namespace XF\Install;
use XF\Install\Upgrade\AbstractUpgrade;
use function array_slice, intval;
class Upgrader
* @var \XF\App
protected $app;
protected $currentVersion = null;
public function __construct(\XF\App $app)
$this->app = $app;
protected function db()
return $this->app->db();
protected function helper()
return new Helper($this->app);
public function insertUpgradeLog($versionId, $lastStep = null)
$helper = $this->helper();
$helper->insertUpgradeLog($versionId, $lastStep);
public function syncUpgradeLogStructure()
$sm = $this->db()->getSchemaManager();
if (!$sm->columnExists('xf_upgrade_log', 'last_step'))
$sm->alterTable('xf_upgrade_log', function (\XF\Db\Schema\Alter $table)
$table->addColumn('last_step', 'smallint')->nullable();
public function completeUpgrade()
$helper = $this->helper();
public function getLatestUpgradeVersion()
return $this->db()->fetchRow('
FROM xf_upgrade_log
ORDER BY version_id DESC
public function isUpgradeComplete()
$lastUpgradeVersion = $this->getLatestUpgradeVersion();
return ($lastUpgradeVersion['version_id'] === \XF::$versionId && !$lastUpgradeVersion['last_step']);
public function getPossibleUpgradeFileNames()
$searchDir = \XF::getSourceDirectory() . '/XF/Install/Upgrade';
$upgrades = [];
foreach (glob($searchDir . '/*.php') AS $file)
$file = basename($file);
switch ($file)
case '1010031-100b1.php': // this was badly named - make sure it's always skipped so the right one runs
continue 2;
$versionId = intval($file);
if (!$versionId)
$upgrades[$versionId] = $searchDir . '/' . $file;
ksort($upgrades, SORT_NUMERIC);
return $upgrades;
public function getRemainingUpgradeVersionIds($lastCompletedVersion)
$upgrades = $this->getPossibleUpgradeFileNames();
$offset = 0;
foreach ($upgrades AS $upgrade => $file)
if ($upgrade > $lastCompletedVersion)
return array_slice($upgrades, $offset, null, true);
return [];
public function getNextUpgradeVersionId($lastCompletedVersion)
$upgrades = $this->getRemainingUpgradeVersionIds($lastCompletedVersion);
return key($upgrades);
public function getNewestUpgradeVersionId()
$upgrades = $this->getRemainingUpgradeVersionIds(0);
return key($upgrades);
* @param integer $versionId
* @param App $app
* @return AbstractUpgrade
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function getUpgrade($versionId)
$versionId = intval($versionId);
if (!$versionId)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No upgrade version ID specified.');
$upgrades = $this->getPossibleUpgradeFileNames();
if (isset($upgrades[$versionId]))
$class = '\XF\Install\Upgrade\Version' . $versionId;
return new $class($this->app);
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Could not find the specified upgrade.');
public function getCurrentVersion()
if ($this->currentVersion === null)
$existingVersion = $this->db()->fetchOne("
SELECT option_value
FROM xf_option
WHERE option_id = 'currentVersionId'
$this->currentVersion = $existingVersion ? $existingVersion : 0;
return $this->currentVersion;
public function getAddOnConflicts($fromVersion)
$conflicts = [];
if ($fromVersion < 2000010)
$sm = $this->db()->getSchemaManager();
if ($sm->tableExists('xf_forum_field'))
$conflicts[] = '[TH] Custom Fields';
if ($sm->tableExists('xf_widget'))
$conflicts[] = '[bd] Widget Framework';
if ($sm->columnExists('xf_conversation_message', 'like_users'))
$conflicts[] = 'Conversation Improvements by Xon';
if ($sm->columnExists('xf_thread', 'prefix_id', $prefixDef) && !empty($prefixDef['Type']))
if (!preg_match('#(int|integer)(\s|\(|$)#i', $prefixDef['Type']))
$conflicts[] = 'Multi Prefix';
return $conflicts;
public function getCliCommand()
return 'php cmd.php xf:install';
public function getDefaultSchemaErrors()
$ds = \XF::$DS;
$hashesPath = \XF::getAddOnDirectory() . $ds . 'XF' . $ds . 'hashes.json';
if (file_exists($hashesPath))
$hashes = json_decode(file_get_contents($hashesPath), true);
$hashes = null;
return $this->runSchemaCompare(
\XF::getSourceDirectory() . $ds . 'XF' . $ds . 'Entity',
public function runSchemaCompare($entityClassPrefix, $entityClassDir, array $fileLookup = null)
$db = $this->app->db();
$tables = array_fill_keys($db->fetchAllColumn('SHOW TABLES'), true);
$errors = [];
$entityClasses = $this->_findSchemaClasses($entityClassPrefix, $entityClassDir, $fileLookup);
foreach ($entityClasses AS $class)
if (!class_exists($class))
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);
if (!$reflection->isInstantiable() || !$reflection->isSubclassOf('XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity'))
$entity = $this->app->em()->create($class);
$structure = $entity->structure();
if (!isset($tables[$structure->table]))
$errors[$structure->table] = "Table $structure->table missing.";
$columns = $db->fetchAllKeyed('
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `' . $structure->table . '`
', 'Field');
foreach ($structure->columns AS $column => $definition)
if (!isset($columns[$column]))
$errors["$structure->table.$column"] = "Column $structure->table.$column missing.";
return $errors;
protected function _findSchemaClasses($classPrefix, $searchDir, array $fileLookup = null)
$searchDir = rtrim($searchDir, '/\\');
$dir = opendir($searchDir);
if (!$dir)
return array();
$output = array();
while (($entry = readdir($dir)) !== false)
if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..')
