namespace XF\Repository;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Finder;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Repository;
use function count, is_array;
class UserAlert extends Repository
* @param int $userId
* @param null|int $cutOff
* @return Finder
public function findAlertsForUser($userId, $cutOff = null)
$finder = $this->finder('XF:UserAlert')
->where('alerted_user_id', $userId)
'column' => 'depends_on_addon_id'
->order('event_date', 'desc')
if ($cutOff)
['read_date', '=', 0],
['view_date', '=', 0],
['view_date', '>=', $cutOff]
return $finder;
public function userReceivesAlert(\XF\Entity\User $receiver, $senderId, $contentType, $action)
if (!$receiver->user_id)
return false;
if ($senderId && $receiver->isIgnoring($senderId))
return false;
if ($receiver->Option)
/** @var \XF\Entity\UserOption $userOption */
$userOption = $receiver->Option;
return $userOption->doesReceiveAlert($contentType, $action);
return true;
public function userReceivesPush(\XF\Entity\User $receiver, $senderId, $contentType, $action)
if (!$receiver->user_id || $receiver->is_banned)
return false;
if ($senderId && $receiver->isIgnoring($senderId))
return false;
if ($receiver->Option)
/** @var \XF\Entity\UserOption $userOption */
$userOption = $receiver->Option;
return $userOption->doesReceivePush($contentType, $action);
return true;
public function alertFromUser(
\XF\Entity\User $receiver, \XF\Entity\User $sender = null,
$contentType, $contentId, $action, array $extra = [], array $options = []
$senderId = $sender ? $sender->user_id : 0;
$senderName = $sender ? $sender->username : '';
if (!$this->userReceivesAlert($receiver, $senderId, $contentType, $action))
return false;
return $this->insertAlert($receiver->user_id, $senderId, $senderName, $contentType, $contentId, $action, $extra, $options);
public function alert(
\XF\Entity\User $receiver, $senderId, $senderName,
$contentType, $contentId, $action, array $extra = [], array $options = []
if (!$this->userReceivesAlert($receiver, $senderId, $contentType, $action))
return false;
return $this->insertAlert($receiver->user_id, $senderId, $senderName, $contentType, $contentId, $action, $extra, $options);
public function insertAlert(
$receiverId, $senderId, $senderName,
$contentType, $contentId, $action, array $extra = [], array $options = []
if (!$receiverId)
return false;
$options = array_replace([
'autoRead' => true,
'dependsOnAddOnId' => null
], $options);
if ($options['dependsOnAddOnId'] === null)
if (isset($extra['depends_on_addon_id']))
$options['dependsOnAddOnId'] = $extra['depends_on_addon_id'];
$options['dependsOnAddOnId'] = '';
/** @var \XF\Entity\UserAlert $alert */
$alert = $this->em->create('XF:UserAlert');
$alert->alerted_user_id = $receiverId;
$alert->user_id = $senderId;
$alert->username = $senderName;
$alert->content_type = $contentType;
$alert->content_id = $contentId;
$alert->action = $action;
$alert->extra_data = $extra;
$alert->depends_on_addon_id = $options['dependsOnAddOnId'];
$alert->auto_read = (bool)$options['autoRead'];
if ($alert->Receiver && $this->userReceivesPush($alert->Receiver, $senderId, $contentType, $action))
/** @var \XF\Service\Alert\Pusher $pusher */
$pusher = $this->app()->service('XF:Alert\Pusher', $alert->Receiver, $alert);
return true;
public function fastDeleteAlertsToUser($toUserId, $contentType, $contentId, $action)
$finder = $this->finder('XF:UserAlert')
'content_type' => $contentType,
'content_id' => $contentId,
'action' => $action,
'alerted_user_id' => $toUserId
// TODO: approach will need to change if there's alert folding
public function fastDeleteAlertsFromUser($fromUserId, $contentType, $contentId, $action)
$finder = $this->finder('XF:UserAlert')
'content_type' => $contentType,
'content_id' => $contentId,
'action' => $action,
'user_id' => $fromUserId
// TODO: approach will need to change if there's alert folding
public function fastDeleteAlertsForContent($contentType, $contentId)
$finder = $this->finder('XF:UserAlert')
'content_type' => $contentType,
'content_id' => $contentId
protected function deleteAlertsInternal(Finder $matches)
$results = $matches->fetchColumns('alert_id', 'alerted_user_id', 'view_date', 'read_date');
if (!$results)
$userIds = [];
$viewCountChange = [];
$readCountChange = [];
$delete = [];
foreach ($results AS $result)
$delete[] = $result['alert_id'];
$userIds[$result['alerted_user_id']] = $result['alerted_user_id'];
if (!$result['view_date'])
if (isset($viewCountChange[$result['alerted_user_id']]))
$viewCountChange[$result['alerted_user_id']] = 1;
if (!$result['read_date'])
if (isset($readCountChange[$result['alerted_user_id']]))
$readCountChange[$result['alerted_user_id']] = 1;
$db = $this->db();
$db->delete('xf_user_alert', 'alert_id IN (' . $db->quote($delete) . ')');
foreach ($userIds AS $userId)
$viewChange = $viewCountChange[$userId] ?? 0;
$readChange = $readCountChange[$userId] ?? 0;
UPDATE xf_user
SET alerts_unviewed = GREATEST(0, CAST(alerts_unviewed AS SIGNED) - ?),
alerts_unread = GREATEST(0, CAST(alerts_unread AS SIGNED) - ?)
