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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/includes/classes/PHPFusion/Installer/Requirements.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: Requirments.php
| Author: Core Development Team
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
namespace PHPFusion\Installer;


 * Class Requirements
 * The requirements checks on server system
 * @package PHPFusion\Installer
class Requirements extends InstallCore {

     * Get System Requirements for PHPFusion 9
     * @return array
public static function getSystemRequirements() {
// Web server information.
$software = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];

$requirements['webserver'] = [
'title' => self::$locale['setup_0050'],
'value' => $software,

// Tests clean URL support.
        // $requirements['apache'] output if rewrite server is bad.
if (!extension_loaded('rewrite') && strpos($software, 'Apache') !== FALSE) {
$apache_version_string = 'Apache';
// Determine the Apache version number: major, minor and revision.
if (preg_match('/Apache\/(\d+)\.?(\d+)?\.?(\d+)?/', $software, $matches)) {
$apache_version_string = $matches[0];
// Major version number
if ($matches[1] < 2) {
$requirements['apache_version'] = [
'title'        => 'Apache',
'version'      => $apache_version_string,
'description'  => self::$locale['setup_0109'],
'severability' => -10
                } else if (
$matches[1] == 2) {
                    if (!isset(
$matches[2])) {
$requirements['apache_version'] = [
'title'        => 'Apache',
'version'      => $apache_version_string,
'description'  => self::$locale['setup_0120'],
'severability' => -10
                    } else if (
$matches[2] < 2) {
$requirements['apache_version'] = [
'title'        => 'Apache',
'version'      => $apache_version_string,
'description'  => self::$locale['setup_0109'],
'severability' => -10
                    } else if (
$matches[2] == 2) {
                        if (!isset(
$matches[3])) {
$requirements['apache_version'] = [
'title'        => 'Apache',
'version'      => $apache_version_string,
'description'  => self::$locale['setup_0110'],
'severability' => -10
                        } else if (
$matches[3] < 16) {
$requirements['apache_version'] = [
'title'        => 'Apache',
'version'      => $apache_version_string,
'description'  => self::$locale['setup_0109'],
'severability' => -10
            } else {
$requirements['apache_version'] = [
'title'        => 'Apache',
'version'      => $apache_version_string,
'description'  => self::$locale['setup_0110'],
'severability' => -10

// Test PHP version and show link to phpinfo() if it's available
        // $requirements['php'] output
$phpversion = $phpversion_label = phpversion();
        if (
function_exists('phpinfo')) {
$requirements['php'] = [
'title' => self::$locale['setup_0051'],
'value' => $phpversion_label,
        } else {
$requirements['php'] = [
'title'        => self::$locale['setup_0051'],
'value'        => $phpversion_label,
'description'  => self::$locale['setup_0112'],
'severability' => -5
        if (
version_compare($phpversion, '7.0') < 0) {
$requirements['php']['title'] = 'PHP';
$requirements['php']['description'] = self::$locale['setup_0113'];
$requirements['php']['severability'] = -10;

// Suggest updating to at least 7 for disabling multiple statements.
        // $requirements['php_extensions'] output
$missing_extensions = [];
$required_extensions = [
        foreach (
$required_extensions as $extension) {
            if (!
extension_loaded($extension)) {
$missing_extensions[] = $extension;
        if (!empty(
$missing_extensions)) {
$requirements['php_extensions'] = [
'description'  => self::$locale['setup_0114'],
'value'        => implode(', ', $missing_extensions),
'severability' => -10,
        } else {
$requirements['php_extensions']['description'] = self::$locale['setup_0115'];

$requirements['php_extensions']['title'] = self::$locale['setup_0052'];

// Check to see if OPcache is installed.
        // $requirements['php_opcache']
$opcache_enabled = (function_exists('opcache_get_status') && opcache_get_status()['opcache_enabled']);
        if (!
$opcache_enabled) {
$requirements['php_opcache'] = [
'value'        => self::$locale['setup_0115a'],
'description'  => self::$locale['setup_0116'],
'severability' => -1,
        } else {
$requirements['php_opcache']['value'] = self::$locale['setup_0115'];
$requirements['php_opcache']['title'] = self::$locale['setup_0053'];

// Test for PDO (database). Making sure PDO is available
        // $requirements['database_extensions']
$database_ok = extension_loaded('pdo_mysql');
        if (!
$database_ok) {
$requirements['database_extensions'] = [
'value'        => self::$locale['setup_0115a'],
'description'  => self::$locale['setup_0118'],
'severability' => -1,
        } else {
$requirements['database_extensions']['value'] = self::$locale['setup_0115'];
$requirements['database_extensions']['title'] = self::$locale['setup_0054'];

