namespace XF\Service\User;
use function count, in_array;
class TempChange extends \XF\Service\AbstractService
protected $validChangeRelations = ['Auth', 'Option', 'Profile', 'Privacy'];
public function applyFieldChange(\XF\Entity\User $user, $changeKey, $field, $newValue, $expiryDate = null)
return $this->applyChange(
$user, $changeKey, $expiryDate, function(\XF\Entity\User $user) use ($field, $newValue)
$changeEntField = $this->identifyFieldChangeEntity($user, $field);
if (!$changeEntField)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Cannot change $field");
/** @var \XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity $changeEnt */
list($changeEnt, $finalField) = $changeEntField;
$oldestChange = $this->finder('XF:UserChangeTemp')->where([
'user_id' => $user->user_id,
'action_type' => 'field',
'action_modifier' => $field
$oldValue = $oldestChange ? $oldestChange->old_value : $changeEnt->getValueSourceEncoded($finalField);
$changeEnt->set($finalField, $newValue);
if ($changeEnt->isChanged($finalField))
$changeEnt->save(false, false);
$newValue = $changeEnt->getValueSourceEncoded($finalField);
return [
'action_type' => 'field',
'action_modifier' => $field,
'new_value' => $newValue,
'old_value' => $oldValue
public function applyGroupChange(\XF\Entity\User $user, $changeKey, array $addGroups, $groupChangeKey = null, $expiryDate = null)
return $this->applyChange(
$user, $changeKey, $expiryDate, function(\XF\Entity\User $user) use ($groupChangeKey, $addGroups)
if (!$groupChangeKey)
$groupChangeKey = 'user_change_' . substr(md5(uniqid()), 0, 16);
/** @var \XF\Service\User\UserGroupChange $changeService */
$changeService = $this->service('XF:User\UserGroupChange');
$changeService->addUserGroupChange($user->user_id, $groupChangeKey, $addGroups);
return [
'action_type' => 'groups',
'action_modifier' => $groupChangeKey
protected function applyChange(\XF\Entity\User $user, $changeKey, $expiryDate, \Closure $applier)
if ($changeKey !== null)
$this->expireUserChangeByKey($user, $changeKey);
$applyResult = $applier($user);
catch (\Exception $e)
throw $e;
$values = array_merge([
'user_id' => $user->user_id,
'change_key' => $changeKey,
'new_value' => null,
'old_value' => null,
'expiry_date' => $expiryDate
], $applyResult);
$change = $this->em()->instantiateEntity('XF:UserChangeTemp');
$change->save(true, false);
return $change;
public function expireUserChangeByKey(\XF\Entity\User $user, $changeKey)
/** @var \XF\Entity\UserChangeTemp|null $change */
$change = $this->em()->findOne('XF:UserChangeTemp', ['user_id' => $user->user_id, 'change_key' => $changeKey]);
if ($change)
return $this->expireChange($change);
return false;
public function expireChange(\XF\Entity\UserChangeTemp $change)
/** @var \XF\Entity\User $user */
$user = $change->User;
$success = $this->db()->delete('xf_user_change_temp', 'user_change_temp_id = ? ', $change->user_change_temp_id);
if (!$success || !$user)
return false;
switch ($change->action_type)
case 'groups':
$groupChangeKey = $change->action_modifier;
/** @var \XF\Service\User\UserGroupChange $changeService */
$changeService = $this->service('XF:User\UserGroupChange');
$changeService->removeUserGroupChange($user->user_id, $groupChangeKey);
case 'field':
$field = $change->action_modifier;
$changeEntField = $this->identifyFieldChangeEntity($user, $field);
if (!$changeEntField)
// We successfully inserted this, but it's not working now. This is probably related to
// a field from an add-on. We need to just ignore it and carry on.
/** @var \XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity $changeEnt */
list($changeEnt, $finalField) = $changeEntField;
if ((string)$change->new_value !== (string)$changeEnt->getValueSourceEncoded($finalField))
// the field value has been changed from our programmatic change, can't do anything.
// note we need to force string comparison as new_value is a blob field; might be comparing to int field
// we're either going to revert to the latest remaining programmatic change or back to what we
// were at if that doesn't exist
$newestChange = $this->finder('XF:UserChangeTemp')->where([
'user_id' => $user->user_id,
'action_type' => 'field',
'action_modifier' => $field
])->order('create_date', 'desc')->fetchOne();
$revertValue = $newestChange ? $newestChange->new_value : $change->old_value;
$changeEnt->setFromEncoded($finalField, $revertValue);
if ($changeEnt->isChanged($finalField))
$changeEnt->save(false, false);
return true;
protected function identifyFieldChangeEntity(\XF\Entity\User $user, $changeField)
$parts = explode('.', $changeField);
if (count($parts) == 1)
if ($user->isValidColumn($changeField))
return [$user, $changeField];
foreach ($this->validChangeRelations AS $relation)
$key = "{$relation}.{$changeField}";
$valid = $this->identifyFieldChangeEntity($user, $key);
if ($valid)
return $valid;
return null;
else if (count($parts) == 2)
list($relation, $field) = $parts;
if (!in_array($relation, $this->validChangeRelations))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Relation $relation is not a valid user change relation");
/** @var \XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity $subEnt */
$subEnt = $user->{$relation};
if ($subEnt && $subEnt->isValidColumn($field))
return [$subEnt, $field];
return null;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Change field $changeField is not valid, may only reference one relation");