WHERE user_id = ?
", [$viewChange, $readChange, $userId]);
public function markUserAlertsViewed(\XF\Entity\User $user, $viewDate = null)
if ($viewDate === null)
$viewDate = \XF::$time;
if (!$user->user_id)
throw new \LogicException("Trying to mark alerts viewed for an invalid user");
$db = $this->db();
$db->executeTransaction(function() use ($db, $viewDate, $user)
$db->update('xf_user_alert', ['view_date' => $viewDate], "alerted_user_id = ? AND view_date = 0", $user->user_id);
$user->alerts_unviewed = 0;
$user->save(true, false);
}, \XF\Db\AbstractAdapter::ALLOW_DEADLOCK_RERUN);
public function markUserAlertViewed(\XF\Entity\UserAlert $alert, $viewDate = null)
if ($viewDate === null)
$viewDate = \XF::$time;
if (!$alert->isUnviewed())
$user = $alert->Receiver;
$db = $this->db();
$db->executeTransaction(function() use ($db, $alert, $user, $viewDate)
['view_date' => $viewDate],
'alert_id = ?',
if ($user)
if ($alert->isUnviewed())
$user->alerts_unviewed = ($user->alerts_unviewed - 1);
$user->saveIfChanged($null, true, false);
}, \XF\Db\AbstractAdapter::ALLOW_DEADLOCK_RERUN);
public function markUserAlertsRead(\XF\Entity\User $user, $readDate = null)
if ($readDate === null)
$readDate = \XF::$time;
if (!$user->user_id)
throw new \LogicException("Trying to mark alerts read for an invalid user");
$db = $this->db();
$db->executeTransaction(function() use ($db, $readDate, $user)
$db->update('xf_user_alert', ['view_date' => $readDate], "alerted_user_id = ? AND view_date = 0", $user->user_id);
$db->update('xf_user_alert', ['read_date' => $readDate], "alerted_user_id = ? AND read_date = 0", $user->user_id);
$user->alerts_unviewed = 0;
$user->alerts_unread = 0;
$user->save(true, false);
}, \XF\Db\AbstractAdapter::ALLOW_DEADLOCK_RERUN);
public function autoMarkUserAlertsRead(\XF\Mvc\Entity\AbstractCollection $alerts, \XF\Entity\User $user, $readDate = null)
$alerts = $alerts->filter(function(\XF\Entity\UserAlert $alert)
return ($alert->isUnread() && $alert->auto_read);
$this->markSpecificUserAlertsRead($alerts, $user, $readDate);
protected function markSpecificUserAlertsRead(
\XF\Mvc\Entity\AbstractCollection $alerts,
\XF\Entity\User $user,
int $readDate = null)
if (!$user->user_id)
throw new \LogicException("Trying to mark alerts read for an invalid user");
if ($readDate === null)
$readDate = \XF::$time;
$unreadAlertIds = [];
foreach ($alerts AS $alert)
/** @var \XF\Entity\UserAlert $alert */
if ($alert->isUnread())
$unreadAlertIds[] = $alert->alert_id;
$alert->setAsSaved('view_date', $readDate);
$alert->setAsSaved('read_date', $readDate);
// we need to treat this as unread for the current request so it can display the way we want
$alert->setOption('force_unread_in_ui', true);
if (!$unreadAlertIds)
$db = $this->db();
$db->executeTransaction(function() use ($db, $readDate, $user, $unreadAlertIds)
$alertsUnviewed = $db->fetchOne("
FROM xf_user_alert
WHERE view_date = 0
AND alert_id IN(" . $db->quote($unreadAlertIds) . ")
