
$this->warning->warning_definition_id = 0;
$this->warning->title = $title;
// if the expiry is too far in the future, just make it actually be permanent
if ($expiry >= pow(2, 32) - 1)
$expiry = 0;
$this->warning->points = max(0, intval($points));
$this->warning->expiry_date = max(0, intval($expiry));
$this->warning->extra_user_group_ids = [];
return $this;
public function setNotes($notes)
$preparer = $this->getStructuredTextPreparer();
$this->warning->notes = $preparer->prepare($notes);
$preparer->pushEntityErrorIfInvalid($this->warning, 'notes');
return $this;
public function withConversation($title, $message, array $options = [])
if (!strlen($title) || !strlen($message))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Must specify a title and message to send a conversation");
$this->conversationTitle = $title;
$this->conversationMessage = $message;
$this->conversationOptions = $options;
return $this;
public function withContentAction($action, array $options = [])
$this->contentAction = $action;
$this->contentActionOptions = $options;
return $this;
protected function _validate()
return $this->warning->getErrors();
protected function _save()
if ($this->warning->isUpdate())
throw new \LogicException("This warning has already been saved");
$warning = $this->warning;
if ($this->conversationTitle)
if ($this->contentAction)
return $warning;
protected function setupConversation(\XF\Entity\Warning $warning)
/** @var \XF\Service\Conversation\Creator $creator */
$creator = $this->service('XF:Conversation\Creator', $this->warningBy);
$creator->setContent($this->conversationTitle, $this->conversationMessage);
return $creator;
protected function sendConversation(\XF\Entity\Warning $warning)
$creator = $this->setupConversation($warning);
if ($creator->validate($errors))
return $creator->save();
return null;
protected function getStructuredTextPreparer($format = true)
/** @var \XF\Service\StructuredText\Preparer $preparer */
$preparer = $this->service('XF:StructuredText\Preparer', 'warning', $this->warning);
$preparer->setConstraint('maxLength', 0);
if (!$format)
return $preparer;