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 * @brief        Settings Class
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        18 Feb 2013

namespace IPS;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Settings class
class _Settings extends \IPS\Patterns\Singleton
     * @brief    Singleton Instances
protected static $instance = NULL;
     * @brief    Data Store
protected $data = NULL;
     * @brief    Settings loaded?
protected $loaded = FALSE;
     * @brief    Store $INFO so we know what came from conf_global later
protected static $confGlobal = array();
     * Constructor
     * @return    void
protected function __construct()
        if (
file_exists( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . '/conf_global.php' ) )
$allowedFields = $this->getAllowedFields();
            require( \
IPS\ROOT_PATH . '/conf_global.php' );
            if ( isset(
$INFO ) )
                if( isset(
$INFO['board_url'] ) AND ( !isset( $INFO['base_url'] ) OR !$INFO['base_url'] ) )
$INFO['base_url']    = $INFO['board_url'];
                if( isset(
$INFO['base_url'] ) )
/* Upgraded boards may not have trailing slash */
if( mb_substr( $INFO['base_url'], -1, 1 ) !== '/' )
$INFO['base_url']    = $INFO['base_url'] . '/';
$INFO as $k => $v )
                    if ( !
in_array( $k, $allowedFields ) )
$INFO[ $k ] );

$confGlobal = $INFO;
$this->data = $INFO;
     * Fetch the allowed fields to be stored from conf_global
     * Abstracted to one can use it as a hook point
     * @return array
public function getAllowedFields()
        return array(
'sql_host', 'sql_database', 'sql_user', 'sql_pass', 'sql_port', 'sql_socket', 'sql_tbl_prefix', 'sql_utf8mb4', 'board_start', 'installed', 'base_url', 'guest_group', 'member_group', 'admin_group' );
     * Magic Method: Get
     * @param    mixed    $key    Key
     * @return    mixed    Value from the datastore
public function __get( $key )
/* CiC hardcoded */
if ( \IPS\CIC )
            if (
in_array( $key, array( 'xforward_matching', 'use_friendly_urls', 'htaccess_mod_rewrite', 'seo_r_on' ) ) )
            if (
$key == 'task_use_cron' )
/* Get normally */
$return = parent::__get( $key );
        if (
$return === NULL and !$this->loaded )
parent::__get( $key );
     * Get from conf_global.php
     * Useful when you need to get a value from conf_global.php without loading the DB, such as in the installer
     * @param    mixed    $key    Key
     * @return    mixed    Value
public function getFromConfGlobal( $key )
        return isset(
$this->data[ $key ] ) ? $this->data[ $key ] : NULL;
     * Magic Method: Isset
     * @param    mixed    $key    Key
     * @return    bool
public function __isset( $key )
$return = parent::__isset( $key );
        if (
$return === FALSE and !$this->loaded )
parent::__isset( $key );
     * Load Settings
     * @return    void
protected function loadFromDb()
        if ( isset( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->settings ) )
$settings = \IPS\Data\Store::i()->settings;
            foreach ( \
IPS\Db::i()->select( 'conf_key, conf_default, conf_value', 'core_sys_conf_settings' )->setKeyField( 'conf_key' ) as $k => $data )
$settings[ $k ] = ( $data['conf_value'] === '' ) ? $data['conf_default'] : $data['conf_value'];
IPS\Data\Store::i()->settings = $settings;

/* We don't want to 'cache' what is in conf_global */
$this->data = array_merge( $this->data, $settings );

$this->loaded = TRUE;

     * Purge the current settings cache
     * @note    While calling unset() on the datastore value purges it, if we still have settings loaded in memory a call to changeValues() causes
         the same values to be written, which is not desired
     * @return    void
public function clearCache()
        unset( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->settings );
$this->data        = static::$confGlobal;
$this->loaded    = FALSE;
     * Change values
     * @param    array    $newValues    New values
     * @return    void
public function changeValues( $newValues )
/* Get the current values if we don't have them already */
if ( !$this->loaded )
$this->loadFromDb(); // Misleading method name - will load from datastore if it's available
/* If we want to set any of them to an empty string, we need the default value */
$defaultValues = array();
        foreach (
$newValues as $k => $v )
            if (
$v === '' )
$defaultValues[] = $k;
$defaultValues    = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( array( 'conf_default', 'conf_key' ), 'core_sys_conf_settings', \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'conf_key', $defaultValues ) )->setKeyField( 'conf_key' )->setValueField( 'conf_default' ) );
$validKeys        = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'conf_key', 'core_sys_conf_settings', \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'conf_key', array_keys( $newValues ) ) ) );
/* Update the database */
$changed = FALSE;
        foreach (
$newValues as $k => $v )
$valueToCache = isset( $defaultValues[ $k ] ) ? $defaultValues[ $k ] : $v;

/* Make sure the key is valid */
if( !in_array( $k, $validKeys ) )
                if ( \
                    throw new \
InvalidArgumentException( 'unknown_setting: ' . $k );

            if (
$this->$k != $valueToCache )
$this->$k = $valueToCache;
IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_sys_conf_settings', array( 'conf_value' => $v ), array( 'conf_key=?', $k ) );
$changed = TRUE;

/* Update the datastore */
if ( $changed )
$toStore = array();
$this->data AS $dk => $dv )
                if ( ! isset( static::
$confGlobal[ $dk ] ) )
/* Make sure objects are cast to string as the DB bind layer will do this automatically when saving */
if ( is_object( $dv ) and method_exists( $dv, '__toString' ) )
$dv = (string) $dv;
$toStore[ $dk ] = $dv;
IPS\Data\Store::i()->settings = $toStore;