* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (https://cakephp.org)
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
* @link https://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
* @since 3.0.0
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
namespace Cake\ORM;
use ArrayObject;
use Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface;
use Cake\Database\Query as DatabaseQuery;
use Cake\Database\TypedResultInterface;
use Cake\Database\TypeMap;
use Cake\Database\ValueBinder;
use Cake\Datasource\QueryInterface;
use Cake\Datasource\QueryTrait;
use JsonSerializable;
use RuntimeException;
* Extends the base Query class to provide new methods related to association
* loading, automatic fields selection, automatic type casting and to wrap results
* into a specific iterator that will be responsible for hydrating results if
* required.
* @see \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface For a full description of the collection methods supported by this class
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface each(callable $c) Passes each of the query results to the callable
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface sortBy($callback, $dir = SORT_DESC, $type = \SORT_NUMERIC) Sorts the query with the callback
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface filter(callable $c = null) Keeps the results using passing the callable test
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface reject(callable $c) Removes the results passing the callable test
* @method bool every(callable $c) Returns true if all the results pass the callable test
* @method bool some(callable $c) Returns true if at least one of the results pass the callable test
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface map(callable $c) Modifies each of the results using the callable
* @method mixed reduce(callable $c, $zero = null) Folds all the results into a single value using the callable.
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface extract($field) Extracts a single column from each row
* @method mixed max($field, $type = SORT_NUMERIC) Returns the maximum value for a single column in all the results.
* @method mixed min($field, $type = SORT_NUMERIC) Returns the minimum value for a single column in all the results.
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface groupBy(string|callable $callable) In-memory group all results by the value of a column.
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface indexBy(string|callable $callable) Returns the results indexed by the value of a column.
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface countBy(string|callable $callable) Returns the number of unique values for a column
* @method float sumOf(string|callable $field) Returns the sum of all values for a single column
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface shuffle() In-memory randomize the order the results are returned
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface sample($size = 10) In-memory shuffle the results and return a subset of them.
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface take($size = 1, $from = 0) In-memory limit and offset for the query results.
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface skip(int $howMany) Skips some rows from the start of the query result.
* @method mixed last() Return the last row of the query result
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface append(array|\Traversable $items) Appends more rows to the result of the query.
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface combine($k, $v, $g = null) Returns the values of the column $v index by column $k,
* and grouped by $g.
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface nest($k, $p, $n = 'children') Creates a tree structure by nesting the values of column $p into that
* with the same value for $k using $n as the nesting key.
* @method array toArray() Returns a key-value array with the results of this query.
* @method array toList() Returns a numerically indexed array with the results of this query.
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface stopWhen(callable $c) Returns each row until the callable returns true.
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface zip(array|\Traversable $c) Returns the first result of both the query and $c in an array,
* then the second results and so on.
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface zipWith($collections, callable $callable) Returns each of the results out of calling $c
* with the first rows of the query and each of the items, then the second rows and so on.
* @method \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface chunk($size) Groups the results in arrays of $size rows each.
* @method bool isEmpty() Returns true if this query found no results.
class Query extends DatabaseQuery implements JsonSerializable, QueryInterface
use QueryTrait {
cache as private _cache;
all as private _all;
_decorateResults as private _applyDecorators;
__call as private _call;
* Indicates that the operation should append to the list
* @var int
const APPEND = 0;
* Indicates that the operation should prepend to the list
* @var int
const PREPEND = 1;
* Indicates that the operation should overwrite the list
* @var bool
const OVERWRITE = true;
* Whether the user select any fields before being executed, this is used
* to determined if any fields should be automatically be selected.
* @var bool|null
protected $_hasFields;
* Tracks whether or not the original query should include
* fields from the top level table.
* @var bool|null
protected $_autoFields;
* Whether to hydrate results into entity objects
* @var bool
protected $_hydrate = true;
* A callable function that can be used to calculate the total amount of
* records this query will match when not using `limit`
* @var callable|null
protected $_counter;
* Instance of a class responsible for storing association containments and
* for eager loading them when this query is executed
* @var \Cake\ORM\EagerLoader|null
protected $_eagerLoader;
* True if the beforeFind event has already been triggered for this query
* @var bool
protected $_beforeFindFired = false;
* The COUNT(*) for the query.
