namespace XF\Entity;
use XF\BbCode\RenderableContentInterface;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure;
* @property int|null $post_id
* @property int $thread_id
* @property int $user_id
* @property string $username
* @property int $post_date
* @property string $message
* @property int $ip_id
* @property string $message_state
* @property int $attach_count
* @property int $warning_id
* @property string $warning_message
* @property int $position
* @property array $type_data
* @property int $last_edit_date
* @property int $last_edit_user_id
* @property int $edit_count
* @property array|null $embed_metadata
* @property int $reaction_score
* @property array $reactions_
* @property array $reaction_users_
* @property int $vote_score
* @property int $vote_count
* @property mixed $Unfurls
* @property mixed $is_question_solution
* @property mixed $reactions
* @property mixed $reaction_users
* @property mixed $vote_score_short
* @property \XF\Entity\Thread $Thread
* @property \XF\Entity\User $User
* @property \XF\Mvc\Entity\AbstractCollection|\XF\Entity\Attachment[] $Attachments
* @property \XF\Entity\DeletionLog $DeletionLog
* @property \XF\Entity\ApprovalQueue $ApprovalQueue
* @property \XF\Mvc\Entity\AbstractCollection|\XF\Entity\ReactionContent[] $Reactions
* @property \XF\Mvc\Entity\AbstractCollection|\XF\Entity\BookmarkItem[] $Bookmarks
* @property \XF\Mvc\Entity\AbstractCollection|\XF\Entity\ContentVote[] $ContentVotes
class Post extends Entity implements LinkableInterface, QuotableInterface, RenderableContentInterface
use ReactionTrait, BookmarkTrait, ContentVoteTrait;
public function canView(&$error = null)
if (!$this->Thread || !$this->Thread->canView($error))
return false;
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
$nodeId = $this->Thread->node_id;
if ($this->message_state == 'moderated')
if (
!$visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'viewModerated')
&& (!$visitor->user_id || $visitor->user_id != $this->user_id)
$error = \XF::phraseDeferred('requested_post_not_found');
return false;
else if ($this->message_state == 'deleted')
if (!$visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'viewDeleted'))
$error = \XF::phraseDeferred('requested_post_not_found');
return false;
return true;
public function canEdit(&$error = null)
$thread = $this->Thread;
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
if (!$visitor->user_id || !$thread)
return false;
if (!$thread->discussion_open && !$thread->canLockUnlock())
$error = \XF::phraseDeferred('you_may_not_perform_this_action_because_discussion_is_closed');
return false;
$nodeId = $thread->node_id;
if ($visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'editAnyPost'))
return true;
if ($this->user_id == $visitor->user_id && $visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'editOwnPost'))
$editLimit = $visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'editOwnPostTimeLimit');
if ($editLimit != -1 && (!$editLimit || $this->post_date < \XF::$time - 60 * $editLimit))
$error = \XF::phraseDeferred('message_edit_time_limit_expired', ['minutes' => $editLimit]);
return false;
if (!$thread->Forum || !$thread->Forum->allow_posting)
$error = \XF::phraseDeferred('you_may_not_perform_this_action_because_forum_does_not_allow_posting');
return false;
return true;
return false;
public function canEditSilently(&$error = null)
$thread = $this->Thread;
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
if (!$visitor->user_id || !$thread)
return false;
$nodeId = $thread->node_id;
if ($visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'editAnyPost'))
return true;
return false;
public function canUseInlineModeration(&$error = null)
return $this->Thread->canUseInlineModeration($error);
public function canViewHistory(&$error = null)
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
if (!$visitor->user_id)
return false;
if (!$this->app()->options()->editHistory['enabled'])
return false;
if ($visitor->hasNodePermission($this->Thread->node_id, 'editAnyPost'))
return true;
return false;
public function canDelete($type = 'soft', &$error = null)
$thread = $this->Thread;
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
if (!$visitor->user_id || !$thread)
return false;
$nodeId = $thread->node_id;
if ($type != 'soft' && !$visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'hardDeleteAnyPost'))
return false;
if (!$thread->discussion_open && !$thread->canLockUnlock())
$error = \XF::phraseDeferred('you_may_not_perform_this_action_because_discussion_is_closed');
return false;
if ($this->isFirstPost())
return $thread->canDelete($type, $error);
if ($visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'deleteAnyPost'))
