* @brief Converter vBulletin 5.x Master Class
* @author <a href='https://www.invisioncommunity.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
* @copyright (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @package Invision Community
* @subpackage Converter
* @since 21 Jan 2015
namespace IPS\convert\Software\Core;
/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );
class _Vbulletin5 extends \IPS\convert\Software
* Software Name
* @return string
public static function softwareName()
/* Child classes must override this method */
return "vBulletin (5.x)";
* Software Key
* @return string
public static function softwareKey()
/* Child classes must override this method */
return "vbulletin5";
* Content we can convert from this software.
* @return array
public static function canConvert()
return array(
'convertEmoticons' => array(
'table' => 'smilie',
'where' => NULL
'convertProfileFieldGroups' => array(
'table' => 'profilefieldcategory',
'where' => NULL
'convertProfileFields' => array(
'table' => 'profilefield',
'where' => NULL
'convertGroups' => array(
'table' => 'usergroup',
'where' => NULL
'convertMembers' => array(
'table' => 'user',
'where' => NULL
'convertMemberHistory' => array(
'table' => 'userchangelog',
'where' => NULL
'convertIgnoredUsers' => array(
'table' => 'userlist',
'where' => array( "type=?", 'ignore' )
'convertPrivateMessages' => array(
'table' => 'pm',
'where' => array( "parentpmid=?", 0 ),
'convertPrivateMessageReplies' => array(
'table' => 'privatemessage',
'where' => array( "msgtype=?", 'message' ),
'convertRanks' => array(
'table' => 'usertitle',
'where' => NULL
'convertClubs' => array(
'table' => 'node',
'where' => 'clubs'
'convertClubMembers' => array(
'table' => 'groupintopic',
'where' => NULL
* Can we convert passwords from this software.
* @return boolean
public static function loginEnabled()
return TRUE;
* Count Source Rows for a specific step
* @param string $table The table containing the rows to count.
* @param array|NULL $where WHERE clause to only count specific rows, or NULL to count all.
* @param bool $recache Skip cache and pull directly (updating cache)
* @return integer
* @throws \IPS\convert\Exception
public function countRows( $table, $where=NULL, $recache=FALSE )
switch( $table )
case 'pm':
$node = $this->db->select( 'nodeid', 'channel', array( "guid=?", static::$guids['private_messages'] ) )->first();
return $this->db->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'privatemessage', array( "privatemessage.msgtype=? AND node.parentid=?", 'message', $node ) )->join( 'node', 'privatemessage.nodeid = node.nodeid' )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
return 0;
case 'node':
if ( $where === 'clubs' )
return count( $this->fetchClubs() );
return parent::countRows( $table, $where, $recache );
case 'groupintopic':
$clubs = array();
foreach( $this->fetchClubs() AS $club )
$clubs[] = $club['nodeid'];
$where = array( $this->db->in( 'nodeid', $clubs ) );
return parent::countRows( $table, $where, $recache );
case 'userchangelog':
return $this->db->select( 'count(changeid)', 'userchangelog', array( $this->db->in( 'fieldname', array_keys( static::$changeLogTypes ) ) ) )->first();
return parent::countRows( $table, $where, $recache );
* Can we convert settings?
* @return boolean
public static function canConvertSettings()
return TRUE;
* Settings Map
* @return array
public function settingsMap()
return array(
'bbtitle' => 'board_name',
* Settings Map Listing
* @return array
public function settingsMapList()
$settings = array();
foreach( $this->settingsMap() AS $theirs => $ours )
$setting = $this->db->select( 'varname, value', 'setting', array( "varname=?", $theirs ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$title = $this->db->select( 'text', 'phrase', array( "varname=?", "setting_{$setting['varname']}_title" ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$title = $setting['varname'];
$settings[$setting['varname']] = array( 'title' => $title, 'value' => $setting['value'], 'our_key' => $ours, 'our_title' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( $ours ) );
return $settings;
* Returns a block of text, or a language string, that explains what the admin must do to start this conversion
* @return string
public static function getPreConversionInformation()
return 'convert_vb5_preconvert';
* List of conversion methods that require additional information
* @return array
public static function checkConf()
return array(
* Get More Information
* @param string $method Conversion method
* @return array
public function getMoreInfo( $method )
$return = array();
switch( $method )
case 'convertEmoticons':
$return['convertEmoticons'] = array(
'emoticon_path' => array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Text',
'field_default' => NULL,
'field_required' => TRUE,
'field_extra' => array(),
'field_hint' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('convert_vb5_smilie_path'),
'field_validation' => function( $value ) { if ( !@is_dir( $value ) ) { throw new \DomainException( 'path_invalid' ); } },
'keep_existing_emoticons' => array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Checkbox',
'field_default' => TRUE,
'field_required' => FALSE,
'field_extra' => array(),
'field_hint' => NULL,
case 'convertProfileFieldGroups':
$return['convertProfileFieldGroups'] = array();
$options = array();
$options['none'] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'none' );
foreach( new \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_pfields_groups' ), 'IPS\core\ProfileFields\Group' ) AS $group )
$options[$group->_id] = $group->_title;
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'profilefieldcategory' ) AS $group )
$id = $group['profilefieldcategoryid']; # vB doesn't use spaces in column names and its driving me crazy typing it out
\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words["map_pfgroup_{$id}"] = $this->db->select( 'text', 'phrase', array( "varname=?", "category{$id}_title" ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words["map_pfgroup_{$id}"] = "vBulletin Profile Group {$id}";
\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words["map_pfgroup_{$id}_desc"] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'map_pfgroup_desc' );
$return['convertProfileFieldGroups']["map_pfgroup_{$group['profilefieldcategoryid']}"] = array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Select',
'field_default' => NULL,
'field_required' => FALSE,
'field_extra' => array( 'options' => $options ),
'field_hint' => NULL,
case 'convertProfileFields':
$return['convertProfileFields'] = array();
$options = array();
$options['none'] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'none' );
foreach( new \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_pfields_data' ), 'IPS\core\ProfileFields\Field' ) AS $field )
$options[$field->_id] = $field->_title;
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'profilefield' ) AS $field )
