* @brief Converter vBulletin 4.x Forums Class
* @author <a href='https://www.invisioncommunity.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
* @copyright (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @package Invision Community
* @subpackage Converter
* @since 21 Jan 2015
namespace IPS\convert\Software\Forums;
/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );
class _Vbulletin extends \IPS\convert\Software
* @brief vBulletin 4 Stores all attachments under one table - this will store the content type for the forums app.
protected static $postContentType = NULL;
* @brief The schematic for vB3 and vB4 is similar enough that we can make specific concessions in a single converter for either version.
protected static $isLegacy = NULL;
* @brief Flag to indicate the post data has been fixed during conversion, and we only need to use Legacy Parser
public static $contentFixed = TRUE;
* Constructor
* @param \IPS\convert\App The application to reference for database and other information.
* @param bool Establish a DB connection
* @return void
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function __construct( \IPS\convert\App $app, $needDB=TRUE )
$return = parent::__construct( $app, $needDB );
if ( $needDB )
/* Is this vB3 or vB4? */
if ( static::$isLegacy === NULL )
$version = $this->db->select( 'value', 'setting', array( "varname=?", 'templateversion' ) )->first();
if ( mb_substr( $version, 0, 1 ) == '3' )
static::$isLegacy = TRUE;
static::$isLegacy = FALSE;
/* If this is vB4, what is the content type ID for posts? */
if ( static::$postContentType === NULL AND ( static::$isLegacy === FALSE OR is_null( static::$isLegacy ) ) )
static::$postContentType = $this->db->select( 'contenttypeid', 'contenttype', array( "class=?", 'Post' ) )->first();
catch( \Exception $e ) {}
return $return;
* Software Name
* @return string
public static function softwareName()
/* Child classes must override this method */
return "vBulletin Forums (3.x/4.x)";
* Software Key
* @return string
public static function softwareKey()
/* Child classes must override this method */
return "vbulletin";
* Content we can convert from this software.
* @return array
public static function canConvert()
return array(
'convertForumsForums' => array(
'table' => 'forum',
'where' => NULL,
'convertForumsTopics' => array(
'table' => 'thread',
'where' => NULL
'convertForumsPosts' => array(
'table' => 'post',
'where' => NULL
'convertClubForums' => array(
'table' => 'socialgroup',
'where' => array( \IPS\Db::i()->bitwiseWhere( array( 'options' => static::$bitOptions['cluboptions'] ), 'enable_group_messages' ) )
'convertClubTopics' => array(
'table' => 'discussion',
'where' => NULL
'convertClubPosts' => array(
'table' => 'groupmessage',
'where' => NULL
'convertAttachments' => array(
'table' => 'attachment',
'where' => ( static::$isLegacy === FALSE OR is_null( static::$isLegacy ) ) ? array( "contenttypeid=?", static::$postContentType ) : NULL
* Requires Parent
* @return boolean
public static function requiresParent()
return TRUE;
* Possible Parent Conversions
* @return array
public static function parents()
return array( 'core' => array( 'vbulletin' ) );
* Finish - Adds everything it needs to the queues and clears data store
* @return array Messages to display
public function finish()
/* Content Rebuilds */
\IPS\Task::queue( 'core', 'RebuildContainerCounts', array( 'class' => 'IPS\forums\Forum', 'count' => 0 ), 5, array( 'class' ) );
\IPS\Task::queue( 'convert', 'RebuildContent', array( 'app' => $this->app->app_id, 'link' => 'forums_posts', 'class' => 'IPS\forums\Topic\Post' ), 2, array( 'app', 'link', 'class' ) );
\IPS\Task::queue( 'core', 'RebuildItemCounts', array( 'class' => 'IPS\forums\Topic' ), 2, array( 'class' ) ); // This must run before the CMS item count task runs.
