namespace XF\Repository;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Finder;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Repository;
use function intval, is_array;
class Reaction extends Repository
* @return Finder
public function findReactionsForList($activeOnly = false)
$finder = $this->finder('XF:Reaction')
if ($activeOnly)
$finder->where('active', 1);
return $finder;
public function getReactionScores()
return [
1 => \XF::phrase('reaction_score.positive'),
0 => \XF::phrase('reaction_score.neutral'),
-1 => \XF::phrase('reaction_score.negative')
* @param string $contentType
* @param int $contentId
* @param int $userId
* @return \XF\Entity\ReactionContent|null
public function getReactionByContentAndReactionUser($contentType, $contentId, $userId)
return $this->finder('XF:ReactionContent')->where([
'content_type' => $contentType,
'content_id' => $contentId,
'reaction_user_id' => $userId
* @param string $contentType
* @param int $contentId
* @return Finder
public function findContentReactions($contentType, $contentId, $reactionId = null)
$finder = $this->finder('XF:ReactionContent')
], true)
'content_type' => $contentType,
'content_id' => $contentId,
'Reaction.active' => true
->setDefaultOrder('reaction_date', 'DESC');
if ($reactionId)
$finder->where('reaction_id', $reactionId);
return $finder;
* @param $reactionUserId
* @return Finder
public function findReactionsByReactionUserId($reactionUserId)
if ($reactionUserId instanceof \XF\Entity\User)
$reactionUserId = $reactionUserId->user_id;
return $this->finder('XF:ReactionContent')
->where('reaction_user_id', $reactionUserId)
public function getContentTabSummary($contentType, $contentId)
$reactionHandler = $this->getReactionHandler($contentType, true);
$entity = $reactionHandler->getContent($contentId);
if (!$entity)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No entity found for '$contentType' with ID $contentId");
$countsField = $reactionHandler->getCountsFieldName();
$counts = $entity->$countsField;
$counts = [0 => array_sum($counts)] + $counts;
return $counts;
public function reactToContent($reactionId, $contentType, $contentId, \XF\Entity\User $reactUser, $publish = true, $isLike = false)
$insert = false;
$existingReaction = $this->getReactionByContentAndReactionUser($contentType, $contentId, $reactUser->user_id);
if ($existingReaction && $existingReaction->reaction_id == $reactionId)
$existingReaction->setOption('is_like_only', $isLike);
return null;
else if ($existingReaction && $existingReaction->reaction_id != $reactionId)
$existingReaction->setOption('is_like_only', $isLike);
$insert = true;
else if (!$existingReaction)
$insert = true;
if ($insert)
$reaction = $this->insertReaction(
$reactionId, $contentType, $contentId, $reactUser, $publish, $isLike
return $reaction;
catch (\XF\Db\DuplicateKeyException $e)
// race condition so we should just re-look up the reaction and return that
return $this->getReactionByContentAndReactionUser($contentType, $contentId, $reactUser->user_id);
return null;
public function insertReaction($reactionId, $contentType, $contentId, \XF\Entity\User $reactUser, $publish = true, $isLike = false)
if (!$reactUser->user_id)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Guests cannot react to content");
$reactionHandler = $this->getReactionHandler($contentType, true, $isLike);
$entity = $reactionHandler->getContent($contentId);
if (!$entity)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No entity found for '$contentType' with ID $contentId");
/** @var \XF\Entity\ReactionContent $reaction */
$reaction = $this->em->create('XF:ReactionContent');
$reaction->setOption('is_like_only', $isLike);
$reaction->reaction_id = $reactionId;
$reaction->content_type = $contentType;
$reaction->content_id = $contentId;
$reaction->reaction_user_id = $reactUser->user_id;
$reaction->content_user_id = $reactionHandler->getContentUserId($entity);
if ($isLike)
$reaction->is_counted = $reactionHandler->likesCounted($entity);
$reaction->is_counted = $reactionHandler->reactionsCounted($entity);
if ($publish)
if ($reaction->Owner && $reaction->ReactionUser)
if ($isLike)
$reactionHandler->sendLikeAlert($reaction->Owner, $reaction->ReactionUser, $contentId, $entity);
$reactionHandler->sendReactionAlert($reaction->Owner, $reaction->ReactionUser, $contentId, $entity, $reactionId);
if ($reaction->ReactionUser)
if ($isLike)
$reactionHandler->publishLikeNewsFeed($reaction->ReactionUser, $contentId, $entity);
