namespace XF\Entity;
use XF\Authentication\AbstractAuth;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure;
use function strlen, strval;
* @property int $user_id
* @property string $scheme_class
* @property array $data
* @property \XF\Entity\User $User
class UserAuth extends Entity
public function authenticate($password)
$handler = $this->getAuthenticationHandler();
if (!$handler || !$handler->hasPassword())
return false;
return $handler->authenticate($this->user_id, $password);
* @return null|AbstractAuth
public function getAuthenticationHandler()
$class = $this->scheme_class;
if (!$class)
return null;
// note: the following fallbacks will mostly be no longer touched
// but need to stay to ensure upgrades from versions older than
// 2.0.10 still work - without them, it may not be possible for
// some admins to log into the upgrade system.
if (substr($class, 0, 7) == 'XenForo')
$class = 'XF' . substr($class, 7);
$class = str_replace('_', '\\', $class);
$class = str_replace('_Authentication_', ':', $class);
if ($class == 'XF:Default')
$class = 'XF:Core';
return $this->app()->auth($class, $this->data ? $this->data : []);
public function resetPassword()
$password = \XF::generateRandomString(12);
$password = strtr($password, [
'I' => 'i',
'l' => 'L',
'0' => 'O',
'o' => 'O'
$password = trim($password, '_-');
$isReset = $this->setPassword($password);
if ($isReset)
return $password;
return false;
public function setPassword($password, $authClass = null, $updatePasswordDate = true, $allowReuse = true)
$password = strval($password);
if (!strlen($password))
$this->error(\XF::phrase('please_enter_valid_password'), 'password');
return false;
$auth = $this->app()->auth($authClass);
if ($auth->hasPassword() && !$allowReuse)
if ($this->authenticate($password))
return false;
$this->scheme_class = $auth->getAuthenticationName();
$this->data = $auth->generate($password);
if ($updatePasswordDate && $this->isUpdate() && isset($this->User->Profile))
$this->User->Profile->password_date = \XF::$time;
return true;
public function setNoPassword()
$auth = $this->app()->auth('XF:NoPassword');
$this->scheme_class = $auth->getAuthenticationName();
$this->data = $auth->generate('');
if ($this->isUpdate() && isset($this->User->Profile))
$this->User->Profile->password_date = \XF::$time;
return true;
protected function _preSave()
if (!$this->scheme_class)
$this->error(\XF::phrase('please_enter_valid_password'), 'password', false);
// set these to prevent errors on the required fields
$this->scheme_class = 'invalid';
public function getChangeLogEntries()
$changes = [];
if ($this->isUpdate() && $this->isChanged(['scheme_class', 'data']))
$changes['password'] = ['******', '********'];
return $changes;
public static function getStructure(Structure $structure)
$structure->table = 'xf_user_authenticate';
$structure->shortName = 'XF:UserAuth';
$structure->primaryKey = 'user_id';
$structure->columns = [
'user_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'required' => true],
'scheme_class' => ['type' => self::STR, 'maxLength' => 100, 'required' => true],
'data' => ['type' => self::SERIALIZED_ARRAY, 'default' => []]
// note: this is intentionally still serialized!
$structure->behaviors = [
'XF:ChangeLoggable' => ['contentType' => 'user', 'optIn' => true]
$structure->getters = [];
$structure->relations = [
'User' => [
'entity' => 'XF:User',
'type' => self::TO_ONE,
'conditions' => 'user_id',
'primary' => true
return $structure;