namespace XF\DesignerOutput;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity;
use XF\Template\Templater;
use function count;
class Template extends AbstractHandler implements \XF\Template\WatcherInterface
protected $templatesWatched = [];
protected $templatesActioned = [];
protected function getTypeDir()
return 'templates';
public function export(Entity $template)
$metadata = [
'addon_id' => $template->addon_id,
'version_id' => $template->version_id,
'version_string' => $template->version_string
$fileName = $this->getFileName($template);
return $this->designerOutput->writeFile($this->getTypeDir(), $template->Style, $fileName, $template->template, $metadata, true);
protected function getEntityForImport($parts, $styleId, $json, array $options)
list($type, $title) = $parts;
$template = \XF::em()->getFinder('XF:Template')
'type' => $type,
'title' => $title,
'style_id' => $styleId
if (!$template)
$template = \XF::em()->create('XF:Template');
$template->style_id = $styleId;
$template->type = $type;
$template->title = $title;
$parent = $template->ParentTemplate;
if ($parent)
$template->addon_id = $parent->addon_id;
$this->prepareEntityForImport($template, $options);
return $template;
public function import($name, $styleId, $contents, array $metadata, array $options = [])
$parts = preg_split('#[:/\\\\]#', $name, 2);
if (count($parts) == 1)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Template $name does not contain a type component");
list($type, $title) = $parts;
$template = $this->getEntityForImport($parts, $styleId, null, $options);
$template->setOption('check_duplicate', false);
$template->setOption('report_modification_errors', false);
$template->set('title', $title, ['forceSet' => true]);
$template->set('type', $type, ['forceSet' => true]);
$template->set('template', $contents, ['forceSet' => true]);
// ignoring the meta version can be used when you want to just
// update the version naturally if needed; requires writing back to the
// designer output so import mode must be disabled
if (empty($options['ignore_meta_version']))
if (isset($metadata['addon_id']))
$template->addon_id = $metadata['addon_id'];
if (isset($metadata['version_id']))
$template->version_id = $metadata['version_id'];
if (isset($metadata['version_string']))
$template->version_string = $metadata['version_string'];
// this will update the metadata itself
return $template;
public function getFileName(Entity $template, $new = true)
$title = $new ? $template->getValue('title') : $template->getExistingValue('title');
$type = $new ? $template->getValue('type') : $template->getExistingValue('type');
return $this->convertTemplateNameToFile($type, $title);
public function convertTemplateFileToName($name)
if (substr($name, -5) == '.html')
$name = substr($name, 0, -5);
$name = str_replace('/', ':', $name);
return $name;
public function convertTemplateNameToFile($type, $name)
if (!strpos($name, '.'))
$name = "$name.html";
return $type . '/' . $name;
protected $metadataWatchCache = [];
public function watchTemplate(Templater $templater, $type, $name)
$styleId = $templater->getStyleId();
if (!$styleId)
return false;
$fileName = $this->convertTemplateNameToFile($type, $name);
if (isset($this->templatesWatched[$styleId][$fileName]))
return false;
$typeDir = $this->getTypeDir();
if (!isset($this->metadataWatchCache[$styleId]))
$styleCache = \XF::app()->container('style.cache');
$styleMap = [];
foreach ($styleCache[$styleId]['parent_list'] AS $styleId)
if (!$styleId || !$styleCache[$styleId]['designer_mode'])
$styleMap[$styleId] = $styleCache[$styleId]['designer_mode'];
$metadata = [];
foreach ($styleMap AS $styleId => $designerMode)
$metadata[$designerMode] = [
'style_id' => $styleId,
'metadata' => $this->designerOutput->getMetadata($typeDir, $designerMode)
$this->metadataWatchCache[$styleId] = $metadata;
$actionTaken = false;
foreach ($this->metadataWatchCache[$styleId] AS $designerMode => $designerMeta)
$fullPath = $this->designerOutput->getFilePath($typeDir, $designerMode, $fileName);
if (file_exists($fullPath))
$contents = file_get_contents($fullPath);
$hash = $this->designerOutput->hashContents($contents);
$templateMeta = $designerMeta['metadata'][$fileName] ?? [];
$metaHash = $templateMeta ? $templateMeta['hash'] : null;
if (!$metaHash || $hash !== $metaHash)
// metadata doesn't exist or has a different hash - template has been added
// or edited so the version needs to be updated
$recompile = true;
$ignoreMetaVersion = true;
// metadata matches -- we can accept the metadata hash but might still need to recompile
$recompile = false;
$ignoreMetaVersion = false;
$compiledFile = $templater->getTemplateFilePath($type, $name, $designerMeta['style_id']);
if (!file_exists($compiledFile))
$recompile = true;
$compiledData = file_get_contents($compiledFile);
if (preg_match('#<?php\s+// FROM HASH: ([^\s]+)#s', $compiledData, $match))
if ($match[1] !== $hash)
$recompile = true;
$recompile = true;
if ($recompile)
"$type:$name", $designerMeta['style_id'], $contents, $templateMeta,
['ignore_meta_version' => $ignoreMetaVersion]
$actionTaken = true;
else if (isset($designerMeta['metadata'][$fileName]))
$template = \XF::em()->findOne('XF:Template', [
'style_id' => $designerMeta['style_id'],
'type' => $type,
'title' => $name
if ($template)
$this->designerOutput->removeMetadata($typeDir, $designerMode, $fileName);
$actionTaken = true;
$this->templatesWatched[$styleId][$fileName] = true;
if ($actionTaken)
$this->templatesActioned[$styleId][$fileName] = true;
return $actionTaken;
public function hasActionedTemplates()
return !empty($this->templatesActioned);