// Test PHP memory_limit
        // $requirements['php_memory_limit']
$memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit');
$requirements['php_memory_limit'] = [
'title' => self::$locale['setup_0055'],
'value' => $memory_limit == -1 ? '-1 (Unlimited)' : $memory_limit,
$memory_limit_value = '';
        if (
strpos($memory_limit, 'M')) {
$memory_limit_value = intval(rtrim($memory_limit, 'M'));
        if (!
$memory_limit_value || $memory_limit_value < 64) {
$requirements['php_memory_limit'] = [
'description'  => self::$locale['setup_0119a'],
'severability' => -5,
            if (
php_ini_loaded_file() == get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path')) {
$requirements['php_memory_limit']['value'] = str_replace('[CFG_FILE_PATH]', get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path'), self::$locale['setup_0119b']);
            } else {
$requirements['php_memory_limit']['value'] = self::$locale['setup_0119c'];
$requirements['php_memory_limit']['severability'] = -5;

// Xdebug max nesting level.
        // $requirements['xdebug_max_nesting_level']
if (extension_loaded('xdebug')) {
// Setting this value to 256 was considered adequate on Xdebug 2.3
            // (see
$minimum_nesting_level = 256;
$current_nesting_level = ini_get('xdebug.max_nesting_level');
            if (
$current_nesting_level < $minimum_nesting_level) {
$requirements['xdebug_max_nesting_level'] = [
'title'       => self::$locale['setup_0130'],
'value'       => self::$locale['setup_0131'].' '.$current_nesting_level,
'description' => strtr(self::$locale['setup_0132'], [
'{%code%}' => "<code>xdebug.max_nesting_level=".$minimum_nesting_level."</code>"

// Check system core files and folders
        // $requirements['files_check']
$check_arr = [
$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']            => TRUE,
BASEDIR.'administration/db_backups/' => TRUE,
BASEDIR.'images/'                    => TRUE,
BASEDIR.'images/avatars/'            => TRUE,
BASEDIR.'images/smiley/'             => TRUE,
BASEDIR.'robots.txt'                 => TRUE
// $key is filename
        // $value - boolean false
$chmod = '';
        foreach (
$check_arr as $key => $value) {
// Override key values
$check_arr[$key] = (file_exists($key) && is_writable($key)) or (file_exists($key) && function_exists("chmod") && @chmod($key, 0777) || @chmod($key, 0755) && is_writable($key));
            if (!
$check_arr[$key]) {
$requirements['files_check']['sub'][$key] = self::$locale['setup_0136'];
$requirements['files_check']['severability'] = -10;
$chmod .= '<br/>'.$key.' - '.self::$locale['setup_0136'];
            } else {
$requirements['files_check']['sub'][$key] = self::$locale['setup_0137'];

$requirements['files_check']['title'] = self::$locale['setup_0056'];
$requirements['files_check']['description'] = self::$locale['setup_0134'];
        if (isset(
$requirements['files_check']['severability'])) {
$requirements['files_check']['description'] = self::$locale['setup_0135'].$chmod;


     * Validates the system for consistency
     * @return array
public static function getSystemValidation() {

$microtime = microtime(TRUE);
$system = self::$connection;

        if (!isset(
$system['db_prefix']) && empty($system['db_prefix']) && defined('DB_PREFIX')) {
$system['db_prefix'] = DB_PREFIX;

        if (!isset(
$system['cookie_prefix']) && empty($system['cookie_prefix']) && defined('COOKIE_PREFIX')) {
$system['cookie_prefix'] = COOKIE_PREFIX;

        if (!isset(
$system['secret_key']) && empty($system['secret_key']) && defined('SECRET_KEY')) {
$system['secret_key'] = SECRET_KEY;

        if (!isset(
$system['secret_key_salt']) && empty($system['secret_key_salt']) && defined('SECRET_KEY_SALT')) {
$system['secret_key_salt'] = SECRET_KEY_SALT;

$locale = self::$locale;

        if (!empty(
$system['db_host']) && !empty($system['db_user']) && !empty($system['db_name'])) {
$validation[1] = [
'result'      => 1,
'description' => self::$locale['setup_0144'],
'elapsed'     => microtime(TRUE) - $microtime

DatabaseFactory::setDefaultDriver(isset(self::$connection['db_driver']) && self::$connection['db_driver'] === 'pdo' ? DatabaseFactory::DRIVER_PDO_MYSQL : DatabaseFactory::DRIVER_MYSQLi);