* When set, count query execution will be bypassed.
* @var int|null
protected $_resultsCount;
* Constructor
* @param \Cake\Database\Connection $connection The connection object
* @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table The table this query is starting on
public function __construct($connection, $table)
if ($this->_repository) {
* Adds new fields to be returned by a `SELECT` statement when this query is
* executed. Fields can be passed as an array of strings, array of expression
* objects, a single expression or a single string.
* If an array is passed, keys will be used to alias fields using the value as the
* real field to be aliased. It is possible to alias strings, Expression objects or
* even other Query objects.
* If a callable function is passed, the returning array of the function will
* be used as the list of fields.
* By default this function will append any passed argument to the list of fields
* to be selected, unless the second argument is set to true.
* ### Examples:
* ```
* $query->select(['id', 'title']); // Produces SELECT id, title
* $query->select(['author' => 'author_id']); // Appends author: SELECT id, title, author_id as author
* $query->select('id', true); // Resets the list: SELECT id
* $query->select(['total' => $countQuery]); // SELECT id, (SELECT ...) AS total
* $query->select(function ($query) {
* return ['article_id', 'total' => $query->count('*')];
* })
* ```
* By default no fields are selected, if you have an instance of `Cake\ORM\Query` and try to append
* fields you should also call `Cake\ORM\Query::enableAutoFields()` to select the default fields
* from the table.
* If you pass an instance of a `Cake\ORM\Table` or `Cake\ORM\Association` class,
* all the fields in the schema of the table or the association will be added to
* the select clause.
* @param array|\Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface|callable|string|\Cake\ORM\Table|\Cake\ORM\Association $fields fields
* to be added to the list.
* @param bool $overwrite whether to reset fields with passed list or not
* @return $this
public function select($fields = [], $overwrite = false)
if ($fields instanceof Association) {
$fields = $fields->getTarget();
if ($fields instanceof Table) {
$fields = $this->aliasFields($fields->getSchema()->columns(), $fields->getAlias());
return parent::select($fields, $overwrite);
* All the fields associated with the passed table except the excluded
* fields will be added to the select clause of the query. Passed excluded fields should not be aliased.
* After the first call to this method, a second call cannot be used to remove fields that have already
* been added to the query by the first. If you need to change the list after the first call,
* pass overwrite boolean true which will reset the select clause removing all previous additions.
* @param \Cake\ORM\Table|\Cake\ORM\Association $table The table to use to get an array of columns
* @param string[] $excludedFields The un-aliased column names you do not want selected from $table
* @param bool $overwrite Whether to reset/remove previous selected fields
* @return Query
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If Association|Table is not passed in first argument
public function selectAllExcept($table, array $excludedFields, $overwrite = false)
if ($table instanceof Association) {
$table = $table->getTarget();
if (!($table instanceof Table)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You must provide either an Association or a Table object');
$fields = array_diff($table->getSchema()->columns(), $excludedFields);
$aliasedFields = $this->aliasFields($fields);
return $this->select($aliasedFields, $overwrite);
* Hints this object to associate the correct types when casting conditions
* for the database. This is done by extracting the field types from the schema
* associated to the passed table object. This prevents the user from repeating
* themselves when specifying conditions.
* This method returns the same query object for chaining.
* @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table The table to pull types from
* @return $this
public function addDefaultTypes(Table $table)
$alias = $table->getAlias();
$map = $table->getSchema()->typeMap();
$fields = [];
foreach ($map as $f => $type) {
$fields[$f] = $fields[$alias . '.' . $f] = $fields[$alias . '__' . $f] = $type;
return $this;
* Sets the instance of the eager loader class to use for loading associations
* and storing containments.
* @param \Cake\ORM\EagerLoader $instance The eager loader to use.
* @return $this
public function setEagerLoader(EagerLoader $instance)
$this->_eagerLoader = $instance;
return $this;
* Returns the currently configured instance.