return true;
if ($this->user_id == $visitor->user_id && $visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'deleteOwnPost'))
$editLimit = $visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'editOwnPostTimeLimit');
if ($editLimit != -1 && (!$editLimit || $this->post_date < \XF::$time - 60 * $editLimit))
$error = \XF::phraseDeferred('message_edit_time_limit_expired', ['minutes' => $editLimit]);
return false;
if (!$thread->Forum || !$thread->Forum->allow_posting)
$error = \XF::phraseDeferred('you_may_not_perform_this_action_because_forum_does_not_allow_posting');
return false;
return true;
return false;
public function canUndelete(&$error = null)
$thread = $this->Thread;
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
if (!$visitor->user_id || !$thread)
return false;
return $visitor->hasNodePermission($thread->node_id, 'undelete');
public function canApproveUnapprove(&$error = null)
if (!$this->Thread)
return false;
return $this->Thread->canApproveUnapprove();
public function canWarn(&$error = null)
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
if (!$this->user_id
|| !$visitor->user_id
|| $this->user_id == $visitor->user_id
|| !$visitor->hasNodePermission($this->Thread->node_id, 'warn')
return false;
if ($this->warning_id)
$error = \XF::phraseDeferred('user_has_already_been_warned_for_this_content');
return false;
return ($this->User && $this->User->isWarnable());
public function canMove(&$error = null)
return $this->Thread->canMove($error);
public function canCopy(&$error = null)
return $this->Thread->canCopy($error);
public function canMerge(&$error = null)
return $this->Thread->canMerge($error);
public function canReport(&$error = null, User $asUser = null)
$asUser = $asUser ?: \XF::visitor();
return $asUser->canReport($error);
public function canReact(&$error = null)
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
if (!$visitor->user_id)
return false;
if ($this->message_state != 'visible')
return false;
if ($this->user_id == $visitor->user_id)
$error = \XF::phraseDeferred('reacting_to_your_own_content_is_considered_cheating');
return false;
if (!$this->Thread)
return false;
return $visitor->hasNodePermission($this->Thread->node_id, 'react');
protected function canBookmarkContent(&$error = null)
return $this->isVisible();
public function isContentVotingSupported(): bool
$thread = $this->Thread;
return ($thread && $thread->TypeHandler->isPostVotingSupported($thread, $this));
public function isContentDownvoteSupported(): bool
$thread = $this->Thread;
return ($thread && $thread->TypeHandler->isPostDownvoteSupported($thread, $this));
protected function canVoteOnContentInternal(&$error = null): bool
if (!$this->isVisible())
return false;
$thread = $this->Thread;
return ($thread && $thread->TypeHandler->canVoteOnPost($thread, $this, $error));
public function canDownvoteContent(&$error = null): bool
$thread = $this->Thread;
return ($thread && $thread->TypeHandler->canDownvotePost($thread, $this, $error));
public function canCleanSpam()
return (\XF::visitor()->canCleanSpam() && $this->User && $this->User->isPossibleSpammer());
public function canSendModeratorActionAlert()
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
if (!$visitor->user_id || $visitor->user_id == $this->user_id)
return false;
if ($this->message_state != 'visible')
return false;
return true;
public function canMarkAsQuestionSolution(&$error = null): bool
if (!$this->isVisible())
return false;
$thread = $this->Thread;
$typeHandler = $thread->TypeHandler;
if (!($typeHandler instanceof \XF\ThreadType\Question))
return false;
return $typeHandler->canMarkPostAsSolution($thread, $this, $error);
public function isQuestionSolution()
$thread = $this->Thread;
$typeHandler = $thread->TypeHandler;
if (!($typeHandler instanceof \XF\ThreadType\Question))
return false;
return $typeHandler->isPostSolution($thread, $this, $error);
public function isVisible()
return (
$this->message_state == 'visible'
&& $this->Thread
&& $this->Thread->discussion_state == 'visible'
public function isFirstPost()
$thread = $this->Thread;
if (!$thread)
return false;
if ($this->post_id == $thread->first_post_id)
return true;
// this can be called during an insert where the thread hasn't actually been updated yet
// just assume it's the first post
if (!$thread->thread_id)
return true;
if (!$thread->first_post_id && $this->post_date == $thread->post_date)
return true;
return false;
public function isLastPost()
$thread = $this->Thread;
if (!$thread)
return false;
return ($this->post_id == $thread->last_post_id);
public function isUnread()
if (!$this->Thread)
return false;
$readDate = $this->Thread->getVisitorReadDate();
