namespace CrudJsonApi\Test\TestCase\Integration\JsonApi;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Cake\Utility\Inflector;
use CrudJsonApi\Test\TestCase\Integration\JsonApiBaseTestCase;
class UpdatingResourcesIntegrationTest extends JsonApiBaseTestCase
* PhpUnit Data Provider that will call `testUpdateResource()` for every array entry
* so we can test multiple successful PATCH requests without repeating ourselves.
* Please note that we MUST update records that already exist in the database fixtures.
* @return array
public function updateResourceProvider()
return [
# changing USD to RUB
'update-single-word-resource-attributes-only-all' => [
'/currencies/2', // URL
'update-currency-attributes-only-all.json', // Fixtures/JsonApiRequestBodies/UpdatingResources
'updated-currency-attributes-only-all.json', // Fixtures/JsonApiResponseBodies/UpdatingResources
'id' => 2,
'code' => 'RUB', // updated
'name' => 'Russian Ruble' // updated
# In this test, by leaving out the `code` attribute, we also assert this JSON API criteria:
# "If a request does not include all of the attributes for a resource, the server MUST
# interpret the missing attributes as if they were included with their current values.
# The server MUST NOT interpret missing attributes as null values."
'update-single-word-resource-attributes-only-single' => [
'id' => 2,
'code' => 'USD', // unchanged
'name' => 'Russian Ruble' // updated
# Make sure `belongsTo` relationships gets updated when we pass both
# `attributes` and `relationships` nodes to a single-word Resource.
'update-single-word-resource-attributes-and-multiple-belongsto-relationships' => [
'id' => 2,
'code' => 'JM', // updated
'name' => 'Jamaica', // updated
'dummy_counter' => 12345, // updated
'currency_id' => 2, // updated
'national_capital_id' => 5 // updated
# Make sure `belongsTo` relationships get updated when we only pass the `relationships` node to
# a single-word Resource (and thus the `attributes` node is absent in the POST request body)
'update-single-word-resource-multiple-belongsto-relationships-only' => [
'id' => 2,
'code' => 'BG', // unchanged
'name' => 'Bulgaria', // unchanged
'dummy_counter' => 22222, // unchanged
'currency_id' => 2, // updated
'national_capital_id' => 4 // updated
# Make sure `hasMany` relationships get updated (here we provide
# one culture so the result will contain only one culture, all
# others are wiped out
'update-single-word-resource-single-hasmany-relationship-only' => [
# Make sure `hasMany` relationships get updated (here we provide
# two cultures so the result will contain just those two cultures, all
# others are wiped out
'update-single-word-resource-set-multiple-hasmany-relationships' => [
# Make sure we can update multi-word attributes
'update-multi-word-resource-attributes-only' => [
'id' => 6,
'name' => 'Hollywood', // updated
'description' => 'National capital of the cinematic world' // updated
# Make sure `belongsTo` relationships gets updated when we pass both
# `attributes` and `relationships` nodes to a multi-word Resource.
'update-multi-word-resource-single-belongsto-relationships' => [
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'Milan', // updated
'country_id' => 3 // updated
# Make sure `belongsTo` relationships get updated when we only pass the `relationships` node to
# a multi-word Resource (and thus the `attributes` node is absent in the POST request body)
'update-multi-word-resource-single-belongsto-relationships-only' => [
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'Rotterdam', // unchanged
'country_id' => 3 // updated
* @param string $url The endpoint to hit
* @param string $body JSON API body in CakePHP array format
* @param string $expectedResponseFile The file to find the expected jsonapi response in
* @param array $expectedRecordSubset Array with key/values that MUST be present when looking up the PATCHed database record
* @return void
* @dataProvider updateResourceProvider
public function testUpdateResource($url, $requestBodyFile, $expectedResponseFile, $expectedRecordSubset = null)
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/vnd.api+json',
'Content-Type' => 'application/vnd.api+json'
'input' => $this->_getJsonApiRequestBody('UpdatingResources' . DS . $requestBodyFile)
# execute the PATCH request
# assert response
$this->assertResponseSameAsFile('UpdatingResources' . DS . $expectedResponseFile);
# only check database if array is passed
if (empty($expectedRecordSubset)) {
# generate variables required to retrieve updated database record
preg_match('/\/(.+)\/(\d+|\d)/', $url, $matches);
$tableName = Inflector::underscore($matches[1]);
$tableName = Inflector::camelize($tableName);
$recordId = $matches[2];
# assert the database record got updated like expected
$table = TableRegistry::get($tableName);
$record = $table->get($recordId)->toArray();
$this->assertArraySubset($expectedRecordSubset, $record);