$reactionHandler->publishReactionNewsFeed($reaction->ReactionUser, $contentId, $entity, $reactionId);
return $reaction;
public function rebuildContentReactionCache($contentType, $contentId, $isLike = false, $throw = true)
$reactionHandler = $this->getReactionHandler($contentType, $throw, $isLike);
if (!$reactionHandler)
if ($throw)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No reaction handler found for '$contentType'");
return false;
$entity = $reactionHandler->getContent($contentId);
if (!$entity)
if ($throw)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No entity found for '$contentType' with ID $contentId");
return false;
$counts = $this->db()->fetchPairs("
SELECT reacted.reaction_id, COUNT(*) AS counts
FROM xf_reaction_content AS reacted
INNER JOIN xf_reaction AS reaction ON (reacted.reaction_id = reaction.reaction_id)
WHERE content_type = ? AND content_id = ? AND reaction.active = 1
GROUP BY reaction_id
", [$contentType, $contentId]);
if ($counts)
$latest = $this->db()->fetchAll("
SELECT user.user_id, user.username, reacted.reaction_id
FROM xf_reaction_content AS reacted
INNER JOIN xf_user AS user ON (reacted.reaction_user_id = user.user_id)
INNER JOIN xf_reaction AS reaction ON (reacted.reaction_id = reaction.reaction_id)
WHERE reacted.content_type = ? AND reacted.content_id = ? AND reaction.active = 1
ORDER BY reacted.reaction_date DESC
", [$contentType, $contentId]);
$latest = [];
if ($isLike)
$reactionHandler->updateContentLikes($entity, $counts, $latest);
$reactionHandler->updateContentReactions($entity, $counts, $latest);
return true;
* @return \XF\Reaction\AbstractHandler[]
public function getReactionHandlers($isLike = false)
$handlers = [];
$field = $isLike ? 'like_handler_class' : 'reaction_handler_class';
foreach (\XF::app()->getContentTypeField($field) AS $contentType => $handlerClass)
if (class_exists($handlerClass))
$handlerClass = \XF::extendClass($handlerClass);
$handlers[$contentType] = new $handlerClass($contentType);
return $handlers;
* @param string $type
* @param bool $throw
* @return \XF\Reaction\AbstractHandler|\XF\Like\AbstractHandler|null
public function getReactionHandler($type, $throw = false, $isLike = false)
$field = $isLike ? 'like_handler_class' : 'reaction_handler_class';
$handlerClass = \XF::app()->getContentTypeFieldValue($type, $field);
if (!$handlerClass)
if ($throw)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No reaction handler for '$type'");
return null;
if (!class_exists($handlerClass))
if ($throw)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Reaction handler for '$type' does not exist: $handlerClass");
return null;
$handlerClass = \XF::extendClass($handlerClass);
return new $handlerClass($type);
* @param \XF\Entity\ReactionContent[] $reactions
public function addContentToReactions($reactions, $isLike = false)
$contentMap = [];
foreach ($reactions AS $key => $reaction)
$contentType = $reaction->content_type;
if (!isset($contentMap[$contentType]))
$contentMap[$contentType] = [];
$contentMap[$contentType][$key] = $reaction->content_id;
foreach ($contentMap AS $contentType => $contentIds)
$handler = $this->getReactionHandler($contentType, false, $isLike);
if (!$handler)
$data = $handler->getContent($contentIds);
foreach ($contentIds AS $reactionContentId => $contentId)
$content = $data[$contentId] ?? null;
public function recalculateReactionIsCounted($contentType, $contentIds, $updateReactionScore = true, $isLike = false)
$reactionHandler = $this->getReactionHandler($contentType, true, $isLike);
if (!is_array($contentIds))
$contentIds = [$contentIds];
if (!$contentIds)
$entities = $reactionHandler->getContent($contentIds);
$enableIds = [];
$disableIds = [];
foreach ($entities AS $id => $entity)
if ($isLike)
$isCounted = $reactionHandler->likesCounted($entity);
$isCounted = $reactionHandler->reactionsCounted($entity);
if ($isCounted)
$enableIds[] = $id;
$disableIds[] = $id;
if ($enableIds)
$this->fastUpdateReactionIsCounted($contentType, $enableIds, true, $updateReactionScore);
if ($disableIds)
$this->fastUpdateReactionIsCounted($contentType, $disableIds, false, $updateReactionScore);
public function fastUpdateReactionIsCounted($contentType, $contentIds, $newValue, $updateReactionScore = true)
if (!is_array($contentIds))
$contentIds = [$contentIds];
if (!$contentIds)
$newDbValue = $newValue ? 1 : 0;
$oldDbValue = $newValue ? 0 : 1;
$db = $this->db();
if ($updateReactionScore)
$updates = $db->fetchAll("
SELECT reaction_user_id, content_user_id, content_id
FROM xf_reaction_content
WHERE content_type = ?
