namespace Braintree;
* Braintree VisaCheckoutCard module
* Creates and manages Braintree VisaCheckoutCards
* <b>== More information ==</b>
* For more detailed information on CreditCard verifications, see {@link https://developers.braintreepayments.com/reference/response/credit-card-verification/php https://developers.braintreepayments.com/reference/response/credit-card-verification/php}
* @package Braintree
* @category Resources
* @property-read \Braintree\Address $billingAddress
* @property-read string $bin
* @property-read string $callId
* @property-read string $cardType
* @property-read string $cardholderName
* @property-read string $commercial
* @property-read string $countryOfIssuance
* @property-read \DateTime $createdAt
* @property-read string $customerId
* @property-read string $customerLocation
* @property-read string $debit
* @property-read boolean $default
* @property-read string $durbinRegulated
* @property-read string $expirationDate
* @property-read string $expirationMonth
* @property-read string $expirationYear
* @property-read boolean $expired
* @property-read string $healthcare
* @property-read string $imageUrl
* @property-read string $issuingBank
* @property-read string $last4
* @property-read string $maskedNumber
* @property-read string $payroll
* @property-read string $prepaid
* @property-read string $productId
* @property-read \Braintree\Subscription[] $subscriptions
* @property-read string $token
* @property-read string $uniqueNumberIdentifier
* @property-read \DateTime $updatedAt
class VisaCheckoutCard extends Base
/* instance methods */
* returns false if default is null or false
* @return boolean
public function isDefault()
return $this->default;
* checks whether the card is expired based on the current date
* @return boolean
public function isExpired()
return $this->expired;
* sets instance properties from an array of values
* @access protected
* @param array $creditCardAttribs array of creditcard data
* @return void
protected function _initialize($creditCardAttribs)
// set the attributes
$this->_attributes = $creditCardAttribs;
// map each address into its own object
$billingAddress = isset($creditCardAttribs['billingAddress']) ?
Address::factory($creditCardAttribs['billingAddress']) :
$subscriptionArray = [];
if (isset($creditCardAttribs['subscriptions'])) {
foreach ($creditCardAttribs['subscriptions'] AS $subscription) {
$subscriptionArray[] = Subscription::factory($subscription);
$this->_set('subscriptions', $subscriptionArray);
$this->_set('billingAddress', $billingAddress);
$this->_set('expirationDate', $this->expirationMonth . '/' . $this->expirationYear);
$this->_set('maskedNumber', $this->bin . '******' . $this->last4);
if(isset($creditCardAttribs['verifications']) && count($creditCardAttribs['verifications']) > 0) {
$verifications = $creditCardAttribs['verifications'];
usort($verifications, [$this, '_compareCreatedAtOnVerifications']);
$this->_set('verification', CreditCardVerification::factory($verifications[0]));
private function _compareCreatedAtOnVerifications($verificationAttrib1, $verificationAttrib2)
return ($verificationAttrib2['createdAt'] < $verificationAttrib1['createdAt']) ? -1 : 1;
* returns false if comparing object is not a VisaCheckoutCard,
* or is a VisaCheckoutCard with a different id
* @param object $otherVisaCheckoutCard customer to compare against
* @return boolean
public function isEqual($otherVisaCheckoutCard)
return !($otherVisaCheckoutCard instanceof self) ? false : $this->token === $otherVisaCheckoutCard->token;
* create a printable representation of the object as:
* ClassName[property=value, property=value]
* @return string
public function __toString()
return __CLASS__ . '[' .
Util::attributesToString($this->_attributes) .']';
* factory method: returns an instance of VisaCheckoutCard
* to the requesting method, with populated properties
* @ignore
* @return VisaCheckoutCard
public static function factory($attributes)
$defaultAttributes = [
'bin' => '',
'expirationMonth' => '',
'expirationYear' => '',
'last4' => '',
$instance = new self();
$instance->_initialize(array_merge($defaultAttributes, $attributes));
return $instance;
class_alias('Braintree\VisaCheckoutCard', 'Braintree_VisaCheckoutCard');