\IPS\Task::queue( 'convert', 'RebuildFirstPostIds', array( 'app' => $this->app->app_id ), 2, array( 'app' ) );
\IPS\Task::queue( 'convert', 'DeleteEmptyTopics', array( 'app' => $this->app->app_id ), 4, array( 'app' ) );
/* Rebuild Leaderboard */
\IPS\Task::queue( 'core', 'RebuildReputationLeaderboard', array(), 4 );
/* Caches */
\IPS\Task::queue( 'convert', 'RebuildTagCache', array( 'app' => $this->app->app_id, 'link' => 'forums_topics', 'class' => 'IPS\forums\Topic' ), 3, array( 'app', 'link', 'class' ) );
return array( "f_forum_last_post_data", "f_rebuild_posts", "f_recounting_forums", "f_recounting_topics", "f_topic_tags_recount" );
* Fix Post Data
* @param string Post
* @return string Fixed Posts
public static function fixPostData( $post )
return \IPS\convert\Software\Core\Vbulletin::fixPostData( $post );
* List of conversion methods that require additional information
* @return array
public static function checkConf()
return array(
* Get More Information
* @param string $method Conversion method
* @return array
public function getMoreInfo( $method )
$return = array();
switch( $method )
case 'convertForumsPosts':
/* Get our reactions to let the admin map them */
$options = array();
$descriptions = array();
foreach( new \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_reactions' ), 'IPS\Content\Reaction' ) AS $reaction )
$options[ $reaction->id ] = $reaction->_icon->url;
$descriptions[ $reaction->id ] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('reaction_title_' . $reaction->id ) . '<br>' . $reaction->_description;
$return['convertForumsPosts'] = array(
'rep_neutral' => array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Radio',
'field_default' => NULL,
'field_required' => TRUE,
'field_extra' => array( 'parse' => 'image', 'options' => $options, 'descriptions' => $descriptions ),
'field_hint' => NULL,
'field_validation' => NULL,
'rep_positive' => array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Radio',
'field_default' => NULL,
'field_required' => TRUE,
'field_extra' => array( 'parse' => 'image', 'options' => $options, 'descriptions' => $descriptions ),
'field_hint' => NULL,
'field_validation' => NULL,
'rep_negative' => array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Radio',
'field_default' => NULL,
'field_required' => TRUE,
'field_extra' => array( 'parse' => 'image', 'options' => $options, 'descriptions' => $descriptions ),
'field_hint' => NULL,
'field_validation' => NULL,
case 'convertAttachments':
$return['convertAttachments'] = array(
'file_location' => array(
'field_class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Radio',
'field_default' => 'database',
'field_required' => TRUE,
'field_extra' => array(
'options' => array(
'database' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'database' ),
'file_system' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'file_system' ),
'userSuppliedInput' => 'file_system',
'field_hint' => NULL,
'field_validation' => function( $value ) { if ( !@is_dir( $value ) ) { throw new \DomainException( 'path_invalid' ); } },
return ( isset( $return[ $method ] ) ) ? $return[ $method ] : array();
* Convert forums
* @return void
public function convertForumsForums()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'forumid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'forum', 'forumid' ) AS $forum )
$self = $this;
$checkpermission = function( $name, $perm ) use ( $forum, $self )
$key = $name;
if ( $name == 'forumoptions' )
$key = 'options';
if ( $forum[$key] & $self::$bitOptions[$name][$perm] )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
$info = array(
'id' => $forum['forumid'],
'name' => $forum['title'],
'description' => $forum['description'],
'topics' => $forum['threadcount'],
'posts' => $forum['replycount'],
