namespace XF\Cli\Command\AddOn;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ConfirmationQuestion;
use XF\Cli\Command\AddOnActionTrait;
use XF\Util\File;
use XF\Util\Json;
use function gettype, in_array, intval, is_array;
class ValidateJson extends Command
use AddOnActionTrait;
protected function configure()
'Validates the contents of the add-on JSON file to ensure all of the required values exist and are of the correct type.'
'Add-on ID'
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$id = $input->getArgument('id');
$addOn = $this->checkEditableAddOn($id, $error);
if (!$addOn)
$output->writeln('<error>' . $error . '</error>');
return 1;
$output->writeln("Attempting to validate addon.json file...");
/** @var QuestionHelper $helper */
$helper = $this->getHelper('question');
$jsonPath = $addOn->getJsonPath();
if (!file_exists($jsonPath))
$question = new ConfirmationQuestion("<question>No JSON path can be found, create the default one? (y/n)</question> ");
if ($helper->ask($input, $output, $question))
$json = $addOn->prepareJsonFile([
'title' => $addOn->title,
'version_id' => intval($addOn->version_id),
'version_string' => $addOn->version_string
$written = File::writeFile($jsonPath, Json::jsonEncodePretty(
), false);
if ($written)
$addOn->getInstalledAddOn()->fastUpdate('json_hash', \XF\Util\Hash::hashTextFile($jsonPath, 'sha256'));
$output->writeln("The addon.json file was successfully written out to $jsonPath");
$output->writeln("<error>The addon.json file could not be written out to $jsonPath. Please create the addon.json file manually before continuing.</error>");
return 1;
$output->writeln("<error>Please create the addon.json file before continuing.</error>");
return 1;
$json = @json_decode(file_get_contents($addOn->getJsonPath()), true);
if (!is_array($json))
$output->writeln("<error>The contents of the addon.json file could not be decoded.</error>");
return 1;
$requiredKeys = [
['version_id', 'is_int'],
$optionalKeys = [
['extra_urls', 'is_array'],
['require', 'is_array'],
// keys which are uncommon or have a different meaning if unset
$ignoreKeys = [
$hasMissingKeys = false;
$checkedKeys = [];
$errors = [];
$warnings = [];
foreach ($requiredKeys AS $key)
if (is_array($key))
list($key, $f) = $key;
$f = 'is_string';
$checkedKeys[] = $key;
if (!isset($json[$key]))
$errors[] = "Key '{$key}' is missing from your JSON file.";
$hasMissingKeys = true;
$actualType = gettype($json[$key]);
if (!$f($json[$key]))
$type = str_replace('is_', '', $f);
$errors[] = "Expected type '{$type}' for '{$key}' but is type '{$actualType}'.";
foreach ($optionalKeys AS $key)
if (is_array($key))
list($key, $f) = $key;
$f = 'is_string';
$checkedKeys[] = $key;
if (!isset($json[$key]))
$warnings[] = "Key '{$key}' is missing from your JSON file.";
$hasMissingKeys = true;
$actualType = gettype($json[$key]);
if (!$f($json[$key]))
$type = str_replace('is_', '', $f);
$errors[] = "Expected type '{$type}' for '{$key}' but is type '{$actualType}'.";
$unexpectedKeys = [];
foreach (array_keys($json) AS $key)
if (in_array($key, $checkedKeys) || in_array($key, $ignoreKeys))
$unexpectedKeys[] = $key;
if ($unexpectedKeys)
$warnings[] = "The following keys were found which were unexpected: '" . implode('\', \'', $unexpectedKeys) . "' these may be safe to ignore or they may represent mistakes.";
$fixedMissingKeys = false;
if ($hasMissingKeys)
$question = new ConfirmationQuestion("<question>Missing keys were detected while validating your addon.json file. Would you like to set them to their default values? (y/n)</question> ");
if ($helper->ask($input, $output, $question))
$written = File::writeFile($jsonPath, Json::jsonEncodePretty(
), false);
if ($written)
$fixedMissingKeys = true;
$addOn->getInstalledAddOn()->fastUpdate('json_hash', \XF\Util\Hash::hashTextFile($jsonPath, 'sha256'));
$output->writeln("The addon.json file was successfully written out to $jsonPath");
if ($errors)
$output->writeln(["", "<error>Please rectify the following error/s we found while validating your addon.json file before continuing:</error>"]);
foreach ($errors AS $error)
$output->writeln("<info>\t * $error</info>");
if ($warnings)
$output->writeln(["", "<warning>Additionally, please review the following warning/s:</warning>"]);
foreach ($warnings AS $warning)
$output->writeln("<info>\t * $warning</info>");
if ($fixedMissingKeys)
$output->writeln(["", "The addon.json file was updated to repair missing keys, so no action required."]);
// resolved so we won't error out (this may leave some unresolved errors, notably type errors, but
// they shouldn't be significant and could get sorted in subsequent runs).
return 1;
if ($warnings && !$errors)
$output->writeln(["", "<warning>Please review the following warning/s we found while validating your addon.json file. These are safe to ignore:</warning>"]);
foreach ($warnings AS $warning)
$output->writeln("<info>\t * $warning</info>");
if ($fixedMissingKeys)
$output->writeln(["", "The addon.json file was updated to repair missing keys, so no action required."]);
// We won't block warnings only, consider it successful.
$output->writeln("JSON file validates successfully!");
return 0;