namespace XF\Mvc;
use XF\Http\Request;
use function array_slice, call_user_func, call_user_func_array, chr, count, intval, is_array, is_string, strlen, strval;
class Router
protected $linkFormatter = null;
protected $routes = [];
protected $routePreProcessors = [];
protected $routeFiltersIn = [];
protected $routeFiltersOut = [];
protected $routeFiltersOutRegex = [];
protected $indexRoute = 'index';
protected $defaultAction = 'index';
protected $includeTitleInUrls = true;
protected $romanizeUrls = false;
* @var \Closure|null
protected $pather = null;
protected $stringCache = [];
public function __construct($linkFormatter = null, array $routes = [])
$this->linkFormatter = $linkFormatter;
$this->routes = $routes;
public function setLinkFormatter($linkFormatter)
$this->linkFormatter = $linkFormatter;
public function getLinkFormatter()
return $this->linkFormatter;
public function setPather(\Closure $pather = null)
$this->pather = $pather;
public function getPather()
return $this->pather;
public function setRouteFilters(array $routeFiltersIn, array $routeFiltersOut)
$this->routeFiltersIn = $routeFiltersIn;
$this->routeFiltersOut = $routeFiltersOut;
public function getRouteFiltersIn()
return $this->routeFiltersIn;
public function getRouteFiltersOut()
return $this->routeFiltersOut;
public function setIndexRoute($indexRoute)
$this->indexRoute = $indexRoute;
public function getIndexRoute()
return $this->indexRoute;
public function setIncludeTitleInUrls($includeTitleInUrls)
$this->includeTitleInUrls = $includeTitleInUrls;
public function getIncludeTitlesInUrls()
return $this->includeTitleInUrls;
public function setRomanizeUrls($romanizeUrls)
$this->romanizeUrls = $romanizeUrls;
public function getRomanizeUrls()
return $this->romanizeUrls;
public function addRoute($prefix, $subSection, $route)
$this->routes[$prefix][$subSection] = $route;
public function getRoutes()
return $this->routes;
public function overrideRoute($prefix, $subSection, $controller, $action)
if (!isset($this->routes[$prefix][$subSection]))
return false;
$this->routes[$prefix][$subSection]['controller'] = $controller;
$this->routes[$prefix][$subSection]['force_action'] = $action;
return true;
public function addRoutePreProcessor($name, $preProcessor, $beginning = false)
if ($beginning)
$this->routePreProcessors = [$name => $preProcessor] + $this->routePreProcessors;
$this->routePreProcessors[$name] = $preProcessor;
public function getRoutePreProcessors()
return $this->routePreProcessors;
public function routePreProcessRouteFilter(Router $router, $path, RouteMatch $match, Request $request = null)
if (!$this->routeFiltersIn)
return $match;
foreach ($this->routeFiltersIn AS $filter)
list($from, $to) = $this->routeFilterToRegex(
urldecode($filter['replace_route']), urldecode($filter['find_route'])
$newRoutePath = preg_replace($from, $to, $path);
if ($newRoutePath != $path)
return $match;
return $match;
public function routePreProcessExtension(Router $router, $path, RouteMatch $match, Request $request = null)
$lastDot = strrpos($path, '.');
if ($lastDot === false || $lastDot == 0)
return false;
$suffix = substr($path, $lastDot + 1);
if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $suffix) || !preg_match('/[a-z]/i', $suffix))
return false;
$match->setPathRewrite(substr($path, 0, $lastDot));
return $match;
public function routePreProcessResponseType(Router $router, $path, RouteMatch $match, Request $request = null)
if (!$request)
return false;
$responseType = $request->filter('_xfResponseType', 'str');
if (!$responseType)
return false;
return $match;
public function routeToController($path, Request $request = null)
$match = $this->getNewRouteMatch();
$path = urldecode($path);
if (strlen($path) && strpos($path, '/') === false)
$path .= '/';
foreach ($this->routePreProcessors AS $preProcessor)
if (!is_callable($preProcessor))
/** @var RouteMatch $newMatch */
$newMatch = call_user_func($preProcessor, $this, $path, $match, $request);
if ($newMatch)