'last_post' => $forum['lastpost'],
'last_poster_id' => ( static::$isLegacy === FALSE or is_null( static::$isLegacy ) ) ? $forum['lastposterid'] : 0,
'last_poster_name' => $forum['lastposter'],
'parent_id' => $forum['parentid'],
'position' => $forum['displayorder'],
'password' => $forum['password'] ?: NULL,
'last_title' => $forum['lastthread'],
'preview_posts' => $checkpermission( 'forumoptions', 'moderatenewpost' ),
'inc_postcount' => $checkpermission( 'forumoptions', 'countposts' ),
'redirect_url' => $forum['link'],
'sub_can_post' => $checkpermission( 'forumoptions', 'cancontainthreads' ),
'forum_allow_rating' => $checkpermission( 'forumoptions', 'allowratings' ),
$libraryClass->convertForumsForum( $info );
/* Follows for this forum */
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'subscribeforum', array( "forumid=?", $forum['forumid'] ) ) AS $follow )
$frequency = 'none';
switch( $follow['emailupdate'] )
case 1:
$frequency = 'immediate';
case 2:
$frequency = 'daily';
case 3:
$frequency = 'weekly';
$libraryClass->convertFollow( array(
'follow_app' => 'forums',
'follow_area' => 'forum',
'follow_rel_id' => $forum['forumid'],
'follow_rel_id_type' => 'forums_forums',
'follow_member_id' => $follow['userid'],
'follow_is_anon' => 0,
'follow_added' => time(),
'follow_notify_do' => 1,
'follow_notify_meta' => '',
'follow_notify_freq' => $frequency,
'follow_notify_sent' => 0,
'follow_visible' => 1,
) );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $forum['forumid'] );
* Convert topics
* @return void
public function convertForumsTopics()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'threadid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'thread', 'threadid' ) AS $topic )
/* Pesky Polls */
$poll = NULL;
$lastVote = 0;
if ( $topic['pollid'] > 0 )
$pollData = $this->db->select( '*', 'poll', array( "pollid=?", $topic['pollid'] ) )->first();
$lastVote = $pollData['lastvote'];
$choices = array();
$index = 1;
foreach( explode( '|||', $pollData['options'] ) AS $choice )
$choices[$index] = trim( $choice );
/* Reset Index */
$index = 1;
$votes = array();
$numvotes = 0;
foreach( explode( '|||', $pollData['votes'] ) AS $vote )
$votes[$index] = $vote;
$numvotes += $vote;
$poll = array();
$poll['poll_data'] = array(
'pid' => $pollData['pollid'],
'choices' => array( 1 => array(
'question' => $pollData['question'],
'multi' => $pollData['multiple'],
'choice' => $choices,
'votes' => $votes
) ),
'poll_question' => $pollData['question'],
'start_date' => $pollData['dateline'],
'starter_id' => $topic['postuserid'],
'votes' => $numvotes,
'poll_view_voters' => $pollData['public']
$poll['vote_data'] = array();
$ourVotes = array();
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'pollvote', array( "pollid=?", $pollData['pollid'] ) ) AS $vote )
if ( !isset( $ourVotes[$vote['userid']] ) )
/* Create our structure - vB stores each individual vote as a different row whereas we combine them per user */
$ourVotes[$vote['userid']] = array( 'votes' => array() );
$ourVotes[$vote['userid']]['votes'][] = $vote['voteoption'];
/* These don't matter - just use the latest one */
$ourVotes[$vote['userid']]['vid'] = $vote['pollvoteid'];
$ourVotes[$vote['userid']]['vote_date'] = $vote['votedate'];
$ourVotes[$vote['userid']]['member_id'] = $vote['userid'];
/* Now we need to re-wrap it all for storage */
foreach( $ourVotes AS $member_id => $vote )
$poll['vote_data'][$member_id] = array(
'vid' => $vote['vid'],
'vote_date' => $vote['vote_date'],
'member_id' => $vote['member_id'],
'member_choices' => array( 1 => $vote['votes'] ),
catch( \UnderflowException $e ) {} # if the poll is missing, don't bother
$info = array(
'tid' => $topic['threadid'],
'title' => $topic['title'],
'forum_id' => $topic['forumid'],
