* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (https://cakephp.org)
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
* @link https://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
* @since 3.0.0
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
namespace Cake\ORM\Behavior;
use ArrayObject;
use Cake\Collection\Collection;
use Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface;
use Cake\Datasource\QueryInterface;
use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\I18n\I18n;
use Cake\ORM\Behavior;
use Cake\ORM\Entity;
use Cake\ORM\Locator\LocatorAwareTrait;
use Cake\ORM\PropertyMarshalInterface;
use Cake\ORM\Query;
use Cake\ORM\Table;
use Cake\Utility\Inflector;
* This behavior provides a way to translate dynamic data by keeping translations
* in a separate table linked to the original record from another one. Translated
* fields can be configured to override those in the main table when fetched or
* put aside into another property for the same entity.
* If you wish to override fields, you need to call the `locale` method in this
* behavior for setting the language you want to fetch from the translations table.
* If you want to bring all or certain languages for each of the fetched records,
* you can use the custom `translations` finders that is exposed to the table.
class TranslateBehavior extends Behavior implements PropertyMarshalInterface
use LocatorAwareTrait;
* Table instance
* @var \Cake\ORM\Table
protected $_table;
* The locale name that will be used to override fields in the bound table
* from the translations table
* @var string
protected $_locale;
* Instance of Table responsible for translating
* @var \Cake\ORM\Table
protected $_translationTable;
* Default config
* These are merged with user-provided configuration when the behavior is used.
* @var array
protected $_defaultConfig = [
'implementedFinders' => ['translations' => 'findTranslations'],
'implementedMethods' => [
'setLocale' => 'setLocale',
'getLocale' => 'getLocale',
'locale' => 'locale',
'translationField' => 'translationField',
'fields' => [],
'translationTable' => 'I18n',
'defaultLocale' => '',
'referenceName' => '',
'allowEmptyTranslations' => true,
'onlyTranslated' => false,
'strategy' => 'subquery',
'tableLocator' => null,
'validator' => false,
* Constructor
* @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table The table this behavior is attached to.
* @param array $config The config for this behavior.
public function __construct(Table $table, array $config = [])
$config += [
'defaultLocale' => I18n::getDefaultLocale(),
'referenceName' => $this->_referenceName($table),
if (isset($config['tableLocator'])) {
$this->_tableLocator = $config['tableLocator'];
} else {
$this->_tableLocator = $table->associations()->getTableLocator();
parent::__construct($table, $config);
* Initialize hook
* @param array $config The config for this behavior.
* @return void
public function initialize(array $config)
$this->_translationTable = $this->getTableLocator()->get($this->_config['translationTable']);
* Creates the associations between the bound table and every field passed to
* this method.
* Additionally it creates a `i18n` HasMany association that will be
* used for fetching all translations for each record in the bound table
* @param array $fields list of fields to create associations for
* @param string $table the table name to use for storing each field translation
* @param string $model the model field value
* @param string $strategy the strategy used in the _i18n association
* @return void
public function setupFieldAssociations($fields, $table, $model, $strategy)
$targetAlias = $this->_translationTable->getAlias();
$alias = $this->_table->getAlias();
$filter = $this->_config['onlyTranslated'];
$tableLocator = $this->getTableLocator();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$name = $alias . '_' . $field . '_translation';
if (!$tableLocator->exists($name)) {
$fieldTable = $tableLocator->get($name, [
'className' => $table,
'alias' => $name,
'table' => $this->_translationTable->getTable(),
} else {
$fieldTable = $tableLocator->get($name);
$conditions = [
$name . '.model' => $model,
$name . '.field' => $field,
if (!$this->_config['allowEmptyTranslations']) {
$conditions[$name . '.content !='] = '';
$this->_table->hasOne($name, [
'targetTable' => $fieldTable,
'foreignKey' => 'foreign_key',
'joinType' => $filter ? QueryInterface::JOIN_TYPE_INNER : QueryInterface::JOIN_TYPE_LEFT,
'conditions' => $conditions,
'propertyName' => $field . '_translation',
$conditions = ["$targetAlias.model" => $model];
if (!$this->_config['allowEmptyTranslations']) {
$conditions["$targetAlias.content !="] = '';
$this->_table->hasMany($targetAlias, [
'className' => $table,
'foreignKey' => 'foreign_key',
'strategy' => $strategy,
'conditions' => $conditions,
'propertyName' => '_i18n',
'dependent' => true,
* Callback method that listens to the `beforeFind` event in the bound
* table. It modifies the passed query by eager loading the translated fields
* and adding a formatter to copy the values into the main table records.
