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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition;


 * Represents a prototyped Array node in the config tree.
 * @author Johannes M. Schmitt <>
class PrototypedArrayNode extends ArrayNode
$removeKeyAttribute = false;
$minNumberOfElements = 0;
$defaultValue = [];
     * @var NodeInterface[] An array of the prototypes of the simplified value children
private $valuePrototypes = [];

     * Sets the minimum number of elements that a prototype based node must
     * contain. By default this is zero, meaning no elements.
public function setMinNumberOfElements(int $number)
$this->minNumberOfElements = $number;

     * Sets the attribute which value is to be used as key.
     * This is useful when you have an indexed array that should be an
     * associative array. You can select an item from within the array
     * to be the key of the particular item. For example, if "id" is the
     * "key", then:
     *     [
     *         ['id' => 'my_name', 'foo' => 'bar'],
     *     ];
     *  becomes
     *      [
     *          'my_name' => ['foo' => 'bar'],
     *      ];
     * If you'd like "'id' => 'my_name'" to still be present in the resulting
     * array, then you can set the second argument of this method to false.
     * @param string $attribute The name of the attribute which value is to be used as a key
     * @param bool   $remove    Whether or not to remove the key
public function setKeyAttribute(string $attribute, bool $remove = true)
$this->keyAttribute = $attribute;
$this->removeKeyAttribute = $remove;

     * Retrieves the name of the attribute which value should be used as key.
     * @return string|null The name of the attribute
public function getKeyAttribute()

     * Sets the default value of this node.
public function setDefaultValue(array $value)
$this->defaultValue = $value;

     * {@inheritdoc}
public function hasDefaultValue()

     * Adds default children when none are set.
     * @param int|string|array|null $children The number of children|The child name|The children names to be added
public function setAddChildrenIfNoneSet($children = ['defaults'])
        if (
null === $children) {
$this->defaultChildren = ['defaults'];
        } else {
$this->defaultChildren = \is_int($children) && $children > 0 ? range(1, $children) : (array) $children;

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * The default value could be either explicited or derived from the prototype
     * default value.
public function getDefaultValue()
        if (
null !== $this->defaultChildren) {
$default = $this->prototype->hasDefaultValue() ? $this->prototype->getDefaultValue() : [];
$defaults = [];
            foreach (
array_values($this->defaultChildren) as $i => $name) {
$defaults[null === $this->keyAttribute ? $i : $name] = $default;



     * Sets the node prototype.
public function setPrototype(PrototypeNodeInterface $node)
$this->prototype = $node;

     * Retrieves the prototype.
     * @return PrototypeNodeInterface The prototype
public function getPrototype()

     * Disable adding concrete children for prototyped nodes.
     * @throws Exception
public function addChild(NodeInterface $node)
        throw new
Exception('A prototyped array node can not have concrete children.');

     * Finalizes the value of this node.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return mixed The finalized value
     * @throws UnsetKeyException
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the node doesn't have enough children
protected function finalizeValue($value)
        if (
false === $value) {
            throw new
UnsetKeyException(sprintf('Unsetting key for path "%s", value: %s.', $this->getPath(), json_encode($value)));

        foreach (
$value as $k => $v) {
$prototype = $this->getPrototypeForChild($k);
            try {
$value[$k] = $prototype->finalize($v);
            } catch (
UnsetKeyException $e) {

        if (\
count($value) < $this->minNumberOfElements) {
$ex = new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf('The path "%s" should have at least %d element(s) defined.', $this->getPath(), $this->minNumberOfElements));



     * Normalizes the value.
     * @param mixed $value The value to normalize
     * @return mixed The normalized value
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException
     * @throws DuplicateKeyException
protected function normalizeValue($value)
        if (
false === $value) {

$value = $this->remapXml($value);

