namespace XF\Spam\Checker;
use function count, in_array;
class StopForumSpam extends AbstractProvider implements UserCheckerInterface
/** @var \XF\Entity\User */
protected $user;
public function getType()
return 'StopForumSpam';
public function check(\XF\Entity\User $user, array $extraParams = [])
$this->user = $user;
$option = $this->app()->options()->stopForumSpam;
$decision = 'allowed';
$apiResponse = $this->getSfsApiResponse($apiUrl, $fromCache);
if (!$apiResponse)
$flagCount = $this->getSfsSpamFlagCount($apiResponse, $counts);
if ($option['moderateThreshold'] && $flagCount >= (int)$option['moderateThreshold'])
$decision = 'moderated';
if ($option['denyThreshold'] && $flagCount >= (int)$option['denyThreshold'])
$decision = 'denied';
if (!$fromCache)
// only update the cache if we didn't pull from the cache - this
// prevents the cache from being kept indefinitely
$cacheKey = $this->getSfsCacheKey($apiUrl);
/** @var \XF\Spam\UserChecker $checker */
$checker = $this->checker;
$checker->cacheRegistrationResponse($cacheKey, $apiResponse, $decision);
if ($decision != 'allowed')
$parts = [];
foreach ($counts AS $flag => $count)
$value = $count == 255 ? 'blacklisted': $count;
$parts[] = "$flag: $value";
$this->logDetail('sfs_matched_x', [
'matches' => implode(', ', $parts)
public function submit(\XF\Entity\User $user, array $extraParams = [])
$this->user = $user;
$submitUrl = $this->getSfsApiSubmitUrl();
$client = $this->app->http()->client();
$response = $client->get($submitUrl);
if ($response && $response->getStatusCode() >= 400)
if (preg_match('#<p>(.+)</p>#siU', $response->getBody()->getContents(), $match))
// don't log this race condition
if ($match[1] != 'recent duplicate entry')
$e = new \ErrorException("Error reporting to StopForumSpam: $match[1]");
$this->app()->logException($e, false);
catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e) {}
// SFS can go down frequently, so don't log this
protected function getSfsApiResponse(&$apiUrl = '', &$fromCache = false)
$apiUrl = $this->getSfsApiUrl();
$cacheKey = $this->getSfsCacheKey($apiUrl);
/** @var \XF\Spam\UserChecker $checker */
$checker = $this->checker;
if ($result = $checker->getRegistrationResultFromCache($cacheKey))
$fromCache = true;
return unserialize($result);
$client = $this->app->http()->client();
$response = $client->get($apiUrl);
$body = \GuzzleHttp\json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true);
return $body;
catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e)
return false;
protected function getSfsApiUrl()
$user = $this->user;
$ip = $this->app()->request()->getIp();
$email = '';
$option = $this->app()->options()->stopForumSpam;
if (!empty($option['hashEmail']) && $user->email)
// emailhash submission does not do any normalization so handle it manually
$parts = explode('@', strtolower($user->email));
// sanity check; we verify emails but just in case
if (count($parts) === 2)
list($beforeAt, $afterAt) = $parts;
// we're only interested in stuff before the + if it exists
if (strpos($beforeAt, '+') !== false)
$beforeAt = explode('+', $beforeAt);
$beforeAt = $beforeAt[0];
// known providers who ignore dots
$ignoreDots = ['gmail.com', 'googlemail.com'];
if (in_array($afterAt, $ignoreDots))
$beforeAt = str_replace('.', '', $beforeAt);
$email = '&emailhash=' . md5($beforeAt . '@' . $afterAt);
if (!$email && $user->email)
$email = '&email=' . urlencode($user->email);
return 'https://api.stopforumspam.org/api?f=json&unix=1'
. ($user->username ? '&username=' . urlencode($user->username) : '')
. ($email ? $email : '')
. ($ip ? '&ip=' . urlencode($ip) : '');
protected function getSfsApiSubmitUrl()
$user = $this->user;
$ip = $user->getIp('register');
return 'https://www.stopforumspam.com/add.php'
. '?api_key=' . $this->app()->options()->stopForumSpam['apiKey']
. ($user->username ? '&username=' . urlencode($user->username) : '')
. ($user->email ? '&email=' . urlencode($user->email) : '')
. '&ip=' . urlencode(\XF\Util\Ip::convertIpBinaryToString($ip));
protected function getSfsCacheKey($apiUrl)
return 'stopForumSpam_' . sha1($apiUrl);
protected function getSfsSpamFlagCount(array $data, &$counts = [])
$option = $this->app()->options()->stopForumSpam;
$flagCount = 0;
$counts = [];
if (!empty($data['success']))
foreach (['username', 'email', 'emailhash', 'ip'] AS $flagName)
if (!empty($data[$flagName]))
$flag = $data[$flagName];
if (!empty($flag['appears']))
if ($flag['frequency'])
if ($flagName == 'emailhash')
// consider emailhash flag to be same as email
$flagName = 'email';
$counts[$flagName] = $flag['frequency'];
if (empty($option['frequencyCutOff']) || $flag['frequency'] >= $option['frequencyCutOff'])
if (empty($option['lastSeenCutOff']) || $flag['lastseen'] >= time() - $option['lastSeenCutOff'] * 86400)
return $flagCount;