* @return \Cake\ORM\EagerLoader
public function getEagerLoader()
if ($this->_eagerLoader === null) {
$this->_eagerLoader = new EagerLoader();
return $this->_eagerLoader;
* Sets the instance of the eager loader class to use for loading associations
* and storing containments. If called with no arguments, it will return the
* currently configured instance.
* @deprecated 3.4.0 Use setEagerLoader()/getEagerLoader() instead.
* @param \Cake\ORM\EagerLoader|null $instance The eager loader to use. Pass null
* to get the current eagerloader.
* @return \Cake\ORM\EagerLoader|$this
public function eagerLoader(EagerLoader $instance = null)
'Query::eagerLoader() is deprecated. ' .
'Use setEagerLoader()/getEagerLoader() instead.'
if ($instance !== null) {
return $this->setEagerLoader($instance);
return $this->getEagerLoader();
* Sets the list of associations that should be eagerly loaded along with this
* query. The list of associated tables passed must have been previously set as
* associations using the Table API.
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Bring articles' author information
* $query->contain('Author');
* // Also bring the category and tags associated to each article
* $query->contain(['Category', 'Tag']);
* ```
* Associations can be arbitrarily nested using dot notation or nested arrays,
* this allows this object to calculate joins or any additional queries that
* must be executed to bring the required associated data.
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Eager load the product info, and for each product load other 2 associations
* $query->contain(['Product' => ['Manufacturer', 'Distributor']);
* // Which is equivalent to calling
* $query->contain(['Products.Manufactures', 'Products.Distributors']);
* // For an author query, load his region, state and country
* $query->contain('Regions.States.Countries');
* ```
* It is possible to control the conditions and fields selected for each of the
* contained associations:
* ### Example:
* ```
* $query->contain(['Tags' => function ($q) {
* return $q->where(['Tags.is_popular' => true]);
* }]);
* $query->contain(['Products.Manufactures' => function ($q) {
* return $q->select(['name'])->where(['Manufactures.active' => true]);
* }]);
* ```
* Each association might define special options when eager loaded, the allowed
* options that can be set per association are:
* - `foreignKey`: Used to set a different field to match both tables, if set to false
* no join conditions will be generated automatically. `false` can only be used on
* joinable associations and cannot be used with hasMany or belongsToMany associations.
* - `fields`: An array with the fields that should be fetched from the association.
* - `finder`: The finder to use when loading associated records. Either the name of the
* finder as a string, or an array to define options to pass to the finder.
* - `queryBuilder`: Equivalent to passing a callable instead of an options array.
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Set options for the hasMany articles that will be eagerly loaded for an author
* $query->contain([
* 'Articles' => [
* 'fields' => ['title', 'author_id']
* ]
* ]);
* ```
* Finders can be configured to use options.
* ```
* // Retrieve translations for the articles, but only those for the `en` and `es` locales
* $query->contain([
* 'Articles' => [
* 'finder' => [
* 'translations' => [
* 'locales' => ['en', 'es']
* ]
* ]
* ]
* ]);
* ```
* When containing associations, it is important to include foreign key columns.
* Failing to do so will trigger exceptions.
* ```
* // Use a query builder to add conditions to the containment
* $query->contain('Authors', function ($q) {
* return $q->where(...); // add conditions
* });
* // Use special join conditions for multiple containments in the same method call
* $query->contain([
* 'Authors' => [
* 'foreignKey' => false,
* 'queryBuilder' => function ($q) {
* return $q->where(...); // Add full filtering conditions
* }
* ],
* 'Tags' => function ($q) {
* return $q->where(...); // add conditions
* }
* ]);
* ```
* If called with no arguments, this function will return an array with
* with the list of previously configured associations to be contained in the
* result. This getter part is deprecated as of 3.6.0. Use getContain() instead.
* If called with an empty first argument and `$override` is set to true, the
* previous list will be emptied.
* @param array|string|null $associations List of table aliases to be queried.
* @param callable|bool $override The query builder for the association, or
* if associations is an array, a bool on whether to override previous list
* with the one passed
* defaults to merging previous list with the new one.
