namespace XF\Http;
use function array_key_exists, count, floatval, in_array, intval, is_array, is_string, strlen, strval;
class Request
* @var \XF\InputFilterer
protected $filterer;
protected $input;
protected $files;
protected $cookie;
protected $server;
protected $skipLogKeys = ['_xfToken'];
protected $cookiePrefix = '';
public static $googleIps = [
'v4' => [
'v6' => [
public static $googleCloudIps = [
'v4' => [
'v6' => [
public static $cloudFlareIps = [
'v4' => [
'v6' => [
protected $remoteIp = null;
protected $robotName;
protected $fromSearch;
protected static $customMethodPhpInput = null;
public function __construct(\XF\InputFilterer $filterer,
array $input = null, array $files = null, array $cookie = null, array $server = null
$this->filterer = $filterer;
if ($input === null)
if (self::$customMethodPhpInput === null)
self::$customMethodPhpInput = $this->convertCustomMethodPhpInput();
$input = self::$customMethodPhpInput + $_POST + $_GET;
if ($files === null)
$files = $_FILES;
if ($cookie === null)
$cookie = $_COOKIE;
if ($server === null)
$server = $_SERVER;
$this->input = $input;
$this->files = $files;
$this->cookie = $cookie;
$this->server = $server;
protected function convertCustomMethodPhpInput()
if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])
&& in_array(strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']), ['PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])
&& !empty($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])
&& $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
$rawInput = @file_get_contents("php://input");
if ($rawInput)
parse_str($rawInput, $extra);
if (is_array($extra))
return $extra;
return [];
public function setCookiePrefix($prefix)
$this->cookiePrefix = $prefix;
public function getCookiePrefix()
return $this->cookiePrefix;
public function get($key, $fallback = false)
$subParts = explode('.', $key);
$key = array_shift($subParts);
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->input))
$value = $this->input[$key];
return $fallback;
return $this->getSubValue($value, $subParts, $fallback);
public function exists($key)
$subParts = explode('.', $key);
$key = array_shift($subParts);
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->input))
$value = $this->input[$key];
return false;
while ($subParts)
if (!is_array($value))
return false;
$key = array_shift($subParts);
if (array_key_exists($key, $value))
$value = $value[$key];
return false;
return true;
public function getUser($key, $fallback = false)
return $this->get($key, $fallback);
protected function getSubValue($value, array $subParts, $fallback)
while ($subParts)
if (!is_array($value))
return $fallback;
$key = array_shift($subParts);
if (array_key_exists($key, $value))
$value = $value[$key];
return $fallback;
return $value;
public function filter($key, $type = null, $default = null)
if (is_array($key) && $type === null)
$output = [];
foreach ($key AS $name => $value)
if (is_array($value))
$array = $this->get($name);
if (!is_array($array))
$array = [];
$output[$name] = $this->filterer->filterArray($array, $value);
$output[$name] = $this->filter($name, $value);
return $output;
$value = $this->get($key, $default);
if (is_string($type) && $type[0] == '?')
if ($value === null)
return null;
$type = substr($type, 1);
if (is_array($type))
if (!is_array($value))
$value = [];
return $this->filterer->filterArray($value, $type);
return $this->filterer->filter($value, $type);
* @param $key string Input key to set - either 'keyName' or 'arrayName.subArrayName.keyName' etc.