if ($newMatch->getPathRewrite() !== null)
$path = $newMatch->getPathRewrite();
$match = $newMatch;
if ($path === '')
$path = 'index';
$parts = explode('/', $path, 2);
$prefix = $parts[0];
$suffix = $parts[1] ?? '';
if (!isset($this->routes[$prefix]))
// return this to maintain the response type
return $match;
$possibleRoutes = $this->routes[$prefix];
$matched = false;
foreach ($possibleRoutes AS $route)
$newMatch = $this->suffixMatchesRoute($suffix, $route, $match, $request);
if ($newMatch)
$match = $newMatch;
$matched = true;
if (!$matched && isset($possibleRoutes['']))
$route = $possibleRoutes[''];
if (!empty($route['force_action']))
$match->setAction(strlen($suffix) ? $suffix : $this->defaultAction);
if (isset($route['context']))
return $match;
protected function suffixMatchesRoute($suffix, array $route, RouteMatch $match, Request $request = null)
// TODO: callback based processing
$matchRegex = $this->generateMatchRegexInner($route['format'], '#');
if (!preg_match('#^' . $matchRegex . '#i', $suffix, $textMatch))
return false;
$matchText = $textMatch[0];
$trail = substr($suffix, strlen($matchText));
$action = $textMatch['_action'] ?? '';
$params = [];
foreach ($textMatch AS $key => $value)
if (is_string($key) && strlen($value))
$params[$key] = $value;
$action .= rtrim(strval($trail), '/');
if (!empty($route['action_prefix']))
$action = $route['action_prefix'] . $action;
if (!strlen($action))
$action = $this->defaultAction;
if (!empty($route['force_action']))
$action = $route['force_action'];
if (isset($route['context']))
return $match;
public function generateMatchRegexInner($format, $wrapper = '#')
$matchRegex = str_replace($wrapper, '\\' . $wrapper, $format);
$matchRegex = preg_replace_callback(
function ($match)
$mainMatch = '(?:(?:[^/]*\.)?(?P<' . $match[2] . '>[0-9]+)(?:/|$))';
return $match[1] ? $mainMatch : "{$mainMatch}?";
$matchRegex = preg_replace_callback(
function ($match)
$mainMatch = '(?:(?P<' . $match[2] . '>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/)';
return $match[1] ? $mainMatch : "{$mainMatch}?";
$matchRegex = preg_replace_callback(
function ($match)
$mainMatch = '(?:(?:(?:(?:[^/]*\.)?(?P<' . $match[3] . '>[0-9]+))|-|(?P<' . $match[2] . '>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))(?:/|$))';
return $match[1] ? $mainMatch : "{$mainMatch}?";
$matchRegex = preg_replace(
$matchRegex = preg_replace(
$matchRegex = str_replace(
$matchRegex = preg_replace_callback(
function ($match)
if ($match[1])
return '(?P<' . $match[2] . '>.+)';
return '(?P<' . $match[2] . '>.*)';
return $matchRegex;
public function buildLink($link, $data = null, array $parameters = [], $hash = null)
if (is_array($link))
$tempLink = $link;
$link = $tempLink[0];
if (!$parameters)
$parameters = $tempLink[1];
$parts = explode(':', $link);
if (isset($parts[1]))
$modifier = $parts[0];
$link = $parts[1];
$modifier = null;
if ($hash instanceof \Closure)
// this happens before the actual link building as we may manipulate parameters there in a way that may
// lose something like the page number
$hash = $hash($link, $data, $parameters);
$finalUrl = $this->buildFinalUrl(
$this->buildLinkPath($link, $data, $parameters),
if ($hash)
$finalUrl .= '#' . ltrim($hash, '#');
return $finalUrl;
public function buildLinkPath($link, $data = null, array &$parameters = [])
if (!$link || $link == 'index')
return '';
$parts = explode('/', $link, 2);
$prefix = $parts[0];
if (!isset($this->routes[$prefix]))
return $link;
$this->manipulateLinkPathInternal($prefix, $parts[1], $data, $parameters);
$sections = isset($parts[1]) ? explode('/', $parts[1]) : [''];
$action = '';
$prefixRoutes = $this->routes[$prefix];
for ($totalSections = count($sections), $i = $totalSections; $i > 0; $i--)
$possibleSection = implode('/', array_slice($sections, 0, $i));
if (isset($prefixRoutes[$possibleSection]))
return $this->buildRouteUrl(
$prefix, $prefixRoutes[$possibleSection], $action, $data, $parameters
if ($i == $totalSections)
$action = $sections[$i - 1];