\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words["map_pfield_{$field['profilefieldid']}"] = $this->db->select( 'text', 'phrase', array( "varname=?", "field{$field['profilefieldid']}_title" ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words["map_pfield_{$field['profilefieldid']}"] = "vBulletin Profile Field {$field['profilefieldid']}";
\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words["map_pfield_{$field['profilefieldid']}_desc"] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'map_pfield_desc' );
$return['convertProfileFields']["map_pfield_{$field['profilefieldid']}"] = array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Select',
'field_default' => NULL,
'field_required' => FALSE,
'field_extra' => array( 'options' => $options ),
'field_hint' => NULL,
case 'convertGroups':
$return['convertGroups'] = array();
$options = array();
$options['none'] = 'None';
foreach( new \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_groups' ), 'IPS\Member\Group' ) AS $group )
$options[$group->g_id] = $group->name;
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'usergroup' ) AS $group )
\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words["map_group_{$group['usergroupid']}"] = $group['title'];
\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words["map_group_{$group['usergroupid']}_desc"] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'map_group_desc' );
$return['convertGroups']["map_group_{$group['usergroupid']}"] = array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Select',
'field_default' => NULL,
'field_required' => FALSE,
'field_extra' => array( 'options' => $options ),
'field_hint' => NULL,
case 'convertMembers':
$return['convertMembers'] = array();
/* We can only retain one type of photo */
$return['convertMembers']['photo_type'] = array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Radio',
'field_default' => 'avatars',
'field_required' => TRUE,
'field_extra' => array( 'options' => array( 'avatars' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'avatars' ), 'profile_photos' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'profile_photos' ) ) ),
'field_hint' => NULL,
/* Find out where the photos live */
$return['convertMembers']['photo_location'] = array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Radio',
'field_default' => 'database',
'field_required' => TRUE,
'field_extra' => array(
'options' => array(
'database' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'database' ),
'file_system' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'file_system' ),
'userSuppliedInput' => 'file_system',
'field_hint' => NULL,
'field_validation' => function( $value ) { if ( $value != 'database' AND !@is_dir( $value ) ) { throw new \DomainException( 'path_invalid' ); } },
/* And decide what to do about these... */
foreach( array( 'homepage', 'icq', 'aim', 'yahoo', 'msn', 'skype', 'google' ) AS $field )
\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words["field_{$field}"] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'pseudo_field', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => $field ) );
\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words["field_{$field}_desc"] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'pseudo_field_desc' );
$return['convertMembers']["field_{$field}"] = array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Radio',
'field_default' => 'no_convert',
'field_required' => TRUE,
'field_extra' => array(
'options' => array(
'no_convert' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'no_convert' ),
'create_field' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'create_field' ),
'userSuppliedInput' => 'create_field'
'field_hint' => NULL
case 'convertClubs':
$return['convertClubs'] = array();
$return['convertClubs']['photo_location'] = array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Radio',
'field_default' => 'database',
'field_required' => TRUE,
'field_extra' => array(
'options' => array(
'database' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'database' ),
'file_system' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'file_system' ),
'userSuppliedInput' => 'file_system',
'field_hint' => NULL,
'field_validation' => function( $value ) { if ( $value != 'database' AND !@is_dir( $value ) ) { throw new \DomainException( 'path_invalid' ); } },
return ( isset( $return[ $method ] ) ) ? $return[ $method ] : array();
* Finish - Adds everything it needs to the queues and clears data store
* @return array Messages to display
public function finish()
/* Search Index Rebuild */
/* Clear Cache and Store */
/* Non-Content Rebuilds */
\IPS\Task::queue( 'convert', 'RebuildNonContent', array( 'app' => $this->app->app_id, 'link' => 'core_message_posts', 'extension' => 'core_Messaging' ), 2, array( 'app', 'link', 'extension' ) );
\IPS\Task::queue( 'convert', 'RebuildNonContent', array( 'app' => $this->app->app_id, 'link' => 'core_members', 'extension' => 'core_Signatures' ), 2, array( 'app', 'link', 'extension' ) );
/* Content Counts */
\IPS\Task::queue( 'core', 'RecountMemberContent', array( 'app' => $this->app->app_id ), 4, array( 'app' ) );
/* Clubs */
\IPS\Task::queue( 'convert', 'RecountClubMembers', array( 'app' => $this->app->app_id ), 2, array( 'app' ) );
/* First Post Data */
\IPS\Task::queue( 'convert', 'RebuildConversationFirstIds', array( 'app' => $this->app->app_id ), 2, array( 'app' ) );
/* Attachments */
\IPS\Task::queue( 'core', 'RebuildAttachmentThumbnails', array( 'app' => $this->app->app_id ), 1, array( 'app' ) );
return array( "f_search_index_rebuild", "f_clear_caches", "f_rebuild_pms", "f_signatures_rebuild" );
* Fix post data
* @param string raw post data
* @return string parsed post data
public static function fixPostData( $post )
//return nl2br( $post ); - I commented this out because it actually causes problems with LegacyParser, and most of what is used by vBulletin is actually handled by LegacyParser just fine, including linebreaks.
/* Fix Quotes */
$post = preg_replace( "#\[quote=([^\];]+?)\]#i", "[quote name='$1']", $post );
$post = preg_replace( "#\[quote=([^\];]+?);\d+\]#i", "[quote name='$1']", $post );
$post = preg_replace( "#\[quote=([^\];]+?);n\d+\]#i", "[quote name='$1']", $post );
/* Remove video tags and allow our parser to handle the embeds it supports */
$post = preg_replace( "#\[video=[a-z]+;[a-z0-9_]+\](.*?)\[\/video\]#i", '$1', $post );
/* IMG2 BBcode */
$matches = array();
preg_match_all( "/\[IMG2=JSON](.+?)\[\/IMG2\]/i", $post, $matches );
if ( count( $matches ) )
foreach( $matches[0] as $k => $v )
/* Make sure the JSON value exists */
if( !isset( $matches[1][ $k ] ) )
throw new \DomainException;
$decoded = json_decode( $matches[1][ $k ], TRUE );
/* Make sure the JSON is valid and contains src */
if( !isset( $decoded['src'] ) OR empty( $decoded['src'] ) )
throw new \DomainException;
$post = str_replace( $v, "[img]{$decoded['src']}[/img]", $post );
catch( \DomainException $e )
/* Mentions */
$matches = array();
preg_match_all( '#\[user(=\"?(\d+)\"?)?\](.+?)\[\/user\]#i', $post, $matches ); // this purposefully matches more than the default vB mention.