'state' => $topic['open'] ? 'open' : 'closed',
'posts' => $topic['replycount'],
'starter_id' => $topic['postuserid'],
'start_date' => $topic['dateline'],
'last_poster_id' => ( static::$isLegacy === FALSE OR is_null( static::$isLegacy ) ) ? $topic['lastposterid'] : NULL,
'last_post' => $topic['lastpost'],
'starter_name' => $topic['postusername'],
'last_poster_name' => $topic['lastposter'],
'poll_state' => $poll,
'last_vote' => $lastVote,
'views' => $topic['views'],
'approved' => $topic['visible'],
'pinned' => $topic['sticky'],
'topic_hiddenposts' => $topic['hiddencount'] + $topic['deletedcount']
unset( $poll );
$topic_id = $libraryClass->convertForumsTopic( $info );
/* Follows */
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'subscribethread', array( "threadid=?", $topic['threadid'] ) ) AS $follow )
$frequency = 'none';
switch( $follow['emailupdate'] )
case 1:
$frequency = 'immediate';
case 2:
$frequency = 'daily';
case 3:
$frequency = 'weekly';
$libraryClass->convertFollow( array(
'follow_app' => 'forums',
'follow_area' => 'topic',
'follow_rel_id' => $topic['threadid'],
'follow_rel_id_type' => 'forums_topics',
'follow_member_id' => $follow['userid'],
'follow_is_anon' => 0,
'follow_added' => time(),
'follow_notify_do' => 1,
'follow_notify_meta' => '',
'follow_notify_freq' => $frequency,
'follow_notify_sent' => 0,
'follow_visible' => 1,
) );
/* Ratings */
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'threadrate', array( "threadid=?", $topic['threadid'] ) ) AS $rating )
$libraryClass->convertRating( array(
'id' => $rating['threadrateid'],
'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic',
'item_link' => 'forums_topics',
'item_id' => $rating['threadid'],
'ip' => $rating['ipaddress'],
'rating' => $rating['vote'],
'member' => $rating['userid']
) );
/* Tag Prefix */
$prefix = $this->db->select( '*', 'prefix', array( "prefixid=?", $topic['prefixid'] ) )->first();
$lang = $this->db->select( '*', 'phrase', array( "varname=?", "prefix_{$prefix['prefixid']}_title_plain" ) )->first();
$libraryClass->convertTag( array(
'tag_meta_app' => 'forums',
'tag_meta_area' => 'forums',
'tag_meta_parent_id' => $topic['forumid'],
'tag_meta_id' => $topic['threadid'],
'tag_text' => $lang['text'],
'tag_member_id' => $topic['postuserid'],
'tag_prefix' => 1, # key to this whole operation right here
) );
catch( \UnderflowException $e ) {}
/* Tags */
if( $topic['taglist'] !== NULL AND !empty( $topic['taglist'] ) )
$tags = explode( ',', $topic['taglist'] );
if ( count( $tags ) )
foreach( $tags AS $tag )
$libraryClass->convertTag( array(
'tag_meta_app' => 'forums',
'tag_meta_area' => 'forums',
'tag_meta_parent_id' => $topic['forumid'],
'tag_meta_id' => $topic['threadid'],
'tag_text' => $tag,
'tag_member_id' => $topic['postuserid'],
'tag_prefix' => 0,
) );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $topic['threadid'] );
* Convert posts
* @return void
public function convertForumsPosts()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'postid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'post', 'postid' ) AS $post )
$info = array(
'pid' => $post['postid'],
'topic_id' => $post['threadid'],
'post' => static::fixPostData( $post['pagetext'] ),
'author_id' => $post['userid'],
'author_name' => $post['username'],
'ip_address' => $post['ipaddress'],
'post_date' => $post['dateline'],
'queued' => ( $post['visible'] >= 2 ) ? -1 : ( ( $post['visible'] == 0 ) ? 1 : 0 ),
'post_htmlstate' => ( static::$isLegacy === FALSE AND in_array( $post['htmlstate'], array( 'on', 'on_nl2br' ) ) ) ? 1 : 0,
$post_id = $libraryClass->convertForumsPost( $info );
/* Reputation */
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'reputation', array( "postid=?", $post['postid'] ) ) AS $rep )
$reaction = ( $rep['reputation'] > 0 ) ?
