namespace XF\Api\Controller;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity;
use XF\Mvc\ParameterBag;
* @api-group Threads
class Threads extends AbstractController
protected function preDispatchController($action, ParameterBag $params)
* @api-desc Gets a list of threads
* @api-in int $page
* @api-see XF\Api\ControllerPlugin\Thread::applyThreadListFilters
* @api-see XF\Api\ControllerPlugin\Thread::applyThreadListSort
* @api-out Thread[] $threads
* @api-out pagination $pagination
public function actionGet()
$page = $this->filterPage();
$perPage = $this->options()->discussionsPerPage;
$threadFinder = $this->setupThreadFinder()->limitByPage($page, $perPage);
$total = $threadFinder->total();
$this->assertValidApiPage($page, $perPage, $total);
$threads = $threadFinder->fetch();
if (\XF::isApiCheckingPermissions())
// only filtered to the forums we could view -- could still be other conditions
$threads = $threads->filterViewable();
return $this->apiResult([
'threads' => $threads->toApiResults(),
'pagination' => $this->getPaginationData($threads, $page, $perPage, $total)
* @param array $filters List of filters that have been applied from input
* @param array|null $sort If array, sort that has been applied from input
* @return \XF\Finder\Thread
protected function setupThreadFinder(&$filters = [], &$sort = null)
$threadRepo = $this->repository('XF:Thread');
$threadFinder = $threadRepo->findThreadsForApi();
/** @var \XF\Api\ControllerPlugin\Thread $threadPlugin */
$threadPlugin = $this->plugin('XF:Api:Thread');
$filters = $threadPlugin->applyThreadListFilters($threadFinder);
$sort = $threadPlugin->applyThreadListSort($threadFinder);
if (!isset($filters['last_days']))
if (!$sort || ($sort[0] == 'last_post_date' && $sort[1] == 'desc'))
$threadFinder->where('last_post_date', '>', $threadRepo->getReadMarkingCutOff());
if ($sort && $sort[0] == 'post_date' && $sort[1] == 'desc' && !$filters)
// if sorting by post_date without any other filters, MySQL may choose not to use the
// post_date index and that tends to be very inefficient
$threadFinder->indexHint('USE', 'post_date');
return $threadFinder;
* @return \XF\Api\Mvc\Reply\ApiResult|\XF\Mvc\Reply\Error
* @throws \XF\Mvc\Reply\Exception
* @api-desc Creates a thread. Thread type data can be set using additional input specific to the target thread type.
* @api-in <req> int $node_id ID of the forum to create the thread in.
* @api-in <req> str $title Title of the thread.
* @api-in <req> str $message Body of the first post in the thread.
* @api-in str $discussion_type The type of thread to create. Specific types may require additional input.
* @api-in int $prefix_id ID of the prefix to apply to the thread. If not valid in the selected forum, will be ignored.
* @api-in str[] $tags Array of tag names to apply to the thread.
* @api-in string $custom_fields[<name>] Value to apply to the custom field with the specified name.
* @api-in bool $discussion_open
* @api-in bool $sticky
* @api-in str $attachment_key API attachment key to upload files. Attachment key context type must be post with context[node_id] set to the ID of the forum this is being posted in.
* @api-out true $success
* @api-out Thread $thread
* @api-error no_permission No permission error.
public function actionPost()
$this->assertRequiredApiInput(['node_id', 'title', 'message']);
$nodeId = $this->filter('node_id', 'uint');
/** @var \XF\Entity\Forum $forum */
$forum = $this->assertViewableApiRecord('XF:Forum', $nodeId);
if (\XF::isApiCheckingPermissions() && !$forum->canCreateThread($error))
return $this->noPermission($error);
$creator = $this->setupThreadCreate($forum);
if (\XF::isApiCheckingPermissions())
if (!$creator->validate($errors))
return $this->error($errors);
/** @var \XF\Entity\Thread $thread */
$thread = $creator->save();
return $this->apiSuccess([
'thread' => $thread->toApiResult(Entity::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE)
protected function setupThreadCreate(\XF\Entity\Forum $forum)
$input = $this->filter([
'title' => 'str',
'message' => 'str',
'prefix_id' => 'uint',
'custom_fields' => 'array',
'tags' => 'array-str',
'discussion_open' => '?bool',
'sticky' => '?bool',
'attachment_key' => 'str',
'discussion_type' => 'str',
'allow_uncreatable_type' => 'bool'
$isBypassingPermissions = \XF::isApiBypassingPermissions();
/** @var \XF\Service\Thread\Creator $creator */
$creator = $this->service('XF:Thread\Creator', $forum);
$allowUncreatable = \XF::isApiBypassingPermissions() && $input['allow_uncreatable_type'];
$creator->setDiscussionTypeAndDataForApi($input['discussion_type'], $this->request, [], $allowUncreatable);
$creator->setContent($input['title'], $input['message']);
if ($input['prefix_id'] && ($isBypassingPermissions || $forum->isPrefixUsable($input['prefix_id'])))
if ($isBypassingPermissions || $forum->canEditTags())
if ($isBypassingPermissions || $forum->canUploadAndManageAttachments())
$hash = $this->getAttachmentTempHashFromKey($input['attachment_key'], 'post', ['node_id' => $forum->node_id]);
$thread = $creator->getThread();
if (isset($input['discussion_open']) && ($isBypassingPermissions || $thread->canLockUnlock()))
if (isset($input['sticky']) && ($isBypassingPermissions || $thread->canStickUnstick()))
return $creator;
protected function finalizeThreadCreate(\XF\Service\Thread\Creator $creator)
$thread = $creator->getThread();
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
if ($visitor->user_id)
$this->getThreadRepo()->markThreadReadByVisitor($thread, $thread->post_date);
* @return \XF\Repository\Thread
protected function getThreadRepo()
return $this->repository('XF:Thread');
* @return \XF\Repository\Post
protected function getPostRepo()
return $this->repository('XF:Post');