* @return array|$this
public function contain($associations = null, $override = false)
$loader = $this->getEagerLoader();
if ($override === true) {
if ($associations === null) {
'Using Query::contain() as getter is deprecated. ' .
'Use getContain() instead.'
return $loader->getContain();
$queryBuilder = null;
if (is_callable($override)) {
$queryBuilder = $override;
if ($associations) {
$loader->contain($associations, $queryBuilder);
return $this;
* @return array
public function getContain()
return $this->getEagerLoader()->getContain();
* Clears the contained associations from the current query.
* @return $this
public function clearContain()
return $this;
* Used to recursively add contained association column types to
* the query.
* @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table The table instance to pluck associations from.
* @param \Cake\Database\TypeMap $typeMap The typemap to check for columns in.
* This typemap is indirectly mutated via Cake\ORM\Query::addDefaultTypes()
* @param array $associations The nested tree of associations to walk.
* @return void
protected function _addAssociationsToTypeMap($table, $typeMap, $associations)
foreach ($associations as $name => $nested) {
if (!$table->hasAssociation($name)) {
$association = $table->getAssociation($name);
$target = $association->getTarget();
$primary = (array)$target->getPrimaryKey();
if (empty($primary) || $typeMap->type($target->aliasField($primary[0])) === null) {
if (!empty($nested)) {
$this->_addAssociationsToTypeMap($target, $typeMap, $nested);
* Adds filtering conditions to this query to only bring rows that have a relation
* to another from an associated table, based on conditions in the associated table.
* This function will add entries in the `contain` graph.
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Bring only articles that were tagged with 'cake'
* $query->matching('Tags', function ($q) {
* return $q->where(['name' => 'cake']);
* );
* ```
* It is possible to filter by deep associations by using dot notation:
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Bring only articles that were commented by 'markstory'
* $query->matching('Comments.Users', function ($q) {
* return $q->where(['username' => 'markstory']);
* );
* ```
* As this function will create `INNER JOIN`, you might want to consider
* calling `distinct` on this query as you might get duplicate rows if
* your conditions don't filter them already. This might be the case, for example,
* of the same user commenting more than once in the same article.
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Bring unique articles that were commented by 'markstory'
* $query->distinct(['Articles.id'])
* ->matching('Comments.Users', function ($q) {
* return $q->where(['username' => 'markstory']);
* );
* ```
* Please note that the query passed to the closure will only accept calling
* `select`, `where`, `andWhere` and `orWhere` on it. If you wish to
* add more complex clauses you can do it directly in the main query.
* @param string $assoc The association to filter by
* @param callable|null $builder a function that will receive a pre-made query object
* that can be used to add custom conditions or selecting some fields
* @return $this
public function matching($assoc, callable $builder = null)
$result = $this->getEagerLoader()->setMatching($assoc, $builder)->getMatching();
$this->_addAssociationsToTypeMap($this->getRepository(), $this->getTypeMap(), $result);
return $this;
* Creates a LEFT JOIN with the passed association table while preserving
* the foreign key matching and the custom conditions that were originally set
* for it.
* This function will add entries in the `contain` graph.
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Get the count of articles per user
* $usersQuery
* ->select(['total_articles' => $query->func()->count('Articles.id')])
* ->leftJoinWith('Articles')
* ->group(['Users.id'])
* ->enableAutoFields(true);
* ```
* You can also customize the conditions passed to the LEFT JOIN:
* ```
* // Get the count of articles per user with at least 5 votes
* $usersQuery
* ->select(['total_articles' => $query->func()->count('Articles.id')])
* ->leftJoinWith('Articles', function ($q) {
* return $q->where(['Articles.votes >=' => 5]);
* })
* ->group(['Users.id'])
* ->enableAutoFields(true);
* ```
* This will create the following SQL:
* ```
* SELECT COUNT(Articles.id) AS total_articles, Users.*
* FROM users Users
* LEFT JOIN articles Articles ON Articles.user_id = Users.id AND Articles.votes >= 5
* GROUP BY USers.id
* ```
* It is possible to left join deep associations by using dot notation
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Total comments in articles by 'markstory'
* $query
* ->select(['total_comments' => $query->func()->count('Comments.id')])
* ->leftJoinWith('Comments.Users', function ($q) {
* return $q->where(['username' => 'markstory']);
* )
* ->group(['Users.id']);
* ```
* Please note that the query passed to the closure will only accept calling
* `select`, `where`, `andWhere` and `orWhere` on it. If you wish to
* add more complex clauses you can do it directly in the main query.