* @param \Cake\Event\Event $event The beforeFind event that was fired.
* @param \Cake\ORM\Query $query Query
* @param \ArrayObject $options The options for the query
* @return void
public function beforeFind(Event $event, Query $query, $options)
$locale = $this->getLocale();
if ($locale === $this->getConfig('defaultLocale')) {
$conditions = function ($field, $locale, $query, $select) {
return function ($q) use ($field, $locale, $query, $select) {
/** @var \Cake\Datasource\QueryInterface $q */
$q->where([$q->getRepository()->aliasField('locale') => $locale]);
/** @var \Cake\ORM\Query $query */
if (
$query->isAutoFieldsEnabled() ||
in_array($field, $select, true) ||
in_array($this->_table->aliasField($field), $select, true)
) {
$q->select(['id', 'content']);
return $q;
$contain = [];
$fields = $this->_config['fields'];
$alias = $this->_table->getAlias();
$select = $query->clause('select');
$changeFilter = isset($options['filterByCurrentLocale']) &&
$options['filterByCurrentLocale'] !== $this->_config['onlyTranslated'];
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$name = $alias . '_' . $field . '_translation';
$contain[$name]['queryBuilder'] = $conditions(
if ($changeFilter) {
$filter = $options['filterByCurrentLocale'] ? QueryInterface::JOIN_TYPE_INNER : QueryInterface::JOIN_TYPE_LEFT;
$contain[$name]['joinType'] = $filter;
$query->formatResults(function ($results) use ($locale) {
return $this->_rowMapper($results, $locale);
}, $query::PREPEND);
* Modifies the entity before it is saved so that translated fields are persisted
* in the database too.
* @param \Cake\Event\Event $event The beforeSave event that was fired
* @param \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity The entity that is going to be saved
* @param \ArrayObject $options the options passed to the save method
* @return void
public function beforeSave(Event $event, EntityInterface $entity, ArrayObject $options)
$locale = $entity->get('_locale') ?: $this->getLocale();
$newOptions = [$this->_translationTable->getAlias() => ['validate' => false]];
$options['associated'] = $newOptions + $options['associated'];
// Check early if empty translations are present in the entity.
// If this is the case, unset them to prevent persistence.
// This only applies if $this->_config['allowEmptyTranslations'] is false
if ($this->_config['allowEmptyTranslations'] === false) {
$bundled = $entity->get('_i18n') ?: [];
$noBundled = count($bundled) === 0;
// No additional translation records need to be saved,
// as the entity is in the default locale.
if ($noBundled && $locale === $this->getConfig('defaultLocale')) {
$values = $entity->extract($this->_config['fields'], true);
$fields = array_keys($values);
$noFields = empty($fields);
// If there are no fields and no bundled translations, or both fields
// in the default locale and bundled translations we can
// skip the remaining logic as its not necessary.
if ($noFields && $noBundled || ($fields && $bundled)) {
$primaryKey = (array)$this->_table->getPrimaryKey();
$key = $entity->get(current($primaryKey));
// When we have no key and bundled translations, we
// need to mark the entity dirty so the root
// entity persists.
if ($noFields && $bundled && !$key) {
foreach ($this->_config['fields'] as $field) {
$entity->setDirty($field, true);
if ($noFields) {
$model = $this->_config['referenceName'];
$preexistent = $this->_translationTable->find()
->select(['id', 'field'])
'field IN' => $fields,
'locale' => $locale,
'foreign_key' => $key,
'model' => $model,
$modified = [];
foreach ($preexistent as $field => $translation) {
$translation->set('content', $values[$field]);
$modified[$field] = $translation;
$new = array_diff_key($values, $modified);
foreach ($new as $field => $content) {
$new[$field] = new Entity(compact('locale', 'field', 'content', 'model'), [
'useSetters' => false,
'markNew' => true,
$entity->set('_i18n', array_merge($bundled, array_values($modified + $new)));
$entity->set('_locale', $locale, ['setter' => false]);
$entity->setDirty('_locale', false);
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$entity->setDirty($field, false);
* Unsets the temporary `_i18n` property after the entity has been saved
* @param \Cake\Event\Event $event The beforeSave event that was fired
* @param \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity The entity that is going to be saved
* @return void
public function afterSave(Event $event, EntityInterface $entity)
* {@inheritDoc}
* Add in `_translations` marshalling handlers. You can disable marshalling
* of translations by setting `'translations' => false` in the options
* provided to `Table::newEntity()` or `Table::patchEntity()`.