['view_date' => $readDate, 'read_date' => $readDate],
'alert_id IN(' . $db->quote($unreadAlertIds) . ')'
$user->alerts_unviewed = ($user->alerts_unviewed - $alertsUnviewed);
$user->alerts_unread = ($user->alerts_unread - count($unreadAlertIds));
$user->save(true, false);
}, \XF\Db\AbstractAdapter::ALLOW_DEADLOCK_RERUN);
public function markUserAlertsReadForContent($contentType, $contentIds, $onlyActions = null, \XF\Entity\User $user = null, $readDate = null)
if ($user === null)
$user = \XF::visitor();
if (!$user->user_id || !$user->alerts_unread)
if (!is_array($contentIds))
$contentIds = [$contentIds];
if (!$contentIds)
if ($readDate === null)
$readDate = \XF::$time;
$db = $this->db();
$excludeActionsClause = '';
if ($onlyActions)
if (!is_array($onlyActions))
$onlyActions = [$onlyActions];
$excludeActionsClause = ' AND action IN (' . $db->quote($onlyActions) . ')';
$unreadAlertIds = $db->fetchAllColumn('
SELECT alert_id
FROM xf_user_alert
WHERE content_type = ?
AND content_id IN(' . $db->quote($contentIds) . ')
AND alerted_user_id = ?
AND read_date = 0
AND event_date < ?
' . $excludeActionsClause, [$contentType, $user->user_id, $readDate]);
if (!$unreadAlertIds)
$db->executeTransaction(function() use ($db, $unreadAlertIds, $readDate, $user)
$alertsUnviewed = $db->fetchOne("
FROM xf_user_alert
WHERE view_date = 0
AND alert_id IN(" . $db->quote($unreadAlertIds) . ")
['view_date' => $readDate, 'read_date' => $readDate],
'alert_id IN(' . $db->quote($unreadAlertIds) . ')'
$user->alerts_unviewed = ($user->alerts_unviewed - $alertsUnviewed);
$user->alerts_unread = ($user->alerts_unread - count($unreadAlertIds));
$user->save(true, false);
}, \XF\Db\AbstractAdapter::ALLOW_DEADLOCK_RERUN);
public function markUserAlertRead(\XF\Entity\UserAlert $alert, $readDate = null)
if ($readDate === null)
$readDate = \XF::$time;
if (!$alert->isUnread())
$user = $alert->Receiver;
$db = $this->db();
$db->executeTransaction(function() use ($db, $alert, $user, $readDate)
['view_date' => $readDate, 'read_date' => $readDate],
'alert_id = ?',
if ($user)
if ($alert->isUnviewed())
$user->alerts_unviewed = ($user->alerts_unviewed - 1);
$user->alerts_unread = ($user->alerts_unread - 1);
$user->saveIfChanged($null, true, false);
}, \XF\Db\AbstractAdapter::ALLOW_DEADLOCK_RERUN);
public function markUserAlertUnread(\XF\Entity\UserAlert $alert, bool $disableAutoRead = true)
if ($alert->isUnread())
$user = $alert->Receiver;
$db = $this->db();
$db->executeTransaction(function() use ($db, $alert, $user, $disableAutoRead)
$update = ['read_date' => 0];
if ($disableAutoRead)
$update['auto_read'] = 0;
'alert_id = ?',
if ($user)
$user->alerts_unread = ($user->alerts_unread + 1);
$user->saveIfChanged($null, true, false);
}, \XF\Db\AbstractAdapter::ALLOW_DEADLOCK_RERUN);
* Makes alerts that aren't accessible as read. This is primarily to prevent unread alerts being "stuck".
* Alerts meet this criteria if they depend on a disabled add-on, don't have a valid handler or the related
* content is not viewable.