* @param string $assoc The association to join with
* @param callable|null $builder a function that will receive a pre-made query object
* that can be used to add custom conditions or selecting some fields
* @return $this
public function leftJoinWith($assoc, callable $builder = null)
$result = $this->getEagerLoader()
->setMatching($assoc, $builder, [
'joinType' => QueryInterface::JOIN_TYPE_LEFT,
'fields' => false,
$this->_addAssociationsToTypeMap($this->getRepository(), $this->getTypeMap(), $result);
return $this;
* Creates an INNER JOIN with the passed association table while preserving
* the foreign key matching and the custom conditions that were originally set
* for it.
* This function will add entries in the `contain` graph.
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Bring only articles that were tagged with 'cake'
* $query->innerJoinWith('Tags', function ($q) {
* return $q->where(['name' => 'cake']);
* );
* ```
* This will create the following SQL:
* ```
* SELECT Articles.*
* FROM articles Articles
* INNER JOIN tags Tags ON Tags.name = 'cake'
* INNER JOIN articles_tags ArticlesTags ON ArticlesTags.tag_id = Tags.id
* AND ArticlesTags.articles_id = Articles.id
* ```
* This function works the same as `matching()` with the difference that it
* will select no fields from the association.
* @param string $assoc The association to join with
* @param callable|null $builder a function that will receive a pre-made query object
* that can be used to add custom conditions or selecting some fields
* @return $this
* @see \Cake\ORM\Query::matching()
public function innerJoinWith($assoc, callable $builder = null)
$result = $this->getEagerLoader()
->setMatching($assoc, $builder, [
'joinType' => QueryInterface::JOIN_TYPE_INNER,
'fields' => false,
$this->_addAssociationsToTypeMap($this->getRepository(), $this->getTypeMap(), $result);
return $this;
* Adds filtering conditions to this query to only bring rows that have no match
* to another from an associated table, based on conditions in the associated table.
* This function will add entries in the `contain` graph.
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Bring only articles that were not tagged with 'cake'
* $query->notMatching('Tags', function ($q) {
* return $q->where(['name' => 'cake']);
* );
* ```
* It is possible to filter by deep associations by using dot notation:
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Bring only articles that weren't commented by 'markstory'
* $query->notMatching('Comments.Users', function ($q) {
* return $q->where(['username' => 'markstory']);
* );
* ```
* As this function will create a `LEFT JOIN`, you might want to consider
* calling `distinct` on this query as you might get duplicate rows if
* your conditions don't filter them already. This might be the case, for example,
* of the same article having multiple comments.
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Bring unique articles that were commented by 'markstory'
* $query->distinct(['Articles.id'])
* ->notMatching('Comments.Users', function ($q) {
* return $q->where(['username' => 'markstory']);
* );
* ```
* Please note that the query passed to the closure will only accept calling
* `select`, `where`, `andWhere` and `orWhere` on it. If you wish to
* add more complex clauses you can do it directly in the main query.
* @param string $assoc The association to filter by
* @param callable|null $builder a function that will receive a pre-made query object
* that can be used to add custom conditions or selecting some fields
* @return $this
public function notMatching($assoc, callable $builder = null)
$result = $this->getEagerLoader()
->setMatching($assoc, $builder, [
'joinType' => QueryInterface::JOIN_TYPE_LEFT,
'fields' => false,
'negateMatch' => true,
$this->_addAssociationsToTypeMap($this->getRepository(), $this->getTypeMap(), $result);
return $this;
* {@inheritDoc}
* Populates or adds parts to current query clauses using an array.