if ( count( $matches ) )
if ( isset( $matches[1] ) )
$mentions = array();
foreach( $matches[1] AS $k => $v )
if ( isset( $matches[3][$k] ) )
$name = trim( $matches[3][ $k ], '@' );
$mentions[ $name ] = $v;
$maps = array();
$urls = array();
$cardUrls = array();
foreach( new \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_members', array( \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'name', array_keys( $mentions ) ) ) ), 'IPS\Member' ) AS $member )
$maps[ $member->name ] = $member->member_id;
$urls[ $member->name ] = $member->url();
$cardUrls[ $member->name ] = $member->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'hovercard' );
foreach( $mentions AS $member_name => $member_id )
$maps[ $member_name ] = preg_quote( $maps[ $member_name ], '#' );
$memberNameEscaped = preg_quote( $member_name, '#' );
$post = preg_replace( "#\[user(=\"?(\d+)\"?)?\]@?{$memberNameEscaped}\[\/user\]#i", "<a contenteditable=\"false\" rel=\"\" href=\"{$urls[ $member_name ]}\" data-mentionid=\"{$maps[ $member_name ]}\" data-ipshover-target=\"{$cardUrls[ $member_name ]}\" data-ipshover=\"\">@{$member_name}</a>", $post );
return $post;
* Convert emoticons
* @return void
public function convertEmoticons()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'smilieid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'smilie', 'smilieid' ) AS $emoticon )
$filename = explode( '/', $emoticon['smiliepath'] );
$filename = array_pop( $filename );
$info = array(
'id' => $emoticon['smilieid'],
'typed' => $emoticon['smilietext'],
'filename' => $filename,
'emo_position' => $emoticon['displayorder'],
$imageCategory = $this->db->select( '*', 'imagecategory', array( "imagecategoryid=?", $emoticon['imagecategoryid'] ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$imageCategory = array(
'title' => "Converted",
'displayorder' => 1,
$set = array(
'set' => md5( $imageCategory['title'] ),
'title' => $imageCategory['title'],
'position' => $imageCategory['displayorder']
$libraryClass->convertEmoticon( $info, $set, $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertEmoticons']['keep_existing_emoticons'], $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertEmoticons']['emoticon_path'] );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $emoticon['smilieid'] );
* Convert profile field groups
* @return void
public function convertProfileFieldGroups()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'profilefieldcategoryid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'profilefieldcategory', 'profilefieldcategoryid' ) AS $group )
$name = $this->db->select( 'text', 'phrase', array( "varname=?", "category{$group['profilefieldcategoryid']}_title" ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$name = "vBulletin Profile Group {$group['profilefieldcategoryid']}";
$merge = ( $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertProfileFieldGroups']["map_pfgroup_{$group['profilefieldcategoryid']}"] != 'none' ) ? $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertProfileFieldGroups']["map_pfgroup_{$group['profilefieldcategoryid']}"] : NULL;
$libraryClass->convertProfileFieldGroup( array(
'pf_group_id' => $group['profilefieldcategoryid'],
'pf_group_name' => $name,
'pf_group_order' => $group['displayorder']
), $merge );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $group['profilefieldcategoryid'] );
* Convert profile fields
* @return void
public function convertProfileFields()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'profilefieldid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'profilefield', 'profilefieldid' ) AS $field )
$name = $this->db->select( 'text', 'phrase', array( "varname=?", "field{$field['profilefieldid']}_title" ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$name = "vBulletin Profile Field {$field['profilefieldid']}";
$desc = $this->db->select( 'text', 'phrase', array( "varname=?", "field{$field['profilefieldid']}_desc" ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$desc = "";
$merge = ( $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertProfileFields']["map_pfield_{$field['profilefieldid']}"] != 'none' ) ? $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertProfileFields']["map_pfield_{$field['profilefieldid']}"] : NULL;
if ( in_array( mb_strtolower( $field['type'] ), array( 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'select_multiple' ) ) )
$content = json_encode( @\unserialize( $field['data'] ) );
$content = json_encode( array() );
$type = static::_pfieldMap( $field['type'] );
$multiple = 0;
if ( $field['type'] == 'select_multiple' )
$multiple = 1;
$info = array(
'pf_id' => $field['profilefieldid'],
'pf_name' => $name,
'pf_desc' => $desc,
'pf_type' => $type,
'pf_content' => $content,
'pf_not_null' => ( in_array( $field['required'], array( 1, 3 ) ) ) ? 1 : 0,
'pf_member_hide' => $field['hidden'],
'pf_max_input' => $field['maxlength'],
'pf_member_edit' => ( $field['editable'] >= 1 ) ? 1 : 0,
'pf_position' => $field['displayorder'],
'pf_show_on_reg' => ( $field['required'] == 2 ) ? 1 : 0,
'pf_input_format' => $field['regex'],
'pf_admin_only' => ( $field['editable'] == 0 ) ? 1 : 0,
'pf_group_id' => $field['profilefieldcategoryid'],
'pf_multiple' => $multiple
$libraryClass->convertProfileField( $info, $merge );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $field['profilefieldid'] );
* Maps vBulletin Profile Field type to the IPS Equivalent
* @param string The vB Field Type
* @return string The IPS Field Type
protected static function _pfieldMap( $type )
switch( mb_strtolower( $type ) )
case 'select':
case 'radio':
case 'checkbox':
return ucwords( $type );
case 'textarea':
return 'TextArea';
case 'select_multiple':
return 'Select';
/* Just do Text as default */
return 'Text';
* Convert groups
* @return void
public function convertGroups()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'usergroupid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'usergroup', 'usergroupid' ) AS $group )
/* <3 Closures */
$self = $this;
$checkpermission = function ( $name, $perm ) use ( $group, $self )
if ( $group[$name] & $self::$bitOptions[$name][$perm] )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Work out promotion */
$g_promotion = '-1&-1';
$gbw_promote_unit = 0;
$promotion = $this->db->select( '*', 'userpromotion', array( "usergroupid=?", $group['usergroupid'] ) )->first();
/* We only support Posts or Join Date */
