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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
 * This file is part of sebastian/diff.
 * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace SebastianBergmann\Diff\Output;

 * Builds a diff string representation in unified diff format in chunks.
final class UnifiedDiffOutputBuilder extends AbstractChunkOutputBuilder
     * @var string
private $header;

     * @var bool
private $addLineNumbers;

    public function
__construct(string $header = "--- Original\n+++ New\n", bool $addLineNumbers = false)
$this->header         = $header;
$this->addLineNumbers = $addLineNumbers;

    public function
getDiff(array $diff): string
$buffer = \fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');

        if (
'' !== $this->header) {
fwrite($buffer, $this->header);
            if (
"\n" !== \substr($this->header, -1, 1)) {
fwrite($buffer, "\n");

$this->writeDiffChunked($buffer, $diff, $this->getCommonChunks($diff));

$diff = \stream_get_contents($buffer, -1, 0);



// `old` is an array with key => value pairs . Each pair represents a start and end index of `diff`
    // of a list of elements all containing `same` (0) entries.
private function writeDiffChunked($output, array $diff, array $old)
$upperLimit = \count($diff);
$start      = 0;
$fromStart  = 0;
$toStart    = 0;

        if (\
count($old)) { // no common parts, list all diff entries

// iterate the diff, go from chunk to chunk skipping common chunk of lines between those
do {
$commonStart = \key($old);
$commonEnd   = \current($old);

                if (
$commonStart !== $start) {
$fromRange, $toRange) = $this->getChunkRange($diff, $start, $commonStart);
$this->writeChunk($output, $diff, $start, $commonStart, $fromStart, $fromRange, $toStart, $toRange);

$fromStart += $fromRange;
$toStart += $toRange;

$start        = $commonEnd + 1;
$commonLength = $commonEnd - $commonStart + 1; // calculate number of non-change lines in the common part
$fromStart += $commonLength;
$toStart += $commonLength;
            } while (
false !== \next($old));

end($old); // short cut for finding possible last `change entry`
$tmp = \key($old);
            if (
$old[$tmp] === $upperLimit - 1) {
$upperLimit = $tmp;

        if (
$start < $upperLimit - 1) { // check for trailing (non) diff entries
do {
            } while (isset(
$diff[$upperLimit][1]) && $diff[$upperLimit][1] === 0);

$fromRange, $toRange) = $this->getChunkRange($diff, $start, $upperLimit);
$this->writeChunk($output, $diff, $start, $upperLimit, $fromStart, $fromRange, $toStart, $toRange);

    private function
int $diffStartIndex,
int $diffEndIndex,
int $fromStart,
int $fromRange,
int $toStart,
int $toRange
) {
        if (
$this->addLineNumbers) {
fwrite($output, '@@ -' . (1 + $fromStart));

            if (
$fromRange > 1) {
fwrite($output, ',' . $fromRange);

fwrite($output, ' +' . (1 + $toStart));
            if (
$toRange > 1) {
fwrite($output, ',' . $toRange);

fwrite($output, " @@\n");
        } else {
fwrite($output, "@@ @@\n");

        for (
$i = $diffStartIndex; $i < $diffEndIndex; ++$i) {
            if (
$diff[$i][1] === 1 /* ADDED */) {
fwrite($output, '+' . $diff[$i][0]);
            } elseif (
$diff[$i][1] === 2 /* REMOVED */) {
fwrite($output, '-' . $diff[$i][0]);
            } else {
/* Not changed (old) 0 or Warning 3 */
\fwrite($output, ' ' . $diff[$i][0]);

$lc = \substr($diff[$i][0], -1);
            if (
$lc !== "\n" && $lc !== "\r") {
fwrite($output, "\n"); // \No newline at end of file

    private function
getChunkRange(array $diff, int $diffStartIndex, int $diffEndIndex): array
$toRange   = 0;
$fromRange = 0;

        for (
$i = $diffStartIndex; $i < $diffEndIndex; ++$i) {
            if (
$diff[$i][1] === 1) { // added
            } elseif (
$diff[$i][1] === 2) { // removed
            } elseif (
$diff[$i][1] === 0) { // same

        return [
$fromRange, $toRange];