AND content_id IN (" . $db->quote($contentIds) . ")
AND is_counted = ?
", [$contentType, $oldDbValue]);
if ($updates)
['is_counted' => $newDbValue],
'content_type = ?
AND content_id IN (' . $db->quote($contentIds) . ')
AND is_counted = ?',
[$contentType, $oldDbValue]
$tally = [];
foreach ($updates AS $update)
if (!$update['content_user_id'])
$existingReaction = $this->getReactionByContentAndReactionUser($contentType, $update['content_id'], $update['reaction_user_id']);
if (!empty($existingReaction->Reaction->reaction_score))
$tally[$update['content_user_id']] = isset($tally[$update['content_user_id']]) ? $tally[$update['content_user_id']] + $existingReaction->Reaction->reaction_score : $existingReaction->Reaction->reaction_score;
$operator = $newDbValue ? '+' : '-';
foreach ($tally AS $userId => $totalChange)
UPDATE xf_user
SET reaction_score = reaction_score {$operator} ?
WHERE user_id = ?
", [$totalChange, $userId]);
['is_counted' => $newDbValue],
'content_type = ?
AND content_id IN (' . $db->quote($contentIds) . ')
AND is_counted = ?',
[$contentType, $oldDbValue]
public function fastDeleteReactions($contentType, $contentIds, $updateReactionCount = true)
if (!is_array($contentIds))
$contentIds = [$contentIds];
if (!$contentIds)
$db = $this->db();
if ($updateReactionCount)
$updates = $db->fetchAll("
SELECT reaction_user_id, content_user_id, content_id
FROM xf_reaction_content
WHERE content_type = ?
AND content_id IN (" . $db->quote($contentIds) . ")
AND is_counted = 1
", $contentType);
$updates = [];
if ($updates)
$tally = [];
foreach ($updates AS $update)
if (!$update['content_user_id'])
$existingReaction = $this->getReactionByContentAndReactionUser($contentType, $update['content_id'], $update['reaction_user_id']);
if (!empty($existingReaction->Reaction->reaction_score))
$tally[$update['content_user_id']] = isset($tally[$update['content_user_id']]) ? $tally[$update['content_user_id']] + $existingReaction->Reaction->reaction_score : $existingReaction->Reaction->reaction_score;
foreach ($tally AS $userId => $totalChange)
UPDATE xf_user
SET reaction_score = reaction_score - ?
WHERE user_id = ?
", [$totalChange, $userId]);
'content_type = ? AND content_id IN (' . $db->quote($contentIds) . ')',
public function getUserReactionScore($userId)
if ($userId instanceof \XF\Entity\User)
$userId = $userId->user_id;
return $this->getUserReactionScoreSince($userId);
public function getUserReactionScoreSince($userId, $date = 0)
if ($userId instanceof \XF\Entity\User)
$userId = $userId->user_id;
return intval($this->db()->fetchOne("
SELECT SUM(reaction.reaction_score)
FROM xf_reaction_content AS content
INNER JOIN xf_reaction AS reaction ON
(content.reaction_id = reaction.reaction_id)
WHERE content.content_user_id = ?
AND content.is_counted = 1
AND content.reaction_date > ?
