namespace XF\Repository;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Repository;
class UserIgnored extends Repository
public function getIgnoredUserCache($userId)
return $this->db()->fetchPairs('
SELECT user.user_id, user.username
FROM xf_user_ignored AS ignored
INNER JOIN xf_user AS user ON (ignored.ignored_user_id = user.user_id)
WHERE ignored.user_id = ?
AND user.is_staff = 0
AND user.user_id <> ignored.user_id
ORDER BY user.username
', $userId);
public function rebuildIgnoredCache($userId)
$cache = $this->getIgnoredUserCache($userId);
$profile = $this->em->find('XF:UserProfile', $userId);
if ($profile)
$profile->fastUpdate('ignored', $cache);
return $cache;
public function rebuildIgnoredCacheByIgnoredUser($ignoredUserId)
$ignorers = $this->db()->fetchAllColumn("
SELECT user_id
FROM xf_user_ignored
WHERE ignored_user_id = ?
", $ignoredUserId);
foreach ($ignorers AS $ignorer)