public function buildMarshalMap($marshaller, $map, $options)
if (isset($options['translations']) && !$options['translations']) {
return [];
return [
'_translations' => function ($value, $entity) use ($marshaller, $options) {
/** @var \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity */
$translations = $entity->get('_translations');
foreach ($this->_config['fields'] as $field) {
$options['validate'] = $this->_config['validator'];
$errors = [];
if (!is_array($value)) {
return null;
foreach ($value as $language => $fields) {
if (!isset($translations[$language])) {
$translations[$language] = $this->_table->newEntity();
$marshaller->merge($translations[$language], $fields, $options);
if ((bool)$translations[$language]->getErrors()) {
$errors[$language] = $translations[$language]->getErrors();
// Set errors into the root entity, so validation errors
// match the original form data position.
return $translations;
* Sets the locale that should be used for all future find and save operations on
* the table where this behavior is attached to.
* When fetching records, the behavior will include the content for the locale set
* via this method, and likewise when saving data, it will save the data in that
* locale.
* Note that in case an entity has a `_locale` property set, that locale will win
* over the locale set via this method (and over the globally configured one for
* that matter)!
* @param string|null $locale The locale to use for fetching and saving records. Pass `null`
* in order to unset the current locale, and to make the behavior fall back to using the
* globally configured locale.
* @return $this
* @see \Cake\ORM\Behavior\TranslateBehavior::getLocale()
* @link https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/orm/behaviors/translate.html#retrieving-one-language-without-using-i18n-locale
* @link https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/orm/behaviors/translate.html#saving-in-another-language
public function setLocale($locale)
$this->_locale = $locale;
return $this;
* Returns the current locale.
* If no locale has been explicitly set via `setLocale()`, this method will return
* the currently configured global locale.
* @return string
* @see \Cake\I18n\I18n::getLocale()
* @see \Cake\ORM\Behavior\TranslateBehavior::setLocale()
public function getLocale()
return $this->_locale ?: I18n::getLocale();
* Sets all future finds for the bound table to also fetch translated fields for
* the passed locale. If no value is passed, it returns the currently configured
* locale
* @deprecated 3.6.0 Use setLocale()/getLocale() instead.
* @param string|null $locale The locale to use for fetching translated records
* @return string
public function locale($locale = null)
get_called_class() . '::locale() is deprecated. ' .
'Use setLocale()/getLocale() instead.'
if ($locale !== null) {
return $this->getLocale();
* Returns a fully aliased field name for translated fields.
* If the requested field is configured as a translation field, the `content`
* field with an alias of a corresponding association is returned. Table-aliased
* field name is returned for all other fields.
* @param string $field Field name to be aliased.
* @return string
public function translationField($field)
$table = $this->_table;
if ($this->getLocale() === $this->getConfig('defaultLocale')) {
return $table->aliasField($field);
$associationName = $table->getAlias() . '_' . $field . '_translation';
if ($table->associations()->has($associationName)) {
return $associationName . '.content';
return $table->aliasField($field);
* Custom finder method used to retrieve all translations for the found records.
* Fetched translations can be filtered by locale by passing the `locales` key
* in the options array.
* Translated values will be found for each entity under the property `_translations`,
* containing an array indexed by locale name.
* ### Example:
* ```
* $article = $articles->find('translations', ['locales' => ['eng', 'deu'])->first();
* $englishTranslatedFields = $article->get('_translations')['eng'];
* ```
* If the `locales` array is not passed, it will bring all translations found
* for each record.
* @param \Cake\ORM\Query $query The original query to modify
* @param array $options Options
* @return \Cake\ORM\Query
public function findTranslations(Query $query, array $options)
$locales = isset($options['locales']) ? $options['locales'] : [];
$targetAlias = $this->_translationTable->getAlias();
return $query
->contain([$targetAlias => function ($query) use ($locales, $targetAlias) {
if ($locales) {
/** @var \Cake\Datasource\QueryInterface $query */
$query->where(["$targetAlias.locale IN" => $locales]);
return $query;
->formatResults([$this, 'groupTranslations'], $query::PREPEND);
* Determine the reference name to use for a given table
* The reference name is usually derived from the class name of the table object
* (PostsTable -> Posts), however for autotable instances it is derived from
* the database table the object points at - or as a last resort, the alias
* of the autotable instance.