if ( in_array( $promotion['strategy'], array( 17, 18 ) ) )
switch( $promotion['strategy'] )
case 17: # posts
$g_promotion = array( $promotion['joinusergroupid'], $promotion['posts'] );
case 18: #joindate
$g_promotion = array( $promotion['joinusergroupid'], $promotion['date'] );
$gbw_promote_unit = 1;
catch( \UnderflowException $e ) {}
/* Work out photo vars - vBulletin has a concept of avatars and profile photos, so we are just going to use the larger of the two */
$g_max_photo_vars = array();
$g_max_photo_vars[] = ( $group['profilepicmaxsize'] > $group['avatarmaxsize'] ) ? $group['profilepicmaxsize'] : $group['avatarmaxsize'];
/* We don't have individual controls for height and width, so work out which value is the largest and use that */
$highestValue = 0;
foreach( array( 'profilepicmaxheight', 'avatarmaxheight', 'profilepicmaxwidth', 'avatarmaxwidth' ) AS $value )
if ( $group[$value] > $highestValue )
$highestValue = $group[$value];
$g_max_photo_vars[] = $highestValue;
$g_max_photo_vars[] = $highestValue;
/* Work out signature limits */
$g_signature_limits = '1:::::';
if ( $checkpermission( 'genericpermissions', 'canusesignature' ) )
$g_signature_limits = array();
$g_signature_limits[] = 0;
$g_signature_limits[] = $group['sigmaximages'];
$g_signature_limits[] = $group['sigpicmaxwidth'];
$g_signature_limits[] = $group['sigpicmaxheight'];
$g_signature_limits[] = '';
$g_signature_limits[] = ( $group['sigmaxlines'] > 0 ) ? $group['sigmaxlines'] : '';
/* Let's disect all of these bit options */
$info = array(
'g_id' => $group['usergroupid'],
'g_name' => $group['title'],
'g_view_board' => $checkpermission( 'forumpermissions', 'canview' ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_mem_info' => $checkpermission( 'genericpermissions', 'canviewmembers' ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_use_search' => $checkpermission( 'forumpermissions', 'cansearch' ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_edit_profile' => $checkpermission( 'genericpermissions', 'canmodifyprofile' ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_edit_posts' => $checkpermission( 'forumpermissions', 'caneditpost' ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_delete_own_posts' => $checkpermission( 'forumpermissions', 'candeletepost' ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_use_pm' => ( $group['pmquota'] > 0 ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_is_supmod' => $checkpermission( 'adminpermissions', 'ismoderator' ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_access_cp' => $checkpermission( 'adminpermissions', 'cancontrolpanel' ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_append_edit' => $checkpermission( 'genericoptions', 'showeditedby' ) ? 1 : 0, # Fun fact, I couldn't find this as it was actually in the place it should be rather than forumpermissions
'g_access_offline' => $checkpermission( 'adminpermissions', 'cancontrolpanel' ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_attach_max' => ( $group['attachlimit'] > 0 ) ? $group['attachlimit'] : -1,
'prefix' => $group['opentag'],
'suffix' => $group['closetag'],
'g_max_messages' => $group['pmquota'],
'g_max_mass_pm' => $group['pmsendmax'],
'g_promotion' => $g_promotion,
'g_photo_max_vars' => $g_max_photo_vars,
'g_bypass_badwords' => ( ( $checkpermission( 'adminpermissions', 'ismoderator' ) OR $checkpermission( 'adminpermissions', 'cancontrolpanel' ) ) AND $this->_setting( 'ctCensorMod' ) ),
'g_mod_preview' => !$checkpermission( 'forumpermissions', 'followforummoderation' ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_signature_limits' => $g_signature_limits,
'g_bitoptions' => array(
'gbw_promote_unit_type' => $gbw_promote_unit, // Type of group promotion to use. 1 is days since joining, 0 is content count. Corresponds to g_promotion
'gbw_no_status_update' => !$checkpermission( 'visitormessagepermissions', 'canmessageownprofile' ), // Can NOT post status updates
'gbw_allow_upload_bgimage' => 1, // Can upload a cover photo?
'gbw_view_reps' => $checkpermission( 'genericpermissions2', 'canprofilerep' ), // Can view who gave reputation?
'gbw_no_status_import' => !$checkpermission( 'visitormessagepermissions', 'canmessageownprofile' ), // Can NOT import status updates from Facebook/Twitter
'gbw_disable_tagging' => !$checkpermission( 'genericpermissions', 'cancreatetag' ), // Can NOT use tags
'gbw_disable_prefixes' => !$checkpermission( 'genericpermissions', 'cancreatetag' ), // Can NOT use prefixes
'gbw_pm_override_inbox_full'=> $checkpermission( 'pmpermissions', 'canignorequota' ), // 1 means this group can send other members PMs even when that member's inbox is full
'gbw_cannot_be_ignored' => ( ( $checkpermission( 'adminpermissions', 'ismoderator' ) OR $checkpermission( 'adminpermissions', 'cancontrolpanel' ) ) AND $this->_setting( 'ignoremods' ) ), // 1 means they cannot be ignored. 0 means they can
'g_hide_own_posts' => $checkpermission( 'forumpermissions', 'candeletepost' ),
'g_pm_flood_mins' => $this->_setting( 'pmfloodtime' ) / 60,
'g_post_polls' => $checkpermission( 'forumpermissions', 'canpostpoll' ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_vote_polls' => $checkpermission( 'forumpermissions', 'canvote' ) ? 1 : 0,
'g_topic_rate_setting' => $checkpermission( 'forumpermissions', 'canthreadrate' ) ? 1 : 0
$merge = ( $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertGroups']["map_group_{$group['usergroupid']}"] != 'none' ) ? $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertGroups']["map_group_{$group['usergroupid']}"] : NULL;
$libraryClass->convertGroup( $info, $merge );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $group['usergroupid'] );
/* Now check for group promotions */
if( count( $libraryClass->groupPromotions ) )
foreach( $libraryClass->groupPromotions as $groupPromotion )
$libraryClass->convertGroupPromotion( $groupPromotion );
* @brief Member history type map
protected static $changeLogTypes = array( 'username' => 'display_name', 'email' => 'email_change', 'usergroupid' => 'member_group_id', 'membergroupids' => 'mgroup_others' );
* Convert member history
* @return void
public function convertMemberHistory()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'changeid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'userchangelog', 'changeid', array( $this->db->in( 'fieldname', array_keys( static::$changeLogTypes ) ) ) ) AS $change )
$libraryClass->convertMemberHistory( array(