$this->app->_session['more_info']['convertForumsPosts']['rep_positive'] :
( ( $rep['reputation'] == 0 ) ? $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertForumsPosts']['rep_neutral'] :
$this->app->_session['more_info']['convertForumsPosts']['rep_negative'] );
$libraryClass->convertReputation( array(
'id' => $rep['reputationid'],
'app' => 'forums',
'type' => 'pid',
'type_id' => $post['postid'],
'member_id' => $rep['whoadded'],
'member_received' => $rep['userid'],
'rep_date' => $rep['dateline'],
'reaction' => $reaction
) );
/* Edit History */
$latestedit = 0;
$reason = NULL;
$name = NULL;
$newText = static::fixPostData( $post['pagetext'] );
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'postedithistory', array( "postid=?", $post['postid'] ) ) AS $edit )
$libraryClass->convertEditHistory( array(
'id' => $edit['postedithistoryid'],
'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\Post',
'comment_id' => $post['postid'],
'member' => $edit['userid'],
'time' => $edit['dateline'],
'old' => static::fixPostData( $edit['pagetext'] ),
'new' => $newText
) );
$newText = static::fixPostData( $edit['pagetext'] );
if ( $edit['dateline'] > $latestedit )
$latestedit = $edit['dateline'];
$reason = $edit['reason'];
$name = $edit['username'];
/* Warnings */
foreach( $this->db->select( '*', 'infraction', array( "postid=?", $post['postid'] ) ) AS $warn )
$warnId = $libraryClass->convertWarnLog( array(
'wl_id' => $warn['infractionid'],
'wl_member' => $warn['userid'],
'wl_moderator' => $warn['whoadded'],
'wl_date' => $warn['dateline'],
'wl_points' => $warn['points'],
'wl_note_member' => $warn['note'],
'wl_note_mods' => $warn['customreason'],
) );
/* Add a member history record for this member */
$libraryClass->convertMemberHistory( array(
'log_id' => 'w' . $warn['infractionid'],
'log_member' => $warn['userid'],
'log_by' => $warn['whoadded'],
'log_type' => 'warning',
'log_data' => array( 'wid' => $warnId ),
'log_date' => $warn['dateline']
/* If we have a latest edit, then update the main post - this should really be in the library, as the converters should not be altering data */
if ( $latestedit )
\IPS\Db::i()->update( 'forums_posts', array( 'append_edit' => 1, 'edit_time' => $latestedit, 'edit_name' => $name, 'post_edit_reason' => $reason ), array( "pid=?", $post_id ) );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $post['postid'] );
* Convert attachments
* @return void
public function convertAttachments()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'attachmentid' );
$where = NULL;
$column = NULL;
if ( static::$isLegacy === FALSE OR is_null( static::$isLegacy ) )
$where = array( "contenttypeid=?", static::$postContentType );
$column = 'contentid';
$column = 'postid';
foreach( $this->fetch( 'attachment', 'attachmentid', $where ) AS $attachment )
$topic_id = $this->db->select( 'threadid', 'post', array( "postid=?", $attachment[$column] ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
/* If the topic is missing, there isn't much we can do. */
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $attachment['attachmentid'] );
$this->app->log( 'vb_attach_missing_topic', __METHOD__, \IPS\convert\App::LOG_WARNING, $attachment['attachmentid'] );
if ( static::$isLegacy === FALSE OR is_null( static::$isLegacy ) )
$filedata = $this->db->select( '*', 'filedata', array( "filedataid=?", $attachment['filedataid'] ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