* This is handy for passing all query clauses at once. The option array accepts:
* - fields: Maps to the select method
* - conditions: Maps to the where method
* - limit: Maps to the limit method
* - order: Maps to the order method
* - offset: Maps to the offset method
* - group: Maps to the group method
* - having: Maps to the having method
* - contain: Maps to the contain options for eager loading
* - join: Maps to the join method
* - page: Maps to the page method
* ### Example:
* ```
* $query->applyOptions([
* 'fields' => ['id', 'name'],
* 'conditions' => [
* 'created >=' => '2013-01-01'
* ],
* 'limit' => 10
* ]);
* ```
* Is equivalent to:
* ```
* $query
* ->select(['id', 'name'])
* ->where(['created >=' => '2013-01-01'])
* ->limit(10)
* ```
public function applyOptions(array $options)
$valid = [
'fields' => 'select',
'conditions' => 'where',
'join' => 'join',
'order' => 'order',
'limit' => 'limit',
'offset' => 'offset',
'group' => 'group',
'having' => 'having',
'contain' => 'contain',
'page' => 'page',
foreach ($options as $option => $values) {
if (isset($valid[$option], $values)) {
} else {
$this->_options[$option] = $values;
return $this;
* Creates a copy of this current query, triggers beforeFind and resets some state.
* The following state will be cleared:
* - autoFields
* - limit
* - offset
* - map/reduce functions
* - result formatters
* - order
* - containments
* This method creates query clones that are useful when working with subqueries.
* @return \Cake\ORM\Query
public function cleanCopy()
$clone = clone $this;
$clone->setEagerLoader(clone $this->getEagerLoader());
$clone->order([], true);
$clone->mapReduce(null, null, true);
$clone->formatResults(null, true);
$clone->setSelectTypeMap(new TypeMap());
$clone->decorateResults(null, true);
return $clone;
* Object clone hook.
* Destroys the clones inner iterator and clones the value binder, and eagerloader instances.
* @return void
public function __clone()
if ($this->_eagerLoader) {
$this->_eagerLoader = clone $this->_eagerLoader;
* {@inheritDoc}
* Returns the COUNT(*) for the query. If the query has not been
* modified, and the count has already been performed the cached
* value is returned
public function count()
if ($this->_resultsCount === null) {
$this->_resultsCount = $this->_performCount();
return $this->_resultsCount;
* Performs and returns the COUNT(*) for the query.
* @return int
protected function _performCount()
$query = $this->cleanCopy();
$counter = $this->_counter;
if ($counter) {
return (int)$counter($query);
$complex = (
$query->clause('distinct') ||
count($query->clause('group')) ||
count($query->clause('union')) ||
if (!$complex) {
// Expression fields could have bound parameters.
foreach ($query->clause('select') as $field) {
if ($field instanceof ExpressionInterface) {
$complex = true;
if (!$complex && $this->_valueBinder !== null) {
$order = $this->clause('order');
$complex = $order === null ? false : $order->hasNestedExpression();
$count = ['count' => $query->func()->count('*')];
if (!$complex) {
$statement = $query
->select($count, true)
} else {
$statement = $this->getConnection()->newQuery()
->from(['count_source' => $query])
$result = $statement->fetch('assoc')['count'];
return (int)$result;
* Registers a callable function that will be executed when the `count` method in
* this query is called. The return value for the function will be set as the
* return value of the `count` method.
* This is particularly useful when you need to optimize a query for returning the
* count, for example removing unnecessary joins, removing group by or just return
* an estimated number of rows.
* The callback will receive as first argument a clone of this query and not this
* query itself.
* If the first param is a null value, the built-in counter function will be called
* instead
* @param callable|null $counter The counter value
* @return $this
public function counter($counter)
$this->_counter = $counter;
return $this;
* Toggle hydrating entities.
* If set to false array results will be returned for the query.
* @param bool $enable Use a boolean to set the hydration mode.
* @return $this
public function enableHydration($enable = true)
$this->_hydrate = (bool)$enable;
return $this;
* Disable hydrating entities.
* Disabling hydration will cause array results to be returned for the query
* instead of entities.
* @return $this
public function disableHydration()
$this->_hydrate = false;
return $this;
* Returns the current hydration mode.