$fullPath = "$searchDir/$entry";
if (is_dir($fullPath))
if ($fileLookup !== null)
$testFile = str_replace(\XF::getSourceDirectory(), 'src', $fullPath);
if (!isset($fileLookup[$testFile]))
// this file doesn't exist any more - likely a left over from a previous version
if (preg_match('#^([a-z0-9_]+)\.php$#i', $entry, $match))
$output[] = $classPrefix . '\\' . $match[1];
return $output;
public function assertValidUpgradeSteps(Upgrade\AbstractUpgrade $upgrade)
$reflection = new \ReflectionObject($upgrade);
$stepsFound = [];
foreach ($reflection->getMethods() AS $method)
if (preg_match('/^step[^0-9]/i', $method->name))
throw new \RuntimeException("Upgrade {$reflection->name} contains unexpected step, {$method->name}");
else if (preg_match('/^step([0-9]+)$/i', $method->name, $match))
// Don't need to worry about dupes -- that's a PHP parse error
$stepsFound[$match[1]] = true;
for ($i = 1; $stepsFound; $i++)
if (!isset($stepsFound[$i]))
throw new \RuntimeException("Upgrade {$reflection->name} could not find expected step number $i (later steps found)");
public function isSignificantUpgrade()
$currentVersion = $this->getCurrentVersion();
if ($currentVersion)
$diff = floor(\XF::$versionId / 10000) - floor($currentVersion / 10000);
if ($diff == 0)
// upgrading in the same branch (1.3.0 -> 1.3.1 for example). Web upgrader should be fine in general
return false;
return true;
public function isCliRecommended()
if (!$this->isSignificantUpgrade())
return false;
$totals = $this->app->db()->fetchOne("
SELECT data_value
FROM xf_data_registry
WHERE data_key IN ('boardTotals', 'forumStatistics')
if (!$totals)
return false;
$totals = @unserialize($totals);
if (!$totals)
return false;
if (!empty($totals['messages']) && $totals['messages'] >= 500000)
return true;
if (!empty($totals['users']) && $totals['users'] >= 50000)
return true;
return false;
public function translateLegacyConfig(array $config)
$new = \XF\Util\Arr::arrayFilterKeys($config, [
], true);
unset($new['db']['adapter'], $new['db']['adapterNamespace']);
if (isset($config['rebuildMaxExecution']))
$new['jobMaxRunTime'] = $config['rebuildMaxExecution'];
if (!isset($config['superAdmins']))
$new['superAdmins'] = '1';
return $new;
public function migrateLegacyConfigIfNeeded(&$written = false)
// load only the actual config values and filter down to the ones we want to keep
$config = [];
$container = $this->app->container();
$config = $this->translateLegacyConfig($config);
$configPhp = $this->helper()->generateConfig($config);
$configFile = $container['config.file'];
if (!file_exists($configFile) && is_writable(dirname($configFile)))
file_put_contents($configFile, $configPhp);
$written = true;
catch (\Exception $e)
$written = false;
$written = false;
return $config;
public function renameLegacyConfigIfNeeded()
$legacyFile = $this->app->container('config.legacyFile');
if (file_exists($legacyFile) && is_writable($legacyFile))
@rename($legacyFile, \XF::getRootDirectory() . '/library/xf1-config.php');
public function getUpgradeJobs($immediate = true)
return $this->db()->fetchAllKeyed("
FROM xf_upgrade_job
WHERE immediate = ?
", 'unique_key', [$immediate ? 1 : 0]);
public function getExtraUpgradeJobsMap($immediate = true)
$extra = [];
foreach ($this->getUpgradeJobs($immediate) AS $job)
$extra[] = [$job['execute_class'], unserialize($job['execute_data'])];
return $extra;
public function clearUpgradeJobs($immediate = true)
return $this->db()->delete('xf_upgrade_job', 'immediate = ?', [$immediate ? 1 : 0]);
public function getPostUpgradeJobs()
return $this->getUpgradeJobs(true);
public function enqueuePostUpgradeJobs($clear = true)
$jobs = $this->getUpgradeJobs(false);
$jobManager = $this->app->jobManager();
foreach ($jobs AS $job)
$params = unserialize($job['execute_data']);
$jobManager->enqueueUnique($job['unique_key'], $job['execute_class'], $params, false);
if ($jobs && $clear)
public function enqueueUpgradeCheck()
$this->app->jobManager()->enqueueUnique('xfUpgradeCheck', 'XF:UpgradeCheck', [], false);
public function enqueueStatsCollection()
/** @var \XF\Repository\CollectStats $collectStatsRepo */
$collectStatsRepo = $this->app->repository('XF:CollectStats');
if ($collectStatsRepo->isEnabled())
$this->app->jobManager()->enqueueUnique('xfCollectStats', 'XF:CollectStats', [], false);