* @param $value
public function set($key, $value)
$parts = explode('.', $key);
$var =& $this->input;
while ($part = array_shift($parts))
$var =& $var[$part];
$var = $value;
public function getInput()
return $this->input;
public function getInputForLogs()
return $this->filterForLog($this->input);
public function filterForLog(array $data)
$skip = array_fill_keys($this->skipLogKeys, true);
$filter = function(array $d) use ($skip, &$filter)
$output = [];
foreach ($d AS $k => $v)
if (isset($skip[$k]) || strpos($k, 'password') !== false)
$output[$k] = '********';
else if (is_array($v))
$output[$k] = $filter($v);
$output[$k] = $v;
return $output;
return $filter($data);
public function skipKeyForLogging($key)
$this->skipLogKeys[] = $key;
public function fileExists($key)
return isset($this->files[$key]['name']);
* @param string $key
* @param bool $multiple If true, returns an array of uploads for this key
* @param bool $skipErrors If true, uploads with errors will not be returned
* @return Upload|Upload[]
public function getFile($key, $multiple = false, $skipErrors = true)
if (!$this->fileExists($key))
return ($multiple ? [] : null);
if (is_array($this->files[$key]['name']))
// multiple uploads
$files = [];
foreach (array_keys($this->files[$key]['name']) AS $idx)
$files[$idx] = [
'name' => $this->files[$key]['name'][$idx],
'type' => $this->files[$key]['type'][$idx],
'size' => $this->files[$key]['size'][$idx],
'tmp_name' => $this->files[$key]['tmp_name'][$idx],
'error' => $this->files[$key]['error'][$idx],
// single upload
$files = [$this->files[$key]];
$output = [];
$imageI = 1;
$imageBase = 'img-' . gmdate('Y-m-d-H-i-s') . '-';
foreach ($files AS $idx => $file)
if ($file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE || ($skipErrors && $file['error']))
// didn't upload a file or has errors - just ignore
// this handles files uploaded via JS that don't have a proper filename
if ($file['name'] == 'blob' && preg_match('#^image/(pjpeg|jpeg|gif|png)$#', $file['type'], $match))
switch ($match[1])
case 'jpeg':
case 'pjpeg':
$type = 'jpg';
$type = $match[1];
$file['name'] = $imageBase . $imageI . '.' . $type;
$class = \XF::extendClass('XF\Http\Upload');
$output[$idx] = new $class($file['tmp_name'], $file['name'], $file['error']);
if ($multiple)
return $output;
return reset($output);
public function getCookie($key, $fallback = false)
$cookie = $this->getCookieRaw($this->cookiePrefix . $key, $fallback);
if (is_array($cookie) && !is_array($fallback))
$cookie = $fallback;
return $cookie;
public function getCookieArray($key, array $fallback = [])
$cookie = $this->getCookieRaw($this->cookiePrefix . $key, $fallback);
if (!is_array($cookie))
$cookie = $fallback;
return $cookie;
public function getCookies($prefixFiltered = true)
if (!$prefixFiltered)
return $this->cookie;
$output = [];
$prefixLength = strlen($this->cookiePrefix);
foreach ($this->cookie AS $cookie => $value)
if (substr($cookie, 0, $prefixLength) == $this->cookiePrefix)
$cookie = substr($cookie, $prefixLength);
if (is_string($cookie) && strlen($cookie))
$output[$cookie] = $value;
return $output;
public function getCookieRaw($key, $fallback = false)
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->cookie))
return $this->cookie[$key];
return $fallback;
public function getInputRaw($fallback = '')
$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
return ($input ?: $fallback);
public function getIp($allowProxied = false)
if ($allowProxied && $ip = $this->getServer('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'))
list($ip) = explode(',', $ip);
return $this->getFilteredIp($ip);
else if ($allowProxied && $ip = $this->getServer('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'))
list($ip) = explode(',', $ip);
return $this->getFilteredIp($ip);
if ($this->remoteIp === null)
$ip = $this->getTrustedRealIp($this->getServer('REMOTE_ADDR'));
$this->remoteIp = $this->getFilteredIp($ip);
return $this->remoteIp;
public function getAllIps()
$proxied = $this->getIp(true);
$unproxied = $this->getIp(false);
if ($proxied === $unproxied)
return $unproxied;
$ips = preg_split('/,\s*/', $proxied);
$ips[] = $unproxied;
return array_unique($ips);
protected function getTrustedRealIp($ip)
$via = $this->getServer('HTTP_VIA');
if ($via && strpos(strtolower($via), 'chrome-compression-proxy'))
// may have Google Data Saver enabled
$realIps = $this->getServer('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
if ($realIps)
$realIps = explode(',', $realIps);
$realIp = end($realIps);
$realIp = trim($realIp);
if ($this->ipMatchesRanges($ip, self::$googleIps))
if (!$this->ipMatchesRanges($ip, self::$googleCloudIps))
// if the IP comes from a known Google IP, but NOT listed as a known Google Cloud IP
// then we can trust that they put the client IP in X-Forwarded-For
// (They should have appended it to the end.)