$action = $sections[$i - 1] . '/' . $action;
if (isset($prefixRoutes['']))
return $this->buildRouteUrl(
$prefix, $prefixRoutes[''], $action, $data, $parameters
return $link;
protected function manipulateLinkPathInternal($prefix, &$path, &$data, array &$parameters)
public function buildPaginatedLink(string $link, $data, int $page, array $parameters = [], $hash = null)
if ($page > 1)
$parameters['page'] = $page;
return $this->buildLink($link, $data, $parameters, $hash);
public function prepareStringForUrl($string, $romanizeOverride = null)
$string = strval($string);
$romanize = $romanizeOverride === null ? $this->romanizeUrls : (bool)$romanizeOverride;
$cacheKey = $string . ($romanize ? '|r' : '');
if (isset($this->stringCache[$cacheKey]))
return $this->stringCache[$cacheKey];
if ($romanize)
$string = utf8_romanize(utf8_deaccent($string));
$originalString = $string;
// Attempt to transliterate remaining UTF-8 characters to their ASCII equivalents
$string = @iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $string);
if (!$string)
// iconv failed so forget about it
$string = $originalString;
$string = strtr(
'`!"$%^&*()-+={}[]<>;:@#~,./?|' . "\r\n\t\\",
' ' . ' '
$string = strtr($string, ['"' => '', "'" => '']);
if ($romanize)
$string = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ -]/', '', $string);
$string = preg_replace('/[ ]+/', '-', trim($string));
$string = strtr($string, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
$string = urlencode($string);
$this->stringCache[$cacheKey] = $string;
return $string;
protected function buildRouteUrl($prefix, array $route, $action, $data = null, array &$parameters = [])
if (!empty($route['build_callback']))
$output = call_user_func_array(
[$route['build_callback'][0], $route['build_callback'][1]],
[&$prefix, &$route, &$action, &$data, &$parameters, $this]
if (is_string($output) || $output instanceof RouteBuiltLink)
return $output;
$url = $route['format'];
$url = preg_replace_callback(
function($match) use ($data, &$parameters)
$inParams = !empty($match[1]);
$idKey = $match[2];
$stringKey = $match[3];
$trailingSlash = $match[4];
$search = $inParams ? $parameters : $data;
if ($search && isset($search[$idKey]))
$idValue = intval($search[$idKey]);
if ($inParams)
if ($stringKey && isset($search[$stringKey]))
$string = strval($search[$stringKey]);
if ($inParams)
if ($this->includeTitleInUrls)
$string = $this->prepareStringForUrl($string);
if (strlen($string))
return $string . "." . $idValue . $trailingSlash;
return $idValue . $trailingSlash;
return '';
$url = preg_replace_callback(
function($match) use ($data, &$parameters)
$inParams = !empty($match[1]);
$stringKey = $match[2];
$trailingSlash = $match[3];
$search = $inParams ? $parameters : $data;
if ($search && isset($search[$stringKey]))
$key = strval($search[$stringKey]);
if ($inParams)
if (strlen($key))
return $key . $trailingSlash;
return '';
$url = preg_replace_callback(
function($match) use ($data, $action)
$stringKey = $match[1];
$intKey = $match[2];
$intStringKey = $match[3];
$trailingSlash = $match[4];
if ($data === '-')
return '-' . $trailingSlash;
if ($data && isset($data[$stringKey]))
$key = strval($data[$stringKey]);
if (strlen($key))
return $key . $trailingSlash;
if ($data && isset($data[$intKey]))
$idValue = intval($data[$intKey]);
if ($intStringKey && isset($data[$intStringKey]) && $this->includeTitleInUrls)
$string = strval($data[$intStringKey]);
$string = $this->prepareStringForUrl($string);
if (strlen($string))
return $string . "." . $idValue . $trailingSlash;
return $idValue . $trailingSlash;
return strlen($action) ? '-' . $trailingSlash : '';
$url = preg_replace_callback(
function($match) use ($data, &$parameters)
$pageKey = !empty($match[2]) ? $match[2] : 'page';
$trailingSlash = $match[3];
if (isset($parameters[$pageKey]))
$page = $parameters[$pageKey];
if ($page === '%page%')
return "page-%page%$trailingSlash";
$page = intval($page);
if ($page > 1)
return "page-$page$trailingSlash";
return '';
$url = preg_replace_callback(
