namespace XF\Template\Compiler\Func;
use XF\Template\Compiler\Syntax\AbstractSyntax;
use XF\Template\Compiler\Syntax\Func;
use XF\Template\Compiler;
use function strlen;
class Phrase extends AbstractFn
protected static $modifierMap = [
':' => 'label_separator',
',' => 'comma_separator',
'...' => 'ellipsis',
'(' => 'parenthesis_open',
')' => 'parenthesis_close'
* @param AbstractSyntax|Func $func
* @param Compiler $compiler
* @param array $context
* @return mixed|string
* @throws Compiler\Exception
public function compile(AbstractSyntax $func, Compiler $compiler, array $context)
$func->assertArgumentCount(1, 2);
$name = $func->arguments[0];
if (!($name instanceof Compiler\Syntax\Str))
throw $func->exception(\XF::phrase('phrase_name_must_be_literal'));
$phraseName = $name->content;
if (!strlen($phraseName))
throw $func->exception(\XF::phrase('phrase_name_must_be_literal'));
$originalPhraseName = $phraseName;
if (!empty($context['forceEscapePhrase']))
$context['escape'] = true;
$paramMap = [];
$params = $func->arguments[1] ?? null;
if ($params)
if (!($params instanceof Compiler\Syntax\Hash))
throw $func->exception(\XF::phrase('phrase_parameters_must_be_provided_with_literal_names_inside_hash'));
foreach ($params->parts AS $part)
$paramName = $part[0];
/** @var Compiler\Syntax\AbstractSyntax $paramValue */
$paramValue = $part[1];
if (!($paramName instanceof Compiler\Syntax\Str))
throw $func->exception(\XF::phrase('phrase_parameters_must_be_provided_with_literal_names_inside_hash'));
$compiledValue = $paramValue->compile($compiler, $context, true);
if (!$paramValue->isSimpleValue())
$compiledValue = "($compiledValue)";
$paramMap[$paramName->content] = $compiledValue;
$language = $compiler->getLanguage();
if (!$language)
return $compiler->getStringCode($originalPhraseName);
// Note that there is very similar code in \XF\Language. It should correspond.
$prefixes = [];
$suffixes = [];
$languageVarReference = $compiler->variableContainer . "['xf']['language']";
if ($phraseName[0] == '(')
$prefixes[] = $languageVarReference . "['parenthesis_open']";
$phraseName = substr($phraseName, 1);
$matchedSuffix = false;
if (substr($phraseName, -3) == '...')
$suffixes[] = $languageVarReference . "['ellipsis']";
$phraseName = substr($phraseName, 0, -3);
$matchedSuffix = true;
$lastChar = substr($phraseName, -1);
switch ($lastChar)
case ':':
case ',':
case ')':
case '(':
if (isset(self::$modifierMap[$lastChar]))
$suffixes[] = $languageVarReference . "['" . self::$modifierMap[$lastChar] . "']";
$matchedSuffix = true;
$phraseName = substr($phraseName, 0, -1);
while ($matchedSuffix);
$text = $language->getPhraseText($phraseName);
if ($text === false)
return $compiler->getStringCode($originalPhraseName);
$text = addcslashes($text, "\\'");
$text = preg_replace_callback('/\{([a-z0-9_-]+)\}/i', function($match) use ($paramMap)
$paramName = $match[1];
if (!isset($paramMap[$paramName]))
return $match[0];
$code = (string)$paramMap[$paramName];
if ($code === '')
return '';
return "' . $code . '";
}, $text);
$code = "'$text'";
if ($prefixes)
$code = implode(' . ', $prefixes) . ' . ' . $code;
if ($suffixes)
// we process these right to left so invert them
$suffixes = array_reverse($suffixes);
$code .= ' . ' . implode(' . ', $suffixes);
return $compiler->simplifyInlineCode($code);