* @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table The table class to get a reference name for.
* @return string
protected function _referenceName(Table $table)
$name = namespaceSplit(get_class($table));
$name = substr(end($name), 0, -5);
if (empty($name)) {
$name = $table->getTable() ?: $table->getAlias();
$name = Inflector::camelize($name);
return $name;
* Modifies the results from a table find in order to merge the translated fields
* into each entity for a given locale.
* @param \Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface $results Results to map.
* @param string $locale Locale string
* @return \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface
protected function _rowMapper($results, $locale)
return $results->map(function ($row) use ($locale) {
if ($row === null) {
return $row;
$hydrated = !is_array($row);
foreach ($this->_config['fields'] as $field) {
$name = $field . '_translation';
$translation = isset($row[$name]) ? $row[$name] : null;
if ($translation === null || $translation === false) {
$content = isset($translation['content']) ? $translation['content'] : null;
if ($content !== null) {
$row[$field] = $content;
$row['_locale'] = $locale;
if ($hydrated) {
/** @var \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $row */
return $row;
* Modifies the results from a table find in order to merge full translation records
* into each entity under the `_translations` key
* @param \Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface $results Results to modify.
* @return \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface
public function groupTranslations($results)
return $results->map(function ($row) {
if (!$row instanceof EntityInterface) {
return $row;
$translations = (array)$row->get('_i18n');
if (empty($translations) && $row->get('_translations')) {
return $row;
$grouped = new Collection($translations);
$result = [];
foreach ($grouped->combine('field', 'content', 'locale') as $locale => $keys) {
$entityClass = $this->_table->getEntityClass();
$translation = new $entityClass($keys + ['locale' => $locale], [
'markNew' => false,
'useSetters' => false,
'markClean' => true,
$result[$locale] = $translation;
$options = ['setter' => false, 'guard' => false];
$row->set('_translations', $result, $options);
return $row;
* Helper method used to generated multiple translated field entities
* out of the data found in the `_translations` property in the passed
* entity. The result will be put into its `_i18n` property
* @param \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity Entity
* @return void
protected function _bundleTranslatedFields($entity)
$translations = (array)$entity->get('_translations');
if (empty($translations) && !$entity->isDirty('_translations')) {
$fields = $this->_config['fields'];
$primaryKey = (array)$this->_table->getPrimaryKey();
$key = $entity->get(current($primaryKey));
$find = [];
$contents = [];
foreach ($translations as $lang => $translation) {
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (!$translation->isDirty($field)) {
$find[] = ['locale' => $lang, 'field' => $field, 'foreign_key' => $key];
$contents[] = new Entity(['content' => $translation->get($field)], [
'useSetters' => false,
if (empty($find)) {
$results = $this->_findExistingTranslations($find);
foreach ($find as $i => $translation) {
if (!empty($results[$i])) {
$contents[$i]->set('id', $results[$i], ['setter' => false]);
} else {
$translation['model'] = $this->_config['referenceName'];
$contents[$i]->set($translation, ['setter' => false, 'guard' => false]);
$entity->set('_i18n', $contents);
* Unset empty translations to avoid persistence.
* Should only be called if $this->_config['allowEmptyTranslations'] is false.
* @param \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity The entity to check for empty translations fields inside.
* @return void
protected function _unsetEmptyFields(EntityInterface $entity)
$translations = (array)$entity->get('_translations');
foreach ($translations as $locale => $translation) {
$fields = $translation->extract($this->_config['fields'], false);
foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
if (strlen($value) === 0) {
$translation = $translation->extract($this->_config['fields']);
// If now, the current locale property is empty,
// unset it completely.
if (empty(array_filter($translation))) {
// If now, the whole _translations property is empty,
// unset it completely and return
if (empty($entity->get('_translations'))) {
* Returns the ids found for each of the condition arrays passed for the translations
* table. Each records is indexed by the corresponding position to the conditions array
* @param array $ruleSet an array of arary of conditions to be used for finding each
* @return array
protected function _findExistingTranslations($ruleSet)
$association = $this->_table->getAssociation($this->_translationTable->getAlias());
$query = $association->find()
->select(['id', 'num' => 0])
foreach ($ruleSet as $i => $conditions) {
$q = $association->find()
->select(['id', 'num' => $i])
return $query->all()->combine('num', 'id')->toArray();