/* If the filedata row is missing, there isn't much we can do. */
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $attachment['attachmentid'] );
$this->app->log( 'vb_attach_missing_filedata', __METHOD__, \IPS\convert\App::LOG_WARNING, $attachment['attachmentid'] );
$filedata = $attachment;
$filedata['filedataid'] = $attachment['attachmentid'];
$map = array(
'id1' => $topic_id,
'id2' => $attachment[$column]
$info = array(
'attach_id' => $attachment['attachmentid'],
'attach_file' => $attachment['filename'],
'attach_date' => $attachment['dateline'],
'attach_member_id' => $attachment['userid'],
'attach_hits' => $attachment['counter'],
'attach_ext' => $filedata['extension'],
'attach_filesize' => $filedata['filesize'],
if ( $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertAttachments']['file_location'] == 'database' )
/* Simples! */
$data = $filedata['filedata'];
$path = NULL;
$data = NULL;
$path = implode( '/', preg_split( '//', $filedata['userid'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ) );
$path = rtrim( $this->app->_session['more_info']['convertAttachments']['file_location'], '/' ) . '/' . $path . '/' . $filedata['filedataid'] . '.attach';
$attach_id = $libraryClass->convertAttachment( $info, $map, $path, $data );
/* Do some re-jiggery on the post itself to make sure attachment displays */
if ( $attach_id !== FALSE )
$pid = $this->app->getLink( $attachment[$column], 'forums_posts' );
$post = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'post', 'forums_posts', array( "pid=?", $pid ) )->first();
if ( preg_match( "/\[ATTACH(.+?)?\]".$attachment['attachmentid']."\[\/ATTACH\]/i", $post ) )
$post = preg_replace( "/\[ATTACH(.+?)?\]" . $attachment['attachmentid'] . "\[\/ATTACH\]/i", '[attachment=' . $attach_id . ':name]', $post );
\IPS\Db::i()->update( 'forums_posts', array( 'post' => $post ), array( "pid=?", $pid ) );
catch( \UnderflowException $e ) {}
catch( \OutOfRangeException $e ) {}
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $attachment['attachmentid'] );
* Convert Club Forums
* @return void
public function convertClubForums()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'groupid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'socialgroup', 'groupid', array( \IPS\Db::i()->bitwiseWhere( array( 'options' => static::$bitOptions['cluboptions'] ), 'enable_group_messages' ) ) ) AS $row )
$libraryClass->convertClubForum( array(
'id' => "clubforum{$row['groupid']}",
'name' => "{$row['name']} Topics",
'description' => "<p>{$row['description']}</p>",
'topics' => $row['discussions'],
'club_id' => $row['groupid']
) );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $row['groupid'] );
* Convert Club Topics
* @return void
public function convertClubTopics()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'discussionid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'discussion', 'discussionid' ) AS $row )
$firstpost = $this->db->select( '*', 'groupmessage', array( "gmid=?", $row['firstpostid'] ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $row['discussionid'] );
switch( $firstpost['state'] )
case 'visible':
$approved = 1;
case 'moderation':
$approved = 0;
case 'deleted':
$approved = -1;
$libraryClass->convertClubTopic( array(
'tid' => "clubtopic{$row['discussionid']}",
'title' => $firstpost['title'],
'forum_id' => "clubforum{$row['groupid']}",
'state' => 'open',
'starter_id' => $row['lastposterid'],
'start_date' => $firstpost['dateline'],
