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./othercms/xenForo 2.2.8/src/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/UriTemplate.php
namespace GuzzleHttp;

 * Expands URI templates. Userland implementation of PECL uri_template.
 * @link
class UriTemplate
/** @var string URI template */
private $template;

/** @var array Variables to use in the template expansion */
private $variables;

/** @var array Hash for quick operator lookups */
private static $operatorHash = [
''  => ['prefix' => '',  'joiner' => ',', 'query' => false],
'+' => ['prefix' => '',  'joiner' => ',', 'query' => false],
'#' => ['prefix' => '#', 'joiner' => ',', 'query' => false],
'.' => ['prefix' => '.', 'joiner' => '.', 'query' => false],
'/' => ['prefix' => '/', 'joiner' => '/', 'query' => false],
';' => ['prefix' => ';', 'joiner' => ';', 'query' => true],
'?' => ['prefix' => '?', 'joiner' => '&', 'query' => true],
'&' => ['prefix' => '&', 'joiner' => '&', 'query' => true]

/** @var array Delimiters */
private static $delims = [':', '/', '?', '#', '[', ']', '@', '!', '$',
'&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', ';', '='];

/** @var array Percent encoded delimiters */
private static $delimsPct = ['%3A', '%2F', '%3F', '%23', '%5B', '%5D',
'%40', '%21', '%24', '%26', '%27', '%28', '%29', '%2A', '%2B', '%2C',
'%3B', '%3D'];

    public function
expand($template, array $variables)
        if (
false === strpos($template, '{')) {

$this->template = $template;
$this->variables = $variables;

$this, 'expandMatch'],

     * Parse an expression into parts
     * @param string $expression Expression to parse
     * @return array Returns an associative array of parts
private function parseExpression($expression)
$result = [];

        if (isset(
self::$operatorHash[$expression[0]])) {
$result['operator'] = $expression[0];
$expression = substr($expression, 1);
        } else {
$result['operator'] = '';

        foreach (
explode(',', $expression) as $value) {
$value = trim($value);
$varspec = [];
            if (
$colonPos = strpos($value, ':')) {
$varspec['value'] = substr($value, 0, $colonPos);
$varspec['modifier'] = ':';
$varspec['position'] = (int) substr($value, $colonPos + 1);
            } elseif (
substr($value, -1) === '*') {
$varspec['modifier'] = '*';
$varspec['value'] = substr($value, 0, -1);
            } else {
$varspec['value'] = (string) $value;
$varspec['modifier'] = '';
$result['values'][] = $varspec;


     * Process an expansion
     * @param array $matches Matches met in the preg_replace_callback
     * @return string Returns the replacement string
private function expandMatch(array $matches)
$rfc1738to3986 = ['+' => '%20', '%7e' => '~'];

$replacements = [];
$parsed = self::parseExpression($matches[1]);
$prefix = self::$operatorHash[$parsed['operator']]['prefix'];
$joiner = self::$operatorHash[$parsed['operator']]['joiner'];
$useQuery = self::$operatorHash[$parsed['operator']]['query'];

        foreach (
$parsed['values'] as $value) {
            if (!isset(
$this->variables[$value['value']])) {

$variable = $this->variables[$value['value']];
$actuallyUseQuery = $useQuery;
$expanded = '';

            if (
is_array($variable)) {
$isAssoc = $this->isAssoc($variable);
$kvp = [];
                foreach (
$variable as $key => $var) {
                    if (
$isAssoc) {
$key = rawurlencode($key);
$isNestedArray = is_array($var);
                    } else {
$isNestedArray = false;

                    if (!
$isNestedArray) {
$var = rawurlencode($var);
                        if (
$parsed['operator'] === '+' ||
$parsed['operator'] === '#'
) {
$var = $this->decodeReserved($var);

                    if (
$value['modifier'] === '*') {
                        if (
$isAssoc) {
                            if (
$isNestedArray) {
// Nested arrays must allow for deeply nested
                                // structures.
$var = strtr(
http_build_query([$key => $var]),
                            } else {
$var = $key . '=' . $var;
                        } elseif (
$key > 0 && $actuallyUseQuery) {
$var = $value['value'] . '=' . $var;

$kvp[$key] = $var;

                if (empty(
$variable)) {
$actuallyUseQuery = false;
                } elseif (
$value['modifier'] === '*') {
$expanded = implode($joiner, $kvp);
                    if (
$isAssoc) {
// Don't prepend the value name when using the explode
                        // modifier with an associative array.
$actuallyUseQuery = false;
                } else {
                    if (
$isAssoc) {
// When an associative array is encountered and the
                        // explode modifier is not set, then the result must be
                        // a comma separated list of keys followed by their
                        // respective values.
foreach ($kvp as $k => &$v) {
$v = $k . ',' . $v;
$expanded = implode(',', $kvp);
            } else {
                if (
$value['modifier'] === ':') {
$variable = substr($variable, 0, $value['position']);
$expanded = rawurlencode($variable);
                if (
$parsed['operator'] === '+' || $parsed['operator'] === '#') {
$expanded = $this->decodeReserved($expanded);

            if (
$actuallyUseQuery) {
                if (!
$expanded && $joiner !== '&') {
$expanded = $value['value'];
                } else {
$expanded = $value['value'] . '=' . $expanded;

$replacements[] = $expanded;

$ret = implode($joiner, $replacements);
        if (
$ret && $prefix) {
$prefix . $ret;


     * Determines if an array is associative.
     * This makes the assumption that input arrays are sequences or hashes.
     * This assumption is a tradeoff for accuracy in favor of speed, but it
     * should work in almost every case where input is supplied for a URI
     * template.
     * @param array $array Array to check
     * @return bool
private function isAssoc(array $array)
$array && array_keys($array)[0] !== 0;

     * Removes percent encoding on reserved characters (used with + and #
     * modifiers).
     * @param string $string String to fix
     * @return string
private function decodeReserved($string)
str_replace(self::$delimsPct, self::$delims, $string);