* @return bool
public function isHydrationEnabled()
return $this->_hydrate;
* Toggle hydrating entities.
* If set to false array results will be returned.
* @deprecated 3.4.0 Use enableHydration()/isHydrationEnabled() instead.
* @param bool|null $enable Use a boolean to set the hydration mode.
* Null will fetch the current hydration mode.
* @return bool|$this A boolean when reading, and $this when setting the mode.
public function hydrate($enable = null)
'Query::hydrate() is deprecated. ' .
'Use enableHydration()/isHydrationEnabled() instead.'
if ($enable === null) {
return $this->isHydrationEnabled();
return $this->enableHydration($enable);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return $this
* @throws \RuntimeException When you attempt to cache a non-select query.
public function cache($key, $config = 'default')
if ($this->_type !== 'select' && $this->_type !== null) {
throw new RuntimeException('You cannot cache the results of non-select queries.');
return $this->_cache($key, $config);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @throws \RuntimeException if this method is called on a non-select Query.
public function all()
if ($this->_type !== 'select' && $this->_type !== null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
'You cannot call all() on a non-select query. Use execute() instead.'
return $this->_all();
* Trigger the beforeFind event on the query's repository object.
* Will not trigger more than once, and only for select queries.
* @return void
public function triggerBeforeFind()
if (!$this->_beforeFindFired && $this->_type === 'select') {
$this->_beforeFindFired = true;
/** @var \Cake\Event\EventDispatcherInterface $repository */
$repository = $this->getRepository();
$repository->dispatchEvent('Model.beforeFind', [
new ArrayObject($this->_options),
* Converts the Node into a SQL string fragment.
* @param \Cake\Database\ValueBinder|null $generator Placeholder generator object
* @return string
public function sql(ValueBinder $generator = null)
return parent::sql($generator);
* Executes this query and returns a ResultSet object containing the results.
* This will also setup the correct statement class in order to eager load deep
* associations.
* @return \Cake\ORM\ResultSet
protected function _execute()
if ($this->_results) {
$decorator = $this->_decoratorClass();
return new $decorator($this->_results);
$statement = $this->getEagerLoader()->loadExternal($this, $this->execute());
return new ResultSet($this, $statement);
* Applies some defaults to the query object before it is executed.
* Specifically add the FROM clause, adds default table fields if none are
* specified and applies the joins required to eager load associations defined
* using `contain`
* It also sets the default types for the columns in the select clause
* @see \Cake\Database\Query::execute()
* @return void
protected function _transformQuery()
if (!$this->_dirty || $this->_type !== 'select') {
/** @var \Cake\ORM\Table $repository */
$repository = $this->getRepository();
if (empty($this->_parts['from'])) {
$this->from([$repository->getAlias() => $repository->getTable()]);
$this->getEagerLoader()->attachAssociations($this, $repository, !$this->_hasFields);
* Inspects if there are any set fields for selecting, otherwise adds all
* the fields for the default table.
* @return void
protected function _addDefaultFields()
$select = $this->clause('select');
$this->_hasFields = true;
/** @var \Cake\ORM\Table $repository */
$repository = $this->getRepository();
if (!count($select) || $this->_autoFields === true) {
$this->_hasFields = false;
$select = $this->clause('select');
$aliased = $this->aliasFields($select, $repository->getAlias());
$this->select($aliased, true);
* Sets the default types for converting the fields in the select clause
* @return void
protected function _addDefaultSelectTypes()
$typeMap = $this->getTypeMap()->getDefaults();
$select = $this->clause('select');
$types = [];
foreach ($select as $alias => $value) {
if (isset($typeMap[$alias])) {
$types[$alias] = $typeMap[$alias];
if (is_string($value) && isset($typeMap[$value])) {
$types[$alias] = $typeMap[$value];
if ($value instanceof TypedResultInterface) {
$types[$alias] = $value->getReturnType();
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Cake\ORM\Table::find()
public function find($finder, array $options = [])
/** @var \Cake\ORM\Table $table */
$table = $this->getRepository();
return $table->callFinder($finder, $this, $options);
* Marks a query as dirty, removing any preprocessed information
* from in memory caching such as previous results
* @return void
protected function _dirty()
$this->_results = null;
$this->_resultsCount = null;
* Create an update query.
