namespace XF\Job;
class UpgradeCheck extends AbstractJob
public function run($maxRunTime)
// jitter between 0 and 12 hours on top of the base 1 day. This should ensure some randomness
// of the requests to the XF server so not all sites try to communicate at the same time
// while still ensuring that we check versions once every 1-2 days.
$continueDate = \XF::$time + 1 * 24 * 3600;
$offsetJitter = mt_rand(0, 12 * 3600);
$continueDate += $offsetJitter;
$result = $this->resume();
$result->continueDate = $continueDate;
return $result;
protected function performUpgradeCheck()
/** @var \XF\Repository\UpgradeCheck $checkRepo */
$checkRepo = $this->app->repository('XF:UpgradeCheck');
if (!$checkRepo->canCheckForUpgrades())
/** @var \XF\Service\Upgrade\Checker $checker */
$checker = $this->app->service('XF:Upgrade\Checker');
public function getStatusMessage()
return \XF::phrase('performing_upgrade_check');
public function canCancel()
return false;
public function canTriggerByChoice()
return false;