* @param \XF\Entity\User $user
public function markInaccessibleAlertsRead(\XF\Entity\User $user)
$unreadAlerts = $this->finder('XF:UserAlert')
'alerted_user_id' => $user->user_id,
'read_date' => 0
$addOns = \XF::app()->container('addon.cache');
$invalidAlerts = $unreadAlerts->filter(function(\XF\Entity\UserAlert $alert) use($addOns)
if ($alert->depends_on_addon_id)
if (!isset($addOns[$alert->depends_on_addon_id]))
return true;
if (!$alert->canView())
return true;
return false;
$this->markSpecificUserAlertsRead($invalidAlerts, $user);
public function pruneViewedAlerts($cutOff = null)
if ($cutOff === null)
$cutOff = \XF::$time - $this->options()->alertExpiryDays * 86400;
$finder = $this->finder('XF:UserAlert')
->where('view_date', '>', 0)
->where('view_date', '<', $cutOff);
public function pruneUnviewedAlerts($cutOff = null)
if ($cutOff === null)
$cutOff = \XF::$time - 30 * 86400;
$finder = $this->finder('XF:UserAlert')
->where('view_date', 0)
->where('event_date', '<', $cutOff);
* @param \XF\Entity\User $user
* @return bool
public function updateUnviewedCountForUser(\XF\Entity\User $user)
if (!$user->user_id)
return false;
$count = $this->findAlertsForUser($user->user_id)
->where('view_date', 0)
$user->alerts_unviewed = $count;
return $updated;
* @param \XF\Entity\User $user
* @return bool
public function updateUnreadCountForUser(\XF\Entity\User $user)
if (!$user->user_id)
return false;
$count = $this->findAlertsForUser($user->user_id)
->where('read_date', 0)
$user->alerts_unread = $count;
return $updated;
* @return \XF\Alert\AbstractHandler[]
public function getAlertHandlers()
$handlers = [];
foreach (\XF::app()->getContentTypeField('alert_handler_class') AS $contentType => $handlerClass)
if (class_exists($handlerClass))
$handlerClass = \XF::extendClass($handlerClass);
$handlers[$contentType] = new $handlerClass($contentType);
return $handlers;
* @param string $type
* @param bool $throw
* @return \XF\Alert\AbstractHandler|null
public function getAlertHandler($type, $throw = false)
$handlerClass = \XF::app()->getContentTypeFieldValue($type, 'alert_handler_class');
if (!$handlerClass)
if ($throw)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No Alert handler for '$type'");
return null;
if (!class_exists($handlerClass))
if ($throw)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Alert handler for '$type' does not exist: $handlerClass");
return null;
$handlerClass = \XF::extendClass($handlerClass);
return new $handlerClass($type);
* @param \XF\Mvc\Entity\ArrayCollection|\XF\Entity\UserAlert[] $alerts
public function addContentToAlerts($alerts)
$contentMap = [];
foreach ($alerts AS $key => $alert)
$contentType = $alert->content_type;
if (!isset($contentMap[$contentType]))
$contentMap[$contentType] = [];
$contentMap[$contentType][$key] = $alert->content_id;
foreach ($contentMap AS $contentType => $contentIds)
$handler = $this->getAlertHandler($contentType);
if (!$handler)
$data = $handler->getContent($contentIds);
foreach ($contentIds AS $alertId => $contentId)
$content = $data[$contentId] ?? null;
public function getAlertOptOuts()
$handlers = $this->getAlertHandlers();
$alertOptOuts = [];
$orderedTypes = [];
foreach ($handlers AS $contentType => $handler)
$optOuts = $handler->getOptOutsMap();
if (!$optOuts)
$alertOptOuts[$contentType] = $optOuts;
$orderedTypes[$contentType] = $handler->getOptOutDisplayOrder();
$orderedOptOuts = [];
foreach ($orderedTypes AS $contentType => $null)
$orderedOptOuts[$contentType] = $alertOptOuts[$contentType];
return $orderedOptOuts;
public function getAlertOptOutActions()
$handlers = $this->getAlertHandlers();
$actions = [];
foreach ($handlers AS $contentType => $handler)
foreach ($handler->getOptOutActions() AS $action)
$actions[$contentType . '_' . $action] = true;
return $actions;