// There will be a connection issue present.
$connection_info = dbconnect(self::$connection['db_host'], self::$connection['db_user'], self::$connection['db_pass'], self::$connection['db_name'], !empty(self::$connection['db_port']) ? self::$connection['db_port'] : 3306);
$db_connect = $connection_info['connection_success'];
$db_select = $connection_info['dbselection_success'];
            if (
$db_connect) {
$validation[2] = [
'result'      => 1,
'description' => self::$locale['setup_0138'],
'elapsed'     => microtime(TRUE) - $microtime
                if (
$db_select) {
$validation[3] = [
'result'      => 1,
'description' => self::$locale['setup_0139'],
'elapsed'     => microtime(TRUE) - $microtime
                    if (!
check_table($system['db_prefix'])) {
$validation[4] = [
'result'      => 1,
'description' => self::$locale['setup_0140'],
'elapsed'     => microtime(TRUE) - $microtime
                        if (
test_table($system['db_prefix'])) {
$validation[5] = [
'result'      => 1,
'description' => self::$locale['setup_0141'],
'elapsed'     => microtime(TRUE) - $microtime
                            if (
write_config($system)) {
$validation[6] = [
'result'      => 1,
'description' => self::$locale['setup_0142'],
'elapsed'     => microtime(TRUE) - $microtime
                            } else {
//Please ensure config.php is writable
$validation[6] = [
'result'      => 0,
'description' => $locale['setup_1307'],
'elapsed'     => microtime(TRUE) - $microtime
                        } else {
//"Please make sure your MySQL user has read, write and delete permission for the selected database.";
$validation[5] = [
'result'      => 1,
'description' => self::$locale['setup_1315'],
'elapsed'     => microtime(TRUE) - $microtime

                    } else {
//The specified table prefix is already in use and is running. No tables will be installed. Please start over or proceed to the next step
                         * We will not stop the installer and let it proceed with schema scans
$validation[4] = [
'result'      => 1,
'description' => self::$locale['setup_0143'],
'elapsed'     => microtime(TRUE) - $microtime

                } else {
//The specified MySQL database does not exist.
$validation[3] = [
'result'      => 0,
'description' => self::$locale['setup_1311'],
'elapsed'     => microtime(TRUE) - $microtime
            } else {
//Unable to connect with MySQL database.
$validation[2] = [
'result'      => 0,
'description' => self::$locale['setup_1310'],
'elapsed'     => microtime(TRUE) - $microtime
        } else {
//Please make sure you have filled out all the MySQL connection fields
$validation[1] = [
'result'      => 0,
'description' => self::$locale['setup_1317'],
'elapsed'     => microtime(TRUE) - $microtime



 * @param string $db_prefix
 * @return bool
function test_table($db_prefix) {

$table_name = uniqid($db_prefix, FALSE);

$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (test_field VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";

$result = dbquery($sql);
    if (!
$result) {
$result = dbquery("DROP TABLE ".$table_name);
    if (!
$result) {


 * @param string $db_prefix
 * @return int
function check_table($db_prefix) {
dbrows(dbquery("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".str_replace("_", "\_", $db_prefix)."%'"));

 * Write htaccess file based on the configuration
 * @param array $system
 * @return bool
function write_config(array $system = []) {
// Force underscores between prefix and cookie name
if (!empty($system['cookie_prefix'])) {
$cookie_prefix_last = $system['cookie_prefix'][strlen($system['cookie_prefix']) - 1];
        if (
$cookie_prefix_last != "_") {
$system['cookie_prefix'] = $system['cookie_prefix']."_";
    if (!empty(
$system['db_prefix'])) {
$cookie_prefix_last = $system['db_prefix'][strlen($system['db_prefix']) - 1];
        if (
$cookie_prefix_last != "_") {
$system['db_prefix'] = $system['db_prefix']."_";
$config = "<?php\n";
$config .= "// database settings\n";
$config .= "\$db_host = '".$system['db_host']."';\n";
    if (!empty(
$system['db_port']) && $system['db_port'] !== 3306) {
$config .= "\$db_port = '".$system['db_port']."';\n";
$config .= "\$db_user = '".$system['db_user']."';\n";
$config .= "\$db_pass = '".$system['db_pass']."';\n";
$config .= "\$db_name = '".$system['db_name']."';\n";
$config .= "\$db_prefix = '".$system['db_prefix']."';\n";
$config .= "\$db_driver = '".$system['db_driver']."';\n";
$config .= "define(\"DB_PREFIX\", \"".$system['db_prefix']."\");\n";
$config .= "define(\"COOKIE_PREFIX\", \"".$system['cookie_prefix']."\");\n";
$config .= "define(\"SECRET_KEY\", \"".$system['secret_key']."\");\n";
$config .= "define(\"SECRET_KEY_SALT\", \"".$system['secret_key_salt']."\");\n";
    if (
write_file(BASEDIR.'config_temp.php', $config)) {