if ($readDate === null)
return false;
return $readDate < $this->post_date;
public function isAttachmentEmbedded($attachmentId)
if (!$this->embed_metadata)
return false;
if ($attachmentId instanceof Attachment)
$attachmentId = $attachmentId->attachment_id;
return isset($this->embed_metadata['attachments'][$attachmentId]);
public function isIgnored()
return \XF::visitor()->isIgnoring($this->user_id);
public function getQuoteWrapper($inner)
return '[QUOTE="'
. ($this->User ? $this->User->username : $this->username)
. ', post: ' . $this->post_id
. ($this->User ? ", member: $this->user_id" : '')
. '"]'
. "\n" . $inner . "\n"
. "[/QUOTE]\n";
public function getBbCodeRenderOptions($context, $type)
return [
'entity' => $this,
'user' => $this->User,
'attachments' => $this->attach_count ? $this->Attachments : [],
'viewAttachments' => $this->Thread ? $this->Thread->canViewAttachments() : false,
'unfurls' => $this->Unfurls ?: []
public function getUnfurls()
return $this->_getterCache['Unfurls'] ?? [];
public function setUnfurls($unfurls)
$this->_getterCache['Unfurls'] = $unfurls;
protected function _postSave()
$visibilityChange = $this->isStateChanged('message_state', 'visible');
$approvalChange = $this->isStateChanged('message_state', 'moderated');
$deletionChange = $this->isStateChanged('message_state', 'deleted');
if ($this->isUpdate())
if ($visibilityChange == 'enter')
if ($approvalChange)
else if ($visibilityChange == 'leave')
if ($deletionChange == 'leave' && $this->DeletionLog)
if ($approvalChange == 'leave' && $this->ApprovalQueue)
// insert
if ($this->message_state == 'visible')
if ($approvalChange == 'enter')
$approvalQueue = $this->getRelationOrDefault('ApprovalQueue', false);
$approvalQueue->content_date = $this->post_date;
else if ($deletionChange == 'enter' && !$this->DeletionLog)
$delLog = $this->getRelationOrDefault('DeletionLog', false);
$thread = $this->Thread;
if ($this->isUpdate() && $this->isFirstPost())
if ($this->isChanged('reaction_score'))
$thread->first_post_reaction_score = $this->reaction_score;
if ($this->isChanged('reactions'))
$thread->first_post_reactions = $this->reactions;
if ($thread)
$thread->TypeHandler->onPostSave($thread, $this);
if ($this->isUpdate() && $this->getOption('log_moderator'))
$this->app()->logger()->logModeratorChanges('post', $this);
protected function updateThreadRecord()
if (!$this->Thread || !$this->Thread->exists())
// inserting a thread, don't try to write to it
$visibilityChange = $this->isStateChanged('message_state', 'visible');
if ($visibilityChange == 'enter')
else if ($visibilityChange == 'leave')
protected function adjustUserMessageCountIfNeeded($amount)
if ($this->user_id
&& $this->User
&& !empty($this->Thread->Forum->count_messages)
&& $this->Thread->discussion_state == 'visible'
$this->User->fastUpdate('message_count', max(0, $this->User->message_count + $amount));
protected function adjustThreadUserPostCount($amount)
if ($this->user_id)
$db = $this->db();
if ($amount > 0)
$db->insert('xf_thread_user_post', [
'thread_id' => $this->thread_id,
'user_id' => $this->user_id,
'post_count' => $amount
], false, 'post_count = post_count + VALUES(post_count)');
$existingValue = $db->fetchOne("
SELECT post_count
FROM xf_thread_user_post
WHERE thread_id = ?
AND user_id = ?
", [$this->thread_id, $this->user_id]);
if ($existingValue !== null)
$newValue = $existingValue + $amount;
if ($newValue <= 0)
'thread_id = ? AND user_id = ?', [$this->thread_id, $this->user_id]
['post_count' => $newValue],
'thread_id = ? AND user_id = ?', [$this->thread_id, $this->user_id]
protected function postInsertedVisible()
protected function postMadeVisible()
if ($this->isChanged('position'))
// if we've updated the position, we need to trust what we had is accurate...
$basePosition = $this->getExistingValue('position');
// ...otherwise, we should always double check the DB for the latest position since this function won't
// update cached entities
$basePosition = $this->db()->fetchOne("
SELECT position
FROM xf_post
WHERE post_id = ?
", $this->post_id);
if ($basePosition === null || $basePosition === false)
$basePosition = $this->getExistingValue('position');
// also, since we haven't changed the position yet, we need to update that
$this->fastUpdate('position', $basePosition + 1);
UPDATE xf_post
SET position = position + 1
WHERE thread_id = ?
position > ?
OR (position = ? AND post_date > ?)
AND post_id <> ?
", [$this->thread_id, $basePosition, $basePosition, $this->post_date, $this->post_id]);
protected function postHidden($hardDelete = false)
if ($hardDelete || $this->isChanged('position'))
// if we've deleted the post or updated the position, we need to trust what we had is accurate...