'log_id' => $change['changeid'],
'log_member' => $change['userid'],
'log_by' => $change['adminid'],
'log_type' => static::$changeLogTypes[ $change['fieldname'] ],
'log_data' => array( 'old' => $change['oldvalue'], 'new' => $change['newvalue'] ),
'log_date' => $change['change_time'],
'log_ip_address' => long2ip( (int) $change['ipaddress'] )
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $change['changeid'] );
* Convert members
* @return void
public function convertMembers()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'user.userid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'user', 'user.userid', NULL, 'user.*, usertextfield.signature' )->join( 'usertextfield', 'user.userid = usertextfield.userid' ) AS $user )
/* <3 Closures */
$self = $this;
$checkpermission = function ( $name, $perm ) use ( $user, $self )
if ( $name == 'useroptions' )
$key = 'options';
$key = $name;
if ( $user[$key] & $self::$bitOptions[$name][$perm] )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Fetch our last warning */
$warn_lastwarn = 0;
$warn_lastwarn = $this->db->select( 'actiondateline', 'infraction', array( "infracteduserid=?", $user['userid'] ), "actiondateline DESC", 1 )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e ) {}
/* Birthday */
if ( $user['birthday'] )
list( $bday_month, $bday_day, $bday_year ) = explode( '-', $user['birthday'] );
if ( $bday_year == '0000' )
$bday_year = NULL;
$bday_month = $bday_day = $bday_year = NULL;
/* Auto Track */
$auto_track = 0;
switch( $user['autosubscribe'] )
case 1:
$auto_track = array( 'content' => true, 'comments' => true, 'method' => 'immediate' );
case 2:
$auto_track = array( 'content' => true, 'comments' => true, 'method' => 'daily' );
case 3:
$auto_track = array( 'content' => true, 'comments' => true, 'method' => 'weekly' );
/* User Banned */
$temp_ban = 0;
$temp_ban = $this->db->select( 'liftdate', 'userban', array( "userid=?", $user['userid'] ) )->first();
if ( $temp_ban == 0 )
$temp_ban = -1;
catch( \UnderflowException $e ) {}
/* Figure Out Password - they differ between 5.0 and 5.1 */
if ( !isset( $user['password'] ) AND ( isset( $user['token'] ) AND isset( $user['scheme'] ) ) )
$pass = $user['token'];
$extra = $user['scheme'];
$pass = $user['password'];
$extra = $user['salt'];
/* Main Members Table */
$info = array(
'member_id' => $user['userid'],
'member_group_id' => $user['usergroupid'],
'mgroup_others' => $user['membergroupids'],
'name' => $user['username'],
'email' => $user['email'],
'member_title' => $user['usertitle'],
'joined' => $user['joindate'],
'ip_address' => $user['ipaddress'],
'warn_level' => $user['ipoints'],
'warn_lastwarn' => $warn_lastwarn,
'bday_day' => $bday_day,
'bday_month' => $bday_month,
'bday_year' => $bday_year,
'last_visit' => $user['lastvisit'],
'last_activity' => $user['lastactivity'],
'auto_track' => $auto_track,
'temp_ban' => $temp_ban,
'members_profile_views' => $user['profilevisits'],
'conv_password' => $pass,
'conv_password_extra' => $extra,
'members_bitoptions' => array(
'view_sigs' => $checkpermission( 'useroptions', 'showsignatures' ), // View signatures?
'coppa_user' => $checkpermission( 'useroptions', 'coppauser' ), // Was the member validated using coppa?
'timezone_override' => !$checkpermission( 'useroptions', 'dstauto' ), // If TRUE, user's timezone will not be detected automatically
'members_bitoptions2' => array(
'show_pm_popup' => $user['pmpopup'], // "Show pop-up when I have a new message"
'pp_setting_count_comments' => $checkpermission( 'useroptions', 'vm_enable' ),
'pp_reputation_points' => $user['reputation'],
'signature' => $user['signature'] ?: '',
'allow_admin_mails' => $checkpermission( 'useroptions', 'adminemail' ),
'members_disable_pm' => !$checkpermission( 'useroptions', 'receivepm' ),
'member_posts' => $user['posts'],
'fb_uid' => $user['fbuserid'],
'fb_token' => $user['fbaccesstoken']
/* Profile Fields */
$profileFields = $this->db->select( '*', 'userfield', array( "userid=?", $user['userid'] ) )->first();
unset( $profileFields['userid'] );
unset( $profileFields['temp'] );
/* Basic fields - we only need ID => Value, the library will handle the rest */
foreach( $profileFields AS $key => $value )
$profileFields[ str_replace( 'field', '', $key ) ] = $value;
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$profileFields = array();
/* Pseudo Fields */
foreach( array( 'homepage', 'icq', 'aim', 'yahoo', 'msn', 'skype', 'google' ) AS $pseudo )
/* Are we retaining? */
if ( $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertMembers']["field_{$pseudo}"] == 'no_convert' )
/* No, skip */
/* We don't actually need this, but we need to make sure the field was created */
$fieldId = $this->app->getLink( $pseudo, 'core_pfields_data' );
catch( \OutOfRangeException $e )
$libraryClass->convertProfileField( array(
'pf_id' => $pseudo,
'pf_name' => $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertMembers']["field_{$pseudo}"],
'pf_desc' => '',
'pf_type' => 'Text',
'pf_content' => '[]',
'pf_member_hide' => 0,
'pf_max_input' => 255,
'pf_member_edit' => 1,
'pf_show_on_reg' => 0,
'pf_admin_only' => 0,
) );
$profileFields[$pseudo] = $user[$pseudo];
/* Profile Photos */
$firstTable = 'customavatar';
$secondTable = 'customprofilepic';
if ( $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertMembers']['photo_type'] == 'profile_photos' )
$firstTable = 'customprofilepic';
$secondTable = 'customavatar';
if ( $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertMembers']['photo_location'] == 'database' )
foreach( $this->db->select( 'filedata, filename', $firstTable, array( "userid=?", $user['userid'] ) )->first() AS $key => $value )
if ( $key == 'filedata' )
$filedata = $value;
$filename = $value;
$filepath = NULL;
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
foreach( $this->db->select( 'filedata, filename', $secondTable, array( "userid=?", $user['userid'] ) )->first() AS $key => $value )
if ( $key == 'filedata' )
$filedata = $value;
$filename = $value;
$filepath = NULL;
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
list( $filedata, $filename, $filepath ) = array( NULL, NULL, NULL );
$filepath = $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertMembers']['photo_location'];
$first = 'avatar';
$second = 'profilepic';
if ( $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertMembers']['photo_type'] == 'profile_photos' )
$first = 'profilepic';
$second = 'avatar';