function($match) use (&$action)
$thisAction = $action;
$action = '';
return $thisAction;
$url = preg_replace_callback(
function($match) use ($data, &$parameters)
$stringKey = $match[1];
$trailingSlash = $match[2];
if ($data && isset($data[$stringKey]))
$key = strval($data[$stringKey]);
if (strlen($key))
return $key . $trailingSlash;
return '';
$url = str_replace('?', '', $url);
if ($url && $action)
if (substr($url, -1) != '/')
$url .= '/';
$url .= $action;
else if ($action)
$url = $action;
$routeUrl = $prefix . '/' . $url;
if ($this->indexRoute && $routeUrl === $this->indexRoute)
$routeUrl = '';
$routeUrl = $this->applyRouteFilterToUrl($prefix, $routeUrl);
return $routeUrl;
public function applyRouteFilterToUrl($prefix, $routeUrl)
$filters = $this->routeFiltersOut;
if (isset($filters[$prefix]))
if (!isset($this->routeFiltersOutRegex[$prefix]))
$regexes = [];
foreach ($filters[$prefix] AS $filter)
list($from, $to) = $this->routeFilterToRegex(
$filter['find_route'], $filter['replace_route']
$regexes[] = ['from' => $from, 'to' => $to];
$this->routeFiltersOutRegex[$prefix] = $regexes;
foreach ($this->routeFiltersOutRegex[$prefix] AS $filter)
$newLink = preg_replace($filter['from'], $filter['to'], $routeUrl);
if ($newLink != $routeUrl)
$routeUrl = $newLink;
return $routeUrl;
public function routeFilterToRegex($from, $to)
$to = strtr($to, ['\\' => '\\\\', '$' => '\\$']);
$findReplacements = [];
$replacementChr = chr(26);
$varMatches = preg_match_all('/\{([a-z0-9_]+)(:([^}]+))?\}/i', $from, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches AS $i => $match)
$placeholder = $replacementChr . $i . $replacementChr;
if (!empty($match[3]))
switch ($match[3])
case 'digit': $replace = '(\d+)'; break;
case 'string': $replace = '([^/.]+)'; break;
default: $replace = '([^/]*)';
$replace = '([^/]*)';
$findReplacements[$placeholder] = $replace;
$from = str_replace($match[0], $placeholder, $from);
$to = str_replace($match[0], '$' . ($i + 1), $to);
if (substr($from, -1) == '/' && substr($to, -1) == '/')
// both end in slashes, make the last slash optional
$matchId = $varMatches;
$placeholder = $replacementChr . $matchId . $replacementChr;
$findReplacements[$placeholder] = '(/|$)';
$from = substr($from, 0, -1) . $placeholder;
$to = substr($to, 0, -1) . '$' . ($matchId + 1);
$from = preg_quote($from, '#');
foreach ($findReplacements AS $findPlaceholder => $findReplacement)
$from = str_replace($findPlaceholder, $findReplacement, $from);
return ['#^' . $from . '#', $to];
public function buildFinalUrl($modifier, $routeUrl, array $parameters = [])
$queryString = $parameters ? $this->buildQueryString($parameters) : '';
if ($routeUrl instanceof RouteBuiltLink)
$url = $routeUrl->getFinalLink($this, $modifier, $queryString);
$url = call_user_func($this->linkFormatter, $routeUrl, $queryString);
$url = $this->applyPather($url, $modifier);
return $url;
public function applyPather($url, $modifier = '')
if ($this->pather)
$pather = $this->pather;
$url = $pather($url, $modifier);
if ($url === '')
$url = '.';
return $url;
public function buildQueryString(array $elements, $prefix = '')
$output = [];
foreach ($elements AS $name => $value)
if (is_array($value))
if (!$value)
$encodedName = ($prefix ? $prefix . '[' . urlencode($name) . ']' : urlencode($name));
$childOutput = $this->buildQueryString($value, $encodedName);
if ($childOutput !== '')
$output[] = $childOutput;
if ($value === null || $value === false || $value === '')
$value = strval($value);
if ($prefix)
// part of an array
$output[] = $prefix . '[' . urlencode($name) . ']=' . urlencode($value);
$output[] = urlencode($name) . '=' . urlencode($value);
return implode('&', $output);
* @param string $controller
* @param string $action
* @param array|ParameterBag $params
* @param string $responseType
* @return RouteMatch
public function getNewRouteMatch($controller = '', $action = '', $params = [], $responseType = 'html')
return new RouteMatch($controller, $action, $params, $responseType);