$isAssoc = array_keys($value) !== range(0, \count($value) - 1);
$normalized = [];
        foreach (
$value as $k => $v) {
            if (
null !== $this->keyAttribute && \is_array($v)) {
                if (!isset(
$v[$this->keyAttribute]) && \is_int($k) && !$isAssoc) {
$ex = new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf('The attribute "%s" must be set for path "%s".', $this->keyAttribute, $this->getPath()));

                } elseif (isset(
$v[$this->keyAttribute])) {
$k = $v[$this->keyAttribute];

// remove the key attribute when required
if ($this->removeKeyAttribute) {

// if only "value" is left
if (array_keys($v) === ['value']) {
$v = $v['value'];
                        if (
$this->prototype instanceof ArrayNode && ($children = $this->prototype->getChildren()) && \array_key_exists('value', $children)) {
$valuePrototype = current($this->valuePrototypes) ?: clone $children['value'];
$valuePrototype->parent = $this;
$originalClosures = $this->prototype->normalizationClosures;
                            if (\
is_array($originalClosures)) {
$valuePrototypeClosures = $valuePrototype->normalizationClosures;
$valuePrototype->normalizationClosures = \is_array($valuePrototypeClosures) ? array_merge($originalClosures, $valuePrototypeClosures) : $originalClosures;
$this->valuePrototypes[$k] = $valuePrototype;

                if (\
array_key_exists($k, $normalized)) {
$ex = new DuplicateKeyException(sprintf('Duplicate key "%s" for path "%s".', $k, $this->getPath()));


$prototype = $this->getPrototypeForChild($k);
            if (
null !== $this->keyAttribute || $isAssoc) {
$normalized[$k] = $prototype->normalize($v);
            } else {
$normalized[] = $prototype->normalize($v);


     * Merges values together.
     * @param mixed $leftSide  The left side to merge
     * @param mixed $rightSide The right side to merge
     * @return mixed The merged values
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException
     * @throws \RuntimeException
protected function mergeValues($leftSide, $rightSide)
        if (
false === $rightSide) {
// if this is still false after the last config has been merged the
            // finalization pass will take care of removing this key entirely
return false;

        if (
false === $leftSide || !$this->performDeepMerging) {

        foreach (
$rightSide as $k => $v) {
// prototype, and key is irrelevant, append the element
if (null === $this->keyAttribute) {
$leftSide[] = $v;

// no conflict
if (!\array_key_exists($k, $leftSide)) {
                if (!
$this->allowNewKeys) {
$ex = new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf('You are not allowed to define new elements for path "%s". Please define all elements for this path in one config file.', $this->getPath()));


$leftSide[$k] = $v;

$prototype = $this->getPrototypeForChild($k);
$leftSide[$k] = $prototype->merge($leftSide[$k], $v);


     * Returns a prototype for the child node that is associated to $key in the value array.
     * For general child nodes, this will be $this->prototype.
     * But if $this->removeKeyAttribute is true and there are only two keys in the child node:
     * one is same as this->keyAttribute and the other is 'value', then the prototype will be different.
     * For example, assume $this->keyAttribute is 'name' and the value array is as follows:
     *     [
     *         [
     *             'name' => 'name001',
     *             'value' => 'value001'
     *         ]
     *     ]
     * Now, the key is 0 and the child node is:
     *     [
     *        'name' => 'name001',
     *        'value' => 'value001'
     *     ]
     * When normalizing the value array, the 'name' element will removed from the child node
     * and its value becomes the new key of the child node:
     *     [
     *         'name001' => ['value' => 'value001']
     *     ]
     * Now only 'value' element is left in the child node which can be further simplified into a string:
     *     ['name001' => 'value001']
     * Now, the key becomes 'name001' and the child node becomes 'value001' and
     * the prototype of child node 'name001' should be a ScalarNode instead of an ArrayNode instance.
     * @return mixed The prototype instance
private function getPrototypeForChild(string $key)
$prototype = isset($this->valuePrototypes[$key]) ? $this->valuePrototypes[$key] : $this->prototype;