$ext = $this->db->select( 'filename', $firstTable, array( "userid=?", $user['userid'] ) )->first();
$ext = explode( '.', $ext );
$ext = array_pop( $ext );
if ( file_exists( rtrim( $filepath, '/' ) . '/' . $first . $user['userid'] . '_' . $user[$first . 'revision'] . '.'. $ext ) )
$filename = $first . $user['userid'] . '_' . $user[$first . 'revision'] . '.'. $ext;
/* Throw an exception so we can try the other */
throw new \UnderflowException;
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$ext = $this->db->select( 'filename', $secondTable, array( "userid=?", $user['userid'] ) )->first();
$ext = explode( '.', $ext );
$ext = array_pop( $ext );
if ( file_exists( rtrim( $filepath, '/' ) . '/' . $second . $user['userid'] . '_' . $user[$second . 'revision'] . '.'. $ext ) )
$filename = $second . $user['userid'] . '_' . $user[$second . 'revision'] . '.'. $ext;
/* Throw an exception so we can try the other */
throw new \UnderflowException;
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
list( $filedata, $filename, $filepath ) = array( NULL, NULL, NULL );
$libraryClass->convertMember( $info, $profileFields, $filename, $filepath, $filedata );
/* Any friends need converting to followers? */
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'userlist', array( "type=? AND friend=? AND userid=?", 'buddy', 'yes', $user['userid'] ) ) AS $follower )
$libraryClass->convertFollow( array(
'follow_app' => 'core',
'follow_area' => 'members',
'follow_rel_id' => $follower['relationid'],
'follow_rel_id_type' => 'core_members',
'follow_member_id' => $follower['userid'],
) );
/* And warn logs made on the profile - we'll do content specific later */
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'infraction', array( "infracteduserid=? AND infractednodeid=?", $user['userid'], 0 ) ) AS $warn )
$node = $this->db->select( 'userid, description', 'node', array( "nodeid=?", $warn['nodeid'] ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$warnId = $libraryClass->convertWarnLog( array(
'wl_id' => $warn['nodeid'],
'wl_member' => $warn['infracteduserid'],
'wl_moderator' => $node['userid'],
'wl_date' => $warn['actiondateline'],
'wl_points' => $warn['points'],
'wl_note_member' => $node['description'],
'wl_note_mods' => $warn['customreason'],
) );
/* Add a member history record for this member */
$libraryClass->convertMemberHistory( array(
'log_id' => 'w' . $warn['nodeid'],
'log_member' => $warn['infracteduserid'],
'log_by' => $warn['actionuserid'],
'log_type' => 'warning',
'log_data' => array( 'wid' => $warnId ),
'log_date' => $warn['actiondateline']
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $user['userid'] );
* Convert one or more settings
* @param array $settings Settings to convert
* @return void
public function convertSettings( $settings=array() )
foreach( $this->settingsMap() AS $theirs => $ours )
if ( !isset( $values[$ours] ) OR $values[$ours] == FALSE )
$setting = $this->db->select( 'value', 'setting', array( "varname=?", $theirs ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
\IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_sys_conf_settings', array( 'conf_value' => $setting ), array( "conf_key=?", $ours ) );
* Convert ignored users
* @return void
public function convertIgnoredUsers()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
foreach( $this->fetch( 'userlist', 'userid', array( "type=?", 'ignore' ) ) AS $ignore )
$info = array(
'ignore_id' => $ignore['userid'] . '-' . $ignore['relationid'],
'ignore_owner_id' => $ignore['userid'],
'ignore_ignore_id' => $ignore['relationid'],
foreach( \IPS\core\Ignore::types() AS $type )
$info['ignore_' . $type] = 1;
$libraryClass->convertIgnoredUser( $info );
* Convert PMs
* @return void
public function convertPrivateMessages()
$node = $this->db->select( 'nodeid', 'channel', array( "guid=?", 'vbulletin-4ecbdf567f3da8.31769341' ) )->first();
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'privatemessage.nodeid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'privatemessage', 'privatemessage.nodeid', array( "privatemessage.msgtype=? AND node.parentid=?", 'message', $node ) )->join( 'node', 'privatemessage.nodeid = node.nodeid' )->join( 'text', 'text.nodeid = node.nodeid' ) AS $pm )
$replies = $this->db->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'node', array( "parentid=?", $pm['nodeid'] ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$replies = 1;
$to = array( $pm['userid'] => $pm['userid'] );
$toId = NULL;
foreach( $this->db->select( 'userid', 'node', array( "parentid=?", $pm['nodeid'] ) ) AS $userid )
$to[$userid] = $userid;
if ( is_null( $toId ) AND $userid != $pm['userid'] )
$toId = $userid;
$topic = array(
'mt_id' => $pm['nodeid'],
'mt_date' => $pm['publishdate'],
'mt_title' => $pm['title'],
'mt_starter_id' => $pm['userid'],
'mt_start_time' => $pm['publishdate'],
'mt_last_post_time' => $pm['lastcontent'],
'mt_to_count' => count( $to ),
'mt_to_member_id' => $toId,
'mt_replies' => $replies,
'mt_first_msg_id' => $pm['nodeid'],
$maps = array();
/* First Map */
$maps[ $pm['userid'] ] = array(
'map_user_id' => $pm['userid'],
'map_topic_id' => $pm['nodeid'],
'map_user_active' => 1,
'map_user_banned' => 0,
'map_has_unread' => 0,
'map_is_starter' => 1,
/* All other maps */
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'sentto', array( "nodeid=? AND userid!=?", $pm['nodeid'], $pm['userid'] ) ) AS $map )
$maps[ $map['userid'] ] = array(
'map_user_id' => $map['userid'],
'map_topic_id' => $pm['nodeid'],
'map_user_active' => !$map['deleted'],
'map_user_banned' => 0,
'map_has_unread' => !$map['msgread'],
'map_is_starter' => 0
$libraryClass->convertPrivateMessage( $topic, $maps );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $pm['nodeid'] );
* Convert PM replies
* @return void
public function convertPrivateMessageReplies()
$node = $this->db->select( 'nodeid', 'channel', array( "guid=?", 'vbulletin-4ecbdf567f3da8.31769341' ) )->first();
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'privatemessage.nodeid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'privatemessage', 'privatemessage.nodeid', array( "privatemessage.msgtype=?", 'message' ), 'privatemessage.*, node.parentid, node.publishdate, node.oldid, node.userid, node.ipaddress, node.description, text.rawtext' )->join( 'node', 'privatemessage.nodeid = node.nodeid' )->join( 'text', 'text.nodeid = node.nodeid' ) AS $pm )
if ( $pm['oldid'] AND $this->db->checkForTable( 'pmtext' ) )
