namespace XF\Searcher;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Finder;
use function is_array;
* @method \XF\Finder\Thread getFinder()
class Thread extends AbstractSearcher
protected $allowedRelations = ['Forum'];
protected $formats = [
'title' => 'like',
'username' => 'like',
'post_date' => 'date',
'last_post_date' => 'date'
protected $arrayValueKeys = [
protected $whitelistOrder = [
'title' => true,
'username' => true,
'post_date' => true,
'last_post_date' => true,
'reply_count' => true,
'view_count' => true,
'first_post_reaction_score' => true,
'vote_score' => true
protected $order = [['last_post_date', 'desc']];
protected function getEntityType()
return 'XF:Thread';
protected function getDefaultOrderOptions()
return [
'last_post_date' => \XF::phrase('forum_sort.last_post_date'),
'post_date' => \XF::phrase('forum_sort.post_date'),
'title' => \XF::phrase('forum_sort.title'),
'reply_count' => \XF::phrase('forum_sort.reply_count'),
'view_count' => \XF::phrase('forum_sort.view_count'),
'first_post_reaction_score' => \XF::phrase('forum_sort.first_post_reaction_score'),
'vote_score' => \XF::phrase('forum_sort.vote_score')
protected function validateSpecialCriteriaValueAfter($key, &$value, $column, $format, $relation)
if ($key == 'posted_in_last' || $key == 'last_post_in_last')
if (!is_array($value) || !isset($value['value']) || $value['value'] <= 0)
return false;
if ($key == 'prefix_id' && $value == -1)
return false;
if ($key == 'node_id')
if (
$value == 0
|| (is_array($value) && isset($value[0]) && $value[0] == 0)
return false;
if (
($key == 'starter_user_group_id' || $key == 'starter_not_user_group_id')
&& !$value
return false;
return null;
protected function applySpecialCriteriaValue(Finder $finder, $key, $value, $column, $format, $relation)
if ($key == 'node_id')
if (!is_array($value))
$value = [$value];
if (isset($value['search_type']) && $value['search_type'] === 'exclude')
$matchInForums = false;
$matchInForums = true;
$finder->where('node_id', $matchInForums ? '=' : '<>', $value);
return true;
if ($key == 'thread_type')
$finder->where('discussion_type', $value);
if ($key == 'posted_in_last' || $key == 'last_post_in_last')
$cutOff = $this->convertRelativeTimeToCutoff(
if ($cutOff)
$column = $key == 'posted_in_last' ? 'post_date' : 'last_post_date';
$finder->where($column, '>=', $cutOff);
return true;
if ($key == 'not_discussion_type')
$finder->where('discussion_type', '<>', $value);
return true;
if ($key == 'thread_field')
$exactMatchFields = !empty($value['exact']) ? $value['exact'] : []; // used for multi-choice field searches
$customFields = $value + $exactMatchFields;
foreach ($customFields AS $fieldId => $value)
if ($value === '' || (is_array($value) && !$value))
$finder->with('CustomFields|' . $fieldId);
$isExact = !empty($exactMatchFields[$fieldId]);
$conditions = [];
foreach ((array)$value AS $possible)
$columnName = 'CustomFields|' . $fieldId . '.field_value';
if ($isExact)
$conditions[] = [$columnName, '=', $possible];
$conditions[] = [$columnName, 'LIKE', $finder->escapeLike($possible, '%?%')];
if ($conditions)
if ($key == 'tags')
/** @var \XF\Repository\Tag $tagRepo */
$tagRepo = $this->em->getRepository('XF:Tag');
$tags = $tagRepo->splitTagList($value);
if ($tags)
$validTags = $tagRepo->getTags($tags, $notFound);
if ($notFound)
// if they entered an unknown tag, we don't want to ignore it, so we need to force no results
foreach (array_keys($validTags) AS $tagId)
$finder->with('Tags|' . $tagId, true);
return true;
if ($key == 'starter_user_group_id' || $key == 'starter_not_user_group_id')
if (!is_array($value))
$value = [$value];
$userGroupIdColumn = $finder->columnSqlName('User.user_group_id');
$secondaryGroupIdsColumn = $finder->columnSqlName('User.secondary_group_ids');
$positiveMatch = ($key == 'starter_user_group_id');
$parts = [];
// for negative matches, we default to allowing guests, but if they say "not the guest"
// group, then we'll disable it
$orIsGuest = $positiveMatch ? false : true;
foreach ($value AS $userGroupId)
$quotedGroupId = $finder->quote($userGroupId);
if ($positiveMatch)
$parts[] = "$userGroupIdColumn = $quotedGroupId "
. "OR FIND_IN_SET($quotedGroupId, $secondaryGroupIdsColumn)";
if ($userGroupId == \XF\Entity\User::GROUP_GUEST)
// if explicitly selecting the guest group, allow guest threads
// as they're hard to filter for otherwise
$parts[] = $finder->columnSqlName('user_id') . ' = 0';
$parts[] = "$userGroupIdColumn <> $quotedGroupId "
. "AND FIND_IN_SET($quotedGroupId, $secondaryGroupIdsColumn) = 0";
if ($userGroupId == \XF\Entity\User::GROUP_GUEST)
$orIsGuest = false;
if ($parts)
$joiner = $positiveMatch ? ' OR ' : ' AND ';
$sql = implode($joiner, $parts);
if ($orIsGuest)
$sql = "($sql) OR " . $finder->columnSqlName('user_id') . ' = 0';
return true;
return false;
public function getFormData()
/** @var \XF\Repository\ThreadPrefix $prefixRepo */
$prefixRepo = $this->em->getRepository('XF:ThreadPrefix');
$prefixes = $prefixRepo->getPrefixListData();
/** @var \XF\Repository\Node $nodeRepo */
$nodeRepo = $this->em->getRepository('XF:Node');
$forums = $nodeRepo->getNodeOptionsData(false, 'Forum');
/** @var \XF\Repository\UserGroup $userGroupRepo */
$userGroupRepo = $this->em->getRepository('XF:UserGroup');
$userGroups = $userGroupRepo->findUserGroupsForList()->fetch();
/** @var \XF\Repository\ThreadType */
$threadTypeRepo = $this->em->getRepository('XF:ThreadType');
$threadTypes = $threadTypeRepo->getThreadTypeListData();
return [
'prefixes' => $prefixes,
'forums' => $forums,
'userGroups' => $userGroups,
'threadTypes' => $threadTypes,
public function getFormDefaults()
$threadTypes = \XF::app()->container('threadTypes');
return [
'prefix_id' => -1,
'thread_type' => array_keys($threadTypes),
'node_id' => 0,
'reply_count' => ['end' => -1],
'view_count' => ['end' => -1],
'discussion_state' => ['visible', 'moderated', 'deleted'],
'discussion_open' => [0, 1],
'sticky' => [0, 1]