namespace XF\Entity;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure;
use function is_null;
* @property int|null $check_id
* @property string|null $error_code
* @property int $check_date
* @property bool|null $board_url_valid
* @property bool|null $branding_valid
* @property bool|null $license_expired
* @property int|null $last_agreement_date
* @property int|null $last_agreement_update
* @property array|null $invalid_add_ons
* @property array|null $installable_add_ons_
* @property array|null $available_updates
* @property array|null $response_data
* @property mixed $error_message
* @property mixed $installable_add_ons
* @property bool $license_agreement_required
* @property mixed $RelevantAddOns
class UpgradeCheck extends Entity
public function getErrorMessage()
if (!$this->error_code)
return null;
return \XF::phrase('upgrade_check_error.' . strtolower($this->error_code), [
'upgradeCheck' => $this->app()->router('admin')->buildLink('tools/upgrade-check')
public function hasLicenseErrors()
return ($this->error_code || !$this->branding_valid || $this->invalid_add_ons);
public function canDownload()
return (!$this->error_code && !$this->hasLicenseErrors());
public function hasNotice()
return (
|| $this->hasLicenseErrors()
|| !$this->board_url_valid
|| $this->available_updates
|| $this->license_expired
public function isRefreshRecommended()
// refresh if more than 30 minutes old before using this to determine what to download
return ($this->check_date < \XF::$time - 30 * 60);
public function hasAvailableUpdate($product, &$error = null, &$availableUpdate = null, &$addOn = null)
/** @var AddOn $addOn */
$addOn = $this->em()->find('XF:AddOn', $product);
if (!$addOn)
$error = \XF::phrase('x_is_not_installed_so_cannot_be_upgraded', ['title' => $product]);
return false;
if (!$addOn->active)
$error = \XF::phrase('x_is_installed_but_not_enabled_so_cannot_be_upgraded', ['title' => $product]);
return false;
if (!isset($this->available_updates[$product]))
$error = \XF::phrase('there_currently_no_upgrades_available_for_x', ['title' => $addOn->title]);
return false;
$availableUpdate = $this->available_updates[$product];
$versionId = $product == 'XF' ? \XF::$versionId : $addOn->version_id;
if ($availableUpdate['version_id'] <= $versionId)
$error = \XF::phrase('x_is_already_up_to_date', ['title' => $addOn->title]);
return false;
return true;
public function getLatestAvailableInfo($addOnId)
$responseData = $this->response_data;
if (!$responseData || empty($responseData['latestAvailable'][$addOnId]))
return null;
return $responseData['latestAvailable'][$addOnId];
public function hasAvailableAddOnUpdate()
$availableUpdates = $this->available_updates;
if (!$availableUpdates)
return false;
foreach ($availableUpdates AS $addOnId => $update)
if ($this->hasAvailableUpdate($addOnId))
return true;
return false;
public function getInstallableAddOns()
$installableAddOns = $this->installable_add_ons_;
unset($installableAddOns['XF']); // shouldn't ever happen
if (!$installableAddOns)
return [];
$allAddOns = $this->getAddOnManager()->getAllAddOns();
foreach ($installableAddOns AS $addOnId => $install)
$addOn = $allAddOns[$addOnId] ?? null;
if ($addOn)
// we know about this add-on, may be installed or we may have
// files on server for it. just skip to avoid duplication.
// TODO: consider offering install even if files are available
// if files are older, missing etc.
return $installableAddOns;
public function getRelevantAddOns()
$addOnIds = array_merge(array_keys($this->available_updates), array_keys($this->invalid_add_ons));
if ($addOnIds)
return $this->_em->findByIds('XF:AddOn', $addOnIds)->toArray();
return [];
public function getLicenseAgreementRequired(): bool
if (is_null($this->last_agreement_date) || is_null($this->last_agreement_update))
return false;
return $this->last_agreement_date < $this->last_agreement_update;
public static function getStructure(Structure $structure)
$structure->table = 'xf_upgrade_check';
$structure->shortName = 'XF:UpgradeCheck';
$structure->primaryKey = 'check_id';
$structure->columns = [
'check_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'autoIncrement' => true, 'nullable' => true],
'error_code' => ['type' => self::STR, 'nullable' => true],
'check_date' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'default' => \XF::$time],
'board_url_valid' => ['type' => self::BOOL, 'nullable' => true],
'branding_valid' => ['type' => self::BOOL, 'nullable' => true],
'license_expired' => ['type' => self::BOOL, 'nullable' => true],
'last_agreement_date' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'nullable' => true],
'last_agreement_update' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'nullable' => true],
'invalid_add_ons' => ['type' => self::JSON_ARRAY, 'nullable' => true],
'installable_add_ons' => ['type' => self::JSON_ARRAY, 'nullable' => true],
'available_updates' => ['type' => self::JSON_ARRAY, 'nullable' => true],
'response_data' => ['type' => self::JSON_ARRAY, 'nullable' => true],
$structure->getters = [
'error_message' => true,
'installable_add_ons' => true,
'license_agreement_required' => true,
'RelevantAddOns' => true
$structure->relations = [];
return $structure;
* @return \XF\AddOn\Manager
protected function getAddOnManager()
return $this->app()->addOnManager();