$basePosition = $this->getExistingValue('position');
// ...otherwise, we should always double check the DB for the latest position since this function won't
// update cached entities
$basePosition = $this->db()->fetchOne("
SELECT position
FROM xf_post
WHERE post_id = ?
", $this->post_id);
if ($basePosition === null || $basePosition === false)
$basePosition = $this->getExistingValue('position');
// also, since we haven't changed the position yet, we need to update that
$this->fastUpdate('position', $basePosition - 1);
UPDATE xf_post
SET position = IF(position > 0, position - 1, 0)
WHERE thread_id = ?
AND position >= ?
AND post_id <> ?
", [$this->thread_id, $basePosition, $this->post_id]);
/** @var \XF\Repository\UserAlert $alertRepo */
$alertRepo = $this->repository('XF:UserAlert');
$alertRepo->fastDeleteAlertsForContent('post', $this->post_id);
protected function submitHamData()
/** @var \XF\Spam\ContentChecker $submitter */
$submitter = $this->app()->container('spam.contentHamSubmitter');
$submitter->submitHam('post', $this->post_id);
protected function _preDelete()
// if we're deleting multiple posts, the position value we base the position recalc on in postHidden
// will be from when the entity was originally loaded, rather than what is in the database.
// we therefore need to check what the expected position is before the record is gone and ensure we use that.
$expectedPosition = $this->db()->fetchOne('SELECT position FROM xf_post WHERE post_id = ?', $this->post_id);
if ($expectedPosition != $this->position)
$this->setAsSaved('position', $expectedPosition);
protected function _postDelete()
if ($this->message_state == 'visible')
$thread = $this->Thread;
if ($thread && $this->message_state == 'visible')
if ($this->message_state == 'deleted' && $this->DeletionLog)
if ($this->message_state == 'moderated' && $this->ApprovalQueue)
if ($thread)
$thread->TypeHandler->onPostDelete($thread, $this);
if ($this->getOption('log_moderator'))
$this->app()->logger()->logModeratorAction('post', $this, 'delete_hard');
$this->db()->delete('xf_edit_history', 'content_type = ? AND content_id = ?', ['post', $this->post_id]);
/** @var \XF\Repository\Attachment $attachRepo */
$attachRepo = $this->repository('XF:Attachment');
$attachRepo->fastDeleteContentAttachments('post', $this->post_id);
public function softDelete($reason = '', User $byUser = null)
$byUser = $byUser ?: \XF::visitor();
$thread = $this->Thread;
if ($this->isFirstPost())
return $thread->softDelete($reason, $byUser);
$db = $this->db();
$rawPost = $db->fetchRow("
FROM xf_post
WHERE post_id = ?
", $this->post_id);
if ($rawPost['message_state'] == 'deleted')
return false;
$this->message_state = 'deleted';
/** @var \XF\Entity\DeletionLog $deletionLog */
$deletionLog = $this->getRelationOrDefault('DeletionLog');
$deletionLog->delete_reason = $reason;
$this->save(true, false);
return true;
* @param \XF\Api\Result\EntityResult $result
* @param int $verbosity
* @param array $options
* @api-out str $username
* @api-out bool $is_first_post
* @api-out bool $is_last_post
* @api-out bool $is_unread <cond> If accessing as a user, true if this post is unread
* @api-out str $message_parsed HTML parsed version of the message contents.
* @api-out bool $can_edit
* @api-out bool $can_soft_delete
* @api-out bool $can_hard_delete
* @api-out bool $can_react
* @api-out bool $can_view_attachments
* @api-out string $view_url
* @api-out Thread $Thread <cond> If requested by context, the thread this post is part of.
* @api-out Attachment[] $Attachments <cond> Attachments to this post, if it has any.