return $realIp;
$cfIp = $this->getServer('HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP');
if ($cfIp && $cfIp !== $ip)
if ($this->ipMatchesRanges($ip, self::$cloudFlareIps))
// connection from known CloudFlare IP, real IP in their header
return $cfIp;
return $ip;
protected function ipMatchesRanges($ip, array $ranges)
$ip = \XF\Util\Ip::convertIpStringToBinary($ip);
if ($ip === false)
return false;
$type = strlen($ip) == 4 ? 'v4' : 'v6';
if (empty($ranges[$type]))
return false;
foreach ($ranges[$type] AS $range)
if (is_string($range))
$range = explode('/', $range);
$rangeIp = \XF\Util\Ip::convertIpStringToBinary($range[0]);
$cidr = intval($range[1]);
if (\XF\Util\Ip::ipMatchesCidrRange($ip, $rangeIp, $cidr))
return true;
return false;
protected function getFilteredIp($ip)
$ip = trim($ip);
if (preg_match('#:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$#', $ip, $match))
// embedded IPv4
$long = ip2long($match[1]);
if (!$long)
return $ip;
return $match[1];
return $ip;
public function getUserAgent()
return $this->getServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT');
public function getBrowser(): array
$ua = strtolower($this->getUserAgent());
$match = [];
$browser = [];
preg_match('/trident\/.*rv:([0-9.]+)/', $ua, $match);
if ($match)
$browser = [
'browser' => 'msie',
'version' => floatval($match[1])
if (
!preg_match('/(msie)[ \/]([0-9\.]+)/', $ua, $match) &&
!preg_match('/(edge)[ \/]([0-9\.]+)/', $ua, $match) &&
!preg_match('/(chrome)[ \/]([0-9\.]+)/', $ua, $match) &&
!preg_match('/(webkit)[ \/]([0-9\.]+)/', $ua, $match) &&
!preg_match('/(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([0-9\.]+)/', $ua, $match) &&
strpos($ua, 'compatible') === false &&
preg_match('/(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([0-9\.]+)|)/', $ua, $match)
$match = [];
if ($match && $match[1] == 'webkit' && strpos($ua, 'safari') !== false)
preg_match('/version[ \/]([0-9\.]+)/', $ua, $safariMatch);
if ($safariMatch)
$match = [$match[0], 'safari', $safariMatch[1]];
$browser = [
'browser' => $match[1] ?? '',
'version' => isset($match[2]) ? floatval($match[2]) : 0.0
$os = '';
$osVersion = null;
$osMatch = [];
if (preg_match('/(ipad|iphone|ipod)/', $ua))
$os = 'ios';
preg_match('/os ([0-9_]+)/', $ua, $osMatch);
if ($osMatch)
$osVersion = floatval(str_replace('_', '.', $osMatch[1]));
else if (preg_match('/android[ \/]([0-9\.]+)/', $ua, $osMatch))
$os = 'android';
$osVersion = floatval($osMatch[1]);
else if (preg_match('/windows /', $ua))
$os = 'windows';
else if (preg_match('/linux/', $ua))
$os = 'linux';
else if (preg_match('/mac os/', $ua))
$os = 'mac';
$browser['os'] = $os;
$browser['osVersion'] = $osVersion;
return $browser;
public function getRobotName()
if ($this->robotName === null)
$userAgent = $this->getUserAgent();
if ($userAgent)
$this->robotName = \XF::app()->data('XF:Robot')->userAgentMatchesRobot($userAgent);
$this->robotName = '';
return $this->robotName;
* @return string
public function getFromSearch()
if ($this->fromSearch === null)
return $this->fromSearch;
public function populateFromSearch(Response $persistResponse = null)
$fromSearch = $this->getCookie('from_search');
if (!is_string($fromSearch))
$referrer = $this->getReferrer();
if ($referrer)
$fromSearch = \XF::app()->data('XF:Search')->urlMatchesSearchDomain($referrer);
if ($persistResponse && $fromSearch)
$persistResponse->setCookie('from_search', $fromSearch, 0, null, false);
$fromSearch = '';
$this->fromSearch = $fromSearch;
return $this->fromSearch;
public function getReferrer()
$referrer = $this->getServer('HTTP_REFERER');
if ($referrer && strpos($referrer, 'service_worker.js') !== false)
// Safari might put the service worker in as the referrer, which is
// never correct
$referrer = false;
return $referrer;
public function getServer($key, $fallback = false)
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->server))
return $this->server[$key];
return $fallback;
public function getRequestMethod()
return strtolower($this->getServer('REQUEST_METHOD'));
public function getApiKey()
return trim($this->getServer('HTTP_XF_API_KEY', ''));
public function getApiUser()
return intval($this->getServer('HTTP_XF_API_USER', 0));
public function isGet()
return ($this->getRequestMethod() === 'get');
public function isHead()
return ($this->getRequestMethod() === 'head');
public function isPost()
return ($this->getRequestMethod() === 'post');
public function isXhr()
return ($this->getServer('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH') === 'XMLHttpRequest');
public function isSecure()
return (
$this->getServer('REQUEST_SCHEME') === 'https'
|| $this->getServer('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO') === 'https'
|| $this->getServer('HTTPS') === 'on'
|| $this->getServer('SERVER_PORT') == 443
public function isPrefetch()
return (
$this->getServer('HTTP_X_MOZ') === 'prefetch'
|| $this->getServer('HTTP_X_PURPOSE') === 'prefetch'
|| $this->getServer('HTTP_PURPOSE') === 'prefetch'
* Returns true if the host name (either provided or the current one) is a
* locally/loopback served page. Note that this should not be used in security-related
* constructs as it may rely on an unverified, user-provided value.