$pm['rawtext'] = $this->db->select( 'message', 'pmtext', array( "pmtextid=?", $pm['oldid'] ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { }
$libraryClass->convertPrivateMessageReply( array(
'msg_id' => $pm['nodeid'],
'msg_topic_id' => ( $pm['parentid'] == $node ) ? $pm['nodeid'] : $pm['parentid'],
'msg_date' => $pm['publishdate'],
'msg_post' => ( isset( $pm['rawtext'] ) ) ? $pm['rawtext'] : $pm['description'],
'msg_author_id' => $pm['userid'],
'msg_ip_address' => $pm['ipaddress'],
) );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $pm['nodeid'] );
* Convert ranks
* @return void
public function convertRanks()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'usertitleid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'usertitle', 'usertitleid' ) AS $rank )
$libraryClass->convertRank( array(
'id' => $rank['usertitleid'],
'posts' => $rank['minposts'],
'title' => $rank['title']
) );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $rank['usertitleid'] );
* Convert clubs
* @return void
public function convertClubs()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'nodeid' );
$mainNodeId = $this->db->select( 'nodeid', 'channel', array( "guid=?", static::$guids['clubs'] ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
/* shrug */
throw new \IPS\convert\Software\Exception;
$categories = array();
foreach( $this->db->select( 'nodeid', 'node', array( "parentid=?", $mainNodeId ) ) AS $cat )
$categories[] = $cat;
$checktype = function( $nodeoptions ) {
if ( $nodeoptions & 8 )
return 'public';
else if ( $nodeoptions & 16 )
return 'private';
return 'closed';
foreach( $this->fetch( 'node', 'nodeid', array( $this->db->in( 'parentid', $categories ) ) ) AS $row )
$channel = $this->db->select( '*', 'channel', array( "nodeid=?", $row['nodeid'] ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$channel = array( 'filedataid' => 0 );
$filedata = NULL;
if ( $channel['filedataid'] )
$filedata = $this->db->select( '*', 'filedata', array( "filedataid=?", $channel['filedataid'] ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e ) {}
$info = array(
'club_id' => $row['nodeid'],
'name' => $row['title'],
'type' => $checktype( $row['nodeoptions'] ),
'created' => $row['publishdate'],
'members' => $this->db->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'groupintopic', array( "nodeid=?", $row['nodeid'] ) )->first(),
'owner' => $row['userid'],
'profile_photo' => ( $filedata ) ? "club{$row['nodeid']}.{$filedata['extension']}" : NULL,
'featured' => $row['sticky'], # I don't know if you can actually pin social groups, but the columns there so... may as well
'about' => $row['description'],
'last_activity' => $row['lastupdate'],
$icondata = NULL;
$iconpath = NULL;
if ( $filedata )
if ( $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertClubs']['photo_location'] == 'database' )
$icondata = $filedata['filedata'];
$folder = preg_split( '//', $filedata['userid'], NULL, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
$folder = implode( '/', $folder );
$iconpath = $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertClubs']['photo_location'] . '/' . $folder . '/' . $filedata['filedataid'] . '.attach';
$libraryClass->convertClub( $info, $iconpath, $icondata );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $row['nodeid'] );
* Convert Club Members
* @return void
public function convertClubMembers()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$clubs = array();
foreach( $this->fetchClubs() AS $club )
$clubs[ $club['nodeid'] ] = $club['userid'];
foreach( $this->fetch( 'groupintopic', 'nodeid', array( $this->db->in( 'nodeid', array_keys( $clubs ) ) ) ) AS $row )
$libraryClass->convertClubMember( array(
'club_id' => $row['nodeid'],
'member_id' => $row['userid'],
'status' => ( $row['userid'] == $clubs[ $row['nodeid'] ] ) ? 'leader' : 'member',
) );
/* !vBulletin Specific Stuff */
* @brief Silly Bit Options for Groups. Typically we would leave out app specific options (such as Forums here) however we need them for some general permissions, like uploading.
* @note This is public simply because I do not want to do this ever again if it ever changes.
public static $bitOptions = array(
'forumpermissions' => array(
'canview' => 1,
'canviewothers' => 2,
'cansearch' => 4,
'canemail' => 8,
'canpostnew' => 16,
'canreplyown' => 32,
'canreplyothers' => 64,
'caneditpost' => 128,
'candeletepost' => 256,
'candeletethread' => 512,
'canopenclose' => 1024,
'canmove' => 2048,
'cangetattachment' => 4096,
'canpostattachment' => 8192,
'canpostpoll' => 16384,
'canvote' => 32768,
'canthreadrate' => 65536,
'followforummoderation' => 131072,
'canseedelnotice' => 262144,
'canviewthreads' => 524288,
'cantagown' => 1048576,
'cantagothers' => 2097152,
'candeletetagown' => 4194304,
'canseethumbnails' => 8388608,
'canattachmentcss' => 16777216,
'bypassdoublepost' => 33554432,
'canwrtmembers' => 67108864,
'pmpermissions' => array(
'cantrackpm' => 1,
'candenypmreceipts' => 2,
'canignorequota' => 4,
'wolpermissions' => array(
'canwhosonline' => 1,
'canwhosonlineip' => 2,
'canwhosonlinefull' => 4,
'canwhosonlinebad' => 8,
'canwhosonlinelocation' => 16,
'adminpermissions' => array(
'ismoderator' => 1,
'cancontrolpanel' => 2,
'canadminsettings' => 4,
'canadminstyles' => 8,
'canadminlanguages' => 16,
'canadminforums' => 32,
'canadminthreads' => 64,
'canadmincalendars' => 128,
'canadminusers' => 256,
'canadminpermissions' => 512,
'canadminfaq' => 1024,
'canadminimages' => 2048,
'canadminbbcodes' => 4096,
'canadmincron' => 8192,
'canadminmaintain' => 16384,
'canadminplugins' => 65536,
'canadminnotices' => 131072,
'canadminmodlog' => 262144,
'cansitemap' => 524288,
'canadminads' => 1048576,
'canadmintags' => 2097152,
'canadminblocks' => 4194304,
'cansetdefaultprofile' => 8388608,
'genericpermissions' => array(
'canviewmembers' => 1,
'canmodifyprofile' => 2,
'caninvisible' => 4,
'canviewothersusernotes' => 8,
'canmanageownusernotes' => 16,
'canseehidden' => 32,
'canbeusernoted' => 64,
'canprofilepic' => 128,
'canseeownrep' => 256,
'cananimateprofilepic' => 134217728,
'canuseavatar' => 512,
'canusesignature' => 1024,
'canusecustomtitle' => 2048,
'canseeprofilepic' => 4096,
'canviewownusernotes' => 8192,
'canmanageothersusernotes' => 16384,
'canpostownusernotes' => 32768,
'canpostothersusernotes' => 65536,
'caneditownusernotes' => 131072,
'canseehiddencustomfields' => 262144,
'canuserep' => 524288,
'canhiderep' => 1048576,
'cannegativerep' => 2097152,