'last_poster_id' => $row['lastposterid'],
'last_post' => $row['lastpost'],
'starter_name' => $firstpost['postusername'],
'last_poster_name' => $row['lastposter'],
'approved' => $approved,
) );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $row['discussionid'] );
* Convert Club Posts
* @return void
public function convertClubPosts()
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
$libraryClass::setKey( 'gmid' );
foreach( $this->fetch( 'groupmessage', 'gmid' ) AS $row )
switch( $row['state'] )
case 'visible':
$queued = 0;
case 'moderation':
$queued = 1;
case 'deleted':
$queued = -1;
$libraryClass->convertClubPost( array(
'pid' => "clubpost{$row['gmid']}",
'topic_id' => "clubtopic{$row['discussionid']}",
'post' => static::fixPostData( $row['pagetext'] ),
'author_id' => $row['postuserid'],
'author_name' => $row['postusername'],
'post_date' => $row['dateline'],
'queued' => $queued,
) );
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( $row['gmid'] );
/* !vBulletin Stuff */
* @brief Silly Bitwise
public static $bitOptions = array (
'forumoptions' => array(
'active' => 1,
'allowposting' => 2,
'cancontainthreads' => 4,
'moderatenewpost' => 8,
'moderatenewthread' => 16,
'moderateattach' => 32,
'allowbbcode' => 64,
'allowimages' => 128,
'allowhtml' => 256,
'allowsmilies' => 512,
'allowicons' => 1024,
'allowratings' => 2048,
'countposts' => 4096,
'canhavepassword' => 8192,
'indexposts' => 16384,
'styleoverride' => 32768,
'showonforumjump' => 65536,
'prefixrequired' => 131072,
'allowvideos' => 262144,
'bypassdp' => 524288,
'displaywrt' => 1048576,
'canreputation' => 2097152,
'cluboptions' => array(
'owner_mod_queue' => 1,
'join_to_view' => 2,
'enable_group_messages' => 4,
'enable_group_albums' => 8,
'only_owner_discussions' => 16
* Check if we can redirect the legacy URLs from this software to the new locations
* @return NULL|\IPS\Http\Url
public function checkRedirects()
$url = \IPS\Request::i()->url();
/* If it looks like a VBSEO URL, rewrite it */
if( mb_strpos( $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], '.html' ) !== FALSE )
/* Paginated topics */
if( preg_match( "/\/(\d+)\-.+?\-(\d+)\.html/", $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], $matches ) )
$url = $url->setPath( preg_replace( "/\/(\d+)\-.+?\-(\d+)\.html/", "/showthread.php", $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ] ) )->setQueryString( array( 't' => $matches[1], 'page' => $matches[2] ) );
\IPS\Request::i()->t = $matches[1];
\IPS\Request::i()->page = $matches[2];
/* Normal Topics */
elseif( preg_match( "/\/(\d+)\-.+?\.html/", $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], $matches ) )
$url = $url->setPath( preg_replace( "/\/(\d+)\-.+?\.html/", "/showthread.php", $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ] ) )->setQueryString( 't', $matches[1] );
\IPS\Request::i()->t = $matches[1];
/* Post Links */
elseif( preg_match( "/\/(\d+)\-.+?\-post(\d+)\.html/", $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], $matches ) )
$url = $url->setPath( preg_replace( "/\/(\d+)\-.+?\-post(\d+)\.html/", "/showpost.php", $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ] ) )->setQueryString( 'p', $matches[2] );
\IPS\Request::i()->p = $matches[2];
/* Forum URLs are the same across VB 3.8 and VB 4 */
if( mb_strpos( $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], 'forumdisplay.php' ) !== FALSE )
/* Forum URLs can be in one of 4 formats really...