* This function's primary use is in conjunction with isSecure() checks, to allow access
* to certain client functionality that usually requires a secure connection but is allowed
* on local/loopback addresses.
* @param string|null $host Current host if not specified
* @return bool
public function isHostLocal($host = null)
if ($host === null)
$host = $this->getHost();
return (
$host == 'localhost'
|| $host == '[::1]'
|| substr($host, -10) === '.localhost'
|| preg_match('#^127\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$#', $host)
public function getProtocol()
return $this->isSecure() ? 'https' : 'http';
public function getBaseUrl()
$baseUrl = $this->getServer('SCRIPT_NAME', '');
$basePath = dirname($baseUrl);
if (strlen($basePath) <= 1)
// Looks to be at the root, so trust that.
return $baseUrl;
$requestUri = $this->getRequestUri();
if (!strlen($requestUri))
// no request URI, probably not a normal HTTP request - just return the root
return '/';
if (strpos($requestUri, $basePath) === 0)
// We're not at the root but we match the first part of the request URI, so trust that.
return $baseUrl;
// Otherwise, the SCRIPT_NAME is wrong and likely has extra stuff prepended. See if we can find the request
// URI in the base URL. If so, ignore what comes before it.
$qsPos = strpos($requestUri, '?');
if ($qsPos !== false)
$requestUriNoQs = substr($requestUri, 0, $qsPos);
$requestUriNoQs = $requestUri;
$requestPos = strpos($baseUrl, $requestUriNoQs);
if ($requestPos)
$realBaseUrl = substr($baseUrl, $requestPos);
if ($realBaseUrl)
return $realBaseUrl;
return $baseUrl;
public function getBasePath()
$baseUrl = $this->getBaseUrl();
if (is_string($baseUrl) && strlen($baseUrl))
$lastSlash = strrpos($baseUrl, '/');
if ($lastSlash) // intentionally skipping for false and 0
return substr($baseUrl, 0, $lastSlash);
return '/';
public function getFullBasePath()
return $this->getHostUrl() . $this->getBasePath();
public function getXfRootPath()
$basePath = $this->getBasePath();
$scriptPath = $this->getServer('SCRIPT_FILENAME', '');
if (!$scriptPath)
return $basePath;
$trailingPath = \XF\Util\File::stripRootPathPrefix($scriptPath);
if (!$trailingPath)
// stripping the root path failed, so we know the trailing path isn't correct
return $basePath;
$trailingPath = dirname($trailingPath);
if (\XF::$DS !== '/')
$trailingPath = str_replace(\XF::$DS, '/', $trailingPath);
if (!$trailingPath || $trailingPath === '/')
// the script we're running is in the XF root, just use the base path
return $basePath;
else if (substr($basePath, -strlen($trailingPath)) === $trailingPath)
$rootPath = substr($basePath, 0, -strlen($trailingPath));
if ($rootPath)
$rootPath = rtrim($rootPath, '/');
return $rootPath ?: '/';
return $basePath;
public function getFullXfRootPath()
return $this->getHostUrl() . $this->getXfRootPath();
public function getExtendedUrl($requestUri = null)
$baseUrl = $this->getBaseUrl();
$basePath = $this->getBasePath();
if ($requestUri === null)
$requestUri = $this->getRequestUri();
if (strpos($requestUri, $baseUrl) === 0)
return strval(substr($requestUri, strlen($baseUrl)));
else if (strpos($requestUri, $basePath) === 0)
return strval(substr($requestUri, strlen($basePath)));
return $requestUri;
public function getRequestUri()
if ($this->getServer('IIS_WasUrlRewritten') === '1')
$unencodedUrl = $this->getServer('UNENCODED_URL', '');
if ($unencodedUrl !== '')
return $unencodedUrl;
return $this->getServer('REQUEST_URI', '');
public function getFullRequestUri()
return $this->getHostUrl() . $this->getRequestUri();
public function getHost()
$host = $this->getServer('HTTP_HOST');
if (!$host)
$host = $this->getServer('SERVER_NAME');
$port = intval($this->getServer('SERVER_PORT'));
if ($port && $port != 80 && $port != 443)
$host .= ":$port";
return $host;
public function getHostUrl()
return $this->getProtocol() . '://' . $this->getHost();
* @return string
public function getRoutePath()
$xfRoute = $this->filter('_xfRoute', 'str');
if ($xfRoute)
return $xfRoute;
$routePath = ltrim($this->getExtendedUrl(), '/');
return $this->getRoutePathInternal($routePath);
public function getRoutePathFromExtended($extended)
$routePath = ltrim($extended, '/');
return $this->getRoutePathInternal($routePath);
public function getRoutePathFromUrl($url, bool $stripScript = false)
$url = $this->convertToAbsoluteUri($url);
$url = str_replace($this->getHostUrl(), '', $url);
if ($stripScript)
$url = preg_replace('#^/.*[a-z0-9-_]+\.php\?#i', '?', $url);
$routePath = ltrim($this->getExtendedUrl($url), '/');
return $this->getRoutePathInternal($routePath);
protected function getRoutePathInternal($routePath)
if (strlen($routePath) == 0)
return '';
if ($routePath[0] == '?')