'cangiveinfraction' => 4194304,
'cananimateavatar' => 67108864,
'canseeinfraction' => 8388608,
'cangivearbinfraction' => 536870912,
'canreverseinfraction' => 16777216,
'cansearchft_bool' => 33554432,
'canemailmember' => 268435456,
'cancreatetag' => 1073741824,
'genericpermissions2' => array(
'canusefriends' => 1,
'canprofilerep' => 2,
'canwgomembers' => 4,
'genericoptions' => array(
'showgroup' => 1,
'showbirthday' => 2,
'showmemberlist' => 4,
'showeditedby' => 8,
'allowmembergroups' => 16,
'isnotbannedgroup' => 32,
'requirehvcheck' => 64,
'signaturepermissions' => array(
'canbbcode' => 131072,
'canbbcodebasic' => 1,
'canbbcodecolor' => 2,
'canbbcodesize' => 4,
'canbbcodefont' => 8,
'canbbcodealign' => 16,
'canbbcodelist' => 32,
'canbbcodelink' => 64,
'canbbcodecode' => 128,
'canbbcodephp' => 256,
'canbbcodehtml' => 512,
'canbbcodequote' => 1024,
'allowimg' => 2048,
'allowvideo' => 262144,
'allowsmilies' => 4096,
'allowhtml' => 8192,
'cansigpic' => 32768,
'cananimatesigpic' => 65536,
'visitormessagepermissions' => array(
'canmessageownprofile' => 1,
'canmessageothersprofile' => 2,
'caneditownmessages' => 4,
'candeleteownmessages' => 8,
'canmanageownprofile' => 32,
'followforummoderation' => 16,
'useroptions' => array(
'showsignatures' => 1,
'showavatars' => 2,
'showimages' => 4,
'coppauser' => 8,
'adminemail' => 16,
'showvcard' => 32,
'dstauto' => 64,
'dstonoff' => 128,
'showemail' => 256,
'invisible' => 512,
'showreputation' => 1024,
'receivepm' => 2048,
'emailonpm' => 4096,
'hasaccessmask' => 8192,
'vbasset_enable' => 16384,
'postorder' => 32768,
'receivepmbuddies' => 131072,
'noactivationmails' => 262144,
'pmboxwarning' => 524288,
'showusercss' => 1048576,
'receivefriendemailrequest' => 2097152,
'vm_enable' => 8388608,
'vm_contactonly' => 16777216,
'pmdefaultsavecopy' => 33554432
'announcementoptions' => array(
'allowbbcode' => 1,
'allowhtml' => 2,
'allowsmilies' => 4,
'parseurl' => 8,
'signature' => 16,
* @brief Fetched Settings Cache
protected $settingsCache = array();
* Get Setting Value - useful for global settings that need to be translated to group or member settings
* @param $key The setting key
* @return mixed
protected function _setting( $key )
if ( isset( $this->settingsCache[$key] ) )
return $this->settingsCache[$key];
$setting = $this->db->select( 'value, defaultvalue', 'setting', array( "varname=?", $key ) )->first();
if ( $setting['value'] )
$this->settingsCache[$key] = $setting['value'];
$this->settingsCache[$key] = $setting['defaultvalue'];
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
/* If we failed to find it, we probably will fail again on later attempts */
$this->settingsCache[$key] = NULL;
return $this->settingsCache[$key];
* Helper method to retrieve forums from nodes
* @return void
protected function fetchForums()
$forums = array();
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'node', array( "node.nodeid<>2 AND closure.parent=? AND node.contenttypeid=?", $this->fetchType( 'Thread' ), $this->fetchType( 'Channel' ) ) )->join( 'closure', "closure.child = node.nodeid" ) AS $node )
$forums[$node['nodeid']] = $node;
return $forums;
* @brief Channel GUID Mappins.
* @note As far as I can tell, these are static and not unique per installation. Only the ones that are used are present.
public static $guids = array(
'clubs' => 'vbulletin-4ecbdf567f3a38.99555306',
'private_messages' => 'vbulletin-4ecbdf567f3da8.31769341'
* Fetch Clubs
* @return array
protected function fetchClubs()
$clubs = array();
/* Get the main social group node ID from the channel GUID. */
$mainNodeId = $this->db->select( 'nodeid', 'channel', array( "guid=?", static::$guids['clubs'] ) )->first();
$categories = array();
foreach( $this->db->select( 'nodeid', 'node', array( "parentid=?", $mainNodeId ) ) AS $cat )
$categories[] = $cat;
/* The actual clubs are all two levels deep from the main channel node, so we need to sub-query the categories. */
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'node', array( $this->db->in( 'parentid', $categories ) ) ) AS $row )
$clubs[ $row['nodeid'] ] = $row;
catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { /* Just in case something goofy happened and there is no main channel */ }
return $clubs;
* @brief Types Cache
protected $typesCache = array();
* Helper method to retrieve content type ids
* @return void
protected function fetchType( $type )
if ( !empty( $this->typesCache ) )
return $this->typesCache[ $type ];
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'contenttype' ) AS $contenttype )
$this->typesCache[ $contenttype['class'] ] = $contenttype['contenttypeid'];
return $this->typesCache[ $type ];
* Check if we can redirect the legacy URLs from this software to the new locations
* @return NULL|\IPS\Http\Url
public function checkRedirects()
/* If we can't access profiles, don't bother trying to redirect */
if( !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members' ) ) )
return NULL;
$url = \IPS\Request::i()->url();
if( preg_match( '#/member/([0-9]+)\-#i', $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], $matches ) )
$data = (string) $this->app->getLink( $matches[1], array( 'members', 'core_members' ) );
return \IPS\Member::load( $data )->url();
catch( \Exception $e )
return NULL;
return NULL;
* Process a login
* @param \IPS\Member $member The member
* @param string $password Password from form
* @return bool
public static function login( $member, $password )
/* If no algorithm is defined, use the legacy handler */
if ( \strpos( $member->misc, 'blowfish' ) === FALSE and \strpos( $member->misc, 'legacy' ) === FALSE )
return \IPS\convert\Software\Core\Vbulletin::login( $member, $password );
/* Which do we need to use? */
$algo = explode( ':', $member->misc );
switch( $algo[ 0 ] )
case 'blowfish':
/* vBulletin uses PasswordHash, however they md5 once the password prior to checking */
$md5_once_password = md5( $password );
require_once \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/applications/convert/sources/Login/PasswordHash.php";
$ph = new \PasswordHash( $algo[ 1 ], FALSE );
return $ph->CheckPassword( $md5_once_password, $member->conv_password );
case 'legacy':
/* Legacy Passwords are stored in a format of HASH SALT so we need to explode on the space. */
$token = explode( ' ', $member->conv_password );
$member->conv_password = $token[0];
$member->conv_password_extra = $token[1];
return \IPS\convert\Software\Core\Vbulletin::login( $member, $password );