* /forumdisplay.php/1-name
* /forums/1-name
* /forumdisplay.php?f=1
* /forumdisplay.php?1-name
$path = $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ];
if( mb_strpos( $path, 'forumdisplay.php' ) !== FALSE )
if( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->f ) )
$oldId = \IPS\Request::i()->f;
elseif( preg_match( '#^(\d+)-[^/]+#i', $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_QUERY ], $matches ) )
$oldId = $matches[1];
$queryStringPieces = explode( '-', mb_substr( $path, mb_strpos( $path, 'forumdisplay.php/' ) + mb_strlen( 'forumdisplay.php/' ) ) );
$oldId = $queryStringPieces[0];
if( isset( $oldId ) )
$data = (string) $this->app->getLink( $oldId, array( 'forums', 'forums_forums' ) );
$item = \IPS\forums\Forum::load( $data );
if( $item->can( 'view' ) )
return $item->url();
catch( \Exception $e )
return NULL;
elseif( preg_match( '#/forums/([0-9]+)#i', $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], $matches ) )
$data = (string) $this->app->getLink( (int) $matches[1], array( 'forums', 'forums_forums' ) );
$item = \IPS\forums\Forum::load( $data );
if( $item->can( 'view' ) )
return $item->url();
catch( \Exception $e )
return NULL;
/* And then post URLs, simple */
( mb_strpos( $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], 'showthread.php' ) !== FALSE OR
mb_strpos( $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], 'showpost.php' ) !== FALSE OR
preg_match( '#/threads/([0-9]+)#i', $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ] )
AND isset( \IPS\Request::i()->p )
$data = (string) $this->app->getLink( (int) \IPS\Request::i()->p, array( 'posts', 'forums_posts' ) );
catch( \OutOfRangeException $e )
/* Try the main table */
$data = (string) $this->app->getLink( (int) \IPS\Request::i()->p, array( 'posts', 'forums_posts' ), FALSE, TRUE );
$item = \IPS\forums\Topic\Post::load( $data );
if( $item->canView() )
return $item->url();
catch( \Exception $e )
return NULL;
/* And then topic URLs, same idea */
elseif( mb_strpos( $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], 'showthread.php' ) !== FALSE )
/* Topic URLs can be in one of 4 formats really...
* /showthread.php/1-name
* /threads/1-name
* /showthread.php?t=1
* /showthread.php?1-name
$path = $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ];
if( mb_strpos( $path, 'showthread.php' ) !== FALSE )
if( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->t ) )
$oldId = \IPS\Request::i()->t;
elseif( preg_match( '#^(\d+)-[^/]+#i', $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_QUERY ], $matches ) )
$oldId = $matches[1];
$queryStringPieces = explode( '-', mb_substr( $path, mb_strpos( $path, 'showthread.php/' ) + mb_strlen( 'showthread.php/' ) ) );
$oldId = $queryStringPieces[0];
elseif( preg_match( '#/forums/([0-9]+)#i', $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], $matches ) )
$oldId = (int) $matches[1];
if( isset( $oldId ) )
$data = (string) $this->app->getLink( $oldId, array( 'topics', 'forums_topics' ) );
catch( \OutOfRangeException $e )
/* Try the main table */
$data = (string) $this->app->getLink( $oldId, array( 'topics', 'forums_topics' ), FALSE, TRUE );
$item = \IPS\forums\Topic::load( $data );
if( $item->canView() )
return $item->url();
catch( \Exception $e )
return NULL;
elseif( preg_match( '#/threads/([0-9]+)#i', $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], $matches ) )
$data = (string) $this->app->getLink( (int) $matches[1], array( 'topics', 'forums_topics' ) );
catch( \OutOfRangeException $e )
/* Try the main table */
$data = (string) $this->app->getLink( (int) $matches[1], array( 'topics', 'forums_topics' ), FALSE, TRUE );
$item = \IPS\forums\Topic::load( $data );
if( $item->canView() )
return $item->url();
catch( \Exception $e )
return NULL;
/* And finally, archives */
elseif( mb_strpos( $url->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], 'archive/index.php' ) !== FALSE )
$request = str_replace( '/archive/index.php/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
$parameters = explode( '-', $request );
$parameters[1] = str_replace( '.html', '', $parameters[1] );
switch( $parameters[0] )
case 't':
$data = $this->getLink( (string) $parameters[1], array( 'topics', 'forums_topics' ) );
catch( \OutOfRangeException $e )
$data = $this->getLink( (string) $parameters[1], array( 'topics', 'forums_topics' ), FALSE, TRUE );
$item = \IPS\forums\Topic::load( $data );
if( $item->canView() )
return $item->url();
case 'f':
$data = $this->app->getLink( (string) $parameters[1], array( 'forums', 'forums_forums' ) );
$item = \IPS\forums\Forum::load( $data );
if( $item->can( 'view' ) )
return $item->url();
catch( \Exception $e )
return NULL;
return NULL;