$routePath = substr($routePath, 1);
$nextArg = strpos($routePath, '&');
if ($nextArg !== false)
$routePath = substr($routePath, 0, $nextArg);
if (strpos($routePath, '=') !== false)
return ''; // first bit has a "=" so it's named
$queryStart = strpos($routePath, '?');
if ($queryStart !== false)
$routePath = substr($routePath, 0, $queryStart);
return strval($routePath);
public function parseAcceptHeaderValue($headerValue)
$headerValue = trim($headerValue);
if (!$headerValue)
return [];
$accept = [];
foreach (explode(',', $headerValue) AS $acceptPart)
$acceptPart = trim($acceptPart);
if (!strlen($acceptPart))
$segments = explode(';', $acceptPart);
$type = trim($segments[0]);
if (!strlen($type))
$options = [];
foreach ($segments AS $segment)
$option = explode('=', $segment, 2);
if (isset($option[1]))
$options[trim($option[0])] = trim($option[1]);
$options[trim($option[0])] = true;
if (isset($options['q']))
$q = floatval($options['q']);
$q = max(0, min(1, $q));
$q = 1;
$accept[] = [
'type' => $type,
'q' => $q,
'options' => $options
usort($accept, function($a, $b)
if ($a['q'] > $b['q'])
return -1;
else if ($a['q'] < $b['q'])
return 1;
$aTypeParts = explode('/', $a['type'], 2);
if (isset($aTypeParts[1]))
$aType = $aTypeParts[0];
$aSubType = $aTypeParts[1];
$aType = $a['type'];
$aSubType = null;
$bTypeParts = explode('/', $b['type'], 2);
if (isset($bTypeParts[1]))
$bType = $bTypeParts[0];
$bSubType = $bTypeParts[1];
$bType = $b['type'];
$bSubType = null;
if ($aType !== '*' && $bType === '*')
return -1;
else if ($aType === '*' && $bType !== '*')
return 1;
else if ($aType !== $bType)
// main types are different, so no comparison can be done
return 0;
// main types are now known to be the same
if ($aSubType !== null && $bSubType === null)
return -1;
else if ($aSubType === null && $bSubType !== null)
return 1;
if ($aSubType !== '*' && $bSubType === '*')
return -1;
else if ($aSubType === '*' && $bSubType !== '*')
return 1;
// sub-types may be different but have equal precedence
$aOptionCount = count($a['options']);
$bOptionCount = count($b['options']);
if ($aOptionCount > $bOptionCount)
return -1;
else if ($aOptionCount < $bOptionCount)
return 1;
// nothing else we can check, they're tied
return 0;
return $accept;
public function isEmbeddedImageRequest(): bool
$accept = $this->parseAcceptHeaderValue($this->getServer('HTTP_ACCEPT'));
if (!$accept)
return false;
$haveImageMatch = false;
foreach ($accept AS $acceptType)
$mimeType = strtolower($acceptType['type']);
switch (strtolower($mimeType))
case 'text/html':
case 'application/xhtml+xml':
// we're explicitly asking for HTML, so don't consider as an image request
return false;
if ($mimeType === '*/*')
// general match, don't count as this is almost always present
if (substr($mimeType, 0, 6) !== 'image/')
// we are accepting something that isn't an image, so don't consider this as an image request
return false;
$haveImageMatch = true;
return $haveImageMatch;
public function convertToAbsoluteUri($uri, $fullBasePath = null)
if (!$fullBasePath)
$fullBasePath = $this->getFullBasePath();
return \XF::convertToAbsoluteUrl($uri, $fullBasePath);
public function getInputFilterer()
return $this->filterer;
public function getNewArrayFilterer(array $input = [])
return $this->filterer->getNewArrayFilterer($input);