* This changes the query type to be 'update'.
* Can be combined with set() and where() methods to create update queries.
* @param string|null $table Unused parameter.
* @return $this
public function update($table = null)
if (!$table) {
/** @var \Cake\ORM\Table $repository */
$repository = $this->getRepository();
$table = $repository->getTable();
return parent::update($table);
* Create a delete query.
* This changes the query type to be 'delete'.
* Can be combined with the where() method to create delete queries.
* @param string|null $table Unused parameter.
* @return $this
public function delete($table = null)
/** @var \Cake\ORM\Table $repository */
$repository = $this->getRepository();
$this->from([$repository->getAlias() => $repository->getTable()]);
// We do not pass $table to parent class here
return parent::delete();
* Create an insert query.
* This changes the query type to be 'insert'.
* Note calling this method will reset any data previously set
* with Query::values()
* Can be combined with the where() method to create delete queries.
* @param array $columns The columns to insert into.
* @param array $types A map between columns & their datatypes.
* @return $this
public function insert(array $columns, array $types = [])
/** @var \Cake\ORM\Table $repository */
$repository = $this->getRepository();
$table = $repository->getTable();
return parent::insert($columns, $types);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @throws \BadMethodCallException if the method is called for a non-select query
public function __call($method, $arguments)
if ($this->type() === 'select') {
return $this->_call($method, $arguments);
throw new \BadMethodCallException(
sprintf('Cannot call method "%s" on a "%s" query', $method, $this->type())
* {@inheritDoc}
public function __debugInfo()
$eagerLoader = $this->getEagerLoader();
return parent::__debugInfo() + [
'hydrate' => $this->_hydrate,
'buffered' => $this->_useBufferedResults,
'formatters' => count($this->_formatters),
'mapReducers' => count($this->_mapReduce),
'contain' => $eagerLoader ? $eagerLoader->getContain() : [],
'matching' => $eagerLoader ? $eagerLoader->getMatching() : [],
'extraOptions' => $this->_options,
'repository' => $this->_repository,
* Executes the query and converts the result set into JSON.
* Part of JsonSerializable interface.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface The data to convert to JSON.
public function jsonSerialize()
return $this->all();
* Sets whether or not the ORM should automatically append fields.
* By default calling select() will disable auto-fields. You can re-enable
* auto-fields with this method.
* @param bool $value Set true to enable, false to disable.
* @return $this
public function enableAutoFields($value = true)
$this->_autoFields = (bool)$value;
return $this;
* Disables automatically appending fields.
* @return $this
public function disableAutoFields()
$this->_autoFields = false;
return $this;
* Gets whether or not the ORM should automatically append fields.
* By default calling select() will disable auto-fields. You can re-enable
* auto-fields with enableAutoFields().
* @return bool|null The current value. Returns null if neither enabled or disabled yet.
public function isAutoFieldsEnabled()
return $this->_autoFields;
* Get/Set whether or not the ORM should automatically append fields.
* By default calling select() will disable auto-fields. You can re-enable
* auto-fields with this method.
* @deprecated 3.4.0 Use enableAutoFields()/isAutoFieldsEnabled() instead.
* @param bool|null $value The value to set or null to read the current value.
* @return bool|null|$this Either the current value or the query object.
public function autoFields($value = null)
'Query::autoFields() is deprecated. ' .
'Use enableAutoFields()/isAutoFieldsEnabled() instead.'
if ($value === null) {
return $this->isAutoFieldsEnabled();
return $this->enableAutoFields($value);
* Decorates the results iterator with MapReduce routines and formatters
* @param \Traversable $result Original results
* @return \Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface
protected function _decorateResults($result)
$result = $this->_applyDecorators($result);
if (!($result instanceof ResultSet) && $this->isBufferedResultsEnabled()) {
$class = $this->_decoratorClass();
$result = new $class($result->buffered());
return $result;