namespace XF\Api\Controller;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity;
use XF\Mvc\ParameterBag;
use function intval;
* @api-group Search forums
class SearchForum extends AbstractController
protected function preDispatchController($action, ParameterBag $params)
* @api-desc Gets information about the specified search forum
* @api-in bool $with_threads If true, gets a page of threads in this search forum
* @api-in int $page
* @api-out SearchForum $search_forum
* @api-see self::getThreadsInSearchForumPaginated()
public function actionGet(ParameterBag $params)
$searchForum = $this->assertViewableSearchForum($params->node_id);
if ($this->filter('with_threads', 'bool'))
$threadData = $this->getThreadsInSearchForumPaginated($searchForum, $this->filterPage());
$threadData = [];
$result = [
'search_forum' => $searchForum->toApiResult(Entity::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE)
$result += $threadData;
return $this->apiResult($result);
* @api-desc Gets a page of threads from the specified search forum.
* @api-see self::getThreadsInSearchForumPaginated()
public function actionGetThreads(ParameterBag $params)
$searchForum = $this->assertViewableSearchForum($params->node_id);
$threadData = $this->getThreadsInSearchForumPaginated($searchForum, $this->filterPage());
return $this->apiResult($threadData);
* @api-out Thread[] $threads Threads on this page. Note: this will always respect viewing user permissions regardless of whether the API is set to bypass permissions.
* @api-out pagination $pagination Pagination information
* @api-out Thread[] $sticky If on page 1, a list of sticky threads in this forum. Does not count towards the per page limit.
protected function getThreadsInSearchForumPaginated(\XF\Entity\SearchForum $searchForum, $page = 1, $perPage = null)
$perPage = intval($perPage);
if ($perPage <= 0)
$perPage = $this->options()->discussionsPerPage;
/** @var \XF\Repository\SearchForum $searchForumRepo */
$searchForumRepo = $this->repository('XF:SearchForum');
$isRebuildPending = $searchForumRepo->enqueueCacheRebuildIfNeeded($searchForum);
$userCache = $searchForum->getUserCacheForUser(\XF::visitor(), $isRebuildPending);
$total = $userCache->result_count;
$this->assertValidApiPage($page, $perPage, $total);
$threads = $userCache->getThreadsByPage($page, $perPage, ['api']);
$threadResults = $threads->toApiResults();
return [
'threads' => $threadResults,
'pagination' => $this->getPaginationData($threadResults, $page, $perPage, $total)
* @param int $id
* @param string|array $with
* @return \XF\Entity\SearchForum
* @throws \XF\Mvc\Reply\Exception
protected function assertViewableSearchForum($id, $with = 'api')
return $this->assertViewableApiRecord('XF:SearchForum', $id, $with);