* @api-see XF\Entity\ReactionTrait::addReactionStateToApiResult
* @api-see XF\Entity\ContentVoteTrait::addContentVoteToApiResult
protected function setupApiResultData(
\XF\Api\Result\EntityResult $result, $verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, array $options = []
$result->username = $this->User ? $this->User->username : $this->username;
if (!empty($options['with_thread']))
if ($this->attach_count)
// note that we allow viewing of thumbs and metadata, regardless of permissions, when viewing the
// content an attachment is connected to
$result->message_parsed = $this->app()->bbCode()->render($this->message, 'apiHtml', 'post:api', $this);
$result->is_first_post = $this->isFirstPost();
$result->is_last_post = $this->isLastPost();
if (\XF::visitor()->user_id)
$result->is_unread = $this->isUnread();
$result->can_edit = $this->canEdit();
$result->can_soft_delete = $this->canDelete();
$result->can_hard_delete = $this->canDelete('hard');
$result->can_react = $this->canReact();
// this is repeated, mostly because attachments are post associated, even if the permission comes from above
$result->can_view_attachments = $this->Thread->canViewAttachments();
$result->view_url = $this->getContentUrl(true);
public function getContentUrl(bool $canonical = false, array $extraParams = [], $hash = null)
$route = $canonical ? 'canonical:posts' : 'posts';
return $this->app()->router('public')->buildLink($route, $this, $extraParams, $hash);
public function getContentPublicRoute()
return 'posts';
public function getContentTitle(string $context = '')
// in some situations, referencing the first post is akin
if ($this->isFirstPost())
return $this->Thread->getContentTitle($context);
return \XF::phrase('post_in_thread_x', ['title' => $this->Thread->title]);
public static function getStructure(Structure $structure)
$structure->table = 'xf_post';
$structure->shortName = 'XF:Post';
$structure->contentType = 'post';
$structure->primaryKey = 'post_id';
$structure->columns = [
'post_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'autoIncrement' => true, 'nullable' => true],
'thread_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'required' => true, 'api' => true],
'user_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'required' => true, 'api' => true],
'username' => ['type' => self::STR, 'maxLength' => 50,
'required' => 'please_enter_valid_name', 'api' => true
'post_date' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'required' => true, 'default' => \XF::$time, 'api' => true],
'message' => ['type' => self::STR,
'required' => 'please_enter_valid_message', 'api' => true
'ip_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'default' => 0],
'message_state' => ['type' => self::STR, 'default' => 'visible',
'allowedValues' => ['visible', 'moderated', 'deleted'], 'api' => true
'attach_count' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'max' => 65535, 'forced' => true, 'default' => 0, 'api' => true],
'warning_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'default' => 0],
'warning_message' => ['type' => self::STR, 'default' => '', 'maxLength' => 255, 'api' => true],
'position' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'forced' => true, 'api' => true],
'type_data' => ['type' => self::JSON_ARRAY, 'default' => []],
'last_edit_date' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'default' => 0, 'api' => true],
'last_edit_user_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'default' => 0],
'edit_count' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'forced' => true, 'default' => 0],
'embed_metadata' => ['type' => self::JSON_ARRAY, 'nullable' => true, 'default' => null]
$structure->behaviors = [
'XF:ContentVotable' => ['stateField' => 'message_state'],
'XF:Reactable' => ['stateField' => 'message_state'],
'XF:Indexable' => [
'checkForUpdates' => ['message', 'user_id', 'thread_id', 'post_date', 'message_state']
'XF:NewsFeedPublishable' => [
'usernameField' => 'username',
'dateField' => 'post_date'
$structure->getters = [
'Unfurls' => true,
'is_question_solution' => ['getter' => 'isQuestionSolution', 'cache' => false],
$structure->relations = [
'Thread' => [
'entity' => 'XF:Thread',
'type' => self::TO_ONE,
'conditions' => 'thread_id',
'primary' => true,
'with' => ['Forum', 'Forum.Node']
'User' => [
'entity' => 'XF:User',
'type' => self::TO_ONE,
'conditions' => 'user_id',
'primary' => true,
'api' => true
'Attachments' => [
'entity' => 'XF:Attachment',
'type' => self::TO_MANY,
'conditions' => [
['content_type', '=', 'post'],
['content_id', '=', '$post_id']
'with' => 'Data',
'order' => 'attach_date'
'DeletionLog' => [
'entity' => 'XF:DeletionLog',
'type' => self::TO_ONE,
'conditions' => [
['content_type', '=', 'post'],
['content_id', '=', '$post_id']
'primary' => true
'ApprovalQueue' => [
'entity' => 'XF:ApprovalQueue',
'type' => self::TO_ONE,
'conditions' => [
['content_type', '=', 'post'],
['content_id', '=', '$post_id']
'primary' => true
$structure->options = [
'log_moderator' => true
$structure->withAliases = [
'full' => [
'User.PermissionCombination', // to determine if links are trusted
if (\XF::options()->showMessageOnlineStatus)
return 'User.Activity';
return null;
$userId = \XF::visitor()->user_id;
if ($userId)
return [
'Reactions|' . $userId,
'Bookmarks|' . $userId
return null;
'api' => [
if (!empty($withParams['thread']))
return ['Thread.api'];
return null;
$userId = \XF::visitor()->user_id;
if ($userId)
return [
'Reactions|' . $userId,
'ContentVotes|' . $userId
return null;
return $structure;