", [$userId, $date]));
* @param $userId
* @return Finder
public function findUserReactions($userId)
if ($userId instanceof \XF\Entity\User)
$userId = $userId->user_id;
$finder = $this->finder('XF:ReactionContent')
->where('content_user_id', $userId)
->where('is_counted', 1)
->setDefaultOrder('reaction_date', 'DESC');
return $finder;
public function getUserReactionsTabSummary($userId)
if ($userId instanceof \XF\Entity\User)
$userId = $userId->user_id;
$activeReactionIds = [];
foreach ($this->app()->get('reactions') AS $reactionId => $reaction)
if (!empty($reaction['active']))
$activeReactionIds[] = $reactionId;
if (!$activeReactionIds)
return [];
$db = $this->db();
$result = $db->fetchPairs('
SELECT content.reaction_id, COUNT(*)
FROM xf_reaction_content AS content
WHERE content.content_user_id = ?
AND content.is_counted = 1
AND content.reaction_id IN (' . $db->quote($activeReactionIds) . ')
GROUP BY content.reaction_id
', $userId);
$sorted = [];
foreach ($activeReactionIds AS $reactionId)
if (isset($result[$reactionId]))
$sorted[$reactionId] = $result[$reactionId];
return $sorted;
public function getReactionCacheData()
$reactions = $this->finder('XF:Reaction')
->order(['display_order', 'reaction_id'])
$cache = [];
foreach ($reactions AS $reactionId => $reaction)
$reaction = $reaction->toArray();
$cache[$reactionId] = $reaction;
if (!$reaction['sprite_mode'] || !$reaction['sprite_params'])
unset($cache[$reactionId]['sprite_mode'], $cache[$reactionId]['reaction_text']);
return $cache;
public function rebuildReactionCache()
$cache = $this->getReactionCacheData();
\XF::registry()->set('reactions', $cache);
return $cache;
public function getReactionSpriteCacheData()
$reactions = $this->finder('XF:Reaction')
->order(['display_order', 'reaction_id'])
$cache = [];
$defaultReactionHeight = 32;
foreach ($reactions AS $reactionId => $reaction)
if ($reaction->sprite_mode && !empty($reaction->sprite_params))
$w = (int)$reaction->sprite_params['w'];
$h = (int)$reaction->sprite_params['h'];
$x = (int)$reaction->sprite_params['x'];
$y = (int)$reaction->sprite_params['y'];
$imageUrlHtml = htmlspecialchars($reaction->image_url);
// Out of the box reactions display at 32x32 for the max size. We then generally assume
// small and medium are 16x16 and 21x21, so we need to ensure that we always scale other
// reaction sizes to that.
$adjustScalingFactor = $defaultReactionHeight / $h;
$cache[$reactionId]['sprite_css'] = sprintf(
'width: %1$dpx; height: %2$dpx; background: url(\'%3$s\') no-repeat %4$dpx %5$dpx;',
$cache[$reactionId]['small_sprite_css'] = sprintf(
'width: %1$dpx; height: %2$dpx; background: url(\'%3$s\') no-repeat %4$dpx %5$dpx;',
($w / 2) * $adjustScalingFactor,
($h / 2) * $adjustScalingFactor,
($x / 2) * $adjustScalingFactor,
($y / 2) * $adjustScalingFactor
$cache[$reactionId]['medium_sprite_css'] = sprintf(
'width: %1$dpx; height: %2$dpx; background: url(\'%3$s\') no-repeat %4$dpx %5$dpx;',
($w * .65625) * $adjustScalingFactor,
($h * .65625) * $adjustScalingFactor,
($x * .65625) * $adjustScalingFactor,
($y * .65625) * $adjustScalingFactor
if (!empty($reaction->sprite_params['bs']))
$bs = ' background-size: ' . htmlspecialchars($reaction->sprite_params['bs']);;
$cache[$reactionId]['sprite_css'] .= $bs;
$cache[$reactionId]['small_sprite_css'] .= $bs;
$cache[$reactionId]['medium_sprite_css'] .= $bs;
return $cache;
public function rebuildReactionSpriteCache()
$cache = $this->getReactionSpriteCacheData();
\XF::registry